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Will todays young think now is as good as we thought our time was?

bert bloggs

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I was just talking to an old mate from my old home town where i was born,we were saying how great it was ,cycling for miles ,out all day home for supper,then going to school on the bus and having lessons taught by real teachers and not being indoctonated about how bad us white people were.

Our grandkids never seem to go out to play ,they live on the internet," following people" and when i used the phrase " black guy" my grandaughter said " grandad you cant say that" 

 So when they get old will they look back and think how great their life was? 

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9 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Answer yes for me, it seems that all my kids & grandkids are doing well in UK, I feel proud because  I guess I contributed something to make it possible.

Dont get me wrong,my grandaughter is doing great,she has everything she could want ,but what i am getting at is that life was so much easier and stress free for us ,in so many ways.

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3 minutes ago, driveby54 said:

It is tough to call. On the one hand, censorship is so strong that people hardly know what is going on, and can be gaslit on how other people feel about issues. So the media can lie about what is happening and say that everyone is fine with it. On the other hand, life is going to be miserable, with few rights, less travel allowed, and people forced into extreme austerity.


To have an idea of what they plan to do over the climate change malarkey have a look at this article in the Guardian. Ordinary people will have a lot less to live on. No word about restrictions on Bill Gates, George Soros, etc. That is why billionaires support climate change, Covid restrictions etc.




Everywhere, governments seek to ramp up the economic load, talking of “unleashing our potential” and “supercharging our economy”. Boris Johnson insists that “a global recovery from the pandemic must be rooted in green growth”. But there is no such thing as green growth. Growth is wiping the green from the Earth.


We have no hope of emerging from this full-spectrum crisis unless we dramatically reduce economic activity. Wealth must be distributed – a constrained world cannot afford the rich – but it must also be reduced. Sustaining our life-support systems means doing less of almost everything.

If you go back and read publications from the Club of Rome (forerunner of the World Economic Forum) they say that they are planning to use scare tactics to reduce people's standard of living.


No conspiracy. This is right out in the open.







People have no idea what is happening in the world. For example, pilots refusing to get jabbed shut down an airline. But the media say it didn't happen.




All over the world there are shortages of medical staff with people refusing the vax. They are bringing in foreigners to fill up posts. But the media want you to believe that everyone is fine with this.




Forums like this are really influence shaping operations, just like the regular media. They delete opinions that run counter to the narrarive to give the impression that everyone is going along with the mainstream.


In summary, I'd say that kids are in for a <deleted>ty life. But the people running our countries are useless. The whole show may collapse in on itself sooner rather than later.



Your not in the UK are you. 

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It probably doesn't feel like that to the kids as they are learning it for the first time. If you learnt that white people in power were all good you were lied to. Same as if they said they were all bad. Telling the truth and getting the balance right is not that easy. 

The part I think kids miss is that ability to just go out all day and roam the countryside like we did. You can understand parents being cautious but I think I could have had a lesser childhood if friends and I didn't do the things we did without parents in tow. I even would be on beaches alone at 7 or 8 which probably was a bit risky and irresponsible but it was fun. 

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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3 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Dont get me wrong,my grandaughter is doing great,she has everything she could want ,but what i am getting at is that life was so much easier and stress free for us ,in so many ways.

Disagree I was born in 1947 life was tough for me and because of that all my granddaughter are in college and university. 

No ones life is the same you cannot generalize a subject such as this. 

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8 minutes ago, cranki said:

Don't you mean..."wasn't it great" when you could call people "niggers"...wops"..... "grease backs" ...."<deleted>"...."spicks"...".dago's"....".boongs"....."chinks".... etc ??


Ahhh yes....those were the day......you dinosaur.....

Ahh... now you made me think of my grandmother, I sure do miss her mouth.....

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7 minutes ago, driveby54 said:

Racism does not exist. It is not a real thing. Various peoples are disliked because of their behavior. That is to say: the issue is not some abstract "race" or "colour of skin", it is a behavioral issue. It just so happens that unfortunately, just as all behavior is tied to genetics, the collective behavior patterns of different peoples are tied to their group genetics.


wow....just...wow.....I'm actually lost for a reply....good luck with that outlook  :-)

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You mean here, or worldwide? I doubt either. The general quality of life seems to be declining for most. And here? When they started a Facebook page designed to help the Thai youth figure out how to leave and make a life for themselves overseas, a million Thais joined. They have no future and they know it.


We barely do either. Sure, we can survive here. But, will we thrive? There is a reason why tens of thousands of expats are departing Thailand. 

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You mean here, or worldwide? I doubt either. The general quality of life seems to be declining for most. And here? When they started a Facebook page designed to help the Thai youth figure out how to leave and make a life for themselves overseas, a million Thais joined. They have no future and they know it.


We barely do either. Sure, we can survive here. But, will we thrive? There is a reason why tens of thousands of expats are departing Thailand. 

...and could only be beneficial in the long run. Nothing special about your kind.

Yet, you remain - like numerous other disconnected types - to whinge on towards most everything and lend yourself to made up misery at every turn.

Can't be such an engaging life, I reckon. 

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5 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

...and could only be beneficial in the long run. Nothing special about your kind.

Yet, you remain - like numerous other disconnected types - to whinge on towards most everything and lend yourself to made up misery at every turn.

Can't be such an engaging life, I reckon. 

Yeah, me and a million Thai youth! 

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I must have been lucky ,born after the war,never went without ,lived in a nice house,went to a nice school, then grammer school,had a good job at 18,was not very good at my school work so no uni for me. Off to London at 20 had a nice bedsit and a good job.

I am not looking with rise tinted specs but life has always been good .

Mind you had heart probs quite young.

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Reminds me when i went out for the day with a old friend last year here in Australia.

He is 70yo and was very bad in his younger years ,i remember in the late 1970's him stealing cars and burning them out in Western Sydney just for fun  and shouting out obscenties to people from the car as we went past ....calling names "hey granny i wanna f....you ,etc 


Fast forward to last year and we are walking in the street and we see some young people just skylarking he starts telling me "look at these bloody louts ",look at this generation,what hoodlums we have nowadays ????????????

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