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British Man Caught With Fake Stamps In His Passport


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Did you accept? You would then be an accomplice, because that is not the legal way to get a visa. Use the organised visa runs, where you actually leave the country and (hopefully) return, or do it yourself. Easy from Pattaya - less than a day out of your life.
:D Actually, no. I walked out of the shop after he asked me for 30,000 baht to send my passport away for a Visa. I wanted him to help me do it the legal way but he would not, He said its either send my passport away and pay him 30,000 baht, or I need to go back to my home country and get a visa (He dismissed any questions about Penang or other neighbouring countries). I wasnt silly enough to fall for what he said, and I got a flight out to Penang the week after for a few thousand and got my visa the legal way.
His photo has been posted on Pattaya people website saying he had a fake Visa stamp, did they just take a snapshot of him and make the whole story up?
This is the guy with the visa shop - this thread started with it being some other guy. Give me the facts Ma'am - I just want the facts. :o

Okay then. Here are your facts, sir! http://www.pattayapeople.com/default.asp?F...;IdArticle=5937 There you go.. :D

Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

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So lets see if I've got this right.

Guy goes to Immigration, and they find a fake visa stamp in his passport. He's arrested. So far as I can see, that is the only thing (so far) that he's being held for. What ever services he may or may not have been offering is not a consideration at this point in time.

He runs a Visa service, and (should) therefore be fully aware of the laws and regulations regarding visas, including the fact that you have to apply for a visa in person (it is illegal to have someone else apply for/acquire a visa on your behalf). Not to mention the fact that it is the law that you are required to have your passport on you at all times (kind of hard to do if it's being sent away somewhere to get a visa/stamp on your behalf).

If he was all "straight and above board" as some people here seem to think, why would he fake a visa stamp in his own passport ? Suredly, someone who runs a shop specialising in visa services, and (supposedly) knowing the rules, would easily be able to arrange his own visa run to get a legitimate stamp, like most other people do ?

And just because some people think he's a nice guy and a fellow countryman, doesn't automatically mean everyone should jump on the bandwagon and support him. Being nice and from the same country doesn't grant you a free pass to break the law.

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i have lived in pattaya for many years, i use to go to the visa shop for my visa runs. this guy sean, offered me a fake visa - he said i would not have to do anything, just pay him 30 grand. i lost my trust in him after this, and i went elseware. in shopping elseware, not only did i meet new "honest" friends, but i actually saved money. the new shop i found was 800 baht cheaper for visa run. i use to pay 2.400 at the visa shop, i now pay 1.600. (and the main part is, i am legal and can sleep at night times) i sometimes go to penang for new visa, there also, i have met friends, a luxury hotel, everything is ok. better than shopping with sean, paying fortunes, risking spending time in a strinking jail, sleepless nights worrying - hiding from the police - no thanks. anyone who likes this kind of life, then i wish you luck.

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I think the bottom line here is simple, several people have been arrested at immigration recently (one a personal friend of mine) because the visa stamp on their passport was a fake, they where all provided by this guy Sean, he promised the visa they would get would be 100% ---- well apparently they where not, all these people are now facing upwards of 300kbaht + court appearance and deportation, they are all seeking damages from Mr Sean who has suddenly decided they are all ex customers, now if this guy sean has become a victim of his own racket then I say "serves him right" and yes as I stated earlier in this thread that this could be a stitch up to effectively end his illegal activities

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Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

:D :D :D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

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i don't think anyone is trying to defend his business practices if as stated he has been providing people with fake visas, all i have ever used his business for is a plane ticket. But like i said in an earlier post, he is a nice bloke and got a lovely son, i have known him years and not once has he ever offered me a fake visa or have i even heard him talk about it, i know he used to do organized trips to penang for about 20-25k which included airfares, hotel, transfers and 1 year visa (totaly legal) for Thailand from Penang consulate.

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Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

:D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

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Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

:D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

Its not only that guy who said his friends are in trouble because of Sean and his dodgy visa's. I have heard it from quite a few people. Anyway, I myself and a few others have been offered dodgy visa's from Sean. Is that not enough for you? Do people have to accept his offer, get caught, fined, and posted in the newspaper for you to think Sean is doing wrong? Whether the customers know the risks or not, HE SHOULD NOT BE OFFERING FAKE VISA'S!!

