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Will the Tourism Authority of Thailand ever invest in Formula One?


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13 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

I'm just waiting for "O My God, there's a noodle cart on the track".  ????

Hilarious!  And not a "joke" that hasn't been made 27 times in this thread already....

Edited by josephbloggs
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Sure, let Thailand toss its hat in the ring for a high-speed precision road race requiring a high level of discipline, detailed planning, competent execution and order...and while the F1 planners consider Thailand, let them also consider downtown New Delhi and Lagos...

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What would  be the point? F1 is no longer broadcast in SE Asia, and hardly any Thai people I know follow or care about F1, and worldwide interest in the sport is declining daily after the fiasco of 2021. Thailand has a lot of better options and essential services to invest its taxpayers' money in.  

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6 hours ago, superal said:

            Buriram would be great but sadly no international airport or enough hotels to welcome the many fans .Logistically Bangkok would be the place and maybe a brand new circuit on the outskirts could be purpose built . Thailand and F1 would be a major attraction and BIG money maker  

Burriram was a disaster as some teams complained about remoteness from civilization. F1 circus demands popular touristy places as is evident by recent venues added. Pattaya would be my first choice followed by bkk.

Edited by AustinRacing
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51 minutes ago, Smee said:

What would  be the point? F1 is no longer broadcast in SE Asia

Er, so how did I watch the entire season on True Visions then?  It is broadcast all over SE Asia, just not on Fox Sports after Disney decided to close it down, but still broadcast in nearly all SE Asian countries on other channels.

Here's a list for you:  https://www.formula1.com/en/toolbar/broadcast-information.html



and hardly any Thai people I know follow or care about F1

I know lots that do.  And again, over 100,000(!) people turning up to watch Mark Webber do three (pretty slow) runs up and down Ratchadamnoen in 2010 suggests a lot of Thais have an interest.  I was one of them and the crowd was mostly Thais as you can see in the video.


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7 hours ago, superal said:

            Buriram would be great but sadly no international airport or enough hotels to welcome the many fans .Logistically Bangkok would be the place and maybe a brand new circuit on the outskirts could be purpose built . Thailand and F1 would be a major attraction and BIG money maker  

Instead of spending money on a whole new track in BKK, why not build an airport at Buriram.  This would be of use after the racing event and make access to the beautiful Issarn ladies easier for TVF readers !

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4 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

I was watching the V8s at Bathurst one year when a massive kangaroo jumped out onto the track and a car smashed right into it. Driver was lucky to escape alive. 

I don't care about the racing driver - what happened to the kangaroo ?

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10 hours ago, mrfill said:

The circuit has already been built. A grade 1 Hermann Tilke designed track at Buriram.

The problem is the habit of F1 to demand huge fees from the tracks as well as all the trackside advertising revenue. The fees can easily exceed $50m/year and it would require government funding. The previous attempt to get F1 to Thailand was in 2012 when Bernie Ecclestone reckoned it would be on the calendar 'by 2015'. A law was passed banning races in inner Bangkok and it all went quiet. Can't see this ever happening really.

Buriram - the circuit complies but the location is not really suitable. Buriram is 5 to 6 hours from Bangkok by car - and further from many other major population centres, most fans would need to stay overnight and there are simply not enough hotels/resorts to accommodate them. Yes it has an airport but most fans would travel by car.  It is also popular for F1 fans to book a 3 or 4 day package - the whole hog.


Whilst Buriram may be up and coming, it can't change its location and I just can't see it ever being on the F1 calendar.


I believe the bike races are well attended but that's a different crowd. Many bikers are happy to camp out.


You are probably correct about the money - the Thai government probably think F1 should pay them ????.


The guy I talked to in Abu Dhabi said negotiations were going on as we spoke (2017) but not so long after that, a new venue was announced - Vietnam so I kind of get the feeling that Thailand's negotiations bit the dust.


F1 is clearly wanting to increase its presence in Asia but there are a finite number of races per year. A figure of 25 has been mentioned but I don't know if the drivers would agree with that.  However, if Vietnam ever gets off the ground, I can't see Thailand being added.


All may not be lost though, Covid was not the only reason that the Hanoi races were cancelled, there has been talk of corruption involving some politician or other - obviously that wouldn't happen in Thailand ????.

Edited by KhaoYai
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