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Zebras, carnage, marijuana and murder - but don’t rush to interpret Thai news!


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17 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Towing the line is how you keep your license to operate...worldwide

I don't follow. I can't see why a government would suppress this.  I think any government that reduces the fatalities on Thai roads would get brownie points. Not only do they not know but neither does the media - they are simply ignorant.

Edited by Thunglom
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8 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

ehh, not in 1st world countries where the '5th estate' speaks truth to power and doesn't worry about losing its license... or head

That's 1 opinion, but I assumed you were talking about Thailand.

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7 hours ago, sambum said:

???? He he! And U2! I wish I could say you have brightened my horizons, but with all the smoke I am afraid you have clouded them!

Har Har !!! Sorry about Clouding your Horizons Sambum, but thanks for the Positive reply and the Kindness ... and well in the Practical boots on the ground, Working areas, after this total disaster hit, I HAVE found that there is quite a bit of it around you know !!!  (Like the traffic Marshals who work in the testing Ques, back in Auz, who used to just be Uber Drivers, and Very well pleased with it !!! And Happy !!!) .... 


Like just doing our jobs, off shore on the Exploration ships, we used to have a saying that covers this, and most events !!! (Before we fixed them) and it is positive I think, and particularly if you apply it to the Just Total <Deleted> that has descended on all of us and our Whole world just now (Thanks China) .... .... " .... <deleted> Happens" !!! ... right ....


Hence have a care about what many of we Working Folk, have had to endure re breathing and living in, Poisonous Air and the chemicals we have had to work with !!! ...


… Like I always used to say ... Well Feel .... as I worked out on to the back deck to help, … on just another “<deleted> Happens” day …… "Oh what a Beautiful day it is"  … as I poured the Scotch coat, over the streamer repairs, ... … and Breathed in Deeply ... (Getting High ???) .... Scotch Coat has been Banned now, out on the deck at least I think … like can’s find it anywhere !!! ??? !!! Right  ... It has been found to be Carcinogenic I think Like it is ??? a Ketone ? of some sort … ??? ..


Like … “Nothing like the good Smell of Scotch Coat in the Mourning” … Right )


Like all NGO workers in the Remote Indigenous communities have to have locking flaps, over their petrol caps !!! right ??? ....


… So well sorry to have clouded you View Good Mr. Sambum ... but well it is Reality !!! …. And it IS well and truly !!! Out There !!! … Like it or not. … (So do not worry about Long term Damage from Marijuana too much !!! ??? … It is Insidious, and can destroy a person Totally if just let totally go .... but there are other more important dangers … ? I think. ... Like out work environments ??? ..and then their are out Lives ??? )

Edited by Mark mark
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Another great read Rooster, thanks for the chuckles. Maybe Prayut, Anutin and Fatty could all

link arms and behave like Larry, Curly and Moe.  They may even get a few chuckles.  Say is there a Thai

word for Red Neck?  My Thai wife and family will not tell me, so this is a real question.  I always enjoy your columns

even if they are a bit long winded on occasion. but seeing some comments from other posters this week, a couple wrote more 

than you did on your longest weekly report.  I do hope that some time in the future before November, that Thailand

will have less rules and restrictions. Maybe by then we will know if the new omicron variant is to be worried about.


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9 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I can relate to working with stoners everyday cause I was one of them. Funny thing is we had no bad accidents. Back then we were working members of society, getting high didn't destroy us, just made the day a bit brighter.

Yes thanks very much Evenkeel, yes thinking about it, yes, the difference IS if the Stoner is getting up and going to work every day ... or whatever (Not just Dealing) .. like working in the Community !!! and YES, as far as I am concerned, like you, .... "THEY are In"


… But well there should be a lick the stick, instant testing option for the Cops I think, as well, I really do not want them on the Roads  if they cannot even remember where they are (As happened to me once on one new year’s eve, after being a Pig (Stupid) with two slices !!! of a subsequently proven VERY strong Hash Cake …  (You can Die from Eating it you know, as you system cannot flush it out fast enough if too much of it is in your stomach) .... 


