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Thailand to lag in tourism recovery despite border reopening: Nomura report


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8 hours ago, morrobay said:

So Thai tourism is doomed. But what about all this very major development planned. Some in the Pattaya area going on ? Reference from post by @Walker88 on page 5 , in the topic: Thai nightlife reopening January 16.   BTW I'm not disagreeing with you , just curious as to such opposing forecasts/expectations. 



They assume everything will be the same, after a two year shutdown, an economy ravaged by Covid, and bad press regarding the reopening. Nothing will be the same. 


What do developers do? They develop. Do they have vision and do they know the future? No, they make bets and assume rosy forecasts. 


Tourism is finished in Thailand. Too much lead pumped into the Golden Goose! 

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Not only is 2022 gone, but so is the future of this once vibrant industry. Likely gone forever. Thailand has simply been forgotten. This is entirely self created. Pure sabotage. 


And let us not forget. Thailand is not the destination it once was. Nothing is improving. Air quality, traffic safety, polluted water, and lack of high speed transit are still major issues. Clogged highways, higher prices, fewer happy people, frustration with the feeble, horrific and oppressive leadership, immigration issues, restrictions, destruction of the nightlife, etc. 


None of the problems plaguing tourism prior to Covid were addressed. NONE. 


Thailand is now a nation in reverse. Moving backwards into oblivion and irrelevance. And the Thai people are doing nothing to stop the regression. At least not yet. 





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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Tourism is finished in Thailand

That's a helluva statement........................ do you really stand by that, or perhaps acknowledge that it will bounce back in time?...................................personally, I believe it will as it has too many assets...................namely location close to China, the Thai culture, lovely beaches and nature etc, a delicious cuisine and in my experience, fun loving people......I've probably forgot loads of other assets, but................................

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Thailand is now a nation in reverse. Moving backwards into oblivion and irrelevance.

As a South East Asian tourist destination, it has certainly been diluted of late.........................

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4 minutes ago, bojo said:

That's a helluva statement........................ do you really stand by that, or perhaps acknowledge that it will bounce back in time?...................................personally, I believe it will as it has too many assets...................namely location close to China, the Thai culture, lovely beaches and nature etc, a delicious cuisine and in my experience, fun loving people......I've probably forgot loads of other assets, but................................

Yeah. I double down. It feels like willful sabotage. You cannot kill tourism more effectively, if you were doing it deliberately. Therefore, the verdict is in. They are trying to reduce the industry to ashes, and rebuild it in their own image. That of saints, sages and holy Buddhists. Put all the bars, nightclubs, go-go's, and related businesses out of business entirely. Then rebuild the industry as a Disneyworld, family type attraction. Pure as winter snow. 


Of course we all know this will be a dismal failure. I expect no more than 4-5 million tourists a year, 5-10 years from now, and for that trend of diminishing arrivals to continue, for the next 50 years. News bulletin! They killed the golden goose. 


It is time to admit that the tourism industry has been sabotaged to the point where it will never recover, to any meaningful extent. Ever. Decades from now it will be limping along, and thousands of large hotels will either be closed, or they will attempt to convert them into low priced condos. Eventually many will be razed to the ground. Trillions of dollars in tourism infrastructure down the toilet. Prayuth, Phiphat will go down in history as the men who destroyed the Thai economy, and set the nation on a scorched earth path toward a position of 80th in the world, in GDP, and a dramatic decline of the standard of living, for all but him, his cronies, and the very rich. 

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It is time to admit that the tourism industry has been sabotaged to the point where it will never recover, to any meaningful extent. Ever. Decades from now it will be limping along, and thousands of large hotels will either be closed, or they will attempt to convert them into low priced condos. Eventually many will be razed to the ground. Trillions of dollars in tourism infrastructure down the toilet. Prayuth, Phiphat will go down in history as the men who destroyed the Thai economy, and set the nation on a scorched earth path toward a position of 80th in the world, in GDP, and a dramatic decline of the standard of living, for all but him, his cronies, and the very rich. 

Well, you're either a visonary or perhaps your utter distain for the current powers that be are curtailing/blinkering any potential positivity in the country as well as it's tourist industry. They certainly are becoming more and more China's lackey, no news there. Whether that drops them 56 places in world ranking, I'm not sure, nor do I believe that tourism is finished for the reasons and more I stated above................................... ......................................I come across many of your posts and feel your frustration in them, I'm hoping they're clouding your predictions above and not gonna be reality................

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42 minutes ago, bojo said:

Well, you're either a visonary or perhaps your utter distain for the current powers that be are curtailing/blinkering any potential positivity in the country as well as it's tourist industry. They certainly are becoming more and more China's lackey, no news there. Whether that drops them 56 places in world ranking, I'm not sure, nor do I believe that tourism is finished for the reasons and more I stated above................................... ......................................I come across many of your posts and feel your frustration in them, I'm hoping they're clouding your predictions above and not gonna be reality................

For the sake of the Thai people, I certainly hope my predictions are wrong! 


And yes, I could not despise or disrespect the leadership more. And I think 98% of Thailand feels the same way. They have failed miserably. 

Edited by spidermike007
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11 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Guns, tanks, chemically enhanced water cannons and over enthusiastic protectors of the Generals with batons probably has a lot to do with that argument ! ???? 

Indeed but it goes beyond that; more apathy and subservience. Asians in general and acceptance of what is. 

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Well considering that it is not any easier to get into most of Asia, I was kind of thinking

that this Winter of 2021 into 2022 would be pretty dismal as far as a big improvement

 in tourist numbers will be.  I think I will be right. I guess the Winter of 2022 into 2023 may

be the real start for some international tourism. When I see the big spikes in Europe and Russia

and other countries, it is possible that the 5th wave in the northern hemisphere may be a shock

to many.  I have not looked at the numbers in the Southern hemisphere, but I doubt that this pandemic

will be at an end in the near future.  Has Africa, or most of the ME, or South America gotten their

populations all vaccinated?  Not by a long shot.  So there will be many countries who will be lagging

behind their hopeful predictions.



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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

They assume everything will be the same, after a two year shutdown, an economy ravaged by Covid, and bad press regarding the reopening. Nothing will be the same. 


What do developers do? They develop. Do they have vision and do they know the future? No, they make bets and assume rosy forecasts. 


Tourism is finished in Thailand. Too much lead pumped into the Golden Goose! 

All too reasoned, Mike. 

By their recent actions, policies and practices, it appears that they really don't want tourists in their midst. 


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21 hours ago, morrobay said:

So Thai tourism is doomed. But what about all this very major development planned. Some in the Pattaya area going on ? Reference from post by @Walker88 on page 5 , in the topic: Thai nightlife reopening January 16.   BTW I'm not disagreeing with you , just curious as to such opposing forecasts/expectations. 



Thanks for the link which I read and hope you are OK that I have copied and pasted a small part of the report in italics . All I can say is that they must have a top of the range crystal ball .


Transforming Pattaya—a former recreational playground for U.S. servicemen during the Vietnam War with a sleazy reputation as a sex tourism destination—seems like a high-stakes gamble. But Wallappa doesn’t think so, saying she believes that a new international airport proposed to be built by 2023 and planned rail links connecting Pattaya to Bangkok’s two airports, plus a monorail that will run right by the AWC Center, could turn it into a global getaway like Phuket. 


One thing that was not mentioned is the inclusion of a casino but I believe this will happen .Pattaya is to become a resort for the rich people within the next 4 years or that at least is the plan and if its bars and ladies that you want , then it's off to Phuket .

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