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Number of Russian visitors in Phuket instantly drops, Phuket struggles to find solutions for hundreds of stranded tourists with no access to funds due to sanctions


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8 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

Agree. Russians I’ve met on Jomtien beach have been gracious people, happy to try out their limited English. I’ve even been given food by Russians who probably have way less money than I do. Not their fault that their leader’s an evil psychopath.

Russians are not supposed to have contact with non Russians 

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On 3/8/2022 at 5:42 AM, steven100 said:

These stranded [Russians] should tell their embassy in BKK to call Putin's rich Oligarch's .....and have them bring their  $200Million dollar yachts over and pick them up on the beach.  



I think the oligarchs fit just the profile that the Thai government is looking for. Wealthy, foreigners. No names, no pack drill.

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46 minutes ago, eastlight said:

Russians are not supposed to have contact with non Russians 

Never realised that I was getting myself into James Bond territory. I’ve actually been approached by so many Russians on Jomtien beach over the years that I had to learn the Russian for “I’m sorry, I don’t speak Russian!”

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1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Can you please define “trash media” or are you generalising about all media outlets; if so, please tell us where you are getting your news from about the appalling invasion of Ukraine, and how you are managing to formulate your world view …. thanks

You're taking my comment slightly out of context. I was referring to people who, instead of travelling, form all their world views on what they are TOLD rather than going to see for themselves. IE..  I'm on this forum because i have spent many happy times IN THAILAND, so my opinions are mine, not just those of others on the forum.  i can, therefore debate from a position of experience.


My world view is also based on 30 years + of travelling for work and pleasure in some nice and some not so nice places


To answer your question directly, I'm in UK, so if i read something in (say) the Daily Mail, i won't automatically believe it. Rather, I'll compare with The Times, Guardian, BBC, ITV etc etc.  If there are specialist blogs, I'll read them too.

If it's a scientific issue (Covid for example) I'll go straight to Medical and University sites rather than accept mainstream media's output.


As regards Ukraine, I have no choice but to use MSM BUT..... I read more than one source and have looked at a few blogs.

My point, is to QUESTION rather than believe automatically.

Answer your question?

Edited by VBF
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13 hours ago, Thunglom said:

let's face it quite apart from not being able to pay, they is hardly a country in the world that would welcome Russians at present.

Any Russian who expects otherwise would be utterly foolhardy.

Actually you would be surprised. Any country that voted to abstain would in theory accept Russians. I used the term "in theory" because in practice China is not accepting anyone, neither is Laos etc

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3 hours ago, Jimbo53 said:

If your Russian get in touch with your Embassy,and ask them,if your not,then why bother?

have them contact one of the Oligarchs ....  they should be able to get you a yacht from the Maldives 

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22 hours ago, harada said:

Just going by the saying, it’s all in the eyes, from what I’ve seen of Putin lately, I think he might be heading for Siberia in a straight jacket before long. :crazy:

More like in a coffin, if the speculation about his health is correct.  

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5 minutes ago, Henryford said:

What is there to stop the Russian people from doing the same? In these circumstances, no one can force you to shoot people.

The problem is in a war zone all bets are off....perhaps you were ordered to shoot civilians but there may be bullets flying every which way including in your direction. Hardly a time to make rational decisions about shooting into the air.

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17 hours ago, VBF said:

You're taking my comment slightly out of context. I was referring to people who, instead of travelling, form all their world views on what they are TOLD rather than going to see for themselves. IE..  I'm on this forum because i have spent many happy times IN THAILAND, so my opinions are mine, not just those of others on the forum.  i can, therefore debate from a position of experience.


My world view is also based on 30 years + of travelling for work and pleasure in some nice and some not so nice places


To answer your question directly, I'm in UK, so if i read something in (say) the Daily Mail, i won't automatically believe it. Rather, I'll compare with The Times, Guardian, BBC, ITV etc etc.  If there are specialist blogs, I'll read them too.

If it's a scientific issue (Covid for example) I'll go straight to Medical and University sites rather than accept mainstream media's output.


As regards Ukraine, I have no choice but to use MSM BUT..... I read more than one source and have looked at a few blogs.

My point, is to QUESTION rather than believe automatically.

Answer your question?


Thanks for your explanation. So, you are sitting in the UK, digesting information from the mainstream media, and consequently being one of those “armchair travellers” that you so scorn. Anyhow, thank’s for mentioning The Guardian, at least that gives some clarity to the trash media you alluded to ¯\_()_/¯


I’m not sure if it was intentional or not, but your comment that I replied to came across as rather pretentious (I travel and am therefore able to form my own opinion) and condescending / patronising (other British & American “armchair travellers” don’t have their own opinions at all)


Unlike millions of Russians living in poverty, most Brits and Americans are able to travel widely, especially, but not exclusively, members on this forum.


You seem to think that your world view has validity because of the media  sources that inform you, whereas those that get their information from other sources, continue to enjoy their ignorance and bigotry ……………. hmmmm

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On 3/8/2022 at 7:20 AM, Benmart said:

I am grateful that I have resources to live here, but mostly that I have never met some of the creatures who post such hateful things about other people. It's the Russian government, not the individua Russian l tourist who is behind all this.

i can take it from you comments you don't have your place ie house..condo surrounded by these Nice (not) Russians.. 

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On 3/8/2022 at 10:49 AM, crazykopite said:

I agree with everything you say and yes I feel for those Russians who are holed up around the world unable to get funds or use there credit/debit cards due to the actions of a madman. The Russian citizens are the only people who can remove this evil by going onto the streets in there millions even if Putin is defeated in this invasion / war as long as he is in power as President the sanctions will remain and the only people who will suffer are the citizens of Russia . Putin will still have a warm place to sleep , and plenty of food this guy has stolen billions from his own people it’s time for them to have an uprising and get rid of him 

And the oloigarchs (many in the UK) who helped him get there, knowing their nests would be well feathered as a reward.  

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