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Researching Health Insurance Companies


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Hi everyone,

I’m looking at health insurance coverage from a company based outside of Thailand as I don’t need the coverage for my extension of stay.  I’m more interested in just limiting my financial exposure should I become ill or become an accident victim.


Has anyone had experience with Health Care International company based in the UK?

if so, how is their claim service?  I think general customer services will be managed at the local level by a broker so I’m not necessarily interested in broker referrals here, just anyone’s experience with this particular company.


Thanks for your help!

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You need to specify which insurer as there are several based in UK which offer expat policies


Personally I have April Global (based in France) and very happy with them


Whichever insurance you get I strongly suggest getting through a broker as they will help with any claims issues afterwards. I use AA Brokers  www.aainsure.net who specialize in expat health insurance and are very good.


Your choices  will be limited by age if you are over 65, otherwise wide range of options.


Accepting a deductible (excess) will lower premiums. I have a US$500 a year deductible with my policy.

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