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Jet Gorgon

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When someone says they know everything they know nothing yet.A real master will never admit he is one,he will say he still learns every day from every person and every situation.

Take for example the Dalai Lama.these are people I utmost respect not the ones who say what education they have done.That is more a thing of getting things done cause you want it,a lot of work load and remeberings things ,it is also a accomplishment,but it goes to far when they compare this with knowing it all.

Life is more then knowledge and money.

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When I first came here it took me just a couple of hours to be shocked by the level of corruption that's obviously deeply embeeded in Thai mentality ... for a few days I felt weird about myself, meeting other tourist who would be so full of love with those oh so nice and friendly Thais, I always was outcasted because I asked questions about those scams which didn't seem to exist to tourist

good thing I had a meeting a couple of days later with a business associate who stayed here for more then 20 years already ... my observations turned out to be very right

Jet, some people are just faster and smarter then others

I read Hawkins about 15 years ago ;-)

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What about if the person who is 'crapping on' to you doesnt know his arse from his elbow?

I think you answered that at the beginning of another recent post with a letter requesting permission from the mods to be allowed to ....... the above mentioned person. :o


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Life is more then knowledge and money.

Nah. I go for knowledge and money. That is what this life is about.

But what about those newbies' views, just so we stay on topic?

Okay Jet, you where all newbies to me when i first joined TV, mostly it has been a positive experience :o

Kind regards :D

Edited by larvidchr
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Everyone has something to contribute, and many people would do well to contribute silence.

I get sick of people telling me all the things that are wrong and stuff. And also I don't really like my left foot, it has a bit of a bone spur on it. And my shirt suffered a coffee stain today.

So. If some smart person can tell me how I can fix my bone spur and also perhaps address the coffee stain, then I will be very appreciative.

Otherwise, I shall continue to distribute pointless and useless commentary on anything I can find. After all, if anyone should contribute silence to a debate about know-it-all farangs it should be me. I am the diametric opposite, being a thick as pig poo look krueng who knows nothing. Given the circular nature of the universe, that makes me the same as a know-it-all farang.

But with a coffee stain on my shirt and a bone spur.

So how about Team New Zealand winning the LV Challenge. Let's just say that made me feel marginally better about my bone spur. But not that much.

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I fail to grasp why so many people view Thailand and Thais as un-fathomable.

The country is a mire of ignorance and corruption with a poorly educated majority that simply don't know how to change things, or lack the will to do so. However, the golf is cheap.

The people are a happy go lucky bunch that rarely have depth or curosity but maintain a childish charm civilised attitudes and are pleasing on the eye. Plus the golf is cheap.

The biggest mistake we make is the assumption that Thais can or want to raise their game to accepted western standards. This leads us to get peaced off and visit Thai visa and search for an answer.

Lest we forget, the golf is cheap.

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even worse than people who just got off the plane 5 minutes ago and claim to know everything are the ones who have been here 10-20 years, never moved from the same bar stool and claim to know it all and like to talk down to people when in fact they are so out of touch with what is going on all around them and in reality they know F-all.

Then there are the ones that aren't even here! They either couldn't hack it here or never have lived here! Should we mention the ones that have been here ages and can't manage to have a conversation in Thai?

Yeah, illiterates turn me on!

How about the ones that claim to have been everywhere and done evrything? But those claims lack substance?

What about the ones that have a wife/gf/bf etc ... that can't manage 20 minutes alone wandering around outside the tourist/expat zones?

then of course there are the folks that manage to get scammed by everyone that walks talks and speaks Thai .... or the ones that had a wife/gf/bf burn them and now don't trust anyone :o


<then there is me .... only been here 4 years ... never a victim of a bad scam .... and still love it!>

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even worse than people who just got off the plane 5 minutes ago and claim to know everything are the ones who have been here 10-20 years, never moved from the same bar stool and claim to know it all and like to talk down to people when in fact they are so out of touch with what is going on all around them and in reality they know F-all.

Then there are the ones that aren't even here! They either couldn't hack it here or never have lived here! Should we mention the ones that have been here ages and can't manage to have a conversation in Thai?

Yeah, illiterates turn me on!

How about the ones that claim to have been everywhere and done evrything? But those claims lack substance?