But socially, the situation where a man had Nothing, arthritis, and scores from his son !!! ... Drives while pulling cones, and well at the Prayer meeting knocks a beer over nearly getting some poor guys Bible, which I did find very humorous !!! ... and saying "Iv had enough of this <deleted>”, and going out to his car for another Cone ... after we had to use jumpers to start it for him, ... as he had left the lights on and flattered the battery !!! …. and then he threatens me for mentioning his girlfriend’s name !!! ... Like Cool Man ??? ... NO, NOT COOL !!!  …. when it gets this bad !!! … They CAN exist in Australian Society at least !!! ... But well , Really ....


So, …. You do not have anything to do every day, except smoke dope !!! ??? (Or Drink) …. Well you have a very serious problem there I think !!! (And in Australia maybe try OARS, the relieced Prisoner reform group, as they have a LOT of very VERY Good drugs and alcohol councilors (Who yes, I can personally Vouch for also) ....


... And well yes, even K ...  getting the Van with the whole crew in it wedged in between the Rock Breaker and the Batter behind it … This also was NOT a very good Career Move either was it … Still you know what the last rule when you start getting this old !!! .... “The last one left standing is the winner “ !!! Right … (As long as you can die Honest ??? Possibly added as a Cabient from me ???) 


So, Yes thanks Very Much EvenKeel ...


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11 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Edited and Re Posted - Well I do think that the good Old MJ should be legal also !!! But well, Like, Alcohol, should not be underestimated mated in it's chronic debilitating effect, if it IS abused also !!! and apparently the new Hybrid strains are much better, and more powerful that we ever used to be able to get when we were young !!! … (and had 5 K jammed dup our Chimney on occasions !!! ???) ... 


I have worked on Building sites where three quarters of the crew were pretty much totally stoned after Lunch !!! Like I was the Young, ... boss so did not eat with them, but I did know what was going on, I just turned a blind eye .... like when the Front End Loader driver was fully stoned, as he jiggled the Bucket, above the laborers heads, as he dropped the screenings in to the trench, ... to lay the sewer line on !!! ... Like talk about trust ??? ... or was it just plane stupidity ??? ...


... If I was the Forman again now I would never stand for it, but well back then I was young ...


Still, eventually .... (Steptoe) ... In a rush to get off and down the Pub !!! …. I eventually slid the Van, with the whole crew in it, sideways down an embankment and got it jammed in between the Rock breaker and the batter !!! ... and then to add insult to Injury !!! … as the Rock breaker operator had hearing protectors on … and could not see us at the back, and he slew the machine around for the next rock, … and the heavy counter weight, back section of it crushed in the whole of the Left side of the van in and tipped it over on to two wheels !!! .... Lucky they were all stoned right !!! ... As I got out and ran Down the batter … Arms waving … ... Shouting “Stop Stop !!! You’re <Deleted> ing my car up” !!!!


(Lost that job right there and then, needless to say !!! ... Dropped what was left of the van back at the yard, and went home. )


Not to mention when drill 2 dropped 2 rods down the hole, and lost them ! ? … and then the Drills Forman drove the rubber tire over a cliffs … after jumping off of course .. ... and Truck 35 going down the load out backwards ... and I saw the young drivers eyes after, .... looking like two red <deleted> Holes in the snow !!! ... They possibly breathalyzes him, and he would have passed naturally (All of them would have !!!)  ... They did not have the Lick the stick back then !!! ...


Yes have you ever been driving down the freeway at 90 and the driver starts to get twitchy, and pulled a little pipe out of the glove box, and pulls two cones as he continues on at 90 with one hand !!! ... Like Marijuana CAN ruin men’s Lives !!! AND HUMANS EXISTENCE !!! ... Just the same as Alcohol !!!  … If it becomes the only thing in their Poor wasted Lives !!! ...


… So yes Legalize it !!! But make sure that all the cops have the lick the stick test kits first !!! … Like in Australia, that Does !!! seem to be having Some, effect ? … in keeping the roads a Bit,, Safer at least !!


