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Cheapest good weed now ? I found 350 thb/gram but not cheaper yet, any idea ?

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Morning Bamnutsak,


in my followup to your question yesterday about costs in large outdoor grows in Laos I could only speculate as I have not visited that farm.


But in the very large outdoor grows that I do know personally in Thailand I can say that the overheads are minimal: the irrigation water is free, the electricity for the irrigation pump is minimal or solar powered (solar powered pumps are commonly available as a package nowadays), the organic fertilisers and pesticides (which I’ve already mentioned in a different thread) are often home made, the labour costs are standard farm labour rates or higher. Drying and curing by traditional methods are also minimal cost – just labour actually. This assumes that the farmer owns the land of course, which is usually the case.


The harvesting is staggered as you’d expect in such large grows, which is why you get the sensimilla in the first batch, and later batches are increasingly seedy. I often ask for bud from the later batches for that very reason.


Of course, not all large grows here are 100% outdoor, some are large greenhouse grows, and some of these greenhouses have required substantial upfront investment.


A key point to bear in mind is that Thailand is largely an agricultural country once one gets out of the tourist areas and cities, and the cultivation of native Thai sativas has been continuous for decades at least, though now enjoying a resurgence of course.


One of the mistakes that we foreigners frequently make is to try to understand Thailand through the lens of our home country experience, and this inevitably leads to misunderstanding.


Have a good day.

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On 7/5/2022 at 7:39 PM, Bday Prang said:

check out shopee, loads on there starting at 10 bt a gram for 10 gram, the stuff i been getting is good enough certainly no complaints and I assure you I'm not a lightweight 


it doesn't cost much to grow and now that its legal no palms have to be crossed with silver 

The prices some are charging is actually criminal

yes, its amazing the prices 300 up...  it wont last.. due to bad shopping I guess.... 

I have kilos.. and NON pestiside...  yes folks, most use chemicals to grow as most farmers do, why would this be different..  the govs poison us so why not weed growers..

all about the money everywhere...

so, dont pay more than 30 thb...

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Hi again Bamnutsak, your question regarding “indentured labour” has prompted further musings and a bit of maths:


at 7.5 baht per g retail for 20,000 plants at a notional yield per plant of 225 gm (from Leafly), the gross retail value would be THB 33,750,000 if they were all female, or THB 16,875,000 discounting the c 50% that would be male.

The male plants do have economic value of course, but not as bud, so I’ve ignored that value for illustrative purposes.


Also, Thai sativas (and Green Crack it seems) can be grown year round outdoors in this climate.

Whichever way you cut this and whatever numbers you plug into the basic equation this is substantially more than the gross retail value for rice or other foodstuffs for the same amount of land, so the income for the farmer must also be greater.


In my travels in Laos I did meet several farming families but that was before China arrived en masse, but I can’t believe all those farmers have suddenly become indentured labour.


Let’s put it this way, I’d be far happier with the ethics of buying outdoor grown Laos Green Crack for 7.5 baht per g than buying Apple products produced in what have been reported to be slave factories in China.


PS the 7.5 baht/g price was a special offer, the original price was 13.5 baht/g if memory serves, which would more or less double the income.



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23 hours ago, oldscool said:

Hi again Bamnutsak, your question regarding “indentured labour” has prompted further musings and a bit of maths:


at 7.5 baht per g retail for 20,000 plants at a notional yield per plant of 225 gm (from Leafly), the gross retail value would be THB 33,750,000 if they were all female, or THB 16,875,000 discounting the c 50% that would be male.

The male plants do have economic value of course, but not as bud, so I’ve ignored that value for illustrative purposes.


Also, Thai sativas (and Green Crack it seems) can be grown year round outdoors in this climate.

Whichever way you cut this and whatever numbers you plug into the basic equation this is substantially more than the gross retail value for rice or other foodstuffs for the same amount of land, so the income for the farmer must also be greater.


In my travels in Laos I did meet several farming families but that was before China arrived en masse, but I can’t believe all those farmers have suddenly become indentured labour.


Let’s put it this way, I’d be far happier with the ethics of buying outdoor grown Laos Green Crack for 7.5 baht per g than buying Apple products produced in what have been reported to be slave factories in China.


PS the 7.5 baht/g price was a special offer, the original price was 13.5 baht/g if memory serves, which would more or less double the income.



@7 bht 12 bht thete is a reason it’s that cheapno one wants that weed it’s rubbish ,before it was legal all the weed was coming out of Laos and we all know how <deleted> that was.

I can get weed ofthe locals virtually free grown in thailand.

pics below thai lemon 50 bht a gram and they throw the other stuff in for free.it’s ok as daytime smoke and actually ok buds


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On 10/27/2022 at 1:16 PM, stoner said:

*weed* and i use that term sparingly package arrived today. 150 grams total plus a free bonus branch.


will run it as soon as i can. stock pics said 25. producer told me 18. i am pretty sure i cannot post results online but will share with anyone interested privately. 


i feel with my pics of product that i received i don't have to comment in any way on quality etc. 


mods - can i be sued by this company for giving my professional guess on thc numbers ? 







It's pretty clear from looking at this that this batch is from the end of an outdoor (or large greenhouse) grow - hint, its full of seeds.


And as I'm sure most here would know, seeds do not contain THC, so it's a bit of a mystery why anyone would buy it to test for THC.


