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10 wounded in South Carolina mass shooting, mayor confirms


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2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

OK, I'll repeat myself.  Raise the age to buy, high cost for permit to buy, AFTER training / certification.  Require proper gun safe in every home w/guns.    Start enforcing laws, no revolving prison doors any more.  Violent crime, any crime, 25 yrs to life.  Gun crime, any, life, no parole.


Illegal sale of gun used in crime, seller does same time as criminal that used it.  Illegal sale of gun not used in crime, 10 yrs in prison, no parole.


Prisons will have no AC, no heat, no exercise yard, no TV, no internet, no visitation, no medical staff.  And be subsistence farming or manufacturing.  You don't produce, you don't eat.  No pay, no credit, you come in with nothing, if you live to leave, you leave with nothing.


2nd felony conviction, 10 yrs prison, no parole.  Repeat felons don't deserve the right to live among the law abiding citizens.


Legal gun owners are rarely the problem, criminals are.


Oh yea .... close the damn southern border.  Put a simple, inexpensive cyclone fence along the whole border with signs, cross this border, and you'll be turned around.  PERIOD.  No entry, no court date, no asylum, no nothing.  Return a 2nd time, and you get life in prison, and work on chain gang FOREVER.


You will not have a better life if you enter the USA illegally.


Give that 1 or 2 years and watch things change drastically for the good.

This would indeed effect change. 

But it won't be implemented as you'll offend/anger 2/3rds of the country. Every snowflake in the country will have a meltdown over it being inhumane. 

Remember, the left won the culture war a long while back. 

( However, governments in most Western countries have enjoyed displaying way too authoritarian behaviours so less freedom is on the cards)

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43 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

Take a look at the UK, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Norway. Your results from Google give zero info to your cause


Here are 5 countries that have taken radical steps to eliminate firearm deaths




You should try different source of info, as you can own firearms in all 5 of those countries. 


Again, simply pointing out, legal owners don't seem to be a problem.  Nutters yes, most legal gun owners, no.


Have a nice day ... PEACE OUT

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15 minutes ago, formanth said:

This would indeed effect change. 

But it won't be implemented as you'll offend/anger 2/3rds of the country. Every snowflake in the country will have a meltdown over it being inhumane. 

Remember, the left won the culture war a long while back. 

( However, governments in most Western countries have enjoyed displaying way too authoritarian behaviours so less freedom is on the cards)

Yes, it turns into a Catch 22, when it's all talk, and no action.  And the ones who want to, and can't defend themselves, seem to be the losers.   Even the police themselves, as this news-blip points out.


A bullet hit the headrest ... lucky indeed.

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2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Most mass shootings are carried out by gang bangers, and I'd be surprised if they are legal gun owners.  We're talking about 2 different things.  You - in school or business mass shootings (TX / NY recently).  Me - everything else, and most of those are gang banger, turf wars.  IMHO

You would not need to discuss If there are No guns available for any Citizen.????

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6 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

NRA and the 2nd Amendment crowd must be happy their weapons are being put to good use and defending their freedoms to own as many guns each as they want.

Which is a good thing in my opinion, so that the legally owned guns can protect the owners from the bad guys who have the far more numerous illegally owned firearms.

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10 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Which is a good thing in my opinion, so that the legally owned guns can protect the owners from the bad guys who have the far more numerous illegally owned firearms.

Yea right, this thread is about mass shootings:


What Do Most Mass Shooters Have in Common? They Bought Their Guns Legally.


From 1966 to 2019, 77 percent of mass shooters obtained the weapons they used in their crimes through legal purchases, according to a comprehensive survey of law enforcement data, academic papers and news accounts compiled by the National Institute of Justice, the research wing of the Justice Department.


New York Times non paywall archive version

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50 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

You would not need to discuss If there are No guns available for any Citizen.????

That IF, will never be a reality in the USA, until they have something that resembles border control.  That is the real world.


The link provide in thread mentions 5 countries, 4 of which are islands.   Apples & oranges.


Going to have to A2D on this topic


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8 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

That IF, will never be a reality in the USA, until they have something that resembles border control.  That is the real world.


The link provide in thread mentions 5 countries, 4 of which are islands.   Apples & oranges.