Ps … Back in the Kingdom now !!! 20 People on a 300 seat aircraft from Singapore !!!!! … and apparently they  are flying all over the world empty, as the Airlines want to keep their slots in all the major airports … What a Tragedy !!! Like this has just GOT TO END !!!


… I am the only one that I know who was a former long stayer here who has made it back … that I know ??? … so well that ever they say on how Crazy I am … I CAN get things done right !!! … Like a full degree in Social behavior skills, 6 months of counseling, … and a full computer science degree needed to even have a hope of getting back here the way things are just now !!!


… And well after hearing about the poor guy that uses a lot of exclamation Marks !!!  when describing getting attacked after drinking for 2 days straight, … as he used a lot of them in his go fund me apparently so you say Roster ??? … So, Maybe time for me to stop !!!


Mark mark !!! Home again !!!! HOME !!! … And feeling great again !!! for the first time in nearly 2 years !!! <Deleted> what a <deleted> of a virus this whole thing has been !!!  ... and well, bad management, corruption, and dictatorial opportunities abounding now !!! …


The stupidity just has to stop !!!  ... We have to open normal things up (Keep Night clubs close !!! Like why not !!! they are just a disaster waiting to happen just now any way) … but open ALL people work places, and the schools. And everywhere !!! ... Let people return to their Families before they lose it totally !!! ..... Vaccinate every one !!! ... Vaccinate every one !!! !!!  (We ALL just want to be able to live Normally again !!!) .... Send the Anti Vackseers to the south Pole, for their own safety ….... and well start really REALLY seriously looking after the Ole people or anyone else with preexisting conditions !!! …



And I do not think that they will be able to control Omicron, like I think that No one anywhere else, can just now either ??? It just comes on so fast, and then goes in 2 days I think … so young and healthy people do not even realize that they have got it !!! … But well if you are Old, or have Pre-existing problems !!! Well you better have been vaccinated is all that I can say, and possibly within 5 Months ??? …. As, as mild as it is ??? It Probably will just Hammer anyone who is old, or with Pre Existing weaknesses !!!... and Fast !!! … Get Vaccinated !!!  Like just about everyone I know around here near Ayutthaya is !!!


… (And they should have let “NoVax” Play !!! (Or “Go Home” Jokavich, as they started calling him in Australia) … Just fined him a lot ! and given it to homeless services, … and then filmed them washing all of the Eggs off his car, every Mourning, and evening after the matches !!! Har Har !!! Right !!! … Like how could we throw Eggs at him !!! … When he is back in good Old Serbia !!! ??? … Right !!! ??? (And another win for Scomo and the selfish Vote buyers and Loony’s !!!) …

Are you stoned ?

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48 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

Are you stoned ?

No !!! ... So Guess again ... Until you have exhausted all of the possibilities, until you are back to, that, I am actually on Nothing !!! ... (And I am Really not, Really just part of the "Market" in very many other ways either) .... Well, just Black Tea I suppose just now !!! .... And well I have found that ... Delmah !!! does it pretty well !!!  .... right !!! ??? 

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3 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

No !!! ... So Guess again ... Until you have exhausted all of the possibilities, until you are back to, that, I am actually on Nothing !!! ... (And I am Really not, Really just part of the "Market" in very many other ways either) .... Well, just Black Tea I suppose just now !!! .... And well I have found that ... Delmah !!! does it pretty well !!!  .... right !!! ??? 

Woops Rooster or Moderators, I am just back, .... and just remembered Ruel 1 !!!  ... "Do not reply to the" ? Well I will not say Troels, but lets say getting off topic replies ... as then you Go RIGHT off topic, (Accidentally) like I just have and often could have some Good stuff Pulled, ... Sorry. ... I am out of here. Have a good Sunday (Do not drink too much !!! ???) All !!! ... Right ???

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14 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Edited and Re Posted - Well I do think that the good Old MJ should be legal also !!! But well, Like, Alcohol, should not be underestimated mated in it's chronic debilitating effect, if it IS abused also !!! and apparently the new Hybrid strains are much better, and more powerful that we ever used to be able to get when we were young !!! … (and had 5 K jammed dup our Chimney on occasions !!! ???) ... 


