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Should I Sell my Bitcoin and Other Crypto Assets to Buy a House, or Rent and Get Interest on my Crypto Assets?

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5 minutes ago, EdrigoSalvadore said:

That´s your opinion, which is wrong.

That's a big new world of DeFi happening, if you think like that, you'll be left behind. 


I used to keep gold in the bank but realised it was losing value. By your thinking though, it wasn't mine ????

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6 hours ago, Neeranam said:

For example, a 15 million baht house, which is renting for 50k a month. 

That’s not a very good P/E ratio for a rental.  With those numbers, I would rent and not buy.


5 hours ago, Neeranam said:

I can rent my current house, or sell it when I move

Are you sure you want to have an extra illiquid asset the may or may not be easily rented or sold?  If it were me, I’d sell first and then move.


5 hours ago, Neeranam said:


I need a house to live in, it is not an investment, but renting a house feels like throwing money away. 

If you don’t sell first, the old home becomes an investment.  Whether or not renting is “throwing money away” all depends on the P/E (price to rent) ratio of the particular property.

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21 minutes ago, Airalee said:

That’s not a very good P/E ratio for a rental.  With those numbers, I would rent and not buy.


Are you sure you want to have an extra illiquid asset the may or may not be easily rented or sold?  If it were me, I’d sell first and then move.


If you don’t sell first, the old home becomes an investment.  Whether or not renting is “throwing money away” all depends on the P/E (price to rent) ratio of the particular property.

That was just an example. I've seen others renting for 30k and selling at 6 million. 


Ideally, I'd like to sell my current house first, but probably have to sell it and the land next to it at the price I bought it at 7 years ago, which is OK, I guess. 


Another thing, I'm moving about 600 km, so would like to do it gradually. 

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As an BTC buyer in the days when it was under a fiver a pop, I would sell.


Why? Because as a small-timer, in a turbulent market, you are more likely to be crushed than made a crypto billionaire. 


If it is true that one BTC will equal extreme sums, then human nature will ensure that those with the power to do so, will do everything in their considerable power to remove those assets from you, the higher the assets go, the greater the risk of waking up to find that there is now a "war on crypto" to match the "war on drugs". And look how that's going. They're losing, but the casualties on the winning side are still unacceptably high. This is what desperation (on both sides) does. 

Of course there are powerful voices in the market, egging everyone on, but they have the leverage if it goes pear-shaped, we don't!

There are just too many rug-pulls, and shenanigans, and the higher it goes, the more criminals, both state and transnational, will try to steal your assets.


Mark my words, this time it NOT different. Sure blockchain is the future, but getting to there will more likely than not, be a vale of tears for the mug joe sixpack "49ers" with striking it rich dreams.


On the second option, avoid Thai property unless you have few other options, rather invest in big ideas like Cathy Woods Ark ETFs

again this is time-tested: in a gold rush, don't rush out and buy a shovel, rather sell shovels to the dreamers. 


If you stay the course, good luck, you'll need it.

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6 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

That was just an example. I've seen others renting for 30k and selling at 6 million. 


Ideally, I'd like to sell my current house first, but probably have to sell it and the land next to it at the price I bought it at 7 years ago, which is OK, I guess. 


Another thing, I'm moving about 600 km, so would like to do it gradually. 

If you get what you paid for it, consider yourself lucky (in this market).


No need to move gradually.  Hire a moving company and move into rental wherever you are considering buying for a short period to give yourself time to find the right house to purchase.   I just think that the opportunity cost of holding onto a second home could be high.  I’ve read many stories online where people have purchased a home before selling their current home only to regret that decision in hindsight.

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7 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

it is not strange at all. bitcoin can become worthless overnight

Unfortunately it would take to much of my time explain how wrong you are but after 1000s of hours learning about Bitcoin, blockchain, fundamentals, utility case and reading the Bitcoin white paper I can assure you that your comment will not age well but you are entitled to you opinion wrong as it may be. 

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12 minutes ago, Sharp said:

Unfortunately it would take to much of my time explain how wrong you are but after 1000s of hours learning about Bitcoin, blockchain, fundamentals, utility case and reading the Bitcoin white paper I can assure you that your comment will not age well but you are entitled to you opinion wrong as it may be. 

so you will know that clearly BTC is not Bitcoin ?

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1 hour ago, Sharp said:

after 1000s of hours learning about Bitcoin, blockchain, fundamentals, utility case and reading the Bitcoin white paper

IF you were so certain about bitcoin you would not budder to reply to me.

but my remark was just  FRIENDLY remark.

anyway you look at it, bitcoin is a super dangerous asset and some

top experts consider it's value as zero.

