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Thailand Expects Endemic COVID-19


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In 2025 you'll still be wearing a mask and slathering alcohol gel on your hands to get in a store, and alcohol gel will be the only alcohol you're allowed to possess. 
What's going to change?  The 'leaders' love the dictatorial emergency powers, and the pharmaceutical companies love the endless tax money flowing into their coffers to supply the government with Forever Shots for their citizens and super-duper expensive 'cures.'  Maybe by 2025 you'll need a shot every 2 months to keep up with all of the viral variants for Covid and the now novel flus that will probably appear out of nowhere, but will further lock down society and destroy even more businesses. 

Medical dystopia baby.  Give it a big hug - it's never going away.  Too much money and power involved. 

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7 hours ago, PeeJayEm said:

Hospitalisation and death rates here are still one order of magnitude higher than flu.

Of course.  The flu doesn't exist any longer.  Hospitalization and deaths rate from Dengue and the Black Plague are now higher than flu.

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15 hours ago, globalspark said:

Policies on run same as Australia hence no confidence in anybody in Government positions. Probably would be easy for these clowns to keep their mouths shut and make statements when they have all the facts.

Most cases in Australia seem to be   mild like flues and double vaccinated are still catching the virus. Makes we wonder  is the virus fading out or is the vaccination working?

 I am double vaccinated  only because I want to travel  and knew that would be impossible without the vaccine.I am seeing people with double vaccine plus a booster  still catching the virus.

 The fact of the matter it does not matter if  the fool is from Thailand or Timbucktoo they have no idea what to do.

and you do? 

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3 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Which president made that statement , got a link ?

To the best of my knowledge the only people claiming that vaccines prevent infection , are anti vaxers who are attempting to discredit the process.

From the very start it has been made very clear that vaccination is designed to protect against serious illness , hospitalisation and death.

In this respect they have worked admirably , sheer ignorance to suggest otherwise.

Biden said that before Omicron appeared.

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4 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

You say: "There is a good possibility that the death toll for these countries will climb, with unpleasant results."


Can I ask what you're basing this assumption on? Most experts are now agreed that the Omicron variant is much less virulent.


Latest (7 day) Covid numbers for the UK say:


Positive tests 2.2% down

Hospitalisations 15.3% down

Deaths 1.1% down



What makes you think the death toll will climb? 

Omicron is a fraction as lethal as Delta, but many times more infectious. So, as long as infections are at 80,000+ in the UK, lots of people are going to die. Maybe not as many as Delta, but still a lot.


You May feel better if Omicron only kills 99% as many as Delta, but it’s still tragic.

Edited by Danderman123
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11 hours ago, PeeJayEm said:

Agree in principle - but even in UK which is probably one of the furthest into the process you describe, it is going to be a long time before Corona can be tested most like any other virus. Hospitalisation and death rates here are still one order of magnitude higher than flu.

It's been reported that they are on par with a "bad flu" season now, which is still bad, but we never took these measure during bad flu seasons before.

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42 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

You're missing the point. A massive increase in infection rates but death rates and hospitalisation rates are falling. Omicron does not kill 99% as many as Delta. But I'm sure you know this really.


Omicron is not deadly enough to continue with hugely damaging lockdown measures. Western counties have realised this, and I hope Thailand will soon. 

I guess a current article in a medical journal won’t be very convincing.


Covid deaths in the UK are at their highest since February 2021 despite omicron being less severe than previous variants.

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22 hours ago, RichardL said:

Omicron seems to spread very rapidly, but spreads more rapidly in major cities, so what appears to be happening is cities are peaking and falling, but the spread to other areas is slower.


There's also been a higher incidence of people in hospital 'with' covid, rather than because of it, and the same would be true of deaths.


As the virus weakens, as these things tend to do, there has to come a point where Thailand, and the world in general, realises it needs to treat it in the way it does with other viruses with similar mortality rates. Once a handful of major countries take that step, the rest will follow.

In the UK Infection rares are rising BUT

Hospitalisations are half the total for the same time last Year

Death rates from Covid are now no different to Death rates during a severe flu epidemic year 


According to the latest COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report from the UK Health Security Agency, published on January 20, 2022, "several studies have provided evidence that vaccines are effective at preventing infection" and that, since uninfected people cannot transmit the virus, "the vaccines provide some protection against transmission". The report noted: "There may be additional benefit, beyond that due to prevention of infection, if some of those individuals who become infected despite vaccination are also at a reduced risk of transmitting (for example, because of reduced duration or level of viral shedding)." The report referred to a number of studies providing evidence of reduced risk of household transmission from vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated ones.[2]

There is strong evidence that the vaccine is effective against serious illness and hospital admission.  New data from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that unvaccinated adults aged 18 to 49 are 12 times more likely to be admitted to hospital than those who are immunised.  For unvaccinated adults aged 50 to 64, the likelihood of hospital admission is 44 times greater.[3]

Most recently, research by the Office of National Statistics showed that double-vaccinated adults had a 41% lower likelihood of developing long COVID than the unvaccinated.[4]

Covid is now regarded as Endemic in the UK and all regulations have been relaxed accordingly

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21 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

Yeah now you're saying that after it was proven to the case.


At least in the US our president said basically "if you take these vaccines you won't get covid". The fact checking shills have all done their damage control but at the time people actually believe it and got vaccinated for this reason.

I am afraid the bumbling utterings of your President are not high on my list of sources. 

There is a whole big world out there. 

