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‘Democracy leads to inequality,’ says government textbook, sparking public outrage over potential propaganda


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On 2/19/2022 at 7:25 AM, Paul Henry said:

There is no such thing as equality. All people are different. Even in the days of strong communism or socialism we saw that there was and is no equality. The rich get richer, the poor stay poor the intelligent strive for education, success and self improvement.

Such nonsense. If what you claim is true, then there never was a growth of the middle class or declines in the number of the poory and that the ratio of rich to poor has always remained the same.

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On 2/19/2022 at 12:29 PM, jak2002003 said:

And the UK. 


Democracy would be the ideal thing if people were not corrupt, selfish and power hungry.  


Also, a lot of people are too stupid or prejudiced to understand implications of what they are voting for, always voting for the same party out of tradition, ideology or like a religion. 


Those that want to get elected also pass laws or do things to make them popular with the voting public...things that night not be good for society. 


They are also reluctant to pass laws or suggest things that will make them unpopular or loose voter support....things that would be good for the country and society. 


Kind of like 2 parents fighting over the love of their spoilt child... Each promising the child sweets and treats and not making them take the nasty tasting medicine or making them study or exercise.


Same as the communist ideal...also very good in theory...but they also are corrupted. 


I think we need a different system now....maybe a mix of democracy and communism.....? 


It would help if leaders were only allowed a normal salary, had to have the correct qualifications and experience for the job, and had no criminal history.  They should also be middle aged and not approaching or past retirement age (as most leaders seem to be), and not religious. 





Your points are great and indeed problem is that you can't sell stuff like tax increases or other stuff people don't like. Also with a uneducated voter pool you can get populists in and stuff like that. Look at the US for instance. In my country democracy is also not working well with too many political parties so it does not work well. 

Still of all the systems democracy is the least bad one of all. But it certainly has it failings. 

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26 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

Strongly suggest that Placeholder starts reading a few psychology books. He may be enlightend and see my statement is well documented and proven.

And what books would those be? And what relevance do they have to the fact that the nonsensical generalization you posited is proven false by history. How are psychology books going to undo those facts?



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Suggest Placeholder read more talk less. Inequality covers amiriad of issues. No two people have the same DNA therefore they are not equal the difference in DNA leads to a variation in physical structure, intellegince, race etc. So according to you they are all equal. Why do tall people earn big money playing basketball, don't see any vertically challenge people earning big money on the court. Intelligent people generally earn more money than those with a low IQ, try becoming a medical doctor with a low IQ. Behaviour modification can put people into groups or catergories but it does not mean they are equal. Are all privates in the millitary equal?. If so why do some leave, some win medals.

others get promoted. PS. your graph proves the point people are not all equal and there is inequality.

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It's cheeky, but not entirely untrue. In any case, there can never be absolute equality because everyone is different, humans are essentially competitive, and merit has to be rewarded proportionally. To believe otherwise is Marxist and utopian. Attempts to impose equality across the board can never work and, moreover, should never be allowed to happen. It shouldn't bother anyone that a minority - Bezos and Musk et al - gets stinking rich. They are the entrepreneurs and drivers of the economy; they spread their money about and when they have more than they need even for that, they become philanthropists and give it away. If they have two sheds in their garden - good for them. Besides, envy is one of the driving forces of human nature. We need it to make the world go round.

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4 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

Suggest Placeholder read more talk less. Inequality covers amiriad of issues. No two people have the same DNA therefore they are not equal the difference in DNA leads to a variation in physical structure, intellegince, race etc. So according to you they are all equal. Why do tall people earn big money playing basketball, don't see any vertically challenge people earning big money on the court. Intelligent people generally earn more money than those with a low IQ, try becoming a medical doctor with a low IQ. Behaviour modification can put people into groups or catergories but it does not mean they are equal. Are all privates in the millitary equal?. If so why do some leave, some win medals.

others get promoted. PS. your graph proves the point people are not all equal and there is inequality.

True in what you saying. Really down to individual governments to reduce the income inequality by fiscal policies like direct and indirect taxation and social policies. Some countries are quite reluctant to employ taxation to reduce inequality like UK and US. 

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