Is Canada also an Island? Look up their stats and laws including new ones just announced. The US could learn something

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

It is very disheartening. Nothing is being done about the killings. The dems are cowed by the progressives, and the Republicans lack any sort of moral compass, and are owned by the NRA, and the orange one, and are stuck in an 18th century mindset. We deserve our guns! We need our guns! You can't take away our guns! Nothing wrong with having a few guns in the house. But, there is something very, very wrong, when an insane 18 year old can easily buy assault rifles and 350 rounds of ammunition and walk right into a school and take out more people than have been mass murdered in many nations combined for decades, in one day. And there is something infinitely more wrong with America when nobody has to guts to do anything about it. 


The US is a very sick, demented, twisted, confused, and morally bankrupt culture. It is a nation in rapid decline. It is not even a pale shadow of what it used to be. I am infinitely disappointed in my country. They could do so much better. 


According to the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that tracks shootings in the US, there have been 214 mass shootings in 2022 alone.


The United States has far more lax firearm laws and policies compared to other countries — the federal right to own a firearm is even baked into the United States' constitution via the Second Amendment. 



Anyone for holidays in the USA - don't forget to pack your bulletproof vest.

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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Here's an idea. 


Guns have one purpose, and it isn't to defend as some claim. It is to kill and injure. That's it. And guns have no place at all in any civilised society. No good, none at all, can come from them.

Complete hogwash. 

Everyone is more than welcome to express their opinion without name calling but such black and white inflexible thinking is usually what leads to irrationality.. and  everyday we see where irrationality leads to....right?


Certainly an emotive issue and I agree SOME kind of initial step forward needs to be made.  

History tends to show that real, lasting change tends to come from the bottom up, from the PEOPLE... rather than the top down ( as in  forced, which is rarely long lasting). 


If you hate guns, that's your choice. But to say they "only have one purpose, have no place at all in a civilized society" and they should be completely  done away with, while I understand your intent behind such statements, is just as incredulous , divisive and irrational as saying guns should be available, easily, for everyone, with 30 round clips, at every convenience store, with no checks, balances or consequences whatsoever. 


You may not appreciate the craftmanship and skill, the science and the physics that have gone into making them, but plenty of "civilized" people do. 

How about the farmers dealing with a huge feral pest problem, should they just use knives and explosives  from now on?  Should we be blowing up feral hogs instead because a quick, almost painless demise is worse then a louder, more spectacular one?


How about the trap/ skeet shooter ( clays)- bad luck, go find another sport?


Have you ever fired a shotgun ? They do more damage than rifles at close range so if you are going to ban rifles you should include shotguns, handguns, bows, crossbows ( literally medieval), scuba diving spears and whatever else that teaches our kids "violent methods", including video games. 


How about the parent teaching their son or daughter how to hunt for food ,under the well meaning and loving guidance of "never to be wasted or taken for granted"; by only taking what you can eat (soon) and to respect nature (don't be greedy).  Are these mothers and fathers amoral ?


What about museum weapons of war.. would educating people about weapons used in history be completely obnoxious? Because then you'd have to be outraged at dozens of countries that have places of interest/museums showing these artefacts. Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan just for starters..


Would each of those scenarios be pointless, abhorrent, repulsive and immoral and need to be stamped out immediately??  


Yes, it's tragic. They say one of the hardest things to do is to bury your own children. But let's not turn this into a free for all for everyone to pick on/ blame/ ridicule U.S citizens, when it's their time of mourning, in a time of national introspection. ( Becoming too often , I must admit).


Isn't your point  1 death is too many? Or is it that young people with no moral compass are killing children? 

Or is it the way they are murdered?


Simple, ban all knives , machetes, buses, cars, lorries in the U.K, Europe, Australia, N.Z and ah yes, Japan - ( almost zero gun deaths but gassings, beheadings... plus 150,000 children EACH YEAR  in Japan lose COMPLETE contact with their fathers ( and mothers) by being a black hole for domestic and international abductions. Yes foreign fathers and mothers as well. 

Where is the world's outrage at the DECADES of deprivation of children's and basic parental rights they have in every other G20 country?? Did you celebrate their Olympics? Which part of "civilized" humanity was that?)


Who here can say, with a straight face, that you are proud of your own countries politicians, always, in every decision?   

