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Skin or muscle? The choice facing COVID booster recipients in Thailand


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21 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

It's all good, I can see where your coming from.


As for those choosing not to get vaccinated, well that is a different topic, however, so far with two doses I'm still here at 62, as for the booster, I am 5 months since my last vax and will hold off for another month to see what the score is. I mean I am pro-vax, but I have had the Influenza vax, Pneumonia booster and two Pfizers last year, with an antibody test stating my level has dropped to 994AU/mL which means it has waned.


The above said, I don't want to exhaust my immune system with a booster for as long as I can hold off, i.e. if I can have it as an annual shot, that would be my preference, and as Omicron is not as lethal as Delta and I am relatively fit and have B & T cells that can fight it, well, hopefully I will not be another statistic ending up in hospital, as I technically might be considered unvaccinated now ?

Three points: Delta infection and recovery does not protect you from Omicron infection. Anyone, including heavily vvaxxed people, could get it, including non-vaxxed people and those with natural immunity following recovery from a previous variant, because vaccines were produced to cater for pre-Omicron infection.   


What vaccines protect is the worst effects of the infection as does natural immunity, but not non-vaxxed people. Subject to just how strong your immune system is, which depends on ones lifestyle and health. 


Secondly, in a year's time if the medical industry gets approval, we'll all probably be taking a pill as an endemic protection, instead of jabs. 

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1 hour ago, PEE TEE said:

A report saying that another side effect in the over 50s from the booster shot is Shingles i got shingles a week after mine and two more friends also got it. I was lucky and only had mild case right side on my back lasted 2 weeks . has anyone else heard this?  

There have been a few reports, involving an extremely small number of people who have had shingles flare-ups after receiving Covid vaccines but according to the Medical News Today article below, no definitive causal link has been established.



... current evidence cannot attribute a definitive link between the two, and [...] Even if there is an association, it is a rare side effect, and the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.

As is well-known, shingles flare-ups can occur at any time and for all kinds of different reasons. Stress plays a part and of course, as the article also points out:



Stressors from social restrictions, new variants, and the process of vaccination may contribute towards affecting the immune response.

In addition to that:



It is also worth noting that COVID-19 vaccines do not cause shingles, and a person will not directly acquire shingles from a COVID-19 vaccine. If the events are related, they will only occur in individuals with dormant VZV from a previous case of chickenpox or shingles.

What to know about shingles and the COVID-19 vaccine

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13 minutes ago, Jack Cook said:

Yeah right. Tell

that to the Israelis who have lined up for their 4th shot. What research and misinformation are you referring to?

If you follow the topic you can see my reply what i was referring at. Basically, my problem was his use of a little while 8x or more less chance to be in a hospital is a lot not a little in my book. But that has been sorted. 

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2 hours ago, Guderian said:

I thought the side-effects of the second AZ jab were far worse than the Pfizer booster. In fact, that one didn't bother me at all, not even a sore arm afterwards, whereas the second AZ jab knocked me out completely for a day.

Neither of the AZ jabs bothered me, nor did the Pfizer booster.

Edited by jesimps
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I don't understand the article at all. What's the point? Reducing the dose to squeeze out more shot per vial?

Why not just follow the manufacturer advice for 1st / 2nd / booster shot.

In the Thai PBS article is says Moderna suggests 50 mcg for booster shot, yet in Thailand you get maximum 30 mcg and that's it?

No wonder people aren't becoming immune here with such a BS


UPDATE: Thai PBS leads another example of bad researched information or simply mixing things up. Is there no one proofreading those articles and checking the facts?

A quick google search (1 minute) revealed the CDC recommendations for booster shot:

So it's 30 mcg for Pfizer and 50 mcg for Moderna.


Edited by CLW
Update the facts that Thai PBS has wrong
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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

At no time was I spreading misinformation, in other words, suggesting anything other than getting vaccinated, I was merely saying perhaps we should wrap them up in cotton wool if they are going to complain about the usual after effects of the mRNA vaccines or other for that matter.


I am well aware that the unvaccinated make up them majority of those dying, you don't have to be a rocket scientist, sometimes you have to read between the lines of what people are saying before you go pointing the finger, back at yah !





