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After two Sinovac shots - what are the options (not only in Thailand) to be internationally fully vaccinated?


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I received already two Sinovac shots more than a month ago.

Now I want to travel to Europe and Sinovac is not recognized in most countries in Europe.

I want to get at least one more vaccine shot over there. Just one shot with i.e. Astra or Pfizer is probably good enough to be protected. But if I travel to Europe again then I will still be considered not fully vaccinated if I have "only" two Sinovac shots and i.e. one Pfizer shot.

So what can I do?

I guess the easiest way is that I get a Johnson & Johnson shot over there. Because there is only one.

Or the other option is to get i.e. two shots BioNTech with three weeks in between.

The problem is obviously that, as far as I know, there are few studies which vaccines can and should be mixed. And probably even fewer studies with not only 3 but 4 shots.

Let's assume I can get any vaccine I want over there. What are the best options after two Sinovac shots?

I want to be protected against Covid, be officially vaccinated in Thailand and Europe, and obviously I don't want to risk too many (unknown) side effects.

Last but not least is probably also the question if the doctors in Europe are willing to give me a 3rd and 4th shot. I could obviously tell them I wasn't vaccinated at all until now. But if possible I don't want to do that.

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As far as I know J&J is still not available in Thailand?

So you have little choice but doing a full round of other vaccine(s).

Two times Pfizer or two times AZ should open the gates in Europe.

AZ is comparably easy for foreigners but will span over 12 weeks.

It seems that AZ followed by Pfizer is used not only in Thailand.

But check carefully whether it will be accepted in your destination country.


You might find this interesting (the 215 people with four vaccinations):



Controversial statements (comments) about AZ made in Thailand good or not.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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1 minute ago, KhunBENQ said:

As far as I know J&J is still not available in Thailand?


For clarification. It is difficult to impossible to get a 3rd shot in Thailand in the moment (and I understand that many people should get their shots before a few get their 3rd shots).

That makes it almost impossible now to be vaccinated for my planned trip to Europe.

I plan to get vaccinated over there and in Europe I should be able to get J&J (and others).

That should make sure that for future trips I will be officially vaccinated in Europe.

And that is also my question: What other vaccines are advisable after two shots of Sinovac? Let's assume in the moment that I can get in Europe any vaccine which I want.

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52 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I have done this (sort of).


Received 1st AZ shot in Thailand, then travelled to work and received 2 Pfizer shots (1st one a month later, 2nd one a month after that). 


Personally, I don’t think there is any risk with ‘adding shots’ they are just vaccines.


The issue of course is getting someone to agree and sign off on that,  try and get a Dr to sign off that its ok to eat a tub of mayonnaise after a Covid-19 vaccination and most will be reluctant - my point there is whenever colouring slightly outside the lines there are very few who would put their name to it, thus others will interpret that as dangerous. 


IF you really need to get a vaccine certificate of an internationally recognised vaccine the do not tell them you have been previously vaccinated.


Options depend on your nationality and availability of vaccine in that country. 

i.e. if you are British and go to the UK you should be able to easily get a vaccine, although I suspect you may not get a choice and given either Pfizer or AZ - other countries may be different. 


I’m not sure if there are any options to pay privately for a vaccine and get a choice yet. 



When did you take the Thai AZ vaccine, in June?

So, (3 vaccination doses in about 90 days?)

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This is all a big melting pot with soooo many different variables and you really aren't going to get a clear answer.


I opened this as I'm in a similar position to you, although I don't plan to go to Europe/UK until April (if I can afford it that is, I'm currently skint!) When do you plan on going to Europe/UK? Assume you know you will have to isolate on arrival for 10 days, regardless?


I've had 1 Sinovac and due 1 AZ next week. Then I'm thinking 1 more AZ later, or preferably a Pzifer or Moderna if available, will do the trick as far as being 'properly vaccinated' as far as the civilised world is concerned?


Thing is the goalposts are going to keep changing as we go along, so when are you planning to go exactly, that will dictate what you probably have to do and in what time frame.

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Does anyone know after having 2 jabs here what does one receive by way of a vaccine passport? (hate that ridiculous term) is it via a QR code, and does it look credible for if entering other countries, especially civilsied ones?


Also, looking further ahead, if one has a booster jab later would the record of that booster jab be added to what you already have as proof? How would that work exactly, especially if done at a different place? I suspect no-one knows yet?

