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Better not to be helpful or caring


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Mans best friend,Thailand especially,his real best friend is a dashcam ,mounted front and back.  

 Had accident Oh dear!    the gathering madding crowd,fingers pointing,no witnesses  cept Thais


Threats counter threats ,life hung in balance  ,ins guy arrives, spots what others dont behind plastic film on windscreen ...dashcam...lol   like an accident never did happen, all vanished 


Love the time a gullible falls for an "accident"

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2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Yes, completely unacceptable to touch children just because they fell over , its the parents job to help their kids

While I wouldn't be giving any kids a cuddle, parents don't always follow their kids around all day ( at least normal ones ).

However, in this ridiculous OTT PC world, perhaps they do.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

While I wouldn't be giving any kids a cuddle, parents don't always follow their kids around all day ( at least normal ones ).

However, in this ridiculous OTT PC world, perhaps they do.

Well, I'm in Thailand, and every evening all the children are out and about in the village (guards on the gate won't let them out or non-residents in). The rule is, nearest adult picks the screaming (bleeding?) kid up off the ground, dusts them down, wipes off the blood, and sends them back to the pack.


Seems to work fairly well.

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Well, I'm in Thailand, and every evening all the children are out and about in the village (guards on the gate won't let them out or non-residents in). The rule is, nearest adult picks the screaming (bleeding?) kid up off the ground, dusts them down, wipes off the blood, and sends them back to the pack.


Seems to work fairly well.

My comment about an OTT PC world was about the west. Thankfully Thailand has not ( yet ) lost it's mind to western insanity.

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Each situation is individual and to be evaluated individually while at the same time not forgetting out humanity.



I’ve stopped and helped before ( a drunk lad came off his bike, smashed his head (no helmet)), we were right behind him, saw what happened, first at the scene, driving past and ignoring what had unfolded in front of my eyes was not an option. 

Helped the guy, made sure he was breathing, organised a few more folk who came out of the woodwork, got them to go back down the road a little and turn on the torch on their smart phones so other cars didn’t hit us (it was 3 am). Ambulance arrived and that was that. 


I also stopped when I recorded a ‘hit and run’ on my dash cam. A motorcycle came out of a side street without looking and went straight into another motorcycle, both came off. Offender picked up his bike and carried on, the ‘victim’ was hurt (not badly), I helped him and when the police arrived I sent him the Dash-cam footage.


There are also times I wouldn’t help... i.e. very late at night, dark road, Wife and Son in the car, too dangerous to stop and risk a lorry or speeding drunk piling into us. 



I’m not at all concerned about having the finger of blame being pointed in my direction. I’ve been here long enough to know that it has happened to some people, but also long enough to know how to deal with such dumb people, even if it is a policeman. 


Holding the door open.... Its an alien concept to a lot of people here in Thailand, I see the effort people go to to speed up and ’slide through’ the small gap just to not have to hold a door open... All very amusing. 

I’ll hold a door open, or rather, I’ll leave a trailing hand to hold the door open for the person following me, that just basic decency, but I’ve learnt not to stand there like a door-man as scores of people go through without so much as a thank you or a nod. 



And if anyone falls over near me and needs help, a child, a lady and man, then I’ll help, I’d expect anyone to do the same. 




Story time: Back in London I was crossing at a pedestrian crossing, a lady (I use that term very loosely), was having difficulty getting ‘up the kerb in the other side, the ‘lip’ was too high. 

As I approached, I saw the difficulty she was having, I asked “can I offer some help”.... the very polite answer....”Please, F$@K off” !!!!.... So I did and left her struggling to get up the kerb... 











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It's interesting to know that some people are following their one-time experience for their long lifetime.

Once I asked a friend I see you do not like Italians, why? He said, many years ago in a lift one Italian stepped on my toe... 

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45 minutes ago, olfu said:

I used to work for government and was told specifically not to be involved in anything

except calling police and report happening.

And yet another example of the "I'm from the Gov't and here to help you"

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18 hours ago, seedy said:

Sad state of affairs - when people will not help others.

Those that refuse should be ashamed - not that they are.

Me Me Me

I did use to help people I didn't know, but get exploited for long enough and even those naive as I will see the light.


