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Absence makes the Thai heart grow fonder - Rooster’s back crowing again!


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

With me back it feels like the good old days!

Yeah, it was boring without you.

Nobody was telling about his Family so nicely.

And nobody was craving so much for normal Life. However, normal in this way is to accept Covid and protect yourself by wearing masks and being vaxxed, at least 3 times.

Allow yourself some more time of resting and then come back with your own opinion .....but not mainstream.

Good Luck and Happy Easter



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Very Refreshing Rooster !!! .... and a Good one !!! ... And Plenty of Good Positivity coming in on this column today also !!! ... Your Holls must have been very nice for you !!! ... Like time to think. ... and in this always Rushed world, ... Usually. ... And yes, I am glad that your families health Problems turned out all right also ! ... and that things there seem to be going well also. !!!  …. GFYR


(Good For You Rooster) ...


... ... Yes, I think also that about 3 times as many People have the dreaded Lurgie, as report it, Like now it is so benign, for the Majority of People, why would you get tested ! ... … or report it ! ? ... Like the people are scared of it !!! ... But people that test  Positive for it, are the ones that are forced to get tested for their work now I think ??? …. As it will only make things worse for you AND your Family around here, if you do test Positive, ... as they can target Homes with people that test Positive in them !!!)  .... Like about 75 % of the Larger Family homes around here, have had cases in them. ... But well We not ??? .... But well, ???...


…. But I must Not go on Right, so the story about the Family Tradies taking the whole roof off the back part of the House, and then the ceiling falling in “Chock Dee Songkran” Right !!! ???  …. As the white ants have eaten nearly all of the Wood up there !!! Must Wait ??? ... It will be an Ongoing problem for  while around here I think … Like they have eaten most of the main roof, and ceiling supports up there as well I think, and is the word from the Boys up the ladders at the “Front” !!! ….


… And well complicated by falling ceiling panels, often with lights and live, electrical wiring connected to them !!!  … and a welder for the new Steal supports !!! ….On occasions, ...  2 A/C units, a router, and 2 43 inch TV's !!! and Multiple fans and some lights !!! … going all at the same time ! ? ….  ...  And we seem to have found our Power supply boards limit I think !!! …. (At 3 am !!! @#$%^&)(*&^%) …. and UPS all round to you all !!! right ??? …  And well !!! Learn how to re set the Breakers Mark mark !!!


… Good to see you back Mate. and let’s hope the just <Deleted> or just plain boring news ! ... from here and around the whole world, now picks up a bit also !!!  … And gives you something better to make a bit of fun out of !!! ....


All the best Mates, .... and All.


… Mark mark.

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Good to see you back in the saddle, Rooster.


I seem to have a symptom of Long-Covid.  Muscle pain on and off in all limbs, esp. in upper thighs and hips when I bend to pick up a mango off the ground.  I bought a test kit and will do the swab under the tongue soon.


My 3rd Pfizer will be on 21 April.  My wife has to wait until June.  I'm worried about her as she is 76, and like me, has diabetes.



( just south of Hua Hin )

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Great to have you back Rooster. I have had to listen to the guy in Pattaya, and the one in Phuket to keep up 

with the Thai news.  My Thai family in BKK have recovered from COVID, and were very happy that they

had all gotten their vaccines. 2 times for the younger, and 3 times for the older members. Not counting the first jab

of the Chinese blend..  During your absence, there were still people driving into khlongs and power poles, and other parked vehicles,

so many things remained the same during your vacation.  Some of my Canadian family members just came back from their Thailand

vacation, 2 of them tested positive for COVID a couple days later, and it spread throughout 2 houses. All are recovering

 and said they were glad to be away from the HOT Thailand weather. Cheers and Chuk Dee, Good Luck.  Harvey

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16 hours ago, Fortean1 said:

Good to see you back in the saddle, Rooster.


I seem to have a symptom of Long-Covid.  Muscle pain on and off in all limbs, esp. in upper thighs and hips when I bend to pick up a mango off the ground.  I bought a test kit and will do the swab under the tongue soon.


My 3rd Pfizer will be on 21 April.  My wife has to wait until June.  I'm worried about her as she is 76, and like me, has diabetes.



( just south of Hua Hin )

I believe you Terry and Good that you have acted ! and good luck with sorting it out, it is just basically Body Damage I think ??? ... Like that stuff does happen !!! with a lot of attacking Diseases and well could even be a minor part of the Vaccination ??? But well better then Dyeing, and also <Deleted> up every one else also !!! Good n you Mate and good Luck with it. -


I came out of 2 Astra Zeneca Vaccinations, almost Unscathed I thought, but well ? some months on and maybe starting to go down d/t the Total <Deleted> <deleted> Lock down ??? ... But I do think that the Pfizer Jab affected me a lot LOT More than the AZ Vax did !!! ???  ... and also I feel possible ... Minor ! Long term ? ... Still as I say better then Dyeing, !!! which I COULD have done, as I probably had Oviocron, not long after I got back here, and with a major Leg Infection and out of control High Blood Sugar (And Alcoholism !!!) ...and I WAS very VERY sick for a day and a half !!! .... But well I recovered fast, probably d/t the Vaccinations, liek with out them I quite possibly would have died I think and most defiantly, if I had got one of the worse strains !!!  .... So well +++ for the Pfizer Booster Jab from me !!!