Also, Sean did not explain to me, that the Visa would be fake, but I was well aware that whatever I got would not be legal if I didnt go to get it myself..

20,000-25,000 for a trip to Penang! Its only 4,500 for a flight, 2,000 for the hotel and then the Visa fee + taxi fares ect. DIY is the best option!!! :D

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Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

:D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

I will not publish names on here, not my business, I will say this, I was with one these victims at immagration when it happened, they where arrested and taken to Pattaya police station and locked up, even though the police where told of the source of this fake visa at the time, they did not got to Seans business and arrest him, which I found very strange, private court action is all they could take and Mr Sean has been extremely uncoperative. My personal oppinion is that this guy is a crook.

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to deputydawg. what u saying, the newspaper is a load of bull? a load of lies? they just printed it for the sake of it and coz they had nothing else to print ??

yeah yeah yeah whatever!!!! lol.

time will tell yeah. toodle pip.

Pattaya People

Pattaya City News

Pattaya Daily News

Pattaya Today

All are run on a shoestring to derive advertising revenue for their owners / shareholders.

They have one or two reporters with good contacts in police and immigration offices, so that they can report the stories from the point of view of said officials.

On a reputable newspaper any such story would be investigated and confirmed from a minimum of two independent sources. The libel laws in Europe and US see to that.

Out here - shovel the copy in to the translator - print it - publish it. The more sensational it is - the more copies sold - the more advertising revenue.

Responsibility - most of 'em can't even spell it.

Public interest - prurience rules.

And they're too glossy to wrap your fish 'n chips in! Useless rags!

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Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

:D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

if he is such a friend why don't you simply ask him what is going on ? ask him if he ever offered people a 1 year type B or O visa without them ever having to leave Thailand, the only place these visa's are avalable are in the UK, he was taking peoples passports and getting a 1 year visa stamped from Cardif including exit and entry stamps, the individual and their passport never left Thailand, I am pretty sure there are now a few very worried people around town who have yet to visit Imigration

Edited by gharknes
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Similar thing happend with some Scandanavian guy running out of Suk 23 in Bangkok circa 2000/2001

Lots of worried people there and some had to do proverbial summersaults to get legal again - one guy I know with a biz and family paid big money.

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Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

:D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

if he is such a friend why don't you simply ask him what is going on ? ask him if he ever offered people a 1 year type B or O visa without them ever having to leave Thailand, the only place these visa's are avalable are in the UK, he was taking peoples passports and getting a 1 year visa stamped from Cardif including exit and entry stamps, the individual and their passport never left Thailand, I am pretty sure there are now a few very worried people around town who have yet to visit Imigration

You are the one coming out with accusations about someone who is not here to defend himself and also providing no evidence for your accusations. I only know Sean socially, and all i knew is that he had a travel agent and visa run business and like i said in a previous post i have only ever used his business once to book a plane ticket to Manilla. Maybe what you are saying about Sean is true, maybe it is not but if you insist on running him down then please provide some evidence.

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What i dont understand is how all these people are ready to condem any law breaker apart from themselves .They go out to bars paying for sex which is against the law here but thats okay because it is them that are doing it.So it is like the alcohlic calling the smack head who in turn calls the wizz head in turn he will call the coke head who then calls the crack head who calls the weed head. you seem to be willing to get at anybody that makes a mistake.As far as the same old rantings about visas Well how many declare that they want a visa so they can pay young girls for sex ? Yes to enter the kingdom to break the law.There are many out there that only see that because they are old old old men that can get visa retirement so they can walk around looking like a total idiot with a girl 3 times younger & actually think that the girl loves them .I surgest that all these self rightous pricks take a good look at what they do before condeming anybody else for what they do.

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.....I suggest that all these self righteous pricks take a good look at what they do before condemning anybody else for what they do.

Very well said chachachacha. I couldn't have put it better myself :o

Edited by Artisan
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What i dont understand is how all these people are ready to condem any law breaker apart from themselves .They go out to bars paying for sex which is against the law here but thats okay because it is them that are doing it.

