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Sometimes I FEEL… Sometimes I feel LIKE I’m Dying...Lord, Oh Lord...Sometimes, I FEEEEEL…


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My Dearest Virtual Friends,


Nay, my real and constant Friends, if the truth be told….


It’s pretty darned difficult to find smart guys around here where I am living. I mean, no one cares about Opera, Libraries, Laboratories, Colliders, or such.  Speaking of Colliders, probably no one here has ever heard of one.  And, most have never heard of Cern, either.


Be this as it may, there is no wonder that I sometimes, and probably often, am drawn to post my topics here, only to get shot down, and the shoot down of me makes me feel better than you might imagine.  So, thank you for this!


It’s like this… Even strong disapprobation is preferable to NOTHINGNESS while living in the country with almost nothing other than dogs to vent their bowels on my driveway, each day, as the most interesting thing which happens to me, each day, almost every day..

Yes, my friends, having a stray dog provide me with this gift of dog doo is pretty much what I look forward to, each day, in order to divert me from my life of NOTHINGNESS, during this period of the WuHan virus, which has completely changed our lives.


Well, I could write on, and on, and on.  But, I don’t want to.


Now, all I want to do is listen to the Allman Brothers.


The best band there ever was, when one really considers the TRUTH.


I just feel that, after so many months of being locked up, maybe I am beginning to understand the Meaning of Life, even more than I ever did while I was out and among the normal social milieu , two years ago.


Well, obviously I can tell you a lot of things about my thoughts concerning the true meaning of life.


The worst thing about me, in fact, is that I cannot produce anything DECENT, like any one of the Allman Brothers.




Sometimes I feel…..


Sometimes I feel like….I wish I could RETURN to Fillmore East, and hear this band, just one more time.


Nice Band.


Too long ago.


I miss those times.


Light one up, for me, and enjoy.


Don’t get High.


Getting High is no way to go.


Stay Sober because….You do not want to miss even a moment of your glorious life on Planet Earth.


(Please pardon any typos, above:  I am just too High on Life, at the moment, to have the gumption to correct my mistakes.)


Love you Guys:  Especially the guys from Ireland and Scotland with enough humor to make us all smile our secret smiles, like a woman riding on a bike, being pleasured by the leather saddle of her two-wheeled machine.


Oh, Sometimes, I’m Dying……..


Life is what it is.

Life is not long enough, mostly.

And, sometimes Life is just too long to be enjoyable.




  • Haha 1
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Humor from the guys from Ireland and Scotland is REALLY the true thing that makes this Forum worth reading.


Everybody knows this.


Some guys are unable to tolerate decent humor.  They flee from it.


After MANY years of reading TV,....In my opinion, it is ONLY the guys from Scotland and Ireland who make this forum interesting.


Otherwise, then why read it???

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16 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Be this as it may, there is no wonder that I sometimes, and probably often, am drawn to post my topics here, only to get shot down, and the shoot down of me makes me feel better than you might imagine.  So, thank you for this!

You are welcome.We all do what we can.

Be prepared to feel delirious from this Thread????

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One more thing:


No doubt, my opinions posted above will draw nothing but derision from most guys from Scotland and Ireland.


I know this.  And, I do not mind this.


For some strange reason, and I do not know why, some guys become ticked off about rude comments, directed at themselves....!!!!!!!


LISTEN:  I NEVER am offended by anyone one who wishes to denigrate me in any rude way, provided there is some truth in their comments.  This is FINE with me.


I really cannot understand why people, sometimes, become offended by true, or untrue, comments.


IF, it comes down to...No One is able to express their opinions without being cancelled,...then who would wish to live in a world like this.  And, then, who would wish to post a comment in a world like this.


Therefore, in fact, I rarely, probably never, take umbrage.  Instead, I regard all comments as a learning experience.


(Even the dogs who give me gifts on my driveway, I never take umbrage.  In fact, these droppings, like comments on TV, are a blessing.)




No doubt about it.

Because, I am a guy who lives in Thailand.

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What I am saying is this:


Some say that Mark Twain, from America, was a decent humorist.  And, this is true.


But, what I am saying is that the average guy from Scotland or Ireland can outdo Twain, in some cases.


Now, let me tell you.  The humor of guys from Scotland is very THRIFTY, 


Thrift, in humor is the key to beauty in humor.


If one can be thrifty, like the Scotts, then, humor of this kind is incomparable .


In other words, one should be both small and hot, like this peppar...




Try one.


Try just a bite.


