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Vaccine passport or proof of vaccination for overseas travel - anyone got this ?

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3 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

you can get into secured facilities. Easy.

what 'secured facilities' do you want to get into? the gendarmes are going around hassling folks sat at cafe tables cos I guess they never learnt about what the krauts did in wwii n'est ce pas?

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On 8/18/2021 at 1:06 PM, Guderian said:

I'm going with the International Certificate of Vaccination (the famous yellow book), which is very widely used and recognised all around the world. The latest version has a page specifically for Covid-19 vaccines. I've been told that the hospital will enter the relevant data in it after I receive my second shot, as well as giving me the Thai proof of vaccination. I got my new yellow book from Amazon.co.uk, it cost less than a fiver, and had it sent to me here.



Thanks for the heads-up. I have taken a punt on a couple of these (one for the missis), despite the suspicion that any hospital clerk who has never seen one before will give the usual 'mai dai' response. I guess it may be about as much use as an International Driving Permit, which in practice is not a lot - but for £23.50 delivered here it's worth a try.

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18 hours ago, driver52 said:

if you're very healthy why do you want a vaccine that ain't fully tested?

Did you read the part about I really wanted to go home and not sit in hotel jail for 2 weeks?


I have a house in the USA that needs attention.   I have nieces and nephew that barely know who I am.   I live in Thailand for work, I'm not there for fun (though for sure it used to be very fun as well!)


I totally agree about not fully tested, the experimental vaccines definitely freak me out even though I'm not an anti-vaxxer. But for my current goals, my personal risk assessment is that it's worth it.


Knowing my luck the sandbox will be cancelled in the next week or two and I'll end up locked in a hotel room with the missus, no beer, <deleted> food AND having gone through the 'risk' of untested vaccination.   Note that J&J has not been kind to me.  I haven't felt this sick in years.  Almost 36 hours now... hopefully today start feeling better.

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13 hours ago, hereforgood said:

Why must be Ok being the most accepted




Astra takes many weeks to be fully vaccinated.  J&J takes 2 weeks.   For Tax reasons I can only spend a month in the USA every year.  So, one J&J, wait 2 weeks while taking care of things at home, then fly back to work and 'enjoy' Phuket on the way there.  Astra in Thailand and my trip home is delayed for months!  (Thanks Loong Tuu!)

J&J is slightly better than AZ as well...  depending on how you look at it.  In the end, statistics are statistics...  what matters is your own genome and phenotype and how all that works together to accept/reject these experimental vaccines.

  • Like 1
7 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

What about the freedom of those who've been vaccinated?  The freedom not to be around wingnuts who don't want the jab?


This has nothing to do with personal freedoms and everything to do with community safety. And trying to get the world back to normal.

If the vaccines work so good, get yours, wear a mask, practice social distancing and you don't have to worry about the wingnuts, do you?


I still hold out the tiny -but not zero- chance that an experimental treatment, approved under emergency conditions will have long term effects that we don't yet understand and won't for a long term. 


So, while I got the jabs myself as soon as practical, I don't endorse the idea of forcing people to make a different decision about risking their unborn children.  Bring on the wingnuts.  I'm all good, because I got my jabs. 



28 minutes ago, impulse said:

Once again, your contention is that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a nut...


I think they call that "hubris".


I think they call that a generalisation !!


Anyone who doesn’t agree with me that the World is not flat, IMO is a nut !!



Anti-vaxxers are just nuts (any vaccine). 


Anti-covid-vaxxers try to separate themselves from the above bunch and try and promote themselves as more ‘discerning’ anti-vaxxers, ultimately, they base their idea that there has not been sufficient time to fully test the vaccine. 


.... But, there is not sufficient time to test any vaccine, as all viruses evolve and mutate, some to a greater degree than others (i.e. flu) each new vaccine is altered / modified to mitigate against antigenic drift... every year the ‘next’ flu vaccine is also new and has not been fully tested over a decade, there simply isn’t time. 


Anti-Covid-vaxxers... also nutters !


I’ve not read any sound scientific argument that any of the Covid-19 vaccines are more dangerous than being exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


  • Like 2
14 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:
48 minutes ago, impulse said:

Once again, your contention is that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a nut...


I think they call that "hubris".

I think they call that a generalisation !!


Anyone who doesn’t agree with me that the World is not flat, IMO is a nut !!

Get back to me when you have some long term results...  Maybe 3 or 4 years.  Until then, it's hubris.