Good. Now get to work, those 3 other fingers pointing back at you are giving you a clue as to where there's more work to do and where it all starts..






Edited by formanth
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32 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Is Canada also an Island? Look up their stats and laws including new ones just announced. The US could learn something

If reading post I referred to, these are the 5 countries; UK, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Norway.


Canada, or any country - apples & oranges.   BUT ... IF you insist, it would seem legal gun owners in Canada, as it seems worldwide, MOST, almost all, are NOT the problem.


Good Bye BkkBrian, have a nice day ... PEACE OUT



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3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Plenty can be done, see my post, it just isn't done.  Enforce the laws on the books now.  As someone post, somewhere, 1000's are denied gun purchases every year, usually felons, but are they put in jail for attempting to buy ?   Doubtful .... how many of these were prosecuted ?



Well, it would appear that not enough serial killers, or mass murderers are denied permission to buy weapons, would it not?

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18 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

If reading post I referred to, these are the 5 countries; UK, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Norway.


Canada, or any country - apples & oranges.   BUT ... IF you insist, it would seem legal gun owners in Canada, as it seems worldwide, MOST, almost all, are NOT the problem.


Good Bye BkkBrian, have a nice day ... PEACE OUT



Indeed apples and oranges. The US has the 2nd ammedment, a unique legislation propped up by the powerful NRA which has lead to the problems and mass shootings. Until more effective gun controls are in place nothing will change, particularly when people are blind to the evidence from other countries

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41 minutes ago, George Aylesham said:

Anyone for holidays in the USA - don't forget to pack your bulletproof vest.

My guess is that holiday travel to the US is way down. With stunning hyper inflation happening there, it is not affordable for a vacation. A couple I know go out to Thousand Oaks, from LA every year, for a long weekend, and stay at the Four Seasons there. For the past 8 years they have paid about $350 a nite. Now, they are being quoted $900 a nite. Huh? Really? It is not even close to being one of their better properties.


Americans seem to be immune to the massive inflation they are facing. People are paying stupid prices for most everything now. I say no with my feet, and my wallet. Others do not seem to have their wits about them, for companies to get away with that kind of felonious price gouging. 

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45 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Is Canada also an Island? Look up their stats and laws including new ones just announced. The US could learn something

Yes BkkBrian, feel free to move to Canada where the P.M froze bank accounts of protesters.


People who needed to put food on the table for their kids and buy medicine for their mom's with dementia.


Didn't we fight  2 world wars a few years back because of meglomania and a Will Smith extreme " You shut your mouth "  attitude in  dark coloured shirts?

They say things come back in fashion. Must be an economic mini 1970's again- high oil prices, high gas prices, inflation. 

What would be really awesome is a mini 1980's - yeah , a lot of you secretly want mullet hairstyles to come back!




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13 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Well, it would appear that not enough serial killers, or mass murderers are denied permission to buy weapons, would it not?

Apparently more than a few fall thru the cracks in the system.  


Not to trivialize any death, but thankfully their kill count is very low per 335 ish million Yanks + 20+ million or so immigrants.   No consolation to the victims' family & friends of course.


Really isn't something people need to worry about, but great headliner, divider & distraction. 


Personally, I'd like to see daily headlines about the lack of clean drinking water, vaccines, & cheap meds in the world that kills about half million kids a year before the age of 5 yrs old from diarrheal diseases.  Seems easy enough to solve.  Shame there's no profit in that.


But that's just me ... and would consider that more a priority.



Screenshot (38).jpg

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1 minute ago, formanth said:

Yes BkkBrian, feel free to move to Canada where the P.M froze bank accounts of protesters.


People who needed to put food on the table for their kids and buy medicine for their mom's with dementia.


Didn't we fight  2 world wars a few years back because of meglomania and a Will Smith extreme " You shut your mouth "  attitude in  dark coloured shirts?

They say things come back in fashion. Must be an economic mini 1970's again- high oil prices, high gas prices, inflation. 

What would be really awesome is a mini 1980's - yeah , a lot of you secretly want mullet hairstyles to come back!




