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Bars and Girls.


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4 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

Yes a smaller portion,  as stated, but if water, which it often is, or if in someones villa, not a bar the begging and con continues.   Ladies no longer need the bars.  They actually  have all the power.  Just as many Thais are learning  that the power of social mrdia and apos are replacing  them.  The only thing one needs do now is go sit in the bar with the manager and buy them drinks.  The ladiies ate earning more outside of the bars, and instead of giving a bar fine the ladies get a tip on top.  This puts more money in thier pockets saves the punter cash, and cuts the bar out completely.   The bar scene  will eventually  die off.  I There has actually  been articles published on this subject.   Yes some bars will survive and still have, but their numbers will drop, as the future approaches  whether anyone admits it.

No bars so back to regular kerb crawling again. Proper lush.

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1 hour ago, WEBBYB808 said:

What ever makes you feel better.  You think those girls are checked?  Lol. Either way it doesn't matter,  as the girls in the bars are the ones on the apps, so once again forget the bar fine.  Give it to the ladies as a tip.  The bars are a Sausage fest now, and the ladies wont even think of returning after the new year.  So go ahead venture in to the bar where theres maybe two ladies and ten dudes.  Lol.  The way of the bars is being pushed away.  Walking street is being leveled, the current  government  wants the bar scene gone, the ladies are on line, the bars have raised their prices, and so much more in this equation.   But you go ahead, and think that all will be the way it was.  The times have changed, and the only purpose  of the bar now is alcohol.   The ladies have had two years to adapt and learn they dont need the pimps and bars, and that there are plenty of tourists  visiting  to exploit what they can't in other countries, on line.  A good atmosphere,  and good service,  rotflmao, you obviously  haven't been in one of these traps and hole in the walls that are being torn down.  You sound like you are trying to compare it to fine dining.   


Once again the same ladies you think so highly  of at the bars. Are all on line, its just a matter of cutting the pimp out.

It's always interesting to read the expert opinions of the people in the know - or at least the people who think they know.

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41 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

That is a myth that's been busted many times

Some are, some aren't. A manager who wants to keep his business and his customers is interested in clean girls, including no HIV. With the ladies on the streets, good luck! At least for some of them there is a reason why they don't work in bars even if they would like to work in bars.

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10 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Some are, some aren't. A manager who wants to keep his business and his customers is interested in clean girls, including no HIV. With the ladies on the streets, good luck! At least for some of them there is a reason why they don't work in bars even if they would like to work in bars.

Are you saying that bars regulary check their female workers for HIV and those who are found to have the virus are not allowed to work in the bar and then work on the streets ?

  So, you are saying that many street working girls are HIV + ?

   What is that based on ?

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14 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Some are, some aren't. A manager who wants to keep his business and his customers is interested in clean girls, including no HIV. With the ladies on the streets, good luck! At least for some of them there is a reason why they don't work in bars even if they would like to work in bars.

That's also a myth, often they don't work in bars because it's more lucrative online or on the street, i recall one beach road girl in Pattaya was so popular she must have had 10 in a day easily. Don't believe the girls are getting regularly tested, some maybe but most aren't

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7 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Are you saying that bars regulary check their female workers for HIV and those who are found to have the virus are not allowed to work in the bar and then work on the streets ?

  So, you are saying that many street working girls are HIV + ?

   What is that based on ?

I am saying that some go-go bars check their girls.

And I am saying that responsible managers and owners who know that a girl has HIV won't employ her to take care of customers.

Why do I know? Because I know a few bar owners and I visit go-go bars and talk with the girls since more than 20 years. Obviously I don't have an exact statistic how many bars check their girls. And I don't know how many manager ignore HIV. I know some owners and managers care and check.

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3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

That's also a myth, often they don't work in bars because it's more lucrative online or on the street, i recall one beach road girl in Pattaya was so popular she must have had 10 in a day easily. Don't believe the girls are getting regularly tested, some maybe but most aren't

Can we agree that lots of street creatures, often heavy drug users, would not get a job in a bar - at least not in an at least half decent bar?

I am sure some girls who could work in bars prefer not to. Sure. And it seems lots of girls like to work in a bar or to be more precise they work in what they call "their bar". They are familiar with the place, know the other girls, know the customers, etc.


What irritates me with some comments here when they talk about pimps and complain about all the money they make with the girls. I don't know if people who write this here don't know what pimps are or they don't care and put everybody in the same box.

