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Life in Thailand possible without the Vaccine?


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To answer the OP’s specific question:


’Life in Thailand possible without the vaccine?’


Well yes, demonstrably it is, or at least is for the time being.


However, before getting on the plane to move here consider the following:


1. Medical services are not free and in many parts of the country poor quality.


In larger towns and cities medical services are stretched to capacity, resorting to shipping Covid patients out to the provinces (where, in many places healthcare is poor quality.


It really is not a good idea to put yourself in need of medical services right now and never a good idea unless you have access to any of a small number of good quality health service providers in Thailand.


Vaccination offers a significant reduction in the chances of winding up in hospital.


2. Government policy here is not subject to any real challenges, if the Government does decide on mandatory vaccination then you’ll be looking for another country to move to.


If you choose to live in a highly populated area you might have access to good quality health services but you’ll be at higher risk of infection - The case for vaccination is clear.


If you live in a remote area you might be at lower risk of infection but not have access to quality health care services - The case for vaccination is clear.


If you don’t have health insurance and don’t have significant cash available to cover a spell in hospital the case for vaccination is very clear.



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19 minutes ago, Fbken said:



Conclusion: Chlorine dioxide is effective in the treatment of COVID-19 and the mechanisms of action by which it acts to achieve it are proposed in this work. We recommend doing more research. We recommend conducting double-blind studies and delving into studies of toxicological safety and therapeutic efficacy of chlorine dioxide in pathologies of epidemiological impact in the near future.

Oh dear, more pseudoscience which has been thoroughly disproved. Read on.............



In South America, a toxic chemical is being touted as a miracle cure for Covid-19. How did the mistaken belief in its powers take hold?




This is an excellent article………….

Pseudoscience in the Times of Crisis: How and Why Chlorine Dioxide Consumption Became Popular in Latin America During the COVID-19 Pandemic


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1 minute ago, Fbken said:

And how does that change the outcome of the study. It is a very scientific analysis of the action of chlorine dioxide and the spike protein in the covid virus

How do you know it's scientific and that its results are valid? If so, why is it being published in a pay-to-publish journal?

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

This article was publshed in Hilaris. Hilaris is one of many journals owned by OMICS, a predatory publisher of alleged scientific journals. Those who wish to publish their articles pay the publisher a large fee to get their work published!



Excellent reference on predatory journals.   Even the linked news article is questionable. 

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54 minutes ago, rabas said:

They did. That link was to a news article. A peer reviewed version of the actual study appears in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents published by ELESVIER who also publishes The Lancet.  The publication is completely legitimate and the paper widely discussed.



The interesting part is the inclusion of zinc where Chloroquine is simply an agent that helps zinc  enter cells. It has been known long before COVID that Chloroquine is a powerful zinc ionophore and that zinc has antiviral properties.  A PMC paper from 2014 Chloroquine Is a Zinc Ionophore


You can read about the journal here. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents - Journal - Elsevier

I was referring to a study published about Chlorine dioxide in the journal Hilaris. Not to anything about hydroxychloroquine.

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4 hours ago, Antonymous said:

I live in a tambon area with a population of about 5,000 people, all but a few are Thai. So far there have been a total of four cases of residents who tested positive for Covid (it is well known, discussed everywhere hereabouts). All recovered and none with serious conditions.


There has been only one death and that was a lady, described to me as healthy beforehand, who died within 48 hours of getting a first vaccination. I have been unable to get the official stats on what proportion of our local population have been vaccinated, but can say that within my village the majority have refused. NOBODY is "begging for the vaccine" here.


In a post just above yours another poster said that 20 out of 20 of the Thais he knew were not vaccinated too. Yet here you go spreading misleading wild claims about Thais begging to be vaxxed. If you really believe that you are sadly deluded.


As for the OP, the problem he may face is being able to travel to Thailand without being vaxxed. Once he is here it is perfectly possible for him to find himself a peaceful and beautiful rural location within an hour of a major city where he can live a happy life where he will not be hounded to get vaxxed. As do I.


In the case of Chiang Mai, for example, there are several excellent private hospitals that are most definitely NOT overrun with Covid patients, where he will be able to get world class medical attention should he ever need it.


You are posting misinformation. It's widely reported that Thais are lining up and begging for for the vaccine. Sure, many don't want the Chinese one. Understandable.


In my wife's village. If you refuse the vaccine, you'll be run out! Good on them.

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5 hours ago, Antonymous said:

I live in a tambon area with a population of about 5,000 people, all but a few are Thai. So far there have been a total of four cases of residents who tested positive for Covid (it is well known, discussed everywhere hereabouts). All recovered and none with serious conditions.


There has been only one death and that was a lady, described to me as healthy beforehand, who died within 48 hours of getting a first vaccination. I have been unable to get the official stats on what proportion of our local population have been vaccinated, but can say that within my village the majority have refused. NOBODY is "begging for the vaccine" here.


In a post just above yours another poster said that 20 out of 20 of the Thais he knew were not vaccinated too. Yet here you go spreading misleading wild claims about Thais begging to be vaxxed. If you really believe that you are sadly deluded.


As for the OP, the problem he may face is being able to travel to Thailand without being vaxxed. Once he is here it is perfectly possible for him to find himself a peaceful and beautiful rural location within an hour of a major city where he can live a happy life where he will not be hounded to get vaxxed. As do I.


In the case of Chiang Mai, for example, there are several excellent private hospitals that are most definitely NOT overrun with Covid patients, where he will be able to get world class medical attention should he ever need it.


This post deserves to be published in The Journal of Anonymous Anecdotal Reports.

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On 9/14/2021 at 9:52 PM, Jeffr2 said:



Covid-19 infections have risen "exponentially" among children in the US since July, according to data published Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

The group reported 243,373 new cases among kids over the past week. While this is a decline from last week, when 251,781 cases were reported, it's about a 240% increase since early July, when kids accounted for 71,726 cases.
"After declining in early summer, child cases have increased exponentially with nearly 500,000 cases in the past two weeks," AAP said in a statement.

Your original statement.

 "A majority of the people in hospitals now are under 50. Or children"


I ask for a source and you post the above which has nothing to do with your statement.  Has nothing to do with under 50 hospitalizations or for that matter hospitalizations for any age.


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On 9/14/2021 at 9:58 PM, Jeffr2 said:

Interesting read - Thanks.  Hope the trend doesn't continue.

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