I have worked on Building sites where three quarters of the crew were pretty much totally stoned after Lunch !!! Like I was the Young, ... boss so did not eat with them, but I did know what was going on, I just turned a blind eye .... like when the Front End Loader driver was fully stoned, as he jiggled the Bucket, above the laborers heads, as he dropped the screenings in to the trench, ... to lay the sewer line on !!! ... Like talk about trust ??? ... or was it just plane stupidity ??? ...


... If I was the Forman again now I would never stand for it, but well back then I was young ...


Still, eventually .... (Steptoe) ... In a rush to get off and down the Pub !!! …. I eventually slid the Van, with the whole crew in it, sideways down an embankment and got it jammed in between the Rock breaker and the batter !!! ... and then to add insult to Injury !!! … as the Rock breaker operator had hearing protectors on … and could not see us at the back, and he slew the machine around for the next rock, … and the heavy counter weight, back section of it crushed in the whole of the Left side of the van in and tipped it over on to two wheels !!! .... Lucky they were all stoned right !!! ... As I got out and ran Down the batter … Arms waving … ... Shouting “Stop Stop !!! You’re <Deleted> ing my car up” !!!!


(Lost that job right there and then, needless to say !!! ... Dropped what was left of the van back at the yard, and went home. )


Not to mention when drill 2 dropped 2 rods down the hole, and lost them ! ? … and then the Drills Forman drove the rubber tire over a cliffs … after jumping off of course .. ... and Truck 35 going down the load out backwards ... and I saw the young drivers eyes after, .... looking like two red <deleted> Holes in the snow !!! ... They possibly breathalyzes him, and he would have passed naturally (All of them would have !!!)  ... They did not have the Lick the stick back then !!! ...


Yes have you ever been driving down the freeway at 90 and the driver starts to get twitchy, and pulled a little pipe out of the glove box, and pulls two cones as he continues on at 90 with one hand !!! ... Like Marijuana CAN ruin men’s Lives !!! AND HUMANS EXISTENCE !!! ... Just the same as Alcohol !!!  … If it becomes the only thing in their Poor wasted Lives !!! ...


… So yes Legalize it !!! But make sure that all the cops have the lick the stick test kits first !!! … Like in Australia, that Does !!! seem to be having Some, effect ? … in keeping the roads a Bit,, Safer at least !!


Ps … Back in the Kingdom now !!! 20 People on a 300 seat aircraft from Singapore !!!!! … and apparently they  are flying all over the world empty, as the Airlines want to keep their slots in all the major airports … What a Tragedy !!! Like this has just GOT TO END !!!


… I am the only one that I know who was a former long stayer here who has made it back … that I know ??? … so well that ever they say on how Crazy I am … I CAN get things done right !!! … Like a full degree in Social behavior skills, 6 months of counseling, … and a full computer science degree needed to even have a hope of getting back here the way things are just now !!!


… And well after hearing about the poor guy that uses a lot of exclamation Marks !!!  when describing getting attacked after drinking for 2 days straight, … as he used a lot of them in his go fund me apparently so you say Roster ??? … So, Maybe time for me to stop !!!


Mark mark !!! Home again !!!! HOME !!! … And feeling great again !!! for the first time in nearly 2 years !!! <Deleted> what a <deleted> of a virus this whole thing has been !!!  ... and well, bad management, corruption, and dictatorial opportunities abounding now !!! …


The stupidity just has to stop !!!  ... We have to open normal things up (Keep Night clubs close !!! Like why not !!! they are just a disaster waiting to happen just now any way) … but open ALL people work places, and the schools. And everywhere !!! ... Let people return to their Families before they lose it totally !!! ..... Vaccinate every one !!! ... Vaccinate every one !!! !!!  (We ALL just want to be able to live Normally again !!!) .... Send the Anti Vackseers to the south Pole, for their own safety ….... and well start really REALLY seriously looking after the Ole people or anyone else with preexisting conditions !!! …



