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Are zoomers any better than boomers?


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Greta says it as it is .

Was about time somebody did .

Remember her speech at the UN ?

She was right . If nothing happens right now , only the usual ' declarations of intent ' , the price to pay for the catastrophic management of an existential crisis will be enormous .

The effects of the continuing climate change will accelerate every year , harvests will be destroyed , famine will become a mass phenomenon . Overpopulation and greed are the roots of too many problems . Ongoing destruction of the biosphere and ecosystems will regulate the problem of the overpopulation , but the damage will be done anyway .


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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I thought it was for the sex.

I can't afford sex here, even though brothels are legal.

Reasonably priced sex brought me here, reasonably priced housing keeps me here.

Where else could I live in a 3 bedroom detached house in a nice quiet area for 9000bht/month?

With a much younger 'Trophy woman' for 13,000bht/month?

Edited by BritManToo
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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


As for her, IMO she's going to wake up one day and realised she's been used by adults, and she's going to be even more angry than she already is, if that's possible.

For such a young person, IMO she has as much anger in her as most accumulate after a long life- sad,.

I'm not buying your narrative.

I think suggesting Greta is a puppet is a vile right wing conspiracy theory transparently designed to suggest that people shouldn't listen to her. She's obviously very genuine and sincere.


I speak as someone who was not famous but still a political activist starting at age 13. Yes I later slipped from my idealism as often happens when people get older, but I wasn't anyone's puppet and I don't think Greta is either.

Edited by Jingthing
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7 minutes ago, malathione said:

Certainly not a good thing but idealism has to be tempered with realism and practicality. Else it achieves nothing except short term noise.

IMO it's all about noise. I see little to nothing about substance.

The things that have been done, like solar, wind, electric cars all made some people very rich. Plenty of things might work well but don't make profit and not done.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Have you considered that humans have exceeded their welcome and the planet is taking steps to either remove us or reduce us to numbers that won't destroy the environment. Planet Earth works on a feed back system, and so far humans have been very much out of synch with the environment.

If we destroyed our environment to the extent that it's now destroying us, we only have ourselves to blame.

IMO it's too late for us to change it, even if our "leaders" wanted to, and I can't see any evidence that they do. Far as I'm concerned it was over for humanity about the time we passed the 3 billion mark.

Wow , you really got it there !

You took the words right out of my mouth .

I am very happy to see that there are others realizing what happens and what needs to be done .

Thank you .

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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Not for one second, the idea of 'Gaia' is on the same level as the idea of a flat earth or alien abduction.

Perhaps you would believe NASA then? Says the same as me but avoids the term Gaia.




How about Penn State University?





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41 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

Greta says it as it is .

Was about time somebody did .

Remember her speech at the UN ?

She was right . If nothing happens right now , only the usual ' declarations of intent ' , the price to pay for the catastrophic management of an existential crisis will be enormous .

The effects of the continuing climate change will accelerate every year , harvests will be destroyed , famine will become a mass phenomenon . Overpopulation and greed are the roots of too many problems . Ongoing destruction of the biosphere and ecosystems will regulate the problem of the overpopulation , but the damage will be done anyway .



I see that you chose your username well.


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57 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

The effects of the continuing climate change will accelerate every year , harvests will be destroyed , famine will become a mass phenomenon .

They were predicting that in the 1970's, 50 years later and no signs of it happening.

In actual fact food production is increasing year on year with no indication of any change.

Intensive farming methods are getting better, factory farming is still in it's infancy.

My prediction is there will always be plenty of food available to people with the ability to earn money.

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

no signs of it happening.

A joke ?


3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

My prediction is there will always be plenty of food available to people with the ability to earn money.

You are an optimist . That is good , but becoming an realist is even better ...

Nothing is for ' always ' or forever , as everything is limited in time .

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57 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I speak as someone who was not famous but still a political activist starting at age 13.

I am asking sincerely, did it benefit anyone? Did you ever change anyone's mind or have any positive effect - - or in retrospect, was it not much more than a waste of time and energy? 


I am asking because I have a brother who did gain some notoriety being somewhat an activist, but I don't see that he gained anything though he did make a living and more eventually and gained notoriety... I went the opposite way... kept quiet and did my own thing. 

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

alien abduction.

I met a guy once who had a pretty credible story of being abducted and taken up to a spaceship... He was strapped down and examined - which is what I think we would do if we found another species on an alien planet... we even do it here... we put ants in an ant farm, we don't say - take me to your leader... 


he was honest enough to admit that he was very stoned at the time and dove his car off the road at night in the middle of the desert. 

Edited by 1FinickyOne
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20 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

We are just destroying ours , so will probably never become a member of that ' club ' . Pity , by destroying what we ultimately need to survive , we , as a species , are bound for extinction .

I see we are singing from the same songbook.

Meanwhile most people on the planet will continue to reproduce in excess of replacement, which is what, IMO, is the cause of the problem in the first place.

A tiny % of privileged people that live in rich countries will complain, but not do much beyond that.

An even tinier % of people will become incredibly rich, selling monorails to Springfield.

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21 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

They were predicting that in the 1970's, 50 years later and no signs of it happening.

In actual fact food production is increasing year on year with no indication of any change.

Intensive farming methods are getting better, factory farming is still in it's infancy.

My prediction is there will always be plenty of food available to people with the ability to earn money.

Theoretically we could survive on Soylent Green, but would any of us want to live in that world?


Otherwise, genetically modified mould might suffice, or insects, or seaweed. But when the population reaches 60 billion, is that a good thing?

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25 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Intensive farming methods are getting better, factory farming is still in it's infancy.

If we resort to factory farming animals just to survive, I think we don't deserve to. While it may be in it's infancy, it's vile and cruel, and should be banned.

Let everyone eat soy, instead.

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On 11/7/2021 at 7:34 AM, BritManToo said:

Sitting at home drinking and watching TV is very cheap.

but it does get boring and rob the few remaining decent years I may have left [right or center as this thread is going- though I am not political I know a good engrossing reality show when I see one] 

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If we resort to factory farming animals just to survive, I think we don't deserve to. While it may be in it's infancy, it's vile and cruel, and should be banned.

Let everyone eat soy, instead.

I was actually thinking of factory farming fruit and veg.

The Mer De Plastico Spanish TV series was a perfect example.

I've also seen similar places in the jungle of Chiang Mai, huge plastic greenhouses producing huge amounts of Bell peppers.


This is how your tomatoes are grown ...........


Edited by BritManToo
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29 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

They were predicting that in the 1970's, 50 years later and no signs of it happening.

In actual fact food production is increasing year on year with no indication of any change.

Intensive farming methods are getting better, factory farming is still in it's infancy.

My prediction is there will always be plenty of food available to people with the ability to earn money.

Did you ever watch the movie Brazil? Their food was really yummy, wasn't it?

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