Thai bars for Thai guys are sometimes places where the girls have to work and can't just walk away and they have to do what the boss tells them. I know these places exist but I don't (want to) go there. Basically in all farang oriented bars girls decide to work there. They could, and often enough do, just walk away if they don't want to work there anymore. Many get a salary. (Almost?) all get part of the money which customers pay for the lady drinks. Many girls choose to work in their bar because they want it and see it as a good opportunity to meet new customers and regular customers.


Obviously some girls and some customers think differently. Fine. But I find it hilarious when some guys, especially when they joined this forum just recently, pretend they know all and they think all guys must think exactly the same way as they think. No, that happens only in your imagination. 

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

The first two weeks with my soon to be Thai wife, she drank 6 Spy and vomited everywhere.

Lucky for me we were staying at her friends house and not my condo.

I don't need to get a girl drunk to go home with me, I just need to pay her.

You pay them to vomit ?


Thats a kink ive not heard before !!

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3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Can we agree that lots of street creatures, often heavy drug users, would not get a job in a bar - at least not in an at least half decent bar?

I am sure some girls who could work in bars prefer not to. Sure. And it seems lots of girls like to work in a bar or to be more precise they work in what they call "their bar". They are familiar with the place, know the other girls, know the customers, etc.


What irritates me with some comments here when they talk about pimps and complain about all the money they make with the girls. I don't know if people who write this here don't know what pimps are or they don't care and put everybody in the same box.

Thai bars for Thai guys are sometimes places where the girls have to work and can't just walk away and they have to do what the boss tells them. I know these places exist but I don't (want to) go there. Basically in all farang oriented bars girls decide to work there. They could, and often enough do, just walk away if they don't want to work there anymore. Many get a salary. (Almost?) all get part of the money which customers pay for the lady drinks. Many girls choose to work in their bar because they want it and see it as a good opportunity to meet new customers and regular customers.


Obviously some girls and some customers think differently. Fine. But I find it hilarious when some guys, especially when they joined this forum just recently, pretend they know all and they think all guys must think exactly the same way as they think. No, that happens only in your imagination. 

I know girls who worked beach road that then moved to agogos and the other way round, they often move around including massage, not all but many. Agogo and bar girls are as likely to be on drugs as freelancers, of course the homeless ones are a different story

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

No bars so back to regular kerb crawling again. Proper lush.

Actually  turns out they are all open illegally right now.  None are officially  authorized. as only restaurants have gotten SHA+ to sale alcohol.   The bars are doing it out of desperation.   At some point  the Bib will do something.  I wouldn't  want to be one caught in these bars.  It should also be said, that prostitution  doesn't exist in Los

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49 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

I dont play games and what is Truvada ?

Lol. Tuvada is the prep meds for sexually active  people that have a risky sex life.  It is preventing hiv if one has sex with an infected person.   There are people around with HIV in Thailand 

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10 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

I could explain  it to you but I can't  make you understand,   If this platform allowed me the ability  to write in crayon, then perhaps you had a chance.  So, by your definition  if you pay for a Porsche,  but get a Ford. Then you don't  see a problem?  Its all a scam period.

I'll try to make you understand.  Doubtful but maybe some others will benefit. 


Is the drink what you are paying for?  If she is presented with a generous shot of top shelf tequila and immediately  goes away to be with someone else or her phone did you get good value? Are you happy? 


The drink, tequila or water, is irrelevant because:


1.  It's not for  you to drink and she likely doesn't want it.

2.  You are really paying for a girl to sit and pretend she likes you

3.  There isn't enough tequila in the bar to make you a desirable hansum man.

4.   Complaining about her drink marks you as a cheap charlie or a tedious old grouch. 


Didn't even make you think, did it?    

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3 hours ago, amexpat said:

I'll try to make you understand.  Doubtful but maybe some others will benefit. 


Is the drink what you are paying for?  If she is presented with a generous shot of top shelf tequila and immediately  goes away to be with someone else or her phone did you get good value? Are you happy? 


The drink, tequila or water, is irrelevant because:


1.  It's not for  you to drink and she likely doesn't want it.

2.  You are really paying for a girl to sit and pretend she likes you

3.  There isn't enough tequila in the bar to make you a desirable hansum man.

4.   Complaining about her drink marks you as a cheap charlie or a tedious old grouch. 


Didn't even make you think, did it?    

