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Thailand reports 19,603 new COVID-19 cases, 149 more deaths


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25 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

What is the source of this 'binning' story?  What state is the vaccine in?  How long til it expires?  Is this binning opened vaccines, opened packs, (one vial contains 10 doses; 1 pack contains 195 vials).  A pack would be shipped in a container that serves as a temporary ultra-cold freezer (-70C) and the dry ice must be replenished regularly.  If shipped from the manufacturer directly, it can be packed on and loaded on a flight and arrive, but to collect these already distributed vaccines, merge them, probably cannot verify that the vaccines vials of an open pack have not been compromised -- then you get into a situation were maybe one vial is good and another not so much.  The US is donating ordered vaccines that are coming from the manufacturer but will not be needed within the time allocated... but I think you may not be getting the whole story (or the writer is not understanding the whole story) about what is binned and why and in what condition...


Once a vial has been breached it has to be used in a short period of time or the rest of the doses are lost, in fact in some regions when there was a priority list and you were not that priority... you could get a vaccine if you put yourself on a shortlist of people that could show up at a moments call so that doses in one vial were not lost.

I was responding to the previous poster hence why I said ‘maybe’ 


Perhaps he can shed some more light. 



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3 hours ago, anchadian said:

Not a great result from yesterday, 191,145


Number of people who received vaccines 1st dose: + 143,071 2nd dose: + 23,693 3rd dose: + 24,381




The following doesn't include the 3rd shot administered yesterday.


Thailand's Vaccine Tracker (Aug. 9, 2021) About 6.74% of the population is fully vaccinated. 15,986,354 (+143,071) people have received the first dose, while 4,461,861 (+23,693) have been fully inoculated. #วัคซีนโควิด19 #COVID19 #ล็อกดาวน์ #KE





The government had slightly different, but similar, numbers in their own graphic on Monday:


Thailand wide:

--76.1% of the population has received no vaccinations

--23.9% of the population has received a single dose

--6.7% of the population has received two doses








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The above info means Thailand currently is in the middle of the pack among ASEAN countries in terms of the share of its residents having received at least one shot, but is toward the bottom of the pack among those same countries based on its current share of full two-shot vaccinations (the green segment of the graphs below):






Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Wow, Thailand is getting hit hard. 

I flew into Colombia about 10 days ago, Population is about 50 million. Running average here is 7000/day in the last week.

You can see the spike when there was civil unrest, not it is dropping like a rock.


Colombia opened the doors to tourists. I had to fill out a MIG doc online. If fully vaccinated no quarantine, No restrictions.

All the places I visit here are extremely clean. and all wear the masks.  


Not sure the problem, but with all the hype the government put out that Thailand was containing the virus?

I expected it to be fully open by now.



Edited by garyk
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36 minutes ago, Macrohistory said:


What, do you manage a bar or something?


Blimey someone with a sense of humour posting no here. Who would have thought.


 Be careful or you will be reported by the gloom gang. 

Edited by Kadilo
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1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

New cases possibly peaked, seeing deaths rates possibly starting to fall, vaccinations being stepped up. 

Would not be surprised to see to it fully open for high season. I’m sure that will be their  target before the country is ruined and the death count will be higher from starving desperate Thais as opposed to a virus. 

I would be very surprised to see it fully open before high season (which is December+).  I do not see the government taking sufficient action to bring the case count down to nominal before sometime next year (hopefully the first quarter or two).  They keep giving either unrealistic expectations, and I do not see them meeting their stated expectations (over promise, under deliver seems to be the current government's new motto).  Even if they were to bring it under control, the tourism industry will not recover immediately, and likely won't return to the new normalcy for maybe at least a couple years after the pandemic world wide (which will be much less than what it was before).   Hopefully, this will refocus efforts of the government to diversify the economy a little more... Thailand's international tourism industry is too large for the country as a whole and relying on it has detrimental effect on the environment and culture (probably could have higher before doing so if it were better managed).

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6 hours ago, dinsdale said:

There's some pretty horrible stuff in this. 4 month old baby 2nd one?). 103 yr old. A very long life only to be taken away by something that should never have happened (thanks China). 26 dying at home. No hospital beds and no ICU beds. They total the deaths maybe deaths at home needs a seperate category. 

