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AIS 50/20 Mbits package any Users here?


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I have AIS 50/20 now .. previously I had True 75/??.  AIS is very very good ... often I get speedtest.net tests over 50 (close to 75) and it's been very stable system.  This experience was in two different condos in BKK.  And, it's cheap ... around 300 baht per month.


My experience with True (2 years ago) was not as good ... often I experienced issue with system downtime and slow speed.


I wish I had faster "true" (not True) fibre optic speed available to me but current speed is OK for streaming and occassional downloads.

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1 minute ago, HidyHo said:

I have AIS 50/20 now .. previously I had True 75/??.  AIS is very very good ... often I get speedtest.net tests over 50 (close to 75) and it's been very stable system.  This experience was in two different condos in BKK.  And, it's cheap ... around 300 baht per month.


My experience with True (2 years ago) was not as good ... often I experienced issue with system downtime and slow speed.


I wish I had faster "true" (not True) fibre optic speed available to me but current speed is OK for streaming and occassional downloads.


I am getting 110/110 on AIS.  So yours is considered slow.




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12 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

This sounds like VDSL over the phone line.







AKA, Fiber to the curb (FFTTC).


So ISPs terminate their fiber in the basement, and then use the existing copper wire (for telephone use) in the riser to deliver DSL services to a specialized modem.


It's the only cost-effective and easy way to get services into taller buildings. (Also the reason why mobile companies offer WiFI calling.)


Lots of people have this and similar services.


Alternatives include pulling your own fiber (requires condo management approval, will be costly).


13 hours ago, oMega69 said:

So any one using this one and can share some speed logs , etc fast.com or bredbandskollen.se

Google: ais 50/10 speedtest  select images. Also check 50/20.





I think all three major ISPs offer this type of service. and you  don't have much choice, I mean other than relocating.


Talk to neighbors, see what they've done. Talk to building management, see what they think can be done.




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14 hours ago, oMega69 said:

At this point . . 3BB is checking if they can install . . but the lady in the lobby say 3bb cant install . . maybe she just dont know . . . 
Worst case scenario is TRUE 500/500 . . . . ughh.

You have to have the approval of the building management, and the ISP needs to agree to pull the fiber. Unless you string the fiber up the outside of the building this will be cost-prohibitive.


Talk to others who live in the building, rather than the lady in the lobby, as they are far more likely to know what is possible. Often there are LINE groups for buildings and housing estates here, where residents share all sorts of awesome information, and answer questions.


3BB did (does?) offer a similar FTTC solution.

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You can still stream videos.


Nowadays thats considered pretty slow.


Why don't you call a provider out.  Have them quote you a price for a private line or upgrade the condos one coming into your room.


There happy to do that if it adds another customer to their bottom line.



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