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On 8/18/2021 at 12:40 PM, sncoem said:

yes travelling now is a perfect good idea ❤️

Feeling a little sanctimonious are we sncoem?


Many people still have to travel to work and many other valid reasons - do you want the world to stop for those who are fully vaccinated ???? 




  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, n8sail said:

Did you read the part about I really wanted to go home and not sit in hotel jail for 2 weeks?

sure I read it, so the US is asking you to quarantine for 2 weeks OR get out straight away with a vaccine?

23 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Anti-Covid-vaxxers... also nutters !

have you seen the situation in Israel? Defo sounds like the vax doesn't work to me

Maybe this not about a 'pandemic' after all but about totalitarian control of all the dumbos who lost the ability to think for themselves a long time ago

What do you think?

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10 minutes ago, impulse said:
26 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:
1 hour ago, impulse said:

Once again, your contention is that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a nut...


I think they call that "hubris".

I think they call that a generalisation !!


Anyone who doesn’t agree with me that the World is not flat, IMO is a nut !!

Get back to me when you have some long term results...  Maybe 3 or 4 years.  Until then, it's hubris.



Are you so confident that the vaccines are dangerous in the long term that you risk the the possible impact of SARS-CoV-2 virus ? 


That also seems like hubris  !!!.... 


Do you realise that the vaccines are full out of our system within a short time frame, it is only the antibodies generated by the vaccine which remain ?... Or do you disagree with that virological fact ?... hubris, you say ?






  • Haha 1
6 minutes ago, driver52 said:

sure I read it, so the US is asking you to quarantine for 2 weeks OR get out straight away with a vaccine?

US literally doesn't ask you do do anything, no questions asked about vaccines, tests or anything!  No quarantine in Rhode Island.  Kinda crazy actually.  Only need to wear a mask if you're unvaccinated and inside a public place.  We did get RT-PCR tests in Pattaya before departure, literally only looked at once when checking in at the Emirates counter at Swampy.


For 2 week hotel jail quarantine I'm referring to coming back to Thailand.

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Back on Topic and steering away from the Anti-vax nut-job diversion... 


IATA have been trialing a their 'IATA Travel Pass’ which is currently only available by invitation (I’m not sure why).... 


This is an App on a Smart phone, but I’m not sure how it works. My guess is that Proof of vaccination (or a valid reason why you can’t be vaccinated) is submitted, and the App presents your ‘travel status’.


Currently I’m holding Vaccination Certification from the Middle East which is good enough to get me into Thailand. But, a Thai equivalent is (regardless of vaccine) is not sufficient to get me into the Middle East without undergoing a 1 week quarantine period. 




  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Are you so confident that the vaccines are dangerous in the long term that you risk the the possible impact of SARS-CoV-2 virus ? 


That also seems like hubris  !!!.... 


Do you realise that the vaccines are full out of our system within a short time frame, it is only the antibodies generated by the vaccine which remain ?... Or do you disagree with that virological fact ?... hubris, you say ?


I got my jabs. 


The hubris comes about when someone proposes to dictate what other people pump into their bodies, based on data we won't have for years.


  • Sad 1
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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Do you realise that the vaccines are full out of our system within a short time frame, it is only the antibodies generated by the vaccine which remain ?.

mRNA vaccines don't work like that, they create 'spike proteins'

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Feeling a little sanctimonious are we sncoem?


Many people still have to travel to work and many other valid reasons - do you want the world to stop for those who are fully vaccinated ???? 





Clearly vaccinated people are worst than unvaccinated because they are stupid enough to consider them safe, when most of covid cases in US and Israel are vaccinated people...

Anyway, only stupid travel during a pandemic. Those with a brain stay home.



  • Sad 1
7 hours ago, driver52 said:

what 'secured facilities' do you want to get into? the gendarmes are going around hassling folks sat at cafe tables cos I guess they never learnt about what the krauts did in wwii n'est ce pas?

Indoor events require proof of vaccine. Nothing to do with gendarmes. A bit racist on your part

  • Haha 2
1 minute ago, thaicookingchef said:


Clearly vaccinated people are worst than unvaccinated because they are stupid enough to consider them safe, when most of covid cases in US and Israel are vaccinated people...

Anyway, only stupid travel during a pandemic. Those with a brain stay home.



Most of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated. Not vaccinated.


Get the jab and we'll put this behind us.

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, impulse said:

Once again, your contention is that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a nut...


I think they call that "hubris".