So anything other than getting vaccinated is misinformation according to you

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

You misunderstood me, like i misunderstood you. Many say natural infection was the best but even that does not protect you. So if natural infection does not protect you vaccines are not great either.  So looks like covid is here to stay. Only good thing is that it has become omicron. But its a bit scary as many get long covid. i don't worry about getting covid, just about long covid. 

Even with vaccination you can get long Covid, we can't go on worrying about everything, the fitter one is, the better the chances they have, that and if they have been exposed to other Coronaviruses in the past, they say.


We are all going to the same place, just keep staying safe, doing what you do, wear a mask, sanitize your hands, take your vitamins, exercise and eat healthy, should give us all a few more years, worry causes stress and kills early.

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I've had three Moderna shots in the U.S. The third one was half-dose. Zero side effects from any of them, and I'm 71. Side effects are rare here, and I wonder what's going on in SE Asia, as i also hear a lot of Filipinos getting sick from Pfizer. Moderna not much available there.

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25 minutes ago, Tonypandy said:

So anything other than getting vaccinated is misinformation according to you

I didn't say that, read the post again and the others.


Vaccination is or should be a personal choice and mine was to get vaccinated, but not in the beginning, I had to let more information flow through to convince me, backed up by scientific evidence, that said, some will say getting vaccinated is stupid, others will say not getting vaccinated is stupid, like I said, it's a personal choice, why would I put someone down for either getting vaccinated or not getting vaccinated.


The Djokovic saga in Australia had my red flag up because they insisted that he had to vaccinated, that is just out right political and stupid.


I don't spread misinformation, what I say is what I say, if you want to read that as misinformation, up to you as the Thai's say.

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Why not just wrap everyone up in cotton wool, of course people are going to get some kind of systems after the jab, that's because they are being injected with foreign substances and the immune system is going to respond as it would if you got infected with the virus naturally, albeit you might feel a little worse off with the virus infecting you (load).


3 hours ago, robblok said:

A little worse, i guess you havent read the research its a fact that those who are not vaccinated have a far higher risk 8 or more times to end up in a hospital. Next time do your research and don't spread misinformation. 


Also the whole point of the vaccination is to let your body respond to a foreign substance and that is what will give you the protection, but you cannot compare that to how you would feel if you really got the virus. 

I had the impression 4myego was being ironic, no need to hit him on the head.

btw, in my country the ratio novax/triple vax who end up in ICU is 33:1 .

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6 hours ago, rbkk said:

Most importantly, surely, is which of the options (All?) is recognized internationally for travel and will be shown and accepted overseas on the Intervac Vaccine Certificate issued by the Thailand Dept. Health.

True that's important, but the article speaks of 3 different ways of injecting the vaccine your choice. I don't think -ready to be corrected if wrong- that the vaccination papers will have a record of how it was administered.

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1 minute ago, JohnHans said:

Without the proper full vaccination the after effect is possible death from the virus so why would anyone play russian roulette with their lives? the side effects are nothing compared to the full blown disease!

Personal choice, we should not even think why on earth people don't want to get vaccinated, because I did and a mate of mine didn't means it is choice, that is all, but governments want everyone to turn on each other spreading the fear that the unvaxed will spread it, but not tell you the vaxed (me) will also spread it.

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23 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Even with vaccination you can get long Covid, we can't go on worrying about everything, the fitter one is, the better the chances they have, that and if they have been exposed to other Coronaviruses in the past, they say.


We are all going to the same place, just keep staying safe, doing what you do, wear a mask, sanitize your hands, take your vitamins, exercise and eat healthy, should give us all a few more years, worry causes stress and kills early.

Thing is i believed that, however after seeing how the strongest got it worst in my family. The one presumably the healthiest and strongest my SIL, never sick did sports and so on. My brother with his underlying health problems my dad with his heart and parkingson and my mother a chain smoker all got omicron. Only my SIL had it worst weeks and after recovery long covid or at least an other few weeks of problems. 


So I don't believe me being active eating healthy and taking my vitamins will protect me. Not that I am affraid or anything. Its just that I don't have much faith in these things protecting everyone. 