This will blow your mind.


This is a Carolina Reaper Pepper.


Irish Humor is OK.


But Scottish humor is wickedly condensed, with very few words needed.


I guess, no one needs to explain this...simply because everybody knows this.




Personally, I love the fact that Scottish humor can have one rolling on the floor using less than a full sentence.


Fewer Irish guys are able to do this, I think.




Either way...no matter.


In my opinion, this forum is mostly made up of old men from the UK, and very few guys from America.




True, Mark Twain was a humorist who is second to none.


However, considering day-to-day life, just in daily discourse, there are few of us fools who both write better, and who have a better sense of humor, than the guys from Scotland and Ireland.


And, this is the only reason I read this forum, actually.


Otherwise, why would one? 

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Car loan...  2% interest, per annum.


What? ####?


At, the Fillmore East?







Pls Note:  I think the Allman Brothers pivotal album was recorded at the Fillmore WEST, not East...



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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It could be time for you to move back to the States. Start a new adventure. What seemed exotic when you moved to Thailand now may seem stultifying. What seemed like freedom feels like a cage.

Back in the States you can get the food and culture you miss. I sense that if you never saw a temple or Jasmine rice again you would be happy. Think of that cheese and wine you miss. You say you love it in Thailand but do you.

Sure, the fantasy of a young Thai lady, who you can pretend loves you, is alluring but maybe you could find someone not so pretty in the states who can end your celibacy and give you something you crave - conversation with someone to whom you can relate. 

Your lifestyle might go down a notch in some ways but that could be part of the adventure of a return to the States. 


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2 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

It could be time for you to move back to the States. Start a new adventure. What seemed exotic when you moved to Thailand now may seem stultifying. What seemed like freedom feels like a cage.

Back in the States you can get the food and culture you miss. I sense that if you never saw a temple or Jasmine rice again you would be happy. Think of that cheese and wine you miss. You say you love it in Thailand but do you.

Sure, the fantasy of a young Thai lady, who you can pretend loves you, is alluring but maybe you could find someone not so pretty in the states who can end your celibacy and give you something you crave - conversation with someone to whom you can relate. 

Your lifestyle might go down a notch in some ways but that could be part of the adventure of a return to the States. 


Actually, now is not the time to even consider moving.


If i were to move, then it might be to move to some city I had never heard of.


Quebec City?  No.

Taipei?  No.

Shanghai? No

NYC?  No

Tokyo? No

HK? No


PyongYang?.....  Maybe


Actually...in fact....ANYWHERE there is a great university is OK with me.  This is ALWAYS true.  


In China, There is TongJi University, located in a terrible environment.  However, the only thing that makes this place tolerable is the uni.


Anywhere with a major university should be fairly inhabitable.


University living is the best in the world.

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I once had a Serbian friend I met in Thailand who decided to return to Serbia.

He returned to Serbia, and then, within less than one year, He jumped off the roof of one of those old Soviet style buildings.

I guess, he just tried to test Newton's law, F=ma.

After falling 23 floors, from the roof, he hit the concrete, below, like an apple.


This is one reason why I will never return to places I once knew, places with high buildings.


No.  Just joking.


I remain here, or anywhere, just because Thailand is the GREATEST place I have ever lived.  And, my love of Thailand has ZERO to do with money.


IF Thailand were a place three times more expensive in which to live, then I would still live in Thailand.


Maybe some guys live in Thailand due to Thailand's relatively lower cost of living.  BUT, this is NOT my reason for being here.


IF not Thailand, then I would move to Japan, and probably Nara, and also near Kyoto.


I have spent my entire life in Asia.  I am not about to leave Asia for anywhere else...








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50 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

It could be time for you to move back to the States. Start a new adventure. What seemed exotic when you moved to Thailand now may seem stultifying. What seemed like freedom feels like a cage.

Back in the States you can get the food and culture you miss. I sense that if you never saw a temple or Jasmine rice again you would be happy. Think of that cheese and wine you miss. You say you love it in Thailand but do you.

Sure, the fantasy of a young Thai lady, who you can pretend loves you, is alluring but maybe you could find someone not so pretty in the states who can end your celibacy and give you something you crave - conversation with someone to whom you can relate. 

Your lifestyle might go down a notch in some ways but that could be part of the adventure of a return to the States. 


I have been here since 1971, with a very brief hiatus in order to attend uni in the West.


Do you really think there is anywhere to move "back" to?


I am already either Chinese, or Thai.  There is no other choice, for me, at this late date.



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