Untrue.. Not everyone who lives here goes out to bars and pays for girls you know. Maybe you're hanging around with the wrong crowd...

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You forgot Pattaya Mail.

Deliberately so, PC.

It holds my fish 'n chips very well, soaks up the fat without dripping it down my leg.

But also it does not solely follow the line that these other publications take - it's reporters (plural) do get around other newsworthy events most weeks.

Again it is sycophantic around authority, but that's the way one stays in business here.

It just offers more variety.

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What i dont understand is how all these people are ready to condem any law breaker apart from themselves .They go out to bars paying for sex which is against the law here but thats okay because it is them that are doing it.So it is like the alcohlic calling the smack head who in turn calls the wizz head in turn he will call the coke head who then calls the crack head who calls the weed head. you seem to be willing to get at anybody that makes a mistake.As far as the same old rantings about visas Well how many declare that they want a visa so they can pay young girls for sex ? Yes to enter the kingdom to break the law.There are many out there that only see that because they are old old old men that can get visa retirement so they can walk around looking like a total idiot with a girl 3 times younger & actually think that the girl loves them .I surgest that all these self rightous pricks take a good look at what they do before condeming anybody else for what they do.

What a silly post.

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Yep. That's it. All foreigners are only in Thailand for cheap sex. :D

I guess all the people I know that are working here, have businesses here, are married and have families here, I guess they are all just here for cheap sex too. :o

Let me guess, all those people also are making a living by offering illegal services to other foreigners too, right ? I mean, what's the harm ? If everyone (foreign) is already here to engage in illegal sexual activities, why worry if they also (insert criminal activity here) ?

Thailand should immediately bar all foreigners from entering the country, and kick out the ones that are already there, because they are all criminals !

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Now that did make me laugh, its in the pattaya people so it has to be true LOL. get a life meg or ken which ever you are. The PP does not give a whoot what is true or not, just take a look at the owner.

I wonder how many laws all of the squeaky clean brigade on here have broken but are afraid to admit?

Stones and glass houses mean anything to any one?

:D:D:D HAHAHA Please, stop! Your post is hilarious!

So, you're saying, that Pattaya people newspaper sent their reporters to take a picture of Sean at the Visa shop (Even though he hasnt done anything wrong) So that they could make up a story about him? But actually its all lies and he hasnt done anything wrong?

Hahaha, Come on, man!! Maybe the newspapers got some parts of their story wrong sometimes, but obviously this Sean guy has been involved with fake Visa's - Look how many people are in trouble because of him! And look how many people have been offered fake visa's by him.. :o

where are all these people who are in trouble because of Sean?????

1 bloke is claiming he has 3 mates who have got visas from Sean and are facing 300,000 baht fines and deportation but where is the proof, i haven't seen or read anything in the newspapers to back that up. Please feel free to provide me a link. Also people who obtain visas by dubious mean are generaly people who can't obtain one legaly themselves, they know full well the risks they are taking and in my opinion deserve what they get.

if he is such a friend why don't you simply ask him what is going on ? ask him if he ever offered people a 1 year type B or O visa without them ever having to leave Thailand, the only place these visa's are avalable are in the UK, he was taking peoples passports and getting a 1 year visa stamped from Cardif including exit and entry stamps, the individual and their passport never left Thailand, I am pretty sure there are now a few very worried people around town who have yet to visit Imigration

You are the one coming out with accusations about someone who is not here to defend himself and also providing no evidence for your accusations. I only know Sean socially, and all i knew is that he had a travel agent and visa run business and like i said in a previous post i have only ever used his business once to book a plane ticket to Manilla. Maybe what you are saying about Sean is true, maybe it is not but if you insist on running him down then please provide some evidence.

what sort of evidence would you like ? I am simply shareing my experience on this forum, i am not telling any lies or making anything up, i have never met the guy so my comments are general towards any person that is providing illegal services to customers anywhere, if he gets caught serves him right, like already said, why don't you ask him if you know him so well ? now unless he's a liar like you think I am then maybe he will tell you what you want to know.

the first advice I was given when I came to Thailand was not to pay for dodgy stamps or visa's on my passport, I never have and never will

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