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I am So GLad.... Don't Know What to Do, however. What about you?

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Speaking of rock stars, and Pop Stars, I think there are only a very few who make sense.


Jeff Beck is amazing.


Also, Jeff is a nice guy who does not realize that he plays the guitar like a genius.


I, like you, might think that Jeff Beck is just about the nicest guy you would hope to meet.



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Hone Made Pies, baby, in Alabama.


The problem is that....


There is not enough time for us to be educated before we contribute the the complete and utter destruction of our world.


Chomsky knows this.


If you do not understand this, then this would be surprising.




Now, can we please return to Cream at the Albert Hall, 2005.

There are still a few tunes which have not yet been covered.

Thank you!


I am thinking about swans that live in the park.





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I think that Global Warming is not my fault.


I think that the fault of Global Warming is due to Nature.


If there had been no such thing as Evolution, then I would not be here.


And, if I were not here, then there would be no such thing as Anthropogenic Anything.



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One thing I really do not want to do is to read the writing on the wall.


Do you?


How many of us do not understand that we are on a trajectory to our own doom?


We realize that Human Behavior will be responsible for our doom.


And, we also realize that human behavior is something that cannot be altered, and cannot be changed, in time, to save the Human Race.


We know this.


This is so very obvious.

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Vivaldi is very beautiful.


However, this great music will not survive.


We are on a trajectory toward doom.


Yes, my friends, the writing is on the wall.


And, even if you might care, still, there is really nothing you can do to alter the immutable momentum of the course upon which we are on.


I just hope that you will enjoy Vivaldi.


And, listen.

And, weep. 

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To my friends,


I just wish I could provide a more optimistic view for the future.


So solly.


I cannot do this.


Still, we will be together, during the next few decades, while we witness the end of Humanity.

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This is serious.


This is not a joke.


We are on a trajectory which will lead us to oblivion.


In fact, sometimes I wonder if we might even reach 8 degrees C, further warming within the next 100 years.



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So, anyway, now that we know that imperative societal changes will not be made, and that we will soon hit 4 degrees C...





Some like it hot.


And, soon...


We are going to be very hot.


We do not like living.



Soon, we will be dead, I guess.


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Mostly, in all honesty, I feel so sorry for our young people.


Other than this, then, bombs away, baby.


I have not much love of Mankind.


Other than Jack Bruce, of course, a member of Mankind, one for whom I have great respect.

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You know....


When you actually pay attention to the science, then you see.


Hope and Faith have nothing to do with reality.



Sure, you might find a nice song.

But, a nice song has nothing to do with the physics of our world.


There seems to be a very wide divide, these days, between science and the hope of society.




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1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Have you ever been to Nantucket?


Have you ever been Two Years Before the Mast?


Have you ever climbed the mast, even?


Have you ever taken a sledge to break ice off the bow of a ship?

For that matter, have you ever been to Harvard?

Just like Dana.

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