I am sure many people got vaccinated to prevent a lethal infection, rather than specifically to prevent any infection.... certainly in the recent times. I also thought, as vaccinations started over a year ago, they would stop Covid dead in it's tracks... but of course there was not the data or past history to know otherwise back then. 

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23 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Absolute nonsense.

If Covid cuases the death or hastens a persons demise then it is recorded as a Covid death but for example if someone dies of a gunshot would but also had Covid then they are recorded as death by gunshot. This is well documented so please read up on this before you post such nonsense.


NB:- Commorbitities are common in Covid deaths BUT Covid still has to have hastened the death BEFORE it's recorded as a Covid death.

Maybe where you're coming from but it is not what I hear experts say. Ok, there are probably lots of frail people aged 85 still dying of covid with or without vaccines but I know for sure many hospitalizations are recorded as incidental findings of people being in hospitals for other reasons. Also many deaths are being removed later on ftrom the statistics because they have happened with covid and not because of it.

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14 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

I know at least a dozen fully vaccinated and boosted friends who have caught the virus.

In every case the symptoms have been mild , no hospital cases , that is the point !

Sorry mate, but one I know had severe symptoms. 

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21 hours ago, Jimjim1 said:

Correct, however it is very efficient and convenient to write Covid on a death certificate than another cause which may involve the cost of autopsy and possible litigation.

Thinking back of the West, I wonder how many death certificates are as honest as to state "obesity" as a cause of death to females when they can write as well "Covid" if the dead female ran out of breath. 

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18 hours ago, Danderman123 said:
18 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

I guess a current article in a medical journal won’t be very convincing.

As you are quoting ‘ current articles perhaps you should read the most recent published in medical journals and on the BBC

63% of current hospitalisations are the unvaccinated. The remaining numbers are those people who are reaching the end of life but who have serious underlying illness and have tested positive for Covid some of whom are also unvaccinated mainly because their health situation precludes them from receiving it.

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1 hour ago, Jimjim1 said:

As you are quoting ‘ current articles perhaps you should read the most recent published in medical journals and on the BBC

63% of current hospitalisations are the unvaccinated. The remaining numbers are those people who are reaching the end of life but who have serious underlying illness and have tested positive for Covid some of whom are also unvaccinated mainly because their health situation precludes them from receiving it.

Not sure why this came up as my quote (it was Danderman) 

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On 1/28/2022 at 9:08 AM, NorthernRyland said:

This all depends on the hospital and you're lying if you claim to know every hospital policy.


Just recently Fauci in the US said that hospitals were counting "COVID hospitalizations" as hospital admissions with a positive test detected upon entry.


CDC has always from the start counted COVID deaths as a death with COVID being written on the death certificate. You could die of cancer and if you had COVID at time of death CDC records that in their stats.

Such blatant misinformation backed up by no links leads me to believe you are either trying to push an agenda or really are this badly informed.


Here is the policy in the US - https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/how-are-covid-19-deaths-counted-it-s-complicated 


Here is the policy in the UK - https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2020/08/12/behind-the-headlines-counting-covid-19-deaths/


In both countries (and I'm sure many more), Covid is either listed as the cause of death or a contributor to the death. That's a BIG distinction so with your example of 'You could die of cancer and if you had COVID at time of death CDC records that in their stats' certainly does means Covid is recorded but it may not neccessarily mean it is recorded as the cause of death. There is no black and white but lots of grey.


All of this information is easy accessible and clearly explains the different scenarios so please stop pushing the idea that numbers are being inflated or are somehow manipulated to show Covid being worse than it is (an argument championed by ant-vaxxers and Covid sceptics around the world). If anything, Covid has been underreported 'When tests for COVID-19 were scarce while the pandemic raced across the country in the spring of 2020, many infected people died without being tested. That includes those who showed mild symptoms or symptoms that were attributed to other causes. “If anything, we’re missing patients who had COVID,” Raja says. The same is true for deaths that occurred at home, Aiken explains. Even now, tests are usually conducted only if a medical examiner or coroner has a reason to suspect that a coronavirus infection played a role in someone’s death. “We won’t know for some time” what percentage of people who die from the disease died at home, she says'.


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On 1/28/2022 at 7:58 AM, globalspark said:

Policies on run same as Australia hence no confidence in anybody in Government positions. Probably would be easy for these clowns to keep their mouths shut and make statements when they have all the facts.

Most cases in Australia seem to be   mild like flues and double vaccinated are still catching the virus. Makes we wonder  is the virus fading out or is the vaccination working?

 I am double vaccinated  only because I want to travel  and knew that would be impossible without the vaccine.I am seeing people with double vaccine plus a booster  still catching the virus.

 The fact of the matter it does not matter if  the fool is from Thailand or Timbucktoo they have no idea what to do.

I am 75, living in the Philippines and I have just been through the Virus thing. 

Probably Delta two really bad days and a third day not nice then steady recovery with nasty persistent cough. 

Triple vaxed and fortunately able to home quarantine.. 

I am in reasonable health and I am not quite so apprehensive about it now. 

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On 1/28/2022 at 3:04 AM, smedly said:

and when the WHO says it is

The Who, the band, would be more sensible than WHO has been in all this. They were the "authority" that said deaths "with" covid must be recorded not deaths "from" covid as it should have been. WHO have just been enjoying the limelight for two years by scaring the population of the world.

For a change I think this is the right move by Thailand (if they stick to their guidelines) and my only complaint is the government were slow off the mark to get the jabs started.

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