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65000 B income changing to 100000B

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If 'Integrity Legal'  (laughed, I almost bought a round)  don't get the desired response from this they will be posting this next week:


 1,000,000 Baht monthly income required for Thai Retirement Visas ?


Note the  '?' mark.


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Can't someone find a way to contact the Thai consulate in LA and get them to explain the reason that they are posting rules different than everywhere else on the planet?


Has LA gone rogue?



Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, newyorkcity1 said:

Has anyone heard that this new requirement is coming at some time in the near future.Its up on the Thai consulate L A website under income requirements.If that's true.i'm finished 

That is an error on the page you were looking at.

On this page it still has the correct amount on it. https://thaiconsulatela.org/en/visa/visa-type/non-immigration-category-o-a/


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