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ex girlfriend pregnant


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2 hours ago, Lolothai said:

I got a girlfriend for 2 weeks but got so much pressure from my wife it was impossible to be normal.

Ok, so you came back a month ago as stated and you had a girlfriend for 2 weeks, so that is 6 weeks since you have been back right.....please read on.


2 hours ago, Lolothai said:

She wants to keep the child and raise him alone.

Am I missing something or is this a dead give away, in other words how does she know the sex of the child, as the earliest you can find out what sex the child is, is 14 weeks through an ultrasound, however most Dr's recommend a scheduled ultrasound between 18-21 weeks and it's still not 100% accurate.


Now if my math is correct you would have been with her 2 weeks after you returned here for a month, meaning the kid is not yours, why, because she said it was a he and she can't know that unless it's someone else's because 14 weeks haven't passed to be able to determine the sex of the child. 


Genius, yes I know, sounds like another scam to me.


EDIT: Having read the other posts and your replies to some of them, I note that you said you made a mistake when you said she said it was a he, that said, life as a single father is tough, very tough, been there, done that.


What solution do you have, stay a single dad and father your two daughters or confirm that the child with this beauty is actually yours and then decide how it's going to work out.


The only way I can see it working out is she moves in and becomes mum to all 3 kids while dad works his ringer off, at least that way, you will have some time to yourself, I mean, after all, how much is an extra mouth and bit cost to feed in Thailand.


Wouldn't be talking wedding bells until you see how the move with her is and how your daughters adjust to their new mum, at least that way, if you don't like what you see, you give her the marching orders and she takes the kid, that or you think about jumping off the balcony.


Good luck & buy a lottery, just for luck ????


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2 hours ago, Lolothai said:

She wants to keep the child and raise him alone.

You are part responsible if it is your child - if you like it or not.

I suggest tell her you will take that responsibility if it is your child - and only if it is your child.

And then get a DNA test ASAP.

Obviously you could (try to) just walk away. But would that be fair to your child if it is your child?

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1 hour ago, Thailand said:

Not much point in buying a lottery ticket at the moment!

I have a hard time to smile right now but it's still funny. I have never bought a lottery ticket in my life but maybe with all this bad luck or wrong choices maybe my hidden luck is there. I will try and tell you soon

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29 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The most ridiculous post of the day. Where shall we send the award to? 


It is not quite "his child". It is not quite the same as abandoning a young child. Do you practice the use of distinctions in your life? We don't even know if she is really pregnant, nor if it is his child. 


Sure, we all hear stories about Thai men abandoning their children. Yet, what percentage of Thai men do this? It is likely quite low. I know alot of very responsible Thai men. Is this phenomenon somehow exclusive to Thailand? 


Yet, you are passing harsh judgment. Look within. 

In reality, there are men who leave their kids in every country, but, Thailand leads the world with 35% of children raised by grandparents, which in effect means, the woman is elsewhere working , either because she doesn't want the responsibility of the kids, or she thinks by going to a large city to work, she earns more. This is true, but paying rent balances that out and that will never be a good excuse. Most leave because they aren't being helped by their Thai mates, and think working elsewhere is a responsible thing. Most can get work in the closest larger city, and going to Bangkok does pay more, but as I mentioned, you still have to pay rent, while living home with the family, you don't. I've lived here over 5 years, and researched living in Thailand for many years before that, and was told by Thais in America, here, and saw responses in forums,  that most Thai men leave after the "cuteness" of the child wears off, and the money has to be paid. In the court system, Thai men aren't held responsible for child support like they are in the US, or it's not enforced, like it is in the US, and most other countries. Personally, in my village, there are many girls with kids and no fathers around. I've asked about all I've seen, that my ex wife's family has told me about, that all the dads ran off. In my case, I pay support, and have joint custody. I would prefer full custody, for many reasons, but that's not given here readily, like I had in the US for my other 3 children. I will not judge all Thai men, as all I know about them is from the before mentioned stories, and see some that are home with their kids. back in America, I've seen men leave their kids, but they are held responsible by tracking them down for support. My ex girlfriend stopped paying me support after awhile, and was tossed in jail for a month. I didn't file. The child support people did. If these locals were held responsible, the sex wouldn't be unprotected so much, and less children would be raised by grandparents, which isn't a good option. As fare as the OP is concerned, if you have sex, you sometimes create children. These children are your responsibility for the next 18 years. If this woman is decent, and wants you to stay with her, that's your choice but finding a decent woman anywhere, especially here one that isn't overly greedy, a narcissist or a cheater, is the hardest thing you will have to do living here. Of course if she keeps the child, you would insist on a paternity test, and then, if you aren't married to her by then, get visitation and send support. Sex has consequences, and the child doesn't pick their parents. Get a second pregnancy test also.

