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How do Thai women compare with Western women as a wife?


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6 minutes ago, shocky2012 said:

I don't know if my experience applies with Thai girls as I'm gay and only been with Thai guys since I'm here (I'm 34 - been here since 2010) but I think it all depends on the Individual.


During one of my best time here back in 2014 when I had good finance and was in a great place in life (in shape, exercising, looking good, wealthy, etc..) I was in a relationship of2 years with one of the worst person I've ever been with that cheated on me and did bunch of other things that I won't mention here. (he was 25 and went to one of the biggest university in Thailand).

Last year during one of the worst phase of my life (got fat, health problems, money was very low) I've met the nicest person I've ever been with till this day that always cheers me and always ask me if I need something (to the point where it's getting annoying tbh). He's 21 working in a 7/11.

It all depends on the individual tbh.

Everyone knows their price, and the more handsome or beautiful, they know they are, and of course enjoy the exitement and the attention it gives. 

Thats why I am always shaking my head when someone shooting way over target or trying to box in a higher weight class. Not saying you did, but better to have some one greatful and cherish you for giving him or her your attention, and not everybody else. 

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41 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

They're being polite, I say rubbish like that too ........... but I don't mean a word of it.

Never met a woman over 40, that I didn't spot as over 40 in a second.


I also tell my woman she looks like a 20yo .......... I don't mean that either.

But it costs me nothing, and makes her feel good.

On average, which do you think looks better at 50? Thai or Western?

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1 hour ago, itsari said:

Intelligent conversation is the difficult one of your two demands that require a common lanquage .

Conversation often lasts far longer than sex , so number one for most individuals .


Even in almost fluent Thai language I find it very difficult to have intelligent conversation with Thais, probably because of that the Thai education system is not very good. 

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Like all generalizations the characteristics don't apply universally.  You can have a Thai woman who is faithful, respectful, loving etc and the same can be said of a Western woman. Some meek and subservient, and others extremely assertive and dominant.  It is the person, not the ethnicity. 

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There's a trend in much of the developed and even developing world. Few people really want to commit to a long term, lifetime relationship. Everybody is self-centered to a large extent nowadays, me included.


Who wants to have kids? Not many. Thailand has a fertility rate below even the US, at 1.5 vs 1.7 in the US. Other Asian nations are worse. South Korea has the lowest fertility rate in the world (.9), and it isn't just because young Korean men are androgynous.


Perhaps it's 'evolution', but the world population is going to shrink, because men and women don't really like each other too much now, at least not so much that they want to commit to a lifetime together. That will impact relationships and make many of them temporary, as exit is easier when there's no kids involved. An optimist can chime in 'variety is the spice of life'.


A normal man is as likely to find a meaningful relationship at home or abroad....in the West or Thailand. Many men beef about getting fleeced in a divorce, but that is for a certain socio economic level that is not the top, since at the upper socio economic level, women now earn about the same as men. In my old industry, there were as about as many women making 7+ figures as men. Relationships at that level might have issues, but money was not one of them.


I might be at risk of generalizing, but in my experience, the men who end up marrying Thai women were, at best, near the median of earning and education, and most I have seen were below the mean. Their relatively meager earnings can seem like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to a poor Isaan woman. It's quite possible that in such instances everybody wins, but it is totally unrelated to whether Western women are attractive candidates for a relationship. Again, this might be a generalization, and no doubt many quite well-to-do Western men have linked up with Thai women. Good for them. Enjoy!


Just looking at external esthetics, I am of the opinion that Thai women are more physically attractive than Western Caucasian women. Certainly Thai women better fit the (perhaps outdated) definition of 'feminine' (unless one has a foot fetish, as Isaan women's feet quite often suggest a more rugged upbringing). Personality-wise, it all depends on what one wants. The cultural differences are huge, and the gap not easy to link, but men who seek beauty first might be able to ignore the differences or the lack of general knowledge one comes to expect from people having been on the planet for a couple decades or more. Western women (though perhaps not Millennials) tend to have more knowledge and can discuss more subjects than Thai women, but lose out in appearance IMO. Driven by testosterone, Thai women win; driven by intellect in my choice, Western women win.


I never had any problem with Western women. Many good friends there. I prefer Thai women, at least to share time with, because I'm terribly shallow and like beauty and have my view of what constitutes 'sexy'. Never had kids and feel no need to propagate my gene pool, so if I engage in assignations, it's for sport, not procreation.


