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What is your plan when China invades Taiwan?

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15 minutes ago, placnx said:

It's no wonder that the US is taking the matter seriously

The US has no say in the matter, other than self opinionated interference.

There is a legal dispute between China and Taiwan which should be resolved in the international courts.

Until that happens, China has every right to see any US action as an infringement on it's territory, after all the US has an established track record on subversion.

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On 6/13/2022 at 11:48 PM, sandyf said:

By the same token Taiwan should abandon any idea of independence.   The last 70 years have proven peaceful co-existence can prevail, but you cannot legislate for US interference.

Why?    By the same token, should you abandon any idea of independence?   Or of freedom because that is what it really is about.    The CCP has trashed, smashed and subjugated Tibet, Xinjiang, and now Hong Kong.    Now, you are okay to add Taiwan to that?   

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20 hours ago, tjintx said:

Why?    By the same token, should you abandon any idea of independence?   Or of freedom because that is what it really is about.    The CCP has trashed, smashed and subjugated Tibet, Xinjiang, and now Hong Kong.    Now, you are okay to add Taiwan to that?   

I can only assume you have never been to the war museum in HCMC.

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On 6/18/2022 at 2:54 PM, sandyf said:

The US has no say in the matter, other than self opinionated interference.

There is a legal dispute between China and Taiwan which should be resolved in the international courts.

Until that happens, China has every right to see any US action as an infringement on it's territory, after all the US has an established track record on subversion.

Why would Taiwan or China agree to jurisdiction of international courts. China is ignoring the World Court's ruling concerning South China Sea "islands". I'm not sure which court would be a forum for a dispute between these entities.

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10 hours ago, placnx said:

Why would Taiwan or China agree to jurisdiction of international courts. China is ignoring the World Court's ruling concerning South China Sea "islands". I'm not sure which court would be a forum for a dispute between these entities.

Take it you found "should" a bit difficult.

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On 6/9/2022 at 8:10 PM, sandyf said:

You are talking like Taiwan is a normal country, but far from it. Following the second world war Taiwan was supposed to be returned to China by Japan but the agreement was never legally formalised. Taiwan is the ROC and China the PRC, both claim to be "China".

The US has no legal jurisdiction over Taiwan and any country needs a legal basis to infringe on another country's rights, not that that has stopped the US in the past but probably think twice before an act of war against China.

Current Chinese leadership is committed to reuniting Taiwan with the mainland so almost bound to happen at some point, little chance that Taiwan could takeover the mainland.


Taiwan highly strategic component of 1st Island Chain which seals in China from Pacific and Protects Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan.All Free Democracies & US Allies. Strong justification for US / Allies ( inc. AusNZ UK ) to stop CCP invading Taiwan. ????????????

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3 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

Taiwan.All Free Democracies

False statement.   Taiwan is officially the Republic of China and it is not a sovereign state so cannot in any way be considered a "free" democracy. It is not a member of the UN and only officially recognised by 13 of the 193 UN members. Those that unofficially deal with Taiwan could very well end up in trouble if the US continues to threaten stability. 

It is a contentious dispute that requires a legal resolution, it is not up to the US to decide who the territory belongs to.

I don't remember the US making the same noises when Argentina tried to reclaim the Falklands, but then they had little interest in the territory. US rhetoric is purely based on it's own interests, nothing else.

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4 hours ago, sandyf said:

False statement.   Taiwan is officially the Republic of China and it is not a sovereign state so cannot in any way be considered a "free" democracy. It is not a member of the UN and only officially recognised by 13 of the 193 UN members. Those that unofficially deal with Taiwan could very well end up in trouble if the US continues to threaten stability. 

It is a contentious dispute that requires a legal resolution, it is not up to the US to decide who the territory belongs to.

I don't remember the US making the same noises when Argentina tried to reclaim the Falklands, but then they had little interest in the territory. US rhetoric is purely based on it's own interests, nothing else.

If China keeps using economic coercion to bully any country that objects to any of its numerous illicit activities abroad, one day it may find that a majority in the UN General Assembly will recognize Taiwan as a non-member state, same as has happened in the case of Palestine. For the moment, Taiwan can be described as a democratic entity.

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8 hours ago, sandyf said:

False statement.   Taiwan is officially the Republic of China and it is not a sovereign state so cannot in any way be considered a "free" democracy. It is not a member of the UN and only officially recognised by 13 of the 193 UN members. Those that unofficially deal with Taiwan could very well end up in trouble if the US continues to threaten stability. 

It is a contentious dispute that requires a legal resolution, it is not up to the US to decide who the territory belongs to.

I don't remember the US making the same noises when Argentina tried to reclaim the Falklands, but then they had little interest in the territory. US rhetoric is purely based on it's own interests, nothing else.

Taiwan is a functioning independent free country. They also have a “ contentious” claim on Mainland China. CCP does not thankfully physically possess Taiwan so any “ claim” is effectively meaningless.

As such USA policy of “ambiguity” towards Taiwan is for purposes of Trade, Diplomacy & Land Claims Only. It has NOTHING to do with Strategic Military Self Interest which would compel USA / Pacific Allies to Defend Free Taiwan. 

CCP also cared Nothing for International Law when illegally seizing Tibet & South China Sea Islands and hold it always in contempt…. except when they agree with it of course. Screw all Tyrants.  

Falklands is a long standing legal British Dependency with Argentina having Zero Intl. Law supporting their absurd baseless macho“claim”. 


Yet still UK held a popular vote there with not one person voting to join the unstable banana republic of Argentina, who had of course murdered all the natives to create itself. Gibraltar Population vote to rejoin Spain was around 98% NO. 

Normal Civilized Settlement of Sovereignty is Popular Vote by the “Disputed” Lands Inhabitants. 

A free population (23 million in Taiwan) is not just handed over to Tyranny by Court Order under “International Law”.

That’s for unoccupied lands but NOT populated nations. Any Taiwan vote for sure would return a 96-99% NO. 

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