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ask her for abortion, pay hospital bill in full.

Otherwise promise to pay 3500b/months after birth. That's customary money in thailand.

I think she can force you to DNA only after birth, not now.

I would keep this girl at home, let her take care of your 2 daughters. She can work part time, when daughters are at nursery. She can also work from home. Maybe help with your work, if she is able to.

What is her age? If very young, childless and not in any previous relationship, she has right to ask you for more money now, during pregnancy, pay all hospital bills, and later, till the kid reaches 18.

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Well I'm not in love with her and my wife will not allow me to keep my daughters with another woman.

I offer her to pay for abortion already, she said she will raise the child alone and never bother me. If the worse is to pay 3500/month it's not the end of my life. She should respect my choice too, I don't want to make family with a girl I know since 2 weeks.

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2 minutes ago, Lolothai said:

Well I'm not in love with her and my wife will not allow me to keep my daughters with another woman.

I offer her to pay for abortion already, she said she will raise the child alone and never bother me. If the worse is to pay 3500/month it's not the end of my life. She should respect my choice too, I don't want to make family with a girl I know since 2 weeks.

If you don't love someone, you don't have sex with them. I know...............//Your wife has no say so in the matter. She doesn't want the responsibility of your two if she lets you have them. If you don't want to make a family, use a condom, or insist she uses birth control. There are consequences to actions.You already have two kids you said you loved. Why wouldn't you love this one? Is it a mistake and that doesn't give it a reason to have a father in it's life?


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doesn't matter if you are in love with her. Maybe she is on love with you and that's enough for relationship, staying together and have fulfilling life.

You might fall in love with her later on. 

No point in keeping relationship with your wife, surely she doesn't love you and you hate her. Doesn't mean you have to divorce now. For sure don't give her any more money, no matter if she will start taking care of daughters. She already had enough from you in her life. She suppose to pay you now monthly for taking sole care of daughters.


I had a similar situation with a girl half my age, who already had a child. She decided to keep child without my support. I would agree to pay, if DNA was done at my chosen hospital, and not at her province, where is would have chance to alter results by bribery. As my wify is childless we offered a large money for a baby, but she refused. From time to time she keeps in touch and if my marriage falls apart I do have a back up.

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14 minutes ago, Lolothai said:

Well I'm not in love with her and my wife will not allow me to keep my daughters with another woman.

I offer her to pay for abortion already, she said she will raise the child alone and never bother me. If the worse is to pay 3500/month it's not the end of my life. She should respect my choice too, I don't want to make family with a girl I know since 2 weeks.

Well ask your wife about a threesome, she may go for that then you can all live under the same roof. As for the rich BF of your wife, is he here permanently or does he only come and go sometimes ?  Now you should now that adultery is grounds for divorce here so threaten your wife with it and also in Thailand the third party, in this case the rich boyfriend, can be sued by you. Has to be done within a year of you finding out. So you could be on to a winner here. Get money out of the rich boyfriend, or else he will simply do a runner never to return and your wife will be crawling back to you for support. As for the girlfriend just tell your wife as a condition your go back to supporting her, the GF moves in. 

So could be happy families again


https://mikeinvestigation.com/adultery-in-thailand/#:~:text=Sadly%2C for those who “play,hefty fines and other penalties.

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22 minutes ago, Lolothai said:

Well I'm not in love with her and my wife will not allow me to keep my daughters with another woman.

I offer her to pay for abortion already, she said she will raise the child alone and never bother me. If the worse is to pay 3500/month it's not the end of my life. She should respect my choice too, I don't want to make family with a girl I know since 2 weeks.

You really are unbelievable, or just trolling, who in their right mind agrees or even offers to pay anyone anything "because she said:" ? Its nonsense, you dont even know if its yours, you are being taken for a farang ride !

And whats this "my ex wife wont allow" ? Whats wrong with you ! Shes your EX and its got nothing to do with her who you choose to have relationships with.  This gotta be a troll thread.

Edited by Black Ops
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Just now, Black Ops said:

You really are unbelievable, or just trolling, who in their righg mind agrees or even offers to pay anyone anything "because dhe said:" ? Its nonsense, you dont even know if its yours, you are bei g taken for a farang ride !

And whats this "my ex wife wont allow" ? Whats wtong with you ! Shes your EX and its got nothing to do with her who you choose to have relationships with.  This gotta be a troll thread.

He has not got an ex wife as he say they still married

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2 minutes ago, Excel said:

He has not got an ex wife as he say they still married

But its fine for her to have a boyfriend ? Yeah right....lol 

Did he vett him to see if he was acceptable, nah didnt think so.

