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Thailand reports 7,526 new COVID-19 cases


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8 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Indeed.  Just imagine how many symptomless people there are who are not bothering to get tested at all, and are just walking around with "a cold"!

The point was more that they were asymptomatic, so didn't test until a mandatory workplace test. It's not about 'not bothering' but these guys make about 500 baht a day so obviously won't be buying the available tests at 199 baht. The cheap ones can't be trusted apparently.

How many of us would be perpetually buying test kits at nearly half a day's wages? Not me that's for sure. 


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14 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Using saliva samples or throat swabs might be one way around the problem

Maybe that's why Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Rai used two swabs, one in the throat and one in the mouth.


Still negative, just like the 2 other PCR tests I took and 4 antigen tests.


In my experience, Delta was more dangerous, resulting in a breakthrough case undectable by a PCR test on day 3 of peak symptoms ( suspected false negative because of mutation in DNA sequence the PCR test was trying to match). ????

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people should read Daily mail online which has some very interesting data 


look for "Omicron may be nearly 100 TIMES less deadly than flu, scientists say"


I also think it is time to start focus  reporting this as omicron and not general covid

Edited by smedly
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20 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Just saw the numbers posted on the news,  There is quite a jump upwards, ut then this is just from PCR tests and without the ATK tests added in.  I think that with testing at home being available many of the positive ATK test results may never be reported unles the person truly needs assistance and goes to a hospital where a PCR test is given.  How many of the ATK tests that do get posted are then followed up with a PCR test and then those positives counted either the next day or days after.  It is a vicious cycle.  In the US most of the ATK tests are not being performed at home but in facilities where those positives are then counted in the total case loads.  


With the New Years Holiday only 6 days past and people just returning this week, I think we will not see the true spread for about another 14 days and then hopefully we see the peak as many other countries are seeing after about 30 days before the numbers start to fall.  It is a rapid spike upwards and yes we can use that word "Exponential" now.


This is the worldometers graph from this morning for the world, you can see the spikes in cases.




Even though we are still seeing many deaths those numbers are trending downward even with the mass of Omicron cases in the world.


Based on the 7-day infection and death rates, 0.3% of people are now dying from covid, roughly equivalent to the flu. When will governments realize that with vaccines and treatments for covid that destroying your economy to save those that would die anyway from the flu is no longer worth it.

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22 minutes ago, tsk3009 said:

Based on the 7-day infection and death rates, 0.3% of people are now dying from covid, roughly equivalent to the flu. When will governments realize that with vaccines and treatments for covid that destroying your economy to save those that would die anyway from the flu is no longer worth it.

... and when you're vaccinated the chances of having any real problems is pretty low.  


A friend of mine had it - he was sick for 10 days, not well health wise before the infection.  Said it was like a cold, that's it.  The rest of the family had it and they said it was like a mild cold.  Both double vaccinated.  

Not at all scientific but that's all that I have.  


We are all going to be exposed to omicron sooner than later.  Don't sweat it.  IF you're scared, stay home.  

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Thailand's COVID-19 cases continue to surge with 8,263 new cases


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Thailand on Saturday (January 8th) reported 8,263 new COVID-19 cases, 2,865 recoveries and 14 additional deaths over the past 24 hours. 


Full story: https://aseannow.com/topic/1245980-thailands-covid-19-cases-continue-to-surge-with-8263-new-cases/




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