What about the ones that have a wife/gf/bf etc ... that can't manage 20 minutes alone wandering around outside the tourist/expat zones?

then of course there are the folks that manage to get scammed by everyone that walks talks and speaks Thai .... or the ones that had a wife/gf/bf burn them and now don't trust anyone :D


<then there is me .... only been here 4 years ... never a victim of a bad scam .... and still love it!>

i love the ones who tell me how to run my business yet theres is failing and mine has been thriving over 12 years :o

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Everyone has something to contribute, and many people would do well to contribute silence.

I get sick of people telling me all the things that are wrong and stuff. And also I don't really like my left foot, it has a bit of a bone spur on it. And my shirt suffered a coffee stain today.

So. If some smart person can tell me how I can fix my bone spur and also perhaps address the coffee stain, then I will be very appreciative.

Otherwise, I shall continue to distribute pointless and useless commentary on anything I can find. After all, if anyone should contribute silence to a debate about know-it-all farangs it should be me. I am the diametric opposite, being a thick as pig poo look krueng who knows nothing. Given the circular nature of the universe, that makes me the same as a know-it-all farang.

But with a coffee stain on my shirt and a bone spur.

So how about Team New Zealand winning the LV Challenge. Let's just say that made me feel marginally better about my bone spur. But not that much.

try lemon juice on the coffee satin and an axe head on the bone spur.

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I always gave info when asked, but newbies spouting the right and wrong ways of doing things in Thailand always irked me.

They've been in Thailand ten minutes, and they already know the whole landscape. Especially why you got ripped off and they did not. Experiences, posters?

Dont really know you, so can not trully judge, but when I read this I read the arrogance between the lines.

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i love the ones who tell me how to run my business yet theres is failing and mine has been thriving over 12 years :o

I'm with you on that one brother...

Best of all is getting advice on how to make my business in the Pro AV industry succeed from people who never run a business or have recently bought a new Hi Fi system.


With regards to this forum, I tend to find that the people with high post counts are the most likely to actually read, digest, sort out the garbage & then dish out their honest opinion about subjects that they are familiar with, not just make rash statements & crap on about subjects they have no idea about.

Believe it or not, I think the more experienced (high post count) members on this forum couldn't care less about a newbie's post count, they generally are looking to see if the newbie has anything important or interesting to say & will respond accordingly.

Cheers & welcome to all newbies.


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The whole generalization is wrong...

I put it in different way. I differentiate between those who I will be willing to share a beer and a conversation outside this forum, and those who I would not.......I am sure that these two groups are pretty well balanced between news and old.

Now, the attitude of "I know it all", even if I know nothing, it is part of the developed countries culture. Not sure if it is self-confidence, arrogance or a mix of both. You have to cope with it guys!

Edited by torito
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You know, when you do a visa run, you can always count on there being one f#*^wit amongst the group.

funnily enough, i don't know. i have never done a visa run.

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Sorry, I have not read all the responses to the OP. I will do later.

"Newbies" can shed a different light on things.

Some, not all of you "Old Timers" can be set in your ways.

The saying "this is the way have always done it" is no longer applicaple.

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I am gonna have to get to work though! I only have 5 posts per day compared to some people's 15! :o

or did the OP NOT mean newbies to ThaiVisa? :D

Edited by jdinasia
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even worse than people who just got off the plane 5 minutes ago and claim to know everything are the ones who have been here 10-20 years, never moved from the same bar stool and claim to know it all and like to talk down to people when in fact they are so out of touch with what is going on all around them and in reality they know F-all.

hear, hear

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Yeah I would have to say Chanchao really said it best "If you still meet newbie foreigners then you're still too much of a newbie yourself. smile.gif

" I don't really even run into those kind of people any more. Except when I'm outside of Thailand. I usually just let them go on about what ever and pretty much tune them out. Though I do find the need to sort them out when they say silly crap like derogatory remarks about Thai women in general, or assume it's a poverty stricken 3rd world country, or assume it's a haven for pedo's or something equally as moronic.

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Yeah I would have to say Chanchao really said it best "If you still meet newbie foreigners then you're still too much of a newbie yourself. smile.gif

" I don't really even run into those kind of people any more. Except when I'm outside of Thailand. I usually just let them go on about what ever and pretty much tune them out. Though I do find the need to sort them out when they say silly crap like derogatory remarks about Thai women in general, or assume it's a poverty stricken 3rd world country, or assume it's a haven for pedo's or something equally as moronic.

Or............"they eat dogs there!!!!"

That one REALLY pisses me off :o


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