No need to move to Canada  I'm happy in Phuket and my regular visits to the UK. I do have opinions on the matter though. When mass shootings of children and innocent people happen



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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Here's an idea. Round up all those politicians in America who refuse to change the gun laws, put them in a school classroom and bring in a gunman or two and see the reaction. After all, those politicians are content for that to happen to others. Over and over and over again.


Guns have one purpose, and it isn't to defend as some claim. It is to kill and injure. That's it. And guns have no place at all in any civilised society. No good, none at all, can come from them.

There is also no way that any civilian can be trained with firearms the way I was in the military - and even there they were kept under lock and key and only handed out and used under strict supervision.

There is no way any civilian can be drilled enough to develop the necessary respect and proficiency needed to handle firearms. Never mind the notion that 'good guys' can use them proficiently to blow away 'bad guys' in their local supermarket. What utter rot.

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1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

That IF, will never be a reality in the USA, until they have something that resembles border control.  That is the real world.


The link provide in thread mentions 5 countries, 4 of which are islands.   Apples & oranges.


Going to have to A2D on this topic


Vote for the Democrats, give them majority and the nonsense with guns for everybody will stop.☺️

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1 minute ago, sawadee1947 said:

Vote for the Democrats, give them majority and the nonsense with guns for everybody will stop.☺️

Voting for big, bloated governments of either persuasion have just given you more of the same.  Are you connecting the dots?


For those who have lived, or are still living in the U.S , who would agree that for most people, life has gotten better, easier, with less rules and regulations over the past 2 decades?

The same goes for Suicidal Europe, Scandinavia, the U.K, Cuckoo Canada, Authoritarian Australia ( and N.Z). 


Protest, whine,, bitch, whinge, curse. Elect ! Elect ! Elect!



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4 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Most mass shootings are carried out by gang bangers, and I'd be surprised if they are legal gun owners.  We're talking about 2 different things.  You - in school or business mass shootings (TX / NY recently).  Me - everything else, and most of those are gang banger, turf wars.  IMHO

You make a valid point.  When I read the number of mass shooting being posted on this forum, I had to look further into it as I thought the number was quite high.  Admittedly, when I hear "mass shooting", my first thoughts is something akin to the idiot shooter in the Uvalde Texas shooting or the Vegas shooting in 2017.


Before the flaming and trolling start, I will say I never was a gun owner nor desire to own a gun.  I don't support the NRA but do support the 2nd amendment.  YES, the laws must be changed specifically when it comes to reporting mental illness (but that's another debate).


My internet search is not scientific but I tallied some numbers (May 2022 only) from list of mass shootings from the following link:




The notes below were from the link:


Mass shootings are incidents involving several victims of firearm-related violence. The precise inclusion criteria are disputed, and there is no broadly accepted definition.


Only incidents considered mass shootings by at least two of the above sources are listed below. Many incidents involving organized and gang violence are included.


Alibi up front, I didn't research every shooting listed but mainly depended on the description in the listing.  There were 67 mass shootings for May...my numbers don't add up to 67 but I some (based on the description) couldn't be determined. The link doesn't provide information if the guns used were legal or illegal:


Shooting at parties: 11

Domestic related: 4

Gang related: 16

Disputes (at bars, arguments, etc): 21

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5 hours ago, KhunLA said:


Oh yea .... close the damn southern border.  Put a simple, inexpensive cyclone fence along the whole border with signs, cross this border, and you'll be turned around.  PERIOD.  No entry, no court date, no asylum, no nothing.  Return a 2nd time, and you get life in prison, and work on chain gang FOREVER.



What does this rant have to do with mass shootings? AFAIK most of the mass shootings in America are perpetrated by disaffected and deranged white supremacists. If you have better information, post it.

Perhaps it has not occurred to you without labor from south of the border, most of US crops could not be harvested economically in California and Texas. While Trump was building his "beautiful wall" ( the unfinished one ), he obviously did not shy away from employing undocumented workers.



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5 minutes ago, howlee101 said:

You make a valid point.  When I read the number of mass shooting being posted on this forum, I had to look further into it as I thought the number was quite high.  Admittedly, when I hear "mass shooting", my first thoughts is something akin to the idiot shooter in the Uvalde Texas shooting or the Vegas shooting in 2017.