It boils down to personal preference, of course. Those in Thailand, or who frequent a website aimed at Thailand, are a self-selected demographic, so most will prefer Thai over Western.

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13 hours ago, Aforek said:

I live upcountry in a village, with my Thai wife and her family around, and I agree with the OP; faithful, many supports from the grand mother with childs, feminity etc 

I don't compare with western women, I am 100 % for Thai women 

Far as I'm concerned it's the luck of the draw with either. I know men that have successful marriages with western women.

There is nothing that I know of to suggest that Thai women are a better gamble than western women.

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16 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

The cultural differences are huge, and the gap not easy to link, but men who seek beauty first might be able to ignore the differences or the lack of general knowledge one comes to expect from people having been on the planet for a couple decades or more.

I didn't get married for my wife's "beauty" as she wasn't beautiful, but in the end she did me over just like my western partner before her, so I'll call it evens.

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I’m not entirely sure who’s written this post in the begin with. I suppose they’re just gathering data and thoughts from all of us since it’s too generalist..????

I very much doubt that the intended person has had a good amount of time spent together whether with a Thai or Western woman for at least 2 years and just to mention personalities traits, backgrounds and cultures of each one.
I eager to meet a down to earth independent well cultured western woman with whom I can have all sorts of conversation with, share interests with and doing more together but also with regards to being emotionally supportive towards each other, no to mention all sorts of other positive things that I miss by not being with a western woman.
I reckon even the dumbest western woman may turn up to be way more intelligent than the smartest Thai woman altogether.

This being said, it also depends what kind of woman you’re looking for and where you’re actually looking  since there are good and bad apples all over the show.

As for me, I definitely don’t need someone who puts the toothpaste on my toothbrush either or is obsessed with cleanness throughout the house and then useless at many other things IE, proper meaningful conversation.

At home, I can easily manage it all by myself as I always did since I left home, which includes cooking, sawing, ironing and so on..

While I’m attracted by Asian women I never wish to sleep with a dead lazy fish who’s  also incapable at love making.
Besides the bed, there is no fair common grounds in every respect no matter which way you look at it, they’re just too thick, most are lazy, slow and dumb for my liking, in the end you just got a pretty face, a doll while the brain is dead hence subdued by her culture and their family in their continue pursue of money ????????‍♂️

Bear in mind, no matter how long to you’ve been married to a Thai woman, things among you lot will never be fair, it’s a  lose - lose  predicament, in the end you’re just a provider or supposed to be and remember that you come just after the dog in terms of importance and respect in the typical Thai family mindset.
Nevertheless, the saying never judge a book by its always applies in every cultures.

As for my Asian women preferences I would love to have a Japanese girlfriend in the first place then a Philipino, Korean or a Chinese one ????????‍♀️ Each to their own ????????


Edited by Ramdas
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2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Now, this says posted 9 hours ago, but I'm sure I've read this exact same comment from you before.  Is it from a blog post or something?  Nothing wrong with that if it is, just curious.  (Could be having a bout of Deja vu, of course, but it feels very real.)

No. It is and was my post. I occasionally add stuff from past posts to elaborate on a point. All original. 

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56 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

No. It is and was my post. I occasionally add stuff from past posts to elaborate on a point. All original. 

Oh, I wasn't suggesting you stole it.  When I said blog post, I meant you maybe had a blog or something.  So did you write another version in a different post, or has there been some weird post/comment time travelling going on?

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13 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

The other thing we have to take into consideration is the majority of guys that come to thailand have hardly had their choice of pretty western girls . They  are not what i would call high caliber males . They have most likely been picking low hanging fruit in the west and then come to thailand and repeat it again but convince themselves this is real as they hold most of the cards now (money) its delusional to think some old farm girl rump is somehow A better standard then a decent western lady .  Keep Convincing yourself that up until the money runs out ….. 

You may have a point. There is probably a sizeable proportion of life failures with money often characterised by their lack of respect for Thai culture and women in general who lord it over their 'inferiors'. The trolls who seem to pervade Asean Now forums tend to fall into that category. They are attracted by the lower cost of living (More bangs for their Bucks) and deserve everything they get from the women they tend to abuse. Some strike lucky and the experience can change them into decent men

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5 hours ago, Will B Good said:

Wife at 36...true story.....was asked to move from the wing exit seat on a Ryan Air flight to Rome. She was told she had to be over 16.........not sure if the flight attendant was having a dig at me????

