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Phuket officials finally recognise island’s population in mass vaccination campaign


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The Oct 3 report (left) posted yesterday used 467,587 as the island’s population, while the report for Oct 4 (right), posted online just eight hours later, used 547,584, which has been consistently upheld by the PPHO. Images: PR Phuket


PHUKET: Phuket provincial officials have finally updated their population figure for the number of people on the island in their daily reports for the number of people in Phuket who have been vaccinated.


Confirmation of the change came not even overnight. It actually came the same day, yesterday, when the Phuket office of the Public Relations Department (PR Phuket) posted the daily updates of mass vaccination campaign in Phuket for both Sunday (Oct 3) and for Monday (Oct 4).


The daily report for Sunday, posted at 2:13pm yesterday, used 467,587 as the population of the island, as it has done since Phuket provincial officials began their daily update reports earlier this year.


Full Story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-officials-finally-recognise-island-population-in-mass-vaccination-campaign-81614.php



-- © Copyright Phuket News 2021-10-05
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Yes still covid continues in large numbers...

Time for a multiguess test...


1. Uncounted workers from outside

2 Large number vaxed with the useless CCP vax

3. Untested mix and match nonsense

4. Other - such as the strange skin vax they are now offering

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9 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

100 new cases per day is not terrible. People must realize that we have to live with Covid-19. No amount of vaccination, boosters, etc. can eliminate covid-19 completely. Just checked the the UK average cases for the last 7-days, they are registering 3,500 cases per million population per day with 100+ death a day (10+ death/million population). No respite from Covid-19. Anybody expecting covid-19 to disappear in the near future is living in a delusional reality or have drank too much western media propaganda coolaid. Here is the latest news. Pfizer is getting the population ready for booster shot every 6-months. What a scam!!!


Agreed - live with Covid but Phuket keeps on pretending it is different from other provinces in Thailand because of the failed sandbox

Also 100+ is not the number of new cases this is the number of positive PCR tests reported.

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2 hours ago, Scrotobike said:

Agreed - live with Covid but Phuket keeps on pretending it is different from other provinces in Thailand because of the failed sandbox

Also 100+ is not the number of new cases this is the number of positive PCR tests reported.

Agreed, live with what it is, but Phukets  issue was opening up a long time before it was ready.

Residents and workers were not inoculated to the required minimum as stated.

If it had been then todays daily numbers from Phuket would be what they call "breakthrough cases"

clearly they are not.


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4 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

In normal years, the island authorities always claim that the population of the island is far higher than that officially recorded in the last census of 500k odd. They always claim that it is nearer 1 million due to thai residents not reregistering their house books from their home village. The authorities have even on occasion had mobile units going around to encourage thai people to register their house books in Phuket. The reason of course is that some budget allocations from central government are based on population, so a higher population equals a higher budget.


come pandemic, the population has declined for sure from pre pandemic levels because some people went home. But not everybody. So for sure the population still exceeds the last census figure. But now the advantage lies is reducing the population number. So the official census figure has been used and now, seemingly, some other random, and lower, figure.


Phuket’s Covid reporting has been a mess from the get go. Late reporting, conflicting figures, non reporting, just a complete mess with no consistency other than being hap hazard. I stopped paying much attention to it long ago, when it became clear that it cannot be trusted.

The Vaccination figures stated surely now have to be thrown into some kind of a trash can.

Trust really is a huge issue, not just for Phuket.

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18 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

Just checked the the UK average cases for the last 7-days, they are registering 3,500 cases per million population per day with 100+ death a day (10+ death/million population)

Getting your figures mixed up. 3,500 cases per million PER WEEK. And 10+ deaths per million PER WEEK. Still not good, but do not exaggerate, enough panic already. Daily figures are around 30,000 cases a day and 100 deaths a day (you did get the daily deaths a day right). This is equivalent to an ongoing flu outbreak, but with a death rate of about 0.3% case to fatality rate. Has been similar for some time.

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This is not about death rates or infection rates. This is about counting people. How many people in Phuket? 


467,587 or 547,584...?


79,997 people found...? Hmm, I know someone somewhere else who would have been happy to have found that number of people last year...

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8 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:

This is not about death rates or infection rates. This is about counting people. How many people in Phuket? 


467,587 or 547,584...?


79,997 people found...? Hmm, I know someone somewhere else who would have been happy to have found that number of people last year...

My understanding is that 547,584 represents the target number of people to be vaccinated as reported by PPHO ie. 70% of the TOTAL population (including children)


The fudging of the figures is that the percentages reported are always the percentages of the TARGET so in effect only 74.81% of the 70% have been double vaccinated ie. 52.5% of the TOTAL population have been double vaccinated.


Most of the vaccinated Thai Nationals received 2 doses of Sinovac and less than half of those have received a 20% of recommended dose of AZ as a third dose using a non recommended procedure. Recently there has been a small percentage of of mixing and matching 1 Sinovac and 1 AZ.


All in all a bit of a mess, Combine that with dodgy Chinese Antigen test kits, dual standards for International arrivals v's Thai arrivals and the whole system needs reappraisal. Countries elsewhere are starting to accept the infections are not controllable by restrictions and mandates.


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