Before the flaming and trolling start, I will say I never was a gun owner nor desire to own a gun.  I don't support the NRA but do support the 2nd amendment.  YES, the laws must be changed specifically when it comes to reporting mental illness (but that's another debate).


My internet search is not scientific but I tallied some numbers (May 2022 only) from list of mass shootings from the following link:




The notes below were from the link:


Mass shootings are incidents involving several victims of firearm-related violence. The precise inclusion criteria are disputed, and there is no broadly accepted definition.


Only incidents considered mass shootings by at least two of the above sources are listed below. Many incidents involving organized and gang violence are included.


Alibi up front, I didn't research every shooting listed but mainly depended on the description in the listing.  There were 67 mass shootings for May...my numbers don't add up to 67 but I some (based on the description) couldn't be determined. The link doesn't provide information if the guns used were legal or illegal:


Shooting at parties: 11

Domestic related: 4

Gang related: 16

Disputes (at bars, arguments, etc): 21

Of the 200+ mass shootings for 2022, two were actually 'in' a school.  One at Tops in Buffalo, NY. 


Most of the rest fall in the gang banger, party, bbq, park, neighborhood shoot out (possibly probably gangs), or relationship issues, one starts shooting with 1 or 5 joining in.  You end up with 4+ getting injured = mass shooting.


Thankfully most couldn't hit the broad side a a barn from 50 meters.  As far as yearly murders go, FBI stats, most victims knew their assailant.

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10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

What does this rant have to do with mass shootings? AFAIK most of the mass shootings in America are perpetrated by disaffected and deranged white supremacists. If you have better information, post it.

Perhaps it has not occurred to you without labor from south of the border, most of US crops could not be harvested economically in California and Texas. While Trump was building his "beautiful wall" ( the unfinished one ), he obviously did not shy away from employing undocumented workers.



Trump ... seriously ... ????

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30 minutes ago, BusyB said:

There is also no way that any civilian can be trained with firearms the way I was in the military - and even there they were kept under lock and key and only handed out and used under strict supervision.

There is no way any civilian can be drilled enough to develop the necessary respect and proficiency needed to handle firearms. Never mind the notion that 'good guys' can use them proficiently to blow away 'bad guys' in their local supermarket. What utter rot.

That is a very good point. So when's the compulsory military service happening?

And will you step in to lead the group and 'straighten 'em out ?

Good luck getting their attention from their phones or them not freaking out once they hear a gunshot not on Playstation.

If you do your job effectively, then any "good guys" won't have any need to "blow away" any "bad guys" because they will have been trained to give the utmost respect to firearms and society at large, right?


Which is the whole point of training "any civilian", right?  

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30 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

What does this rant have to do with mass shootings? AFAIK most of the mass shootings in America are perpetrated by disaffected and deranged white supremacists. If you have better information, post it.

Perhaps it has not occurred to you without labor from south of the border, most of US crops could not be harvested economically in California and Texas. While Trump was building his "beautiful wall" ( the unfinished one ), he obviously did not shy away from employing undocumented workers.



You're quite right. During the last Administration, both the FBI and Homeland Security produced reports that noted 75% of all domestic terror attacks since 9-11 were carried out by white supremacist and far right groups.


As for mass shootings, this is often the case, too. That mutant Gendron drove to Buffalo specifically to kill blacks. Patrick Crusius killed 20 Latinos at an El Paso Walmart, claiming he was inspired by the Christchurch killer and fearing 'caravans' of Central Americans coming into the US. Robert Bowers attacked a synagogue in PA and killed 11 Jewish worshippers, because that synagogue was helping resettle immigrants. Coleman Blevins, a white supremacist andNazi & confederate fan,  planned another Texas Walmart massacre where he, too, would target Hispanics. Christopher Hansson was arrested with weapons, including AR-15s and had a plan to assassinate people critical of 45. He had made a spreadsheet in which he listed their names, using the nicknames 45 had given each of Hansson's targets. The 45-supporting oath keepers and proud boys had stashed hundreds of weapons and tens of thousands of rounds of ammo at a couple of suburban DC motels around 6 Jan 2021, responding to the call by 45 to 'take back the country' (aka, "I lost and hate democracy").