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53 minutes ago, Johnny Mac said:

Also, looking further ahead, if one has a booster jab later would the record of that booster jab be added to what you already have as proof? How would that work exactly, especially if done at a different place? I suspect no-one knows yet?

get with you to hospital your green vax book and insist on leaving there any marks about covid vax.  Explain, that you travel internationally. Ideally they should put sticker there, with batch number etc for tracing - as it's done with all other vax.

If you don't have one yet, get to any travel clinic, the red cross, order some vax (for example seasonal flu) and you will get this book for some 30b.

Edited by internationalism
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24 minutes ago, internationalism said:

get with you to hospital your green vax book and insist on leaving there any marks about covid vax.  Explain, that you travel internationally. Ideally they should put sticker there, with batch number etc for tracing - as it's done with all other vax.

If you don't have one yet, get to any travel clinic, the red cross, order some vax (for example seasonal flu) and you will get this book for some 30b.

Okay, but I don't have my 2nd vax until Friday, I wasn't clear about that. What will they give me to leave with?

Edited by Johnny Mac
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12 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I got my two shots in Thailand. Directly after that I received a professionally looking certificate with all the details. The certificate also contains a QR code and I am pretty sure that leads to a Thai database with the details. 



Good stuff. So I suppose if any booster later take with and they will update?

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13 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I got my two shots in Thailand. Directly after that I received a professionally looking certificate with all the details. The certificate also contains a QR code and I am pretty sure that leads to a Thai database with the details. 



Nice, but no good for Europe, I hear even the Thai AZ ones are not recognized there.

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13 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Good stuff. So I suppose if any booster later take with and they will update?

...well this is where the WHO should be the body that issues a Vaccination Certificate that is recognised and accepted world-wide.

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One more Farang you said, and I quote "I want to be protected against Covid". None of the vaccines prevent you getting Covid, So I guess you are saying you just want a vaccine that complies with International travel or countries you may wish to visit, there is a difference. 

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They're giving Pfizer boosters here as a third shot for medicos, so one hopes that regimen is "safe".


542,188 here have received a total of three vaccine injections.


This guy needed four shots to be able travel to Canada.




Seems like he ate the whole left-side of the menu? 2X Sinovac, 1X AZ, 1X Pfizer.



Who knows what the requirements will be going forward, ask again later.


In your situation I'd return to my homeland, and go through their vaccination regimen. That assumes your homeland allows entry with or without quarantine, and has the vaccines you desire on offer.






Edited by mtls2005
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13 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Good stuff. So I suppose if any booster later take with and they will update?


Yes, I think that's why they gave us all a Thai ID Card number, which suits their systems better than various passport numbers?



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19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


For clarification. It is difficult to impossible to get a 3rd shot in Thailand in the moment (and I understand that many people should get their shots before a few get their 3rd shots).

That makes it almost impossible now to be vaccinated for my planned trip to Europe.

I plan to get vaccinated over there and in Europe I should be able to get J&J (and others).

That should make sure that for future trips I will be officially vaccinated in Europe.

And that is also my question: What other vaccines are advisable after two shots of Sinovac? Let's assume in the moment that I can get in Europe any vaccine which I want.

Same problem but with Sinopharm I got 2 shots in July and August,I also prepaid 2 Moderna shots for October/November but I have no idea if it will be healthy for me.I wrote an email to Paul Ehrlich Institute,they are the german vaccine  authority.They replied "Zu Impfungen, bei der ein in der EU zugelassener und ein nicht in der EU zugelassener COVID-19-Impfstoff verabreicht werden, sind keine Aussagen möglich","No statements can be made about vaccinations in which a COVID-19 vaccine is administered that is approved in the EU and one that is not approved in the EU'

This information is from August 10th 2021.

In September I wanted to travel to Germany and get some Covid 19 shots.Since nobody can give me information I will postpone my trip to Germany.I'm also not sure if I can receive my Moderna shots here because nobody can tell me if it is safe.Maybe at some point they will have100% safe information which vaccines you really can mix,but since Sinovac/Sinopharm are not approved in the EU I doubt they will even start to explore the compatibility of those vaccines.I saw Greece and Spain authorized Sinovac/Sinopharm maybe they will explore the compatibility.Until then ...