And I do not think that they will be able to control Omicron, like I think that No one anywhere else, can just now either ??? It just comes on so fast, and then goes in 2 days I think … so young and healthy people do not even realize that they have got it !!! … But well if you are Old, or have Pre-existing problems !!! Well you better have been vaccinated is all that I can say, and possibly within 5 Months ??? …. As, as mild as it is ??? It Probably will just Hammer anyone who is old, or with Pre Existing weaknesses !!!... and Fast !!! … Get Vaccinated !!!  Like just about everyone I know around here near Ayutthaya is !!!


… (And they should have let “NoVax” Play !!! (Or “Go Home” Jokavich, as they started calling him in Australia) … Just fined him a lot ! and given it to homeless services, … and then filmed them washing all of the Eggs off his car, every Mourning, and evening after the matches !!! Har Har !!! Right !!! … Like how could we throw Eggs at him !!! … When he is back in good Old Serbia !!! ??? … Right !!! ??? (And another win for Scomo and the selfish Vote buyers and Loony’s !!!) …

You’ve obviously had a few spliffs. 555

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5 hours ago, mikosan said:

You’ve obviously had a few spliffs. 555

Well Thanks !!! I am Glad that you enjoyed it !!! ... But without going on,, … I really can just NOT understand why everyone, only ever considers Good times to be associated with Drugs, or Alcohol !!! ??? … Well, I think that I DO understand it ... The Brave new, (Out of control for ordinary People ???) … Just too Many Rats In the Box, Internationalism (Greed and I have also done reasonably well with that !!!) and loss of Neighborhood, !!!  … leaves many people Lost !!! … and well Drugs and Alcohol are all that they really have to turn back to ... Mentally ??? ... and the corrupt bottom end Businessmen, … capitalize on this !!! If they can !!!


(On Marijuana) In Adelaide (Where a lot of the drugs used in Australia’s Richer eastern states come from, without actually telling that story itself as its origin is probably still in Goal in Phenom Pen … ) … You know JFYI ... In Adelaide South Australia, …


The Cops have started opening up a lot of Old "Chronic Drug Addicts dies of Drug Overdose" cases ... and ones where the family have NEVER ! accepted that finding !!! ... Like I think that they may have even dug up a few human remains from around the place also ????   Which might have set the enquirie off ... …  But well they are now pretty sure that these poor Bastards, were just stupid ??? … Well Poor Drug addicts ... who owed the local Southern Adelaide Mafia, a lot of Money, for the drugs that they had used !!! …


So they were abducted, tortured, and when they still did not pay, … they were deliberately over dosed. !!! And dumped I guess ??? …. and it was put down as Accidentally Over dose by the cops at the time. !!! ???


… Like DRUGS !!! just what a Great Way to just totally F' up a society !!! .... 

Edited by Mark mark
Messed up the text
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On 1/29/2022 at 1:44 AM, malibukid said:

unfortunately Thailand missed the party and was never considered a hep place, while the rest of the world was revolutionized during the 60's, heck they don't even dance here.  unless you consider certain other attractions, Thailand will never be cool.  my friends go to Ibiza.

meanwhile millions of people came to Thailand every year.

You're on this forum, if you and your Friends dont think Thailand is Hip, then why are you here??

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23 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

the media in Thailand doesn't understand its power. reporters don't ask questions, don't hold politicians accountable, they just write down what the idiot says, print it and collect the paycheck

They have tired but the ones that tried were arrested, deported or disappeared. 

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On 1/29/2022 at 7:35 PM, jacko45k said:

What on Earth are you on about?

the power and responsibility news reporters have to inform the public about what the politicians are doing and how it affect their lives. in countries where reporters are protected, they can ask tough questions and hold politicians accountable. in countries where reporters live in fear, they don't ask questions, they just record whatever dribble the politicians spout

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Well I do not know if Posting this un-commercial, link is against the rules Rooster, but well, just delete it Fellas, ... if it is. 


