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Common Property front door and architrave

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I'm just looking for some clarification. 


I'm led to believe through my reading that outside walls of a condominium are common property along with the external doors. I would assume as part of that that would include the architrave.


My question is if my front timber door is damaged or  my architrave is damaged from the weather who is responsible for the financial cost of replacement?



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Its often a grey area, and you wont find anything written down that gives you a definitive answer.

Usually the outside of anything external to your condo is common property, inside is yours, with an imaginary line down the middle. (measurements on chanotes are often to a theoretical midpoint in a common wall) You would pay to paint the inside of a common wall/door etc, the block would pay to paint the outside etc. A new door would theoretically be a 50/50 split

At the end of the day it would come down to what the condo office agrees to. 

Fortunately, repairs like you mention are very cheap in Thailand.

Edited by Peterw42
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2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Fortunately, repairs like you mention are very cheap in Thailand.

Thanks for that.


Unfortunately it's not a straightforward is that, as the doors in question are the imported type from China which are basically a form of hollow core combination I believe of MDF, melamine, and PVC sticker that form their makeup and given that they have to match the existing doors therein lies the first problem!


But on your explanation it sounds like the 50/50 split is the tact to take.





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Like someone mentions its probably something of a grey area. I think you need to be pragmatic on this, how damaged is the door, are their numerous other units with the same problem? Perhaps discuss with the building management in the 1st instance as they might have had this issue with other units previously?

Maybe there is a local supplier of the doors, or the contractor has some in store if there is still a defect period.

My motto is normally if its a real issue for me and the cost of replacement is what i perceive as reasonable i would just go ahead and replace it myself rather than meeting push back from management/Committee if they take an alternative view.

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