No the person buying the drink specifically  names the drink they pay for. Ie: I am buying  A shot of Sambuca  for star.  They go pour the water,, and tell the buyer its Sambuca.   Thats wrong no matter how you attempt to spin it.  A Porsche is a Porsche and a Fords a Ford.  You remind me of a Joke since you don't  comprehend.   Im sorry I dont have an etch-a-sketch to help you ger it.  So a car pulls up to a stop sign, slows down and then keeps going.  A patrol car turns on the lights pulls the car over, approaches the driver.  Ask the Driver why he ran the stop sign.  The driver tells the officer that he slowed down.  The officer informs the driver, but you didnt stop.  The driver insist, but I slowed down.  Once again the officer says, but you didnt stop.  The driver says but I slowed down.  The officer  can see tge driver just only wants it his way and thats the only way it is.  Reaches in the car yanks out the driver and starts beating  the driver with the billy stick.  Then the officer yells, now do you want me to stop, or slow down?  You would be the driver, refusing to believe  someone should get what they ordered, and paid for as thats what the lady asked to buy.  The bar and the lady are in on the schemes,  they knew all along that there would not be alcohol  in the purchase.  

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What a long and pointless analogy. 


You remind me of a poker game I played in where the buy in included lunch and a beer.

One player who was an AA member said "I don't drink so can I get a  beer and pour  it out"?

Same mentality. And unreachable. 


If you could drop your childish fear of being taken advantage of, you might observe that Asia has many rituals that are not to be taken literally.  At some funerals or remembrances they burn "money". But, but, but, it's not real money!  Sin sot may be proudly presented at a wedding and quietly returned later, etc. 


Lighten up and enjoy the girls. 


BTW, I didn't get your answer to this:

Is the drink what you are paying for?  If she is presented with a generous shot of top shelf tequila and immediately  goes away to be with someone else or her phone did you get good value? Are you happy? 



Edited by amexpat
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12 minutes ago, amexpat said:



BTW, I didn't get your answer to this:

Is the drink what you are paying for?  If she is presented with a generous shot of top shelf tequila and immediately  goes away to be with someone else or her phone did you get good value? Are you happy? 



I feel sorry for girls who have to put up with guys like him. Believe they can force them to drink alchohol for not have their feelings of being conned, feel obligated to be barfined by them because of a few lady drinks, what a <deleted> world it is. 


There are so many creatures out there with some ideas how girls are and how the bar scene should be. 


It is a game, it is a theater, it can be nice, and it can be obvious stressfull for some punters. 


It is what it is, take it or leave it. 

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15 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

Lol. Tuvada is the prep meds for sexually active  people that have a risky sex life.  It is preventing hiv if one has sex with an infected person.   There are people around with HIV in Thailand 

Chance of catching HIV from unprotected sex with an infected woman is allegedly 1 in 10,000.

You'd need to be the unluckiest guy in the world.

Edited by BritManToo
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11 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

No the person buying the drink specifically  names the drink they pay for. Ie: I am buying  A shot of Sambuca  for star.  They go pour the water,, and tell the buyer its Sambuca.   Thats wrong no matter how you attempt to spin it.  A Porsche is a Porsche and a Fords a Ford

When I buy a 'lady drink' it's on the understanding I get to feel her up for 10 minutes, while negotiating a price to take her home. Why anyone would buy a 'lady drink' online is absolutely beyond me, why they would care what the drink is, is even further out there!

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20 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

True, but wouldn't  you want to know if you were being tricked.  Anyway, the future  approaches  fast, and apps are snuffing out the bars.  Time will tell whats the reality. 

While I'd never go on line to give money to the girls, if I was that stupid I'd hope that I was helping them financially and whatever they actually drank would not concern me a jot.

Don't know why you are so intent on getting them drunk, but that's not my business.



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15 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

Lol. Tuvada is the prep meds for sexually active  people that have a risky sex life.  It is preventing hiv if one has sex with an infected person.   There are people around with HIV in Thailand 

Interdasting, what is defined as a risky sex life ?


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A story : I entered a bar and one of the girls whom I knew a long time but never asked me for a drink and I never bought her one asked me for a drink this time. I knew she needed money because she was building a house and this was going stepwise, when there was no money the work was stopped. I asked her, how much is a drink ; 150 baht, how much is in it for you ; 50 baht. So when I give you 100 baht we both make a profit of 50 baht right ? It took her some time to figure this out but in the end she agreed and her big smile was like a reward to me.

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3 minutes ago, Albert Zweistein said:

A story : I entered a bar and one of the girls whom I knew a long time but never asked me for a drink and I never bought her one asked me for a drink this time. I knew she needed money because she was building a house and this was going stepwise, when there was no money the work was stopped. I asked her, how much is a drink ; 150 baht, how much is in it for you ; 50 baht. So when I give you 100 baht we both make a profit of 50 baht right ? It took her some time to figure this out but in the end she agreed and her big smile was like a reward to me.

Was that enough for her to finish off building her house ?

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