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Phuket Opinion: A tradition of corruption


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3 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

A no-no?

It is a criminal offence to torture, kill, extort . There is legislation outlawing such acts for civilians, and one would expect Police know something about the law.

It is not a "no no" is is ILLEGAL, even developmentally challenged people generally understand that.

This shines yet another light in a disgustingly dark place.

I am disgusted that so many supposedly law abiding people accept the "culture as tea money" with a shrug of the shoulders, thereby feeding this disgusting beast and keeping it alive.



Refuse and suffer the consequences ! criminal offence seems not when many are involved ! 

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5 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

I am disgusted that so many supposedly law abiding people accept the "culture as tea money" with a shrug of the shoulders, thereby feeding this disgusting beast and keeping it alive.

Probably because they are corrupt as well.  There are few areas of Thai society that don't see corruption as the norm.


That's why typically people take issue with the level of corruption being too high, rather than the corruption itself.

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6 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I've often wondered why suspects of a crime are so eager to confess and do a crime reenactment of crime. 

I thought that had been stopped a few years ago.


In this case it should be applied using Pol Col Thitisan Utthanaphon as the victim. If he should "accidently" die it would save the police from holding an enquiry, ease pressure on the government and satisfy one form of justice.

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8 hours ago, Henryford said:

A big difference between slipping them a few baht and a cop torturing and murdering a suspect and stealing hundreds of millions of baht.

Not  really, that "few  baht"  amounts to  millions nationwide,  millions that could be spent  on better things.

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5 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

Not  really, that "few  baht"  amounts to  millions nationwide,  millions that could be spent  on better things.

and continues to feed the beast, it needs to have its head lopped off, and buried.


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9 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

A no-no?

It is a criminal offence to torture, kill, extort . There is legislation outlawing such acts for civilians, and one would expect Police know something about the law.

It is not a "no no" is is ILLEGAL, even developmentally challenged people generally understand that.

This shines yet another light in a disgustingly dark place.

I am disgusted that so many supposedly law abiding people accept the "culture as tea money" with a shrug of the shoulders, thereby feeding this disgusting beast and keeping it alive.



I believe that I am correct in saying that Torture is actually Legal in Thailand.

Terrorists have been rendered here to Thailand for Interrogation in the past.

My mind is a bit vague, but the US sent a famed terrorist here to the " Green House " for rendering back in early 2000,s, and it caused quite a sensation around the World.

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12 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

haha that is funny. not the killing of "people in custody"  is a no no, but the

TORTURING of suspects is the big NO NO.

NO NO NO it is not ok to torture people in custody, even if only because it eliminate

the whole JUSTICE from the justice system.

the defence line of the JOE FERRARI torturing policeman is that he did not mean to kill

him nor to extort him, but just to extort information from him.

"i was just doing myjob", said the joe ferrari.

you see, he is so used to torture, and the police is so accepting of torturing, and

the thai public is so accepting this horror police policy, that you really

need to start by eplaining that NO NO NO YOU DO NOT TORTURE SUSPECTS !!


Believe it or not, I have been totured by police in a so called very 1st world country until it came out that I was not the person they wanted. And they gave a rat's rear about it. Cops... dirty breed everywhere.

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On 8/31/2021 at 8:18 AM, RJRS1301 said:

Did not need the RTP for that

I don't understand your comments. 'Do not need the RTP' for what? 

I have watched Pattaya police slowly strangle most local businesses for the 16 years I've lived hear.  I've been in the same room where a fat cop in Jomtien refused to pursue a crime unless the victim (a nurse) paid him 10K. My wife had 17K extorted from her by a Sattahip cop when he threatened to make my next year's visa 'difficult'. You are surely aware of RTP corruption?

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In some western countries - US, Canada, EU, UK - there are motorcycle clubs the police call gangs.  The same motorcycle clubs are here in Thailand, but things are different here.  The police are the top dog / mafia here.

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