… And well you Know Rule 2 of any good Drugs and Alcohol counselor ... "Just get the F' of your Negative Soap Box" !!! Right !!! ….  Like do not just make things worse, by trying to show everyone how clever you are, ... buy just Knowing how bad things are !!! (Like we all know they are any way !!! Don't we !!!, ... So who needs to be told it again !!! ???) ... 


… But well I DO think that this IS a good one !!! .... Orwell’s “1985” Re set in a more Believable setting ??? ... And well, Thailand features in it also, as the Escape !!! …. So well ? It could just scrape in as on topic also ??? ... Right ???


… So well get Ready for a few more Squiggly Mouthed Emojos Good Old Brother Mark mark !!! ... (And get your Credit Care Ready !!!) ...



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1 hour ago, Mark mark said:

Well I do not know if Posting this un-commercial, link is against the rules Rooster, but well, just delete it Fellas, ... if it is. 


… And well you Know Rule 2 of any good Drugs and Alcohol counselor ... "Just get the F' of your Negative Soap Box" !!! Right !!! ….  Like do not just make things worse, by trying to show everyone how clever you are, ... buy just Knowing how bad things are !!! (Like we all know they are any way !!! Don't we !!!, ... So who needs to be told it again !!! ???) ... 


… But well I DO think that this IS a good one !!! .... Orwell’s “1985” Re set in a more Believable setting ??? ... And well, Thailand features in it also, as the Escape !!! …. So well ? It could just scrape in as on topic also ??? ... Right ???


… So well get Ready for a few more Squiggly Mouthed Emojos Good Old Brother Mark mark !!! ... (And get your Credit Care Ready !!!) ...



Though well, ... I also do not know how much "Influence" the Australian Wine growers federation might have had over the Production of this Great Little Clip either. ??? 


...... Made in 2019 ? I see ? Before the Pandemic !!! ...  ... ??? My how some people CAN get it right ??? ??? ...

Edited by Mark mark
Date !
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On 1/28/2022 at 9:16 PM, webfact said:

Thanks to readers who last week called my column “overlong”, “fluff” and “bragging”. 


Come on, it was only 3,000 words, it contained an enormous amount of useful advice to parents and, besides, I’m the best columnist in Thailand since the advent of khanompang in slices.

Brother I look forward to each week of reading your levity, humor and updates. Never let neysayers keep you down. Keep up the great writings

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On 1/30/2022 at 1:51 AM, Mark mark said:

Edited and Re Posted - Well I do think that the good Old MJ should be legal also !!! But well, Like, Alcohol, should not be underestimated mated in it's chronic debilitating effect, if it IS abused also !!! and apparently the new Hybrid strains are much better, and more powerful that we ever used to be able to get when we were young !!! … (and had 5 K jammed dup our Chimney on occasions !!! ???) ... 


I have worked on Building sites where three quarters of the crew were pretty much totally stoned after Lunch !!! Like I was the Young, ... boss so did not eat with them, but I did know what was going on, I just turned a blind eye .... like when the Front End Loader driver was fully stoned, as he jiggled the Bucket, above the laborers heads, as he dropped the screenings in to the trench, ... to lay the sewer line on !!! ... Like talk about trust ??? ... or was it just plane stupidity ??? ...


... If I was the Forman again now I would never stand for it, but well back then I was young ...


Still, eventually .... (Steptoe) ... In a rush to get off and down the Pub !!! …. I eventually slid the Van, with the whole crew in it, sideways down an embankment and got it jammed in between the Rock breaker and the batter !!! ... and then to add insult to Injury !!! … as the Rock breaker operator had hearing protectors on … and could not see us at the back, and he slew the machine around for the next rock, … and the heavy counter weight, back section of it crushed in the whole of the Left side of the van in and tipped it over on to two wheels !!! .... Lucky they were all stoned right !!! ... As I got out and ran Down the batter … Arms waving … ... Shouting “Stop Stop !!! You’re <Deleted> ing my car up” !!!!