Now I feel stupid I decided to get the Sinopharm shots it helps maybe to stay hospital free but for travel it sucks

vaccination certificate blacked out.jpg

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17 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

I've had 1 Sinovac and due 1 AZ next week. Then I'm thinking 1 more AZ later, or preferably a Pzifer or Moderna if available, will do the trick as far as being 'properly vaccinated' as far as the civilised world is concerned?

I'm thinking the same. I see no chance of Sinovac being accepted outside of Asia, so although I got my jab of it yesterday (no other choice at my local hospital and with AZ to follow in a month) I'm regarding that as irrelevant for travel in the wider world. How easy it will be to get a third jab remains to be seen, unless I leave my village environment and go to Khon Kaen 130 kms away. Not too big a hardship if it means I can travel freely.

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1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I'm thinking the same. I see no chance of Sinovac being accepted outside of Asia, so although I got my jab of it yesterday (no other choice at my local hospital and with AZ to follow in a month) I'm regarding that as irrelevant for travel in the wider world. How easy it will be to get a third jab remains to be seen, unless I leave my village environment and go to Khon Kaen 130 kms away. Not too big a hardship if it means I can travel freely.

As far as ''hardship's'' go for driving a motor for 2 hours, out of 10 I'd say it's a one at most.

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6 minutes ago, Johnny Mac said:
11 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I'm thinking the same. I see no chance of Sinovac being accepted outside of Asia, so although I got my jab of it yesterday (no other choice at my local hospital and with AZ to follow in a month) I'm regarding that as irrelevant for travel in the wider world. How easy it will be to get a third jab remains to be seen, unless I leave my village environment and go to Khon Kaen 130 kms away. Not too big a hardship if it means I can travel freely.


As far as ''hardship's'' go for driving a motor for 2 hours, out of 10 I'd say it's a one at most.

Hey, both ways don't forget ????

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17 hours ago, internationalism said:

get with you to hospital your green vax book and insist on leaving there any marks about covid vax.  Explain, that you travel internationally. Ideally they should put sticker there, with batch number etc for tracing - as it's done with all other vax.

If you don't have one yet, get to any travel clinic, the red cross, order some vax (for example seasonal flu) and you will get this book for some 30b.

I recall that the new Covid “book” is only available at only 3 or 4 sources at present?  The older Yellow Fever book (to which other vaccines can also be recorded) IS widely available- but I don't recall a medical center using it in lieu of the new Covid-only book, nor adding/entering Covid jabs into the older Yellow Fever book either.


ive seen the new Covid book as a neighbor has it due to him being an early recipient of the jabs and while it may look like the older Yellow Fever book, it is distinctly different. 

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Each country has its own rules on which vaccines are acceptable., and that's changing all the time.


You need to check which country your visiting and the one your transiting through.


45 World Countries Recognise Chinese Sinovac Vaccine for Travel Amid COVID-19:


Albania Georgia Paraguay
Armenia Greece Philippines
Azerbaijan Hong Kong Serbia
Bangladesh Iceland South Africa
Brazil Indonesia Spain
Cambodia Kazakhstan Sri Lanka
Chile Laos Switzerland
China Macedonia Tajikistan
Colombia Malaysia Thailand
Dominican Republic Mexico Togo
East Timor Nepal Tunisia
Ecuador Netherlands Turkey
Egypt Oman Ukraine
El Salvador Pakistan Uruguay
Finland Panama Zimbabwe



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22 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I have done this (sort of).


Received 1st AZ shot in Thailand, then travelled to work and received 2 Pfizer shots (1st one a month later, 2nd one a month after that). 


Personally, I don’t think there is any risk with ‘adding shots’ they are just vaccines.


The issue of course is getting someone to agree and sign off on that,  try and get a Dr to sign off that its ok to eat a tub of mayonnaise after a Covid-19 vaccination and most will be reluctant - my point there is whenever colouring slightly outside the lines there are very few who would put their name to it, thus others will interpret that as dangerous. 


IF you really need to get a vaccine certificate of an internationally recognised vaccine the do not tell them you have been previously vaccinated.


Options depend on your nationality and availability of vaccine in that country. 

i.e. if you are British and go to the UK you should be able to easily get a vaccine, although I suspect you may not get a choice and given either Pfizer or AZ - other countries may be different. 


I’m not sure if there are any options to pay privately for a vaccine and get a choice yet. 



Don’t tell him,Pike! ???? 

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