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Will Utterly-immutable Limbic-directed Human Behavior Ultimately Doom the Human Race to… OBLIVION?

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My Dear Friends,


As, no doubt, have you, I have been thinking, during recent years, especially during these lockdown years, just how much room for behavior modification there might be, when we consider Human Behavior, and the possibility of altering our behavior enough to avoid catastrophic destruction.


For example, do we really act, in our daily lives, out of free will?  Or, are our actions almost completely prescribed by our primordial limbic system which sits deep below our cerebral cortex?


This simple question might prognosticate our future, and even our very existence.


What I am speaking about here is the difference between attending Chula as opposed to attending Soi Cowboy.


As you know, this is what the Soi Cowboy limbic brain looks like:




And, as you know, this is what the Chula cerebral cortex looks like, full of logic and also co-ed hormones, no doubt:




Last night I had a dream. In my dream, I dreamt of two futures.  One future was the farang Pattaya future.  And the other was an inclusive future in which the Human Race, through learning and logic, might endure for another 10,000 years.


I awoke from my dream even more disturbed than I have ever been in my life. I had seen two paths for Mankind.  And yet, I awoke before seeing the future.  Will Mankind seek the Pattaya way?  Or, will the Human Race choose the Chula way, full of logic and science?


Here, we are talking about the Apollonian versus the Dionysian, of course.  And, my question is: Which will win in the end, and will this define our bright future or our demise?


We are now at the crossroads, some say.  If this is so, then which path will we choose, being like the mice we are in this rather complicated maze of our own creation?


Can we somehow separate our hedonistic selves from our logical selves, in time to prevent calamity within the next few decades?  Or, will we continue to stimulate ourselves, as we have always done, through ever more conspicuous conspicuous-consumption?


Not only do I dream these dreams, I also often think these thoughts during my waking hours.


What about you?


Is there even an answer to solving this question of our immutably limbic-directed behavior, a circumstance which we, in fact, share with most other living organisms?


How can we change that which is so integral to our very nature?


To my way of thinking, something so basic to our very being cannot be changed.


Is this true?

Or, not?


My Fellows,

We must wait and see.


(And, there are some here on the Farang Pub who are definitely young enough to live long enough to finally know the answer to this question.  This topic’s question will be answered definitively within the next 30 years.  Or, maybe you can answer this question now.)


For sure, I love you guys.

Enjoy your days, while they last.

Very best to you.



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Well..Julian Jaynes postulated in his essay 'On the Origins of Conciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind' that the left side of the brain influenced the role of logic and rational thought and that the right side was utterly insane-almost in a state of chronic schizophrenia..


Judging by the people I know-including my good self-and taking a peek at history and social anthropology,that seems to be a judicious judgement????????

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1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:

Well..Julian Jaynes postulated in his essay 'On the Origins of Conciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind' that the left side of the brain influenced the role of logic and rational thought and that the right side was utterly insane-almost in a state of chronic schizophrenia..


Judging by the people I know-including my good self-and taking a peek at history and social anthropology,that seems to be a judicious judgement????????

A make believe standard for what might pass as logical and rational?

No such beast as an absolute. 

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That may cover everybody but not Thai-Folks.

They do not rely on any brain functions. They take their clues from:

- Trying to interpret the murky wisdom of "Ghosts", that regularily communicate with them.
- Trying to organise their life/future by listening to some mumbling monks.
- Trying to foresee next weeks winning Lottery Numbers by occultism and black magic.
- Recalling old wisdom, that usually starts with the sentence "My Grandmother told me........" What follows this opening sentence, is undisputed "Gospel" and is beyond questioning and thinking.

This goes to prove, that "thinking" is not necessary. As it would only needlessly tire the "Brain-Muscle". (Yes, a lot of Isaan-Folks consider the brain as a muscle).

BUT: It seems, that the less people think, the happier they are.  So it comes, whenever a Farang looks somewhat "unhappy", in no time at all will a Thai approach him with the ultimate remedy: YOU THINK TOO MUCH.

The burning question: Will the consumption of liberal amounts of "Beer Chang" help the average Farang to "think less"? Yes, it will. But a Thai Lady told me that this would not be advisable. When she told me why this is not advisable, the sentence started with: "My Grandmother told me................" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Nooooooooo!

Ever since, I believe in drunkenness and cruelty.


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