(Lost that job right there and then, needless to say !!! ... Dropped what was left of the van back at the yard, and went home. )


Not to mention when drill 2 dropped 2 rods down the hole, and lost them ! ? … and then the Drills Forman drove the rubber tire over a cliffs … after jumping off of course .. ... and Truck 35 going down the load out backwards ... and I saw the young drivers eyes after, .... looking like two red <deleted> Holes in the snow !!! ... They possibly breathalyzes him, and he would have passed naturally (All of them would have !!!)  ... They did not have the Lick the stick back then !!! ...


Yes have you ever been driving down the freeway at 90 and the driver starts to get twitchy, and pulled a little pipe out of the glove box, and pulls two cones as he continues on at 90 with one hand !!! ... Like Marijuana CAN ruin men’s Lives !!! AND HUMANS EXISTENCE !!! ... Just the same as Alcohol !!!  … If it becomes the only thing in their Poor wasted Lives !!! ...


… So yes Legalize it !!! But make sure that all the cops have the lick the stick test kits first !!! … Like in Australia, that Does !!! seem to be having Some, effect ? … in keeping the roads a Bit,, Safer at least !!


Ps … Back in the Kingdom now !!! 20 People on a 300 seat aircraft from Singapore !!!!! … and apparently they  are flying all over the world empty, as the Airlines want to keep their slots in all the major airports … What a Tragedy !!! Like this has just GOT TO END !!!


… I am the only one that I know who was a former long stayer here who has made it back … that I know ??? … so well that ever they say on how Crazy I am … I CAN get things done right !!! … Like a full degree in Social behavior skills, 6 months of counseling, … and a full computer science degree needed to even have a hope of getting back here the way things are just now !!!


… And well after hearing about the poor guy that uses a lot of exclamation Marks !!!  when describing getting attacked after drinking for 2 days straight, … as he used a lot of them in his go fund me apparently so you say Roster ??? … So, Maybe time for me to stop !!!


Mark mark !!! Home again !!!! HOME !!! … And feeling great again !!! for the first time in nearly 2 years !!! <Deleted> what a <deleted> of a virus this whole thing has been !!!  ... and well, bad management, corruption, and dictatorial opportunities abounding now !!! …


The stupidity just has to stop !!!  ... We have to open normal things up (Keep Night clubs close !!! Like why not !!! they are just a disaster waiting to happen just now any way) … but open ALL people work places, and the schools. And everywhere !!! ... Let people return to their Families before they lose it totally !!! ..... Vaccinate every one !!! ... Vaccinate every one !!! !!!  (We ALL just want to be able to live Normally again !!!) .... Send the Anti Vackseers to the south Pole, for their own safety ….... and well start really REALLY seriously looking after the Ole people or anyone else with preexisting conditions !!! …



And I do not think that they will be able to control Omicron, like I think that No one anywhere else, can just now either ??? It just comes on so fast, and then goes in 2 days I think … so young and healthy people do not even realize that they have got it !!! … But well if you are Old, or have Pre-existing problems !!! Well you better have been vaccinated is all that I can say, and possibly within 5 Months ??? …. As, as mild as it is ??? It Probably will just Hammer anyone who is old, or with Pre Existing weaknesses !!!... and Fast !!! … Get Vaccinated !!!  Like just about everyone I know around here near Ayutthaya is !!!


… (And they should have let “NoVax” Play !!! (Or “Go Home” Jokavich, as they started calling him in Australia) … Just fined him a lot ! and given it to homeless services, … and then filmed them washing all of the Eggs off his car, every Mourning, and evening after the matches !!! Har Har !!! Right !!! … Like how could we throw Eggs at him !!! … When he is back in good Old Serbia !!! ??? … Right !!! ??? (And another win for Scomo and the selfish Vote buyers and Loony’s !!!) …

????!!!!!!! ¡Just! ¿why?

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Thanks again, dear Rooster, for another great article at the end of the week.  I always look forward to it and you always (mostly) come through and then some.  Always a surprise, always something new in the way of Thai culture, language or geography, (I’m still new here), so thank you very much.

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