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Are expats being tempted by Thailand?


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There are likely only 15 wealthy (worth over $5 million?) ex-pats living here, and through the various schemes, Thailand may succeed in bringing another 5-10 affluent ex-pats here to live. But, very few wealthy ones, for a dozen good reasons. Wealthy people like yachting, lower priced luxury goods, reasonably priced cars, and a higher standard of living. They like to get around using helicopters, and high speed rail. They like to deal with a qualified sommelier at a good restaurant. All things Thailand does not have, due to a lack of planning, and a stunning lack of understanding. Thailand is still too primitive for all but a few wealthy souls. It is just a stupid pipe dream, thought up by silly men, who know next to nothing about the outside world, and are hypnotized by fake nationalism, into constantly over estimating their own nation, to their own peril. 


Now, if they were smart, which they are not, they would change the real estate laws, so that wealthy people could own houses and villas, and land outright. Then, they might have a chance of attracting a few hundred wealthy people to at least buy homes here. Would they stay? Likely no more than 2 months a year, but I guess that would be something. 


But, always a wise idea to not hope for, nor expect progressive policy, from the retrograde brigade. 



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On 9/10/2021 at 7:58 AM, Rookiescot said:

Rich people are generally not going to buy their way into a country like Thailand when other options are available but I suspect its not rich westerners they want anyway.

Rich Chinese on the other hand might be tempted as its a way of getting money out of China.

Very true. In many countries you can now get a passport, by investing a half million, or a million dollars into the local economy. And that includes purchasing a home or condo. On so many levels, many countries of the world are decades ahead of Thailand, and moving forward, while this nation continues it's backwards march towards obscurity, and irrelevance. 

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53 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Now, if they were smart, which they are not, they would change the real estate laws, so that wealthy people could own houses and villas, and land outright. Then, they might have a chance of attracting a few hundred wealthy people to at least buy homes here. Would they stay? Likely no more than 2 months a year, but I guess that would be something. 



Smart countries don't let foreigners buy their land.

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On 9/9/2021 at 5:39 PM, Mike Teavee said:

Thailand's Visa Requirements are not difficult, especially for the "Rich" as they have a number of options available to them (Elite/Investment Visas being the 2 obvious ones), they're only difficult for people unable or unwilling  to invest & (rightly or wrongly) these are not the demographic that Thailand is trying to attract.  



You'd be hard put to find as easy or cheap visa requirements in the region, Philippines is probably the only one with it's SRRV (though this involve as jumping through as many if not more hoops), Malaysia has recently doubled it's financial requirements for MM2H, Cambodia has a dodgy business visa that could be clamped down on anytime & I don't think Vietnam has anything... 


On balance if you're able/willing to put the money into Thailand, it's relatively straight forward to live here. 









In Philippines, you can stay with a tourist visa for 4 years without leaving the country. 


Your list focused on ASEAN countries only.  But there are many other regions with similar or better climate. 


South and Central America havel super popular retirement destinations.  Many have special benefits for seniors.  I am not aware of any having laws prohibiting foreigners from owning land.

I know quite a few very happy expats living in Colombia, residency obtainable by purchasing real estate over 200-300 k USD (or opening a shell company with much less $ or living with a Colombiana).

In Ecuador, you get residency by depositing 20k USD in a bank for 5 years.


Farangs (dirty/sex-crazed, as Thai minister of Health labels them) marry Thais, support their whole families and can never get residency.



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