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Social Change !!! ???? …. In this place, ... Here, Thailand, once again ???


… You do know that in the Social ramifications of the Escape and outbreak of the China Viruses … The return of all of the Bar Girls, … and other tourist areas Hospitality working Women, Back to their Homes, and farms in the country side !!! ??? and some time way WAY far away you know !!!

… Like I live, almost ! ? in the country side, pretty close to the city … Like the central Thai Flood Plain and a good place as there is normal local IT and logistics work for anyone who can get out of bed in the Mourning !!!  … But well it WAS the country side, like in one of the houses that are about 20 m apart along all of the River banks from Bangkok to well up past Nakon Sawan, ! …. Like for hundreds of Kilometers, and in many other directions !!! … and only the names of the villages change … The Geography and population density remains about the same I think ! ?... And the nature of the people also I am sure.


Any way the Grandson, a top contender for rat bag of the Month, ! Year !!, and well Decade !!!! … Just being conservative about it, ….  just got rid of / Lost his Good wife, and mother of his 2 Children now !!! d/t ??? …. Well hard to say who’s fault it Really was, but when they smashed each other’s Phones !!! We Knew that it was over right !!! ???


So entire Ms. Pxx Mxx… now the only woman in the districts that I can see, that really has a good body, … but well my God the Brave new World !!! …. How they can just F’ absolutely just Great Bodies up, with Tattoos !!! … Well it is Thai also I guess ??? … She is just joining the revolution ? and following the men Right ??? …. Like she should have “Loose Cannon” tattooed across her For Head !!! ??? …. But I do not know if that in Thai would fit up there ??? …


But well I softened on her, as I got to know her, … though she never will be in My camp !!! … But well she is 30 and has 2 Children who obviously love her also, … so well !!! Tats +++ or not, … I decided to let her off, … like SHE is as Real, and as young as you really get around her now I think ??? … The rest have also voted with their feet as many of the Young wives also do !!! … And left !!!


Anyway, the social aspect, ! ….. The reason for my Article ! …. I suddenly then realized that she would not be here !!!  If it was not for CV 19 !!! … The Dreaded remnants of the China Virus !!! … She probably would be in Bangkok, or one of the other Places !!! …. Kneeing Innocent Foreign men. who made the mistake of leaving their legs open, in the Balls !!! …. and Other stuff like that right !!! ???  … But well, … with CV19, she has had to Come Home, well initially to Kanchanabury (Kan) … but obviously voted with her feet over there, …  and now is Over here !!! … But without CV 19 she probably would probably be in Pattaya ? Phuket ? or BKK … …. Like where the Tats came from !!! Right ??? ???


…. So well, I wonder how many good Thai Families all over the Country !!! Now are sitting at their tables at night !!! … Horrified and screaming !!! …. and saying <Deleted> …. !!! “Warrrrr !!! … Just Look what the Son has Brought Back” !!!! Arrrrr …. (Har Har Har !!!) … … Like the bar girls might never go back to their Bars now !!! … They might just start moving in with, ! ? … and marrying the local blokes !!! Up country !!!  … Like just what has happened here !!! ??? …


… And the Total nature of the country !!! … Might just start changing again !!! … As well they have their freedoms also !!! … TIT !!! ….  And the world looking at it that way !!! IS pretty great I think !!! …..  So well !!! I for one, are NOT ever !!! Going to be caught trying to stand in front of her Right ! ? …. I have decided !!! … ??? Pxx Mxx … The “How would you like a bit of Danger !!! … “Loose Canon” +++  Dept. and with the, Body ! … and the Tats to prove it !!!

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11 hours ago, Stargeezr said:

Great to have you back Rooster. I have had to listen to the guy in Pattaya, and the one in Phuket to keep up 

with the Thai news.  My Thai family in BKK have recovered from COVID, and were very happy that they

had all gotten their vaccines. 2 times for the younger, and 3 times for the older members. Not counting the first jab

of the Chinese blend..  During your absence, there were still people driving into khlongs and power poles, and other parked vehicles,

so many things remained the same during your vacation.  Some of my Canadian family members just came back from their Thailand

vacation, 2 of them tested positive for COVID a couple days later, and it spread throughout 2 houses. All are recovering

 and said they were glad to be away from the HOT Thailand weather. Cheers and Chuk Dee, Good Luck.  Harvey

Yes it would be interesting to know Just how many Tourist really are catching it also !!! ... Like most of the people around here a bit further north, in flood Plain, Central Thailand have had it now !!! ... some of my Friends got it and were just So, SO surprised !!!! Like they only just went out to eat at a couple of Restaurants and did nothing more Dangerous !!! But still got it !!! (In Jomtien Pattaya I think) 

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Awww! Rooster the thought crossed my mind, but I'm elderly, almost your age; and I just thought I had got the weeks mixed up, and read your column twice. I got three sentences in before that penny dropped too. Glad you're back. (See my gruff arrogance is only a facade, In real life I'm the life of the -Nazi- party!) ????

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So You went AWOL. Under the circumstances nice to have you back on duty. glad also that everyone's health seem to be on the mend. With regards to your E-Mail address I may (or may not ) be one of the few to have it. But have no fear it's under tight security.

like my friend when I told him I had forgotten three things, asked what they were. I paused for a moment, then said. That's four.

    Speedy 100% recovery to all of your Friends and family.

   Roy c.

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