Are you off your meds today? seriously???? 103 year old dies by Covid and you cry a river........???


Did I just enter the twilight zone???

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2 minutes ago, mistral53 said:

Are you off your meds today? seriously???? 103 year old dies by Covid and you cry a river........???


Did I just enter the twilight zone???

I think he was crying a river of the baby and the 26 who died at home, the sadness of the 103 year old will be felt by his family no doubt.

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22 minutes ago, anchadian said:

Phuket this evening have reported 61 new cases, 0 Sandbox and no deaths:



May be an image of text that says "PKCD 9 สถานการณ์โควิด-19 จังหวัดภูเก็ต ส.ค. 64 (ระลอกเมษายน) ผู้ติดเชื้อรายใหม่ รักษาตัวใน รพ. ในภูเก็ต ต่างประเทศ O 611 61 Phuket Sandbox ราย ราย ส่งออก 2 ราย ยกลoบบ้า เสียชีวิตวันนี้ เสียชีวิตสะสม 1003 o 14 ราย ราย ราย ราย HRC 35 ราย ติดใหม่ โครงการรับผู้ป่วยกลับบ้าน 3 ราย ผู้ติดเชื้อยืนยันสะสม 1,571 ราย สถานการณ์การใช้เตียง ของจังหวัดภูเก็ต จำนวนเดียงทั้งหมด 794 เตียง ตปท. ปริมาณการใช้เดียง ตจว. 9 Phuket 52g 42,42% 35.81% ครงการรับกลับ 34, 30.60% 69.40% 243 190 551 60.61% 64.19% ข้อมูลเตียงวันที่ 564 ข้อมูล ณ เวลา 20.15 น. วันที่ สิงหาคม 2564 โทร 094-5938876, 062-2435116"

Amazing, last year in Phuket they had the harshest lockdown in Thailand when there was less cases. We were not allowed out for 6 weeks, curfew and could not venture out of sub districts. Military manning the road blocks, headman delivering food, eggs, etc to houses including us. 

It worked and cases were brought down to zero, I know this was a different variant then but that’s what Phuket in my opinion needs again now before the spread is worse than ever.


The vaccines do not seem to be having much impact here or if they are then I hate to think what the cases would be without them.

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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Amazing, last year in Phuket they had the harshest lockdown in Thailand when there was less cases. We were not allowed out for 6 weeks, curfew and could not venture out of sub districts. Military manning the road blocks, headman delivering food, eggs, etc to houses including us. 

It worked and cases were brought down to zero, I know this was a different variant then but that’s what Phuket in my opinion needs again now before the spread is worse than ever.


The vaccines do not seem to be having much impact here or if they are then I hate to think what the cases would be without them.

Phuket is large enough that 61 cases is manageable to contain without a city-wide lockdown (maybe more granular lock-downs would suffice if there were specific problem areas).  Part of it would depend on the type of cases (linked/unlinked community spread, increased testing in problem areas, tracking and tracing [which Thailand has been able to do fairly well in the past], and strict mask mandates.  Actually large swaths of the red/orange etc. areas should be controllable (the vast majority of Thailand).  Bangkok and region and a few other though have unfortunately gone past that point and may require a period of disruption to normal life.


I have seen that the Delta variant, because it is more communicative, could require more like 80% immunized to reach herd immunity -- and Phuket I suspect is below that level still.

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30 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

I would be very surprised to see it fully open before high season (which is December+).  I do not see the government taking sufficient action to bring the case count down to nominal before sometime next year (hopefully the first quarter or two).  They keep giving either unrealistic expectations, and I do not see them meeting their stated expectations (over promise, under deliver seems to be the current government's new motto).  Even if they were to bring it under control, the tourism industry will not recover immediately, and likely won't return to the new normalcy for maybe at least a couple years after the pandemic world wide (which will be much less than what it was before).   Hopefully, this will refocus efforts of the government to diversify the economy a little more... Thailand's international tourism industry is too large for the country as a whole and relying on it has detrimental effect on the environment and culture (probably could have higher before doing so if it were better managed).

Good post. Yes you may well be right but they desperately need a high season. 

