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Combination Covid/Visa Question. Can a Thai Citizen with Dual Citizenship Get a Thai Visa So She Can Get Covid Vaccine?

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My GF is a Thai Citizen but also is a citizen of another country and has that country's passport showing her as a citizen.  She would like to get either Astra Zeneca or Pfizer and has no interest in getting Sinovac or Sinopharm.  She attempted to apply on Intervac but was denied because she did not have a visa.  She is of course allowed to stay here without one as a Thai Citizen. 

I am not sure this process is allowed but at this time she is unvaccinated and there does not appear to be a way she can obtain Pfizer or Moderna or even Astra Zeneca as a first shot as a Thai.   I have purchased Moderna for her but that is not suppose to arrive until 2022.  

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She would have to leave and re-enter the country to change the passport she used for entry. Getting a visa for Thailand at embassy or consulate would be another problem to overcome.

Her only option may be get the first injection of CoronaVac and then AstraZeneca for the 2nd one.

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As mentioned above, Sinovac as the first jab, followed only 3-4 weeks later by AstraZeneca as the second, is available. That is what my daughter received. While Sinovac alone is a poor vaccine, the combination is actually as good as AstraZeneca alone. The only question mark is over the durability of the immunity, but using the Moderna as a booster next year would address such concerns.

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The GF should just scour Thai social media, and government/local/public health websites, for acceptable vaccines.


I'd say AZ will be in short supply, but Pfizer should be more widely available - with ~ 20 mm doses due (in 2 mm tranches) due by the end of the year.


And even wait it out for Moderna 2X. Most expect that first lot (1.9 mm) around the end of this month.





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Well you have confirmed that this is an impossible task.  As mentioned I have reserved some Moderna.  I reserved some for me that is suppose to come during the 4th quarter of this year and some for her that was scheduled for 2022.  

As I understand it, I can assign one of my shots to her.  Perhaps that will allow her to take one shot at the same time I get one during 2021.  Then me 1 and her 1 on her reservation for 2022. 

It is just odd that only the foreigners are getting the Pfizer.  I knew a small portion of the amount donated was suppose to go to foreigners but it appears as though the entire supply of Pfizer is being dedicated to Non-Thais.  

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22 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

It is just odd that only the foreigners are getting the Pfizer.  I knew a small portion of the amount donated was suppose to go to foreigners but it appears as though the entire supply of Pfizer is being dedicated to Non-Thais. 

Some Thai's that are working in high risk professions have gotten Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine.

Students aged 12 to 17 are getting Pfizer now.

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