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Thailand’s Legalization of Cannabis Sparks Health Concerns, Confusion

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1 hour ago, bigupandchill said:

I wonder how certain governments will view allowing their citizens to travel to a country where weed is legal and openly available?

So America and Canada are off the holiday list then.

46 minutes ago, whereyougo said:

What you saw was thais smoking Marlborough and passed out from Lao kaho. Thais been smoking weed for a hundred years. 

Please no more drama queening

No. Actually the personn who passed out was a 50 ish year farang who had only had 2 beers.  


I dont know how you presume you have know what I have seen with my own eyes.


No drama queening. It was fact. 



1 hour ago, Jerno said:

Yes and same doom and gloom and nay sayers spouted horror incidents would ensue when Canada legalized recreational cannabis.  2.5 years later now, crime rate hasn't risen, auto accidents actually went down in number and cannabis related charges by police are very very few.  The biggest social experiment in the Country's history was a success, not the opposite as too many "experts" or fear mongers predicted.  Too afraid to try cannabis?  Puh-lee-zz ! Don't be a <deleted>. 

I would say there is a big difference in responsibility between the government, police and general public in Canada compared to Thailand.


I have lived here for 15 years full time and know that some thai people smoke weed.   But it's only the last few weeks that I have noticed a massive increase in it.  At the local places I go to there were rarely anyone smoking weed. Now most people are!  


Perhaps that will change once the novelty wears off.


I am not afraid to smoke weed. Have done so in past on a few occasions.  Shows your lack of maturity when you insult people and belittle them of they don't want to use drugs.  





1 hour ago, John Drake said:

Nothing gets elderly potheads out of joint like questioning the wisdom of their weed habit.

Boom boom

6 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I read it was healthy and smoking it did not cause lung cancer like nicotine.

At the risk of sounding naive ......don't you smoke it mixed in with tobacco......(pretty sure it is not nicotine that causes cancer.....but that is by the by). 

9 hours ago, bigupandchill said:

I wonder how certain governments will view allowing their citizens to travel to a country where weed is legal and openly available?

As in the USA and Holland, to name but two.

10 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

 I was pleased and though it was a good idea....


 You sound like you definitely need to stay away from cannabis.

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