Edited by Walker88
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13 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

What does this rant have to do with mass shootings? AFAIK most of the mass shootings in America are perpetrated by disaffected and deranged white supremacists. If you have better information, post it.

Perhaps it has not occurred to you without labor from south of the border, most of US crops could not be harvested economically in California and Texas. While Trump was building his "beautiful wall" ( the unfinished one ), he obviously did not shy away from employing undocumented workers.



Don't hide your hard on for "good" politicians and "better" parties, mate. 

AH yes, little Johnny Howard confiscating all those evil semi auto firearms.


So Howard was justified to knee jerk react...to a mentally disabled young man with an IQ of 82, who incredulously  had a kill to injury ratio on par with the top 5 sharp shooters in the WORLD at the time, who walked in to the gunsmith shop in Tasmania and did not even know a rifle was jammed with a LIVE round in it ( facing the rifle in the direction of the gunsmith)... who was coerced by his "appointed" lawyer into pleading guilty so he wouldn't be tried by jury to save Howard the embarrassment...

and then conveniently making a minority, law abiding group, ALL recreational gun owners, who had done nothing illegal, ever scapegoats,  to prevent  a future occurrence of what had a small statistical probability of happening...? 


If that's the case, divorce has a much greater greater probability of happening and affects millions of lives negatively, especially vulnerable children...so why don't they ban guys with an IQ of 82 or more from marrying  ugly, self centred women that the rest of us can see are trouble?????  Just being facetious...


If that's the case, Australia should've banned rear wheel drive vehicles , saving many. many deaths and injuries, as any knowledgeable driver KNOWS that a rear wheel drive vehicle is extremely difficult for the average layman to correct, after losing control thru oversteer.....and therefore to reduce mayhem, FWD vehicles are safer for everyone and the community..


So is Albo and Penny gunna save Straya and Australians, mate?  

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2 minutes ago, formanth said:

Don't hide your hard on for "good" politicians and "better" parties, mate. 

AH yes, little Johnny Howard confiscating all those evil semi auto firearms.


So Howard was justified to knee jerk react...to a mentally disabled young man with an IQ of 82, who incredulously  had a kill to injury ratio on par with the top 5 sharp shooters in the WORLD at the time, who walked in to the gunsmith shop in Tasmania and did not even know a rifle was jammed with a LIVE round in it ( facing the rifle in the direction of the gunsmith)... who was coerced by his "appointed" lawyer into pleading guilty so he wouldn't be tried by jury to save Howard the embarrassment...

and then conveniently making a minority, law abiding group, ALL recreational gun owners, who had done nothing illegal, ever scapegoats,  to prevent  a future occurrence of what had a small statistical probability of happening...? 


If that's the case, divorce has a much greater greater probability of happening and affects millions of lives negatively, especially vulnerable children...so why don't they ban guys with an IQ of 82 or more from marrying  ugly, self centred women that the rest of us can see are trouble?????  Just being facetious...


If that's the case, Australia should've banned rear wheel drive vehicles , saving many. many deaths and injuries, as any knowledgeable driver KNOWS that a rear wheel drive vehicle is extremely difficult for the average layman to correct, after losing control thru oversteer.....and therefore to reduce mayhem, FWD vehicles are safer for everyone and the community..


So is Albo and Penny gunna save Straya and Australians, mate?  

If you had bothered to read my previous posts, you would find I have owned guns legally in Australia for many years. I never felt the need to own a weapon whose only purpose is to kill people rapidly, and please don't give me any BS about them being hunting rifles. If you need that many shots to kill game, you should not be out there, because you are more likely to kill other hunters accidentally.


Taking your FWD/RWD argument to its logical conclusion, Australians should only be driving AWD's.


I don't know if Albo and Penny will save Australia, it's a fair mess that's been left behind.

I mean, $40 billion to companies that didn't need it, and a government that refused to do anything to get it back. Pork-barrelling of electorates, while a Federal Integrity Commission was all too hard. Scomo ( aka the CoalHumper ) and Joyce ( aka the Beetrooter ) dragging their heels on climate change, so we will pay the price in terms of international trade.


If you are part of the Murdoch chorus weeping and gnashing their teeth, my commiserations. FYI, John Hewson nailed it when he said Australians vote for the centre of politics, IMO Dutton is the last person to get the party back to there.



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