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How 'Different' are Girls from the Mountains?


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Even after 13 years in Thailand, I'd never (I hope!) be rash or stupid enough to think that I understand Thai girls and the way that they think and sometimes behave.


Girls from the Doi seem even more an enigma. I have a new friend from near Mae Hong Son and I'd love to understand her and (in dreadful modern parlance) 'relate' to her better.


She can speak a little English - but can she speak only a little Thai? Would she ever admit to not speaking it? Surely (?) education for youngsters from the Doi must be very rudimentary?


She will not tell me if she is from a Doi people. I have had friends before who are Akha, Lisu and Mon (Hmong) - they are similarly reticent. But the  mountain girls can, of course, be stunningly beautiful.


They show me photos of their family homes and seem proud of their heritage but, of course, must consider work in Chiang Mai. There are no opportunities at home.


I love Thai girls but I am always wary of their background if they are from small, isolated communities because of their medical 'history'. Twice I have had friends who discover in their 20s and 30s that they have quite serious medical problems that could have been diagnosed 10 or more years before had they had a hospital or even a decent doctor near their home - and, of course, been able to afford treatment. Some problems must be inherited from mothers similarly placed. I have great sympathy for them but, even in Chiang Mai, when I could afford to help them, they are very reluctant to submit to hospital examination. Typically Thai (?) they don't want to know, are embarrassed and reluctant to admit that there is anything wrong - they are superstitious and fatalistic. The 'regular  Western type' (!) menstrual cycle seems often completely absent.


Do they miss the Doi very much? Are they (sorry to use another cliche) 'closer to nature? Are they instinctive? Limited intellectually? Perhaps, more important, intrinsically kind? Just as money orientated as many Thai girls appear to be (on my limited acquaintanceship!)? Used in their background to be submissive to males?


Or is a girl a girl wherever she comes from? Please tell me more.



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