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Good day, Good People,

We have a 5 year old female speyed (cut) Siberian Husky who is well overweight and is very set in her ways in her simple very secure life. She is my constant companion and shadow, and has been for all of her life.  Her name is MoneyDog.

In September I fly to Australia and will be away until April/May 2022 with my return date dependent on my daughter in Australia who has advanced cancer. I also have overdue business matters requiring attention plus medical maintenance checks that have not been done since my return from Australia in February 2020. All subsequent visits to Australia have been cancelled with borders closed in both directions.

My wife of 7 years and her 14 year old son have absolutely no interest in having any responsibility for the care and maintenance of effectively my dog.

In summary, my dog has had a great life of 5.5 years with, walks every day, good feeds every day plus reciprocal very close companionship. One option is to try and put her into an animal shelter, and literally turn my back on her and her future well-being - given the totally overloaded and under resourced situation with animal shelters here in Thailand. I am not prepared to do that.

My strongly preferred option is an appointment with a Vet for my dog to be put to sleep by the Vet, and then I take her with me, and bury her with dignity, along with her favourite toys and trinkets.
The Vet that we have been to all her life is Buddhist and absolutely will not put a dog to sleep (even if badly injured or very sick and in pain) because of the bad karma that Buddhists believe will be caused for them by killing a living being.  I have tried 4 other animal hospitals here in Pattaya and none of them will provide the appropriate service.

While I respect their beliefs and decisions, I struggle with the resulting consequences for the dogs concerned. My dog has had an absolutely great life and I want her to go out on a high note - all she will know is that she is having an injection.


My question to the forum is, could someone please share with me the contact details of a vet or animal hospital (preferably in the Pattaya area but I can travel) that would be prepared to euthanise a dog at their premises, and then I take her away and bury her.  One person said there is a non-Buddhist Vet of Chinese origin at Jomtien who does do the requested service. They did not know the contact details, and I was not able to locate any such details when searching on Google.


When MoneyDog is put to sleep, I will know that she is all okay, and exactly where she is having a big sleep at one of our favourite bushland areas. I would never have that peace of mind if she went to an animal shelter or direct to some person or family as part of re-homing her. She does have health issues with being 25-30% overweight and what seemed like a chronic ear infection in both ears that the Vet has not been successful in eradicating. 


I value all contributions and anything that will help put me in touch with an appropriate Vet or animal hospital.  Thank you very much for your attention and response.

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I surely sympathize w/your situation.. we took a favorite boy dog to the vet on her last day... I thought he might put her down but he just gave her a shot of vitamins and I sat w/her all night until she passed on her own... 


In these tough times could you maybe find a neighbour who could use a stipend? 


Though as someone who has had loving dogs put down, I do not regret sparing them pain... 


Take care of yourself... and hope you find what you need. I have heard of vets in your area who will perform that service. 

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That's a hell of a decision to have to put a healthy dog to sleep because you don't trust anyone to give her the good life you have given her, but I understand your predicament fully, and sympathize totally.

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1 minute ago, Dmaxdan said:

If you (or your family) can no longer care for her then please  put some effort in and find someone who will.


The euthanasia option is insane!


There are plenty of dog lovers in Thailand and lots of ways, social media for example to find a good home for your dog.


Indeed, there are other Husky owners on this forum that may be able to assist.


Re-homing would be my first instinct, if all else failed, and time was an issue then may be other avenues, as a last resort. We all have different opinions and ideas, and should not sit in judgement, I doubt the owner has come to that decision lightly.


Please observe forum rules in your posts.

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This potentially is unlawful in thailand.

 One of the definitions of cruelty is an act to cause death. Whilst there are exceptions in the relevant laws ,  it would need a vet to consider the animal ill , injured beyond recovery.


Cruelty prevention and  welfare of animal act 2014 is the legislation

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It is of no consolation to the animal where it is buried or if it is buried in its favorite place along with the trinkets . Death is final . Being killed before  time is not going out on a high. The dog may be suffering some health issues but they are treatable.  

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To answer your question: I dont think you are going to have an easy time trying to find a local vet that will kill a perfectly healthy animal. Its a cultural thing. Its hard enough just finding a vet that will put a dog down with a terminal illness until the dog is damn near knocking on deaths door and suffering. 


Just post across facebook expat groups and local forums. Im positive the dog can find a good home as long as youre giving it away free and not looking for a profit. 


Certainly better than killing it. 

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There are plenty of vets in Pattaya who will euthanize a dog (I have many dogs and have had to use this option several times over the years); however your dog is only 5 years old and does not have any terminal illness. I don't think there will be many vets willing to put a dog down because you personally can no longer take care of the dog.


Huskies are a hardy breed and can easily live to 13 or 14 or 15+ years.  So 5 years old is not even senior for a husky.


Your son is 14 years old...surely he can man up and shoulder the responsibility for caring for a child hood pet? If it comes to it then maybe a link it to his allowance each month?  Could be good training for him to fulfill duties Did he not know the dog for 5 years of his childhood years?


Regardless of the personal situation at home (maybe your son didn't live with you and Moneydog) you may very well find a kind-hearted resident who will happily take in Moneydog and enjoy the next 6+ years with him.


I've always had dogs - several at a time, but I've always been prepared to re-home them if I had to leave (hasn't happened yet!).  Because of this it is ESSENTIAL to train your dogs and keep them very healthy. It is MUCH easier to re-home a well trained dog than a dog who will not even obey the basic commands.
Keeping dogs healthy and in shape (not fat) will help if the time ever came to re-home them.


On the bright side for you, I think if you start a thread asking for someone to adopt your dog (put on bahtsold too) I'm sure you will get a response.

I once (a couple of years ago) had to re-home a male dog (I only take in females). Someone had dumped him at my gate, probably knowing I had so many dogs already.

 I put an advert on here and I had several responses. He ended up living with a great guy here in Pattaya.


The time to plan for Moneydogs funeral is not now.  It's time for you to get serious about re-homing him.


Good luck to you and to Moneydog!




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