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8 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

IF you were so certain about bitcoin you would not budder to reply to me.

but my remark was just  FRIENDLY remark.

anyway you look at it, bitcoin is a super dangerous asset and some

top experts consider it's value as zero.

do you mean the same experts who gave AAA ratings for worthless mortgage related securities before the 2008 crash, hahaha

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3 minutes ago, Sharp said:

Indeed I do my apologies as the op was in my opinion talking about Bitcoin (Segwit) 

whats your handcash handle?

just to be clear you mean the OP and others have been mistakenly conflating BTC with Bitcoin?

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10 hours ago, Chivas said:

Whilst I certainly do own limited crypto (and I do mean limited) make no mistake one of these days you guys will wake up one morning open the "wallet" and find zilch nada zero there. All gone disappeared


There is absolutely "no one" to complain to as I found out with Coinbase when they froze an account for 4 months on the basis of security checks.....it was only $760 originally as well invested


No phone support no live chat support no nothing. Coincidence or not at the end I opened another "ticket" and reported to them that I filed a complaint with the Police giving a bogus reference number (at this stage it hardly mattered any more)


No joke 25 minutes later security check complete and "you can access your account again"


Absolute farce of the highest order. You only realise that there is no complaints procedure with Crypto until its too late. Floating around in cyber space with absolutely no "asset value" behind it


Recipe for disaster,

Quoting myself and this just popped up on my work twitter feed

Further words completely superfluous....





Screenshot 2021-08-24 at 17-36-42 (1) Home Twitter.png

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8 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Of course they are my coins, that's like saying money in the bank is not yours. 

I've had that exciting experience of getting my home country's bank account locked while I was in Thailand and bank's customer support told me over the phone that I need to come to the office to get my account unblocked.

So — yes, my money in the bank appeared to be not my money.


Luckily I've managed to get it unblocked without flying back home but still you've got the point.


P.S. have some fun reading these threads:








"My wife had her account blocked for months now and no one from crypto.com is taking responsibility and unblocking it." :biggrin: your coins, sure :biggrin:



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6 hours ago, patman30 said:

so you will know that clearly BTC is not Bitcoin ?

the "BTC" ticker traded on most currency exchanges is the real Bitcoin regardless of your Bitcoin-Gold-fans / Bitcoin-SV-fans / Bitcoin-ASDFGH-fans opinion.

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Michael  Saylor and other high worth individuals say the smart thing to do is to take a loan against the bitcoin.Michael Saylor equates owning bitcoin to very wealthy folks who have owned prime real estate in NYC for over a hundred years and NEVER sell their property. If they need funds they just take out a loan against the value of their prime property. I think if you took a loan against your crypto holdings to buy a house there would be no taxes to pay. If you took a loan out against your crypto holdings now while the value of your cryptos has currently appreciated and bought your house with the loan proceeds, then you would be insulated since you now have your house and if cryptos tank you just have to continue to pay off the loan. More importantly you still own all your cryptos and haven't sold any so should the price of bitcoin and other cryptos continue to rise then you will realize these further gains.

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2 hours ago, watgate said:

Michael  Saylor and other high worth individuals say the smart thing to do is to take a loan against the bitcoin.Michael Saylor equates owning bitcoin to very wealthy folks who have owned prime real estate in NYC for over a hundred years and NEVER sell their property. If they need funds they just take out a loan against the value of their prime property. I think if you took a loan against your crypto holdings to buy a house there would be no taxes to pay. If you took a loan out against your crypto holdings now while the value of your cryptos has currently appreciated and bought your house with the loan proceeds, then you would be insulated since you now have your house and if cryptos tank you just have to continue to pay off the loan. More importantly you still own all your cryptos and haven't sold any so should the price of bitcoin and other cryptos continue to rise then you will realize these further gains.

Thanks, I've heard Saylor make that analogy and have faith in that but still a little  scary for me. I think to satisfy my 'risk ability' or whatever it is called, I'd have more peace of mind going in fractionally, for example sell 60% of my crypto. 

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Has nothing to do with the way you finance it, rent first, try out the neigborhood. Some are loud, some are unexpected. You can always buy later, it's a buyer market. But you will unlikely be able to sell it once you made the decision. So plan wisely.

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13 hours ago, fdsa said:

the "BTC" ticker traded on most currency exchanges is the real Bitcoin regardless of your Bitcoin-Gold-fans / Bitcoin-SV-fans / Bitcoin-ASDFGH-fans opinion.

Exchanges using a ticker
does not determine what a protocol is.

READ the whitepaper.

Edited by patman30
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