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Just now, Black Ops said:

But its fine for her to have a boyfriend ? Yeah right....lol 

Nothing to do with the fact that he is still legally married to her. The fact he has not got the balls to do anything about his wife, her boyfriend or his GF is also nothing to do with the fact either.

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2 minutes ago, Excel said:

Nothing to do with the fact that he is still legally married to her. The fact he has not got the balls to do anything about his wife, her boyfriend or his GF is also nothing to do with the fact either.

Makes absolutely no sense to me at all, sorry.


Its all speculation anyway, we dont "know" if any of it is real or just an over active imagination...5555

Some people should just never be allowed out on their own.

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Just now, Black Ops said:

Makes absolutely no sense to me at all, sorry.


Its all speculation anyway, we dont "know" if any of it is real or just an over active imagination...5555

Some people should just never be allowed out on their own.

Doubt if any of the ops story is real, just trolling. However when people raise points disputing  facts that it needs to be challenged irrespective if it relates to a serious post or this troll.  

As for not being out on his own then I would agree if he/she/it was for real

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She was blackmailing me before when I needed her for my visa. Now things are a bit different. She can still take my daughters away and I would see them only after winning a trial. I would prefer to avoid this fight as I don't know yet my chances to win.

Also now that this girl is pregnant it could be difficult to sue the boyfriend of my wife.

Other problem is that I still have very strong feelings for her and she starts to have some for me. We had our first really romantic time in 9 years and I do understand a lot more about her but I can't completely forgive what she did to me.

Now if she leaves him she would lose her future and also a better future for our daughters. She wants to be independant and free from men. She invested in a shop that I will likely succeed well and in parallel she has businesses with her rich boyfriend. She made near 800 000 in 3 months that she reinvested in businesses, she is obsessed by that. She said before when she didn't care to hurt me that her boyfriend fullfilled all her needs, sexually, emotionally and financially. He care about everything in her while I was treating her like a mate and thinking only about putting the money in our family. I'm making 70 000 a month and can save maybe 20 000 as I have my daughters, car rental, school nursery etc to pay.

The only thing I have over him is that he is small and far to be handsome but apparently she doesn't care.

It looks like he is going to get a harder time once she is autonomous.

It's a complicated story, I understand her about many things but I think she went too far and I was in shock when I lost the family that I love so much, my world collapsed, it was a living nightmare.

I'm reconnecting with her and it's like we meet for the first time. I want to give it a chance but if in 6 month or a year she is still with him then I will move on.

I want to be with someone I love and who love me too. I want something stable, I fought a lot to be a good father and provide for my family but in the end I got this. I love my wonderful daughters and I want to be there for them.

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22 minutes ago, Excel said:

Doubt if any of the ops story is real, just trolling. However when people raise points disputing  facts that it needs to be challenged irrespective if it relates to a serious post or this troll.  

As for not being out on his own then I would agree if he/she/it was for real

I don't understand well your post sorry but about trolling that would be even sadder than my story. For someone to make up such story...

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4 minutes ago, Lolothai said:

She was blackmailing me before when I needed her for my visa.

Please explain as you can only obtain a visa outside of the country.

5 minutes ago, Lolothai said:

I would prefer to avoid this fight as I don't know yet my chances to win

She has committed adultery you claim, provide evidence then no contest

6 minutes ago, Lolothai said:

Also now that this girl is pregnant it could be difficult to sue the boyfriend of my wife

Why ? has your wife suddenly unadultered herself ? or the fact that you also now admit adultery make you as guilty as her


8 minutes ago, Lolothai said:

I want to be with someone I love and who love me too

In that case then I suggest you stay on your own  ????



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6 minutes ago, Lolothai said:

I don't understand well your post sorry but about trolling that would be even sadder than my story. For someone to make up such story...

Sorry , your story is making me so sad I have to stop now as I am worried about the tears ruining my keyboard

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3 hours ago, Lolothai said:

I'm struggling with my 2 daughters that I love very much. I don't have time for myself, I have to be the mother and the father, running between nursery school, begging people and paying them a lot to pick them up from school. I come back at 6:30 wash their clothes, prepare food play with them, police them when they fight run after them then in no time it's time to sleep. I start work since I got my visa and work permit process. I work 6 days a week. Wake up at 5:30 am to prepare everything for my girls and come back home at 6:30 pm.

And yet you have time to screw up your life  some more and some one elses?

You really need to grow up!

A pregnancy test can detect positive after ten days.

Start counting back.

You did not use a condom only once?

Or every time?

You really need to grow up.

Big chance you are just a troll.


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