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Phuket to Start Vaccine Jabs into Skin


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BANGKOK, Sept 22 (TNA) – The Department of Medical Sciences recommends the intradermal injection of COVID-19 vaccines to increase the number of vaccine recipients with available doses but the practice requires skilled health workers.


Dr. Supakit Sirilak, director-general of the department, said that with conventional muscular injection, one COVID-19 vaccine dose could be administered for only one person but with intradermal injection, the same one dose could be used for as many as five people.


Intradermal and muscular injections with the AstraZeneca vaccine as the third dose proved to be equally effective when it came to antibody responses, he said.


Full Story: https://tna.mcot.net/english-news-786018


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1 hour ago, snoop1130 said:

one COVID-19 vaccine dose could be administered for only one person but with intradermal injection, the same one dose could be used for as many as five people.

I hate to ask the obvious question but if one dose comes in one Phial how do they split it into 5 shots/doses or it just the same phial stabbed 5 times, hopefully with a fresh needle/syringe each time!

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Intradermal and muscular injections with the AstraZeneca vaccine as the third dose proved to be equally effective when it came to antibody responses, he said.

I will believe all this Tosh only when the Official Papers on the Trials and the full Research has been openly published for all the world to see and peruse.

Until then, its just Modern day Witch Doctors playing with peoples lives.

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It's not a Thai invention. But I don't claim to judge on this method.

What I read more than once is, that Moderna is probably "overdosed".

It's not the first time that a lower dose was suggested.

Have fun with this:


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21 hours ago, fangless said:

I hate to ask the obvious question but if one dose comes in one Phial how do they split it into 5 shots/doses or it just the same phial stabbed 5 times, hopefully with a fresh needle/syringe each time!

Of course it is much more cost-effective to fill the syringe and then stab 5 people with the same needle ... what could possibly go wrong?

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4 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

It's not a Thai invention. But I don't claim to judge on this method.

What I read more than once is, that Moderna is probably "overdosed".

It's not the first time that a lower dose was suggested.

Have fun with this:


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