Not just me. Time to get tough with those who refuse a jab. We'll won't get back to normal until they do. Not hubris.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, Jeffr2 said:

Not just me. Time to get tough with those who refuse a jab. We'll won't get back to normal until they do. Not hubris.

what normal ? what is your dream ?

this new world is so perfect for me !

I have no intention to go anywhere as all the idiots who can't enjoy where they are. The beach in from of my bungalow is most of the time empty, so where could it be better ?

and for those who are not smart enough to live on a beach, maybe this tip can help:


Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes | Vacation quotes, Need a  vacation, Life





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3 hours ago, impulse said:

If the vaccines work so good, get yours, wear a mask, practice social distancing and you don't have to worry about the wingnuts, do you?


I still hold out the tiny -but not zero- chance that an experimental treatment, approved under emergency conditions will have long term effects that we don't yet understand and won't for a long term. 


So, while I got the jabs myself as soon as practical, I don't endorse the idea of forcing people to make a different decision about risking their unborn children.  Bring on the wingnuts.  I'm all good, because I got my jabs. 



We've gotten our jabs. We still wear masks, social distance, etc. It's the wingnuts who are causing the problems.


Time for live music events to start.  Restaurants to fully open.  But impossible until the wingnuts get jabbed.


Don't post misinformation.  Pfizer isn't experimental. Millions of jabs have proved that. Unless you're into conspiracy theories, which we know you are.


If you don't want the jab, fine. Just pay for your medical expenses. Don't make me contribute. Easy.

  • Like 2
17 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Not just me. Time to get tough with those who refuse a jab. We'll won't get back to normal until they do. Not hubris.

I love these, because there's no Trumpers to blame in Canada or France.




11 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Don't post misinformation.  Pfizer isn't experimental. Millions of jabs have proved that. Unless you're into conspiracy theories, which we know you are.

I haven't posted any misinformation.  I have stated the fact that there are no long term tests of the vaccines that haven't been around for a long term.  And I support anyone who chooses not to risk their unborn children by taking an untested vaccine.  Like those thousands of protestors in Montreal and Marseilles.  And others in cities around the world.



  • Sad 1
22 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Indoor events require proof of vaccine. Nothing to do with gendarmes. A bit racist on your part

what the? have you been to France recently and seen how they are behaving 'outside'? I love France so how can I be racist?

I think you need to show a bit of balance here with your 'wingnut' and 'racist' statements

have you seen the new york times article yesterday? 

quote 'One of the most vaccinated societies, Israel now has one of the highest infection rates in the world, raising questions about the vaccine’s efficacy'

Maybe they're racist wingnuts too eh?

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I started this thread for information about what proof of vaccination is provided after the 2nd and will this proof assist in overseas travel ( access to countries which require proof or to avoid any quarantine in our home countries etc ). 
The purpose of overseas travel , in my case, would be any emergency travel required ( death of a family member for example). I have no need to travel for leisure or business.

I am 12 days off receiving my 2nd Pfizer vaccination so am currently searching for ways to facilitate overseas travel if the need arises.


I think as the necessary information has been given and the thread is descending into off topic territory then it’s time to call it a day.


Can a moderator please close this topic .

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11 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

it’s time to call it a day

good idea appears the 'killer lurgy' is turning half the world mad ????

  • Sad 1
59 minutes ago, driver52 said:

what the? have you been to France recently and seen how they are behaving 'outside'? I love France so how can I be racist?

I think you need to show a bit of balance here with your 'wingnut' and 'racist' statements

have you seen the new york times article yesterday? 

quote 'One of the most vaccinated societies, Israel now has one of the highest infection rates in the world, raising questions about the vaccine’s efficacy'

Maybe they're racist wingnuts too eh?

Do some research on what's going on in Israel. Nothing has been proven scientifically. And many outbreaks are related to school children.


No easy answers. Other than get the jab. It's the right thing to do.


Boosters will be required. Just like the yearly flu jab.

48 minutes ago, driver52 said:

good idea appears the 'killer lurgy' is turning half the world mad ????

The half who refuses the jab.

1 hour ago, impulse said:

I love these, because there's no Trumpers to blame in Canada or France.




I haven't posted any misinformation.  I have stated the fact that there are no long term tests of the vaccines that haven't been around for a long term.  And I support anyone who chooses not to risk their unborn children by taking an untested vaccine.  Like those thousands of protestors in Montreal and Marseilles.  And others in cities around the world.



Come on. Most of the anti vaxxers are conservatives. Wingnuts.

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