I've noticed that gratitude from those that I helped has evaporated . I used to pull over on the road so those that wished to drive faster than I could overtake, and most would toot as they passed to say thank you. Never happens now.

Seems to me that gratitude has been replaced by a sense of entitlement

When nurses in an A&E are assaulted by those they are trying to help, it says to me that society is <deleted>.

In such a <deleted> world, why would any want to help another, and when we do it is rare that the helped says as much as "thank you".


Now, I'll only help those that I know and deserve my help, but I will help them.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In such a <deleted> world, why would any want to help another, and when we do it is rare that the helped says as much as "thank you".

Because it is the right thing to do.

Imagine if YOU were the one needing help.

To expect kindness in return is YOUR problem.

Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings or other animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of various religious and secular worldviews. Wikipedia

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On 12/16/2021 at 2:53 PM, BritManToo said:

Why would you want to help a woman you didn't know, and didn't want to have sex with?

Those women are our enemies, somewhere in the world is a guy they betrayed!

Why would I NOT want to help a woman you didn't know, and didn't want to have sex with?


Those women are our enemies, somewhere in the world is a guy they betrayed!


No they are not. Perhaps in your mind but certainly not in my mind.

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

No they are not. Perhaps in your mind but certainly not in my mind.

In my own way I'm a bit of a philanthropist.

I've helped many young Thai ladies pay their educational fees and living expenses.

Edited by BritManToo
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On 12/20/2021 at 8:19 PM, billd766 said:

Why would I NOT want to help a woman you didn't know, and didn't want to have sex with?


Those women are our enemies, somewhere in the world is a guy they betrayed!


No they are not. Perhaps in your mind but certainly not in my mind.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but that's all it is. Our opinion is just as valid.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Right thing in who's opinion?

Most people I to see around don't care about anyone else. Why should I be different?

Many are inconsiderate <deleted> that actually make life unpleasant for others eg the thousands of gang members and criminals in NZ that are not in the habit of helping others, though they will help themselves to other's money or possessions.

IMO it's enough not to cause others harm.


I never expect anyone to help me.

Too late to edit, but that last sentence should read "I never expect anyone to help me that isn't paid to do so".

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On 12/20/2021 at 2:19 PM, billd766 said:

Why would I NOT want to help a woman you didn't know, and didn't want to have sex with?

How about,

She stands up and start screaming that you touched her. The police arrive and arrest you for sexual assault.


Not an entirely impossible scenario in this day and age.

Why take the risk?

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On 12/20/2021 at 12:53 PM, seedy said:

Because it is the right thing to do.

Imagine if YOU were the one needing help.

To expect kindness in return is YOUR problem.

Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings or other animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of various religious and secular worldviews. Wikipedia

What a load of c.rap.  Had accident? the only help in TH you will get is helped into ambulance ,taken to private hospital where they will bleed you white,fact it they will rob you blind

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1 hour ago, seedy said:

I will amend my post ...

Only help people in LOS who are Thai.

Never help the angry, bitter, frustrated, uneducated, narcissistic, entitled, racist, bigoted, P and M Foreigners

I think your 'anti' sentence describes more Thais, than foreigners. 

I admit I'm probably a bit of a narcissist, but don't recognise the other insults in myself.


Angry, hardly ever and then only a bit shouty for a minute or two.

Bitter, maybe, my Brit wife treated me horribly, but the Thai ladies have all been great.

Frustrated, not in Thailand, there are ladies prepared to fix that everywhere.

Uneducated, science degree and postgrad.

Entitled, nope I worked hard for everything I have.

Racist, my best pal is black, and my misses and kids are brown.

Bigoted, more an insult to apply to people that don't agree with you.

P & M, no idea what you mean.

Edited by BritManToo
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On 12/17/2021 at 2:36 AM, Mac Mickmanus said:

Yes, completely unacceptable to touch children just because they fell over , its the parents job to help their kids

I remember not too long ago, I was at an airport waiting for my flight. Early as it happens. For some reason, children gravitate towards me and somehow two children ended up playing games with me. 

Parents left me with them and wandered off ???? I'm not sure that I even exchanged words with the parents. 

It's sad that trust is now often considered a dirty word. 

I will continue to help and to find people whom I can trust and who trust me. Without that; life is empty.


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