Well, if  you MUST  travel Ryan Air, what d'you expect?

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Gentlemanlike behaviour, truthfullness, respect for people from any upbringing, a good heart and a smile every day are more appreciated and honored by Thai women than by their Western counterparts. Feminism and masculism do not further loving relationships. The probability to find a loving wife is higher in Thailand. Thinking also with your head and not desperately seeking companionship keeps you away from the money diggers. Money is ultimately important  in both cultures. Cancer terminated my happy 20 year marriage in Europe, and I am happily married again here.

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I relocated back to the US from Phuket 5 years ago for a business contract, thinking I would return to the LOS after the completion of the contract. Then "Grandpa Duty" emerged in the form of awesomely wonderful twin granddaughters. So I stayed in the US. I have not even tried to date in the US since I've been back despite several opportunities to do so. US women in general (by all means not all) are spoiled, self-centered, self-entitled drama queens; even the fat ugly ones have bad attitudes. I am thankful I've had the discipline to refuse them. That being said, during my 9 years living and working in the LOS/Taiwan and in 13 different countries in Asia Pac, the EU and N. America, Asian women in general reign supreme over the Western Witch Women. I learned a guy can get "instant love" with many Asian women by virtue of their fat wallet. But to have a true relationship with a Thai (or most other women) it takes time, patience and often times compromise. As good as Thai women can be from the good ones I've met, Vietnamese women are Number One in my book.

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Guest Isaanlife
16 hours ago, Mar Hau said:

I am not a racist but you need to understand that most foreigner found their love with Isaan women. There are good and bad in every society but the general Issan intend to love ATMs on two legs and prefer not to walk to far to get to an ATM. This is not only my knowledge base but confirmed in general by Thais not myself. Well you need to ask the non Issan people. Again I have Issan friends that are totally different but one in a million. I refer to A) foreigners in general have Issan wifes, B) Issan people in general for of this mindset. Just an observation I have make the 32 years I live in this beautiful kingdom of Thailand. 

How many years did you live in Isaan and where?


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Guest Isaanlife
13 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

I would want to talk about anything in general, small talk. I found that with Thai ladies anything beyond what's your name and where do you come from, and it's hard to find things to talk about. Examples: What's in the farang news, farang TV shows.

Find some Thai women with degrees from the western world.


I'am sure there are some of them much smarter than the posters here.

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6 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

In every category of a relationship, western women fail.  The worst just terrible.  That is why western men living with them hate their lives so much.

Based on that statement, I’d be willing to guess, you are one nasty control freak.  

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19 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

If you can find a Thai wife who you can have an intelligent conversation with and likes sex after 40, she's a keeper.  

Problem for me is that I don't watch TV and spend much of my time following my interests which are outside of the norm. Advanced math, particle physics, cosmology, psychology, anthropology, geopolitics, to name a few. Nobody on Samui to engage with so it's all online. When Covid hit and people where advised to avoid close contact with others, nothing really changed. That being said, I'm happy nevertheless. 

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19 hours ago, dpcjsr said:

I live in a small town up north. All of my friends have Thai wives. We are all older and our wives are older, too. Some have been together 30 years. Mature Thai women appreciate the security of having a falang husband and are not likely to stray (younger women may be another story). My wife takes excellent care of me and makes me happy. I cannot even imagine being with a western women again. 

Interesting comment, it seems Thai women only get decent from around the age of 35 but that likely has a lot to do with the fact they are out of the game too, if not having had person X.


I personally came to Thailand at 20, which made it very hard, now in 30s I start to come across more interesting ones all though I never take one again, for one reason that I can't travel or move anywhere with them due to their passport (and I have little faith left in Thailand on the mid-long term).


Keeps surprising me how far away countries with low income requirements accept most countries in the world, even like Ghana, but never Thailand. Such a good reputation I guess.


Anyway you mentioned the keyword already ''appreciate security of a farang''.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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18 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

The other thing we have to take into consideration is the majority of guys that come to thailand have hardly had their choice of pretty western girls . They  are not what i would call high caliber males . They have most likely been picking low hanging fruit in the west and then come to thailand and repeat it again but convince themselves this is real as they hold most of the cards now (money) its delusional to think some old farm girl rump is somehow A better standard then a decent western lady .  Keep Convincing yourself that up until the money runs out ….. 

Some of the posts on this forum are just mind boggling. Of course the posters that write them are "different" from those farangs that they apparently despise!


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