Just seen some videos posted by a friend in Pattaya of the lines of people sitting queuing at Bali Hai for  handouts. Hundreds of them. 

They need tourism back sooner rather than later. 

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3 hours ago, Kwaibill said:

Where is my promised jab?

Oh, forgot. Govern mental (sic) promise.

What promised jab?  The Aug 1st signup invitations to the jab party - were suppose to possibly start going out on/after Wednesday this week (and no promise they will send them all out on Wednesday or actually a stated date that all will have been sent). 

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4 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Phuket is large enough that 61 cases is manageable to contain without a city-wide lockdown (maybe more granular lock-downs would suffice if there were specific problem areas).  Part of it would depend on the type of cases (linked/unlinked community spread, increased testing in problem areas, tracking and tracing [which Thailand has been able to do fairly well in the past], and strict mask mandates.  Actually large swaths of the red/orange etc. areas should be controllable (the vast majority of Thailand).  Bangkok and region and a few other though have unfortunately gone past that point and may require a period of disruption to normal life.


I have seen that the Delta variant, because it is more communicative, could require more like 80% immunized to reach herd immunity -- and Phuket I suspect is below that level still.

firstly nobody knows what level of vaccination will bring about herd immunity when your main brand of vaccine is Sinovac. There has been zero scientific studies conducted for it with the delta variant. Secondly if one is to be pro active then that in my opinion based on  risk is by far the best option rather than rely on an experiment. 

Its how the UK managed to get back to normal, lockdowns and excellent vaccinations, not vaccinations only. The mask mandate here has been in place for over a year and is a tool along with al the others. the community spread here is now widespread in nearly all districts.

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7 minutes ago, Kadilo said:


Not a bad set of numbers for Sinovac across millions of Chileans. 

I’m sure these will turn into a negative results shortly. 


Preventing illness has never been in dispute............all vaccines do that including Sinovac the study you refer to however was not the delta variant. The question here is herd immunity with Sinovac

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19 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Good post. Yes you may well be right but they desperately need a high season. 

Just seen some videos posted by a friend in Pattaya of the lines of people sitting queuing at Bali Hai for  handouts. Hundreds of them. 

They need tourism back sooner rather than later. 

You are right of course, the problem though is that I don't think it will recover fully for a long time, and there will have to be adjustments... but then there is the personal side where people only know what they know and when there is a sudden change to the economy (and you are living week to week or day to day as many are even in good years) - you fall and without a helping hand getting back to a point where you are self-sufficient seems insurmountable.  It is in these times that people should take extra care to go out of their way to help out, even if it is making sure to continue to visit little shops, one person businesses, specific food stalls just going a little out of your way and helping a couple people.   Then there is little things like contributing or helping out when local Thai friends are doing their charitable duties.    I have to admit, I could always be more charitable...  I know my parents are more charitable than I am (by far),  the largest being sponsoring a Vietnamese refugee family who lived in house for 18 months while they (had sufficiently large house that making a portion of it with enough privacy for the family was doable).   (the government of Canada promised to match private sponsorships at that time - and my parents figured it was time for them to step up... as many did ... so much so the government 'adjusted' the promise to cap it at 25,000 maximum matching at the time).

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17 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Preventing illness has never been in dispute............all vaccines do that including Sinovac the study you refer to however was not the delta variant. 

Who said it was? 


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CDC adds seven destinations to 'very high' Covid-19 travel risk list

(CNN) — France and Iceland are among seven destinations added on Monday to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's highest risk category for travel.
Travel should be avoided to locations carrying the "Level 4: Covid-19 very high" notice, according to CDC guidance. Anyone who must travel should be fully vaccinated first, the agency advises.
The seven destinations added to the Level 4 list on August 9 are:
• Aruba
• Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)
• France
• French Polynesia
• Iceland
• Israel
• Thailand
In its wider travel guidance, the CDC recommends against all international travel until you are fully vaccinated.
"Fully vaccinated travelers are less likely to get and spread Covid-19. However, international travel poses additional risks, and even fully vaccinated travelers might be at increased risk for getting and possibly spreading some Covid-19 variants," the agency said.
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It was only a matter of when it would happen.  Time is of the essence to get vaccines administered or maybe put some teeth in those restrictions already on the books.

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