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3 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

A report saying that another side effect in the over 50s from the booster shot is Shingles i got shingles a week after mine and two more friends also got it. I was lucky and only had mild case right side on my back lasted 2 weeks . has anyone else heard this?  

You're a lot less likely to come down with a case of shingles if you get vaccinated against it.

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As someone who had the Pfizer booster today, there was no option offered, it was simply, pull up your sleeve, jab, done !


As someone else commented earlier, the 2nd AZ jab was the worst of the 3, that had me in a mild fever and an uncomfortable nights rest.


So far, the booster today just has an ache in the shoulder muscle.

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2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Personal choice, we should not even think why on earth people don't want to get vaccinated, because I did and a mate of mine didn't means it is choice, that is all, but governments want everyone to turn on each other spreading the fear that the unvaxed will spread it, but not tell you the vaxed (me) will also spread it.

Uh oh. I was too early to say you were being ironic. You are serious aren't you?

Of course both vax and unvax can carry the infection, but perhaps with very different viral load?

Like saying that both Elon Musk and I are able to buy dinner, so we both have money.

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10 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Personal choice, we should not even think why on earth people don't want to get vaccinated, because I did and a mate of mine didn't means it is choice, that is all, but governments want everyone to turn on each other spreading the fear that the unvaxed will spread it, but not tell you the vaxed (me) will also spread it.

The thing is before Omicron the evidence was very strong that the vaccination slowed transmission. So even if it's the case now that Omicron is far more contagious despite being vaccinated, does that mean the advice back then was false? Does that justify people behaving selfishly back then?

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3 hours ago, Joe Farang said:


I had Moderna x 3 jabs. I assume full doses, into the muscle on my left arm.

Had what felt like a mild hangover for a day. Lethargic with a mild headache at the back of my head. I could work (still from home) and after work I lay on the couch with my hooves up. Nothing bad really. Also had a bit of pain where injection went in, but again nothing bad.


And that really is the full extent of side effects in 99.9 % of booster jab recipients, symptoms are largely exactly as you have stated and lasting between one and seven days so just get on with it and stick it straight in your arm.

Don’ ya just hate the namby Pamby oh wow is me brigade.

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3 hours ago, Almer said:

1st Pfizer gave a bad stomach ( maybe some food) 2nd Pfizer,  2 weeks after the mother of all skin rashes across my chest hospitalized for 5 days with a drip antibiotic, diagnosed as an unspecified viral skin infection temperature on  admission 39.2,3rd Pfizer 2 weeks ago no problems.

It's a bit worrying that a hospital would give you an antibiotic for a viral infection. Antibiotics are used for bacterial infections.

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They have no clue as most because there hasn’t been a long enough trial or research to give accurate information. These “ vaccines “ were pushed through way to fast and I don’t think we will know the full extent of the vaccines and their long term side effects will have. I still don’t quite understand why we are getting booster shots of the same original vaccines when obviously we are dealing with new variants. I’d think it would be like the flu shot and change to combat the new variant we are dealing with now. JMO

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24 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

Uh oh. I was too early to say you were being ironic. You are serious aren't you?

Of course both vax and unvax can carry the infection, but perhaps with very different viral load?

Like saying that both Elon Musk and I are able to buy dinner, so we both have money.

So you don't believe that people should have choices, if that's the case, then that is not democracy, e.g. in America everyone has the right to bare arms, some do, some don't, should they all get guns, you know, make it mandatory, even if someone doesn't want a gun for their own protection ?

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I havent had my booster either I think i need to take it in march or so 6 months after last dose. But yes some research seems to indicate that too much is not good either. But its all so strange i mean people get infected with covid and then get again. So even getting covid wont make you bullet proof. 

No but HOPEFULLY a second infection will be less serious than a first.

FYI: Vax 1 (AZ) - No side effects; Vax 2 (AZ) Minor "flu-like" symptoms 24 hours later, lasted for a couple of hours. Booster (Pfizer) No side effects.

I got a slightly bruised arm with all of them, but pretty much any injection will do that. YMMV

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