But as I've mentioned half a dozen times before, seedy Thai sativa bud is perfect for outdoor growers who want fresh seeds.


By the way, Kroeng Krawia is known for having the airiest buds of all the natural Thai sativa landraces - it's nature's way of protecting against humidity and bud rot, the result of 10s or 100s of thousands of years of evolution and natural selection - no air-conditioning or tent or carbon filter or LED or electricity bills or "nute" regimes etc etc needed.


Cheers all.

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51 minutes ago, oldscool said:

And as I'm sure most here would know, seeds do not contain THC, so it's a bit of a mystery why anyone would buy it to test for THC.

please refer to the claims made on this site regarding the content of said product. hence my curious nature of wanting to know what sort of levels were really in there. 


a mystery to me why anyone didnt see that along with my other posts on that thread.


your arrogance is astounding my man. 

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53 minutes ago, oldscool said:

By the way, Kroeng Krawia is known for having the airiest buds of all the natural Thai sativa landraces - it's nature's way of protecting against humidity and bud rot, the result of 10s or 100s of thousands of years of evolution and natural selection - no air-conditioning or tent or carbon filter or LED or electricity bills or "nute" regimes etc etc needed.

by the way you are correct about this. you also need to go further and tell everyone that natures way produces generally 10 percent or less thc content. 


where as indoors with all those silly things you mentioned can get it upwards of 15 or higher. 


i think i will go snack on some raisins now. 

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Fastbuds LSD 25 Auto

Fastbuds LSD 25 Auto


  • Strong. Novices beware, the super-strong Sativa effect is mind-bending!
  • fastbuds-lsd25-auto.jpg?fit=1500%2C2126&ssl=1

Boy I don't smoke weed but I would really like to try this one....




Now to the effects - A very euphoric and trippy sativa head space comes on quickly but creeps on for 10-20 minutes, leaving you soaring by time you peak. After 30-60 minutes an overwhelming and narcotic body stone starts at the head and eventually spreads through the whole body leaving one immobile, complacent and content in their own head or surroundings. Very good balance of effects, little to no munchies and does wonders for my PTSD and Chrons. Even high tolerance veteran smokers will find something unique to appreciate about the effects of LSD.


Edited by redwood1
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3 hours ago, JackSinclair said:

Hi folks my domestic supply is finished for this year.

So where is the best go to quality /price bud shop in Pattaya just now?

Alternatively a reliable online delivery outfit?

thanks in anticipation of a green Christmas.


I visited Green Sky Cafe in Ban Chang Sunday. (not Pattaya I know, but around half price of the shops in Pattaya).

Nice owners and they had like 20-25 different strains - all looking dank except the cheap Thai brick.

The price was ranging between 200-450thb with 450thb being the highest. + they had a promotion with buy 2g and get 1g free.

It is only a 30min drive from Pattaya and I am pretty sure they can arrange delivery if you ask.

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On 12/7/2022 at 2:38 PM, oldscool said:

Some fair questions and points there Bamnutsak, and thanks for raising them.


As I've posted on another thread, it's not uncommon for large outdoor grows in Thailand (and Laos) to contain over 20,000 plants. And clearly this kind of growing requires different techniques than manicuring a couple of plants in a tent.


The sheer scale plus the poor conditions of many farmers in Laos are the 2 main reasons that I can think of for such a low price, and to be honest it pains me because I have travelled extensively in Laos and have many happy memories of it.


Yes, sativa/indica 65/35 is what the breeder pages say. These 2 batches that I have bought are very heavy on the indica physical bomb, which I personally don't enjoy so much, which is why I mix it with Baox.


You have posted on numerous occasions about your personal knowledge of illegal imports from the US, so I'm surprised at your surprise that there may be such imports from a bordering nation like Laos.


My main supplier, whose details you have requested from me at least once on this same thread (but which I have declined for obvious reasons) is Thai and well integrated with the farming community. He is also an enthusiast, and knows his offerings well.


If you lived close to me I'd be happy to share some of this GC with you free of charge for your personal opinion, but as we live very far apart that's not going to work.


As for photos, I'm at work right now and I don't smoke at work. But I've seen how silly some of the conversations here about bud-porn become, so I have no plans to post photos when I get home.


Have a good day.



he has seen pictures of outdoor grows but cant grow anything good himself.


but i forgot, this is the guy who grows bagseed and claims its the best weed in the world and all indoor grows are garbage.

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On 12/14/2022 at 8:53 AM, JackSinclair said:

Hi folks my domestic supply is finished for this year.

So where is the best go to quality /price bud shop in Pattaya just now?

Alternatively a reliable online delivery outfit?

thanks in anticipation of a green Christmas.


How odd, most grows are just ready to harvest.

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On 12/14/2022 at 12:10 PM, THEN said:

I visited Green Sky Cafe in Ban Chang Sunday. (not Pattaya I know, but around half price of the shops in Pattaya).

Nice owners and they had like 20-25 different strains - all looking dank except the cheap Thai brick.

The price was ranging between 200-450thb with 450thb being the highest. + they had a promotion with buy 2g and get 1g free.

It is only a 30min drive from Pattaya and I am pretty sure they can arrange delivery if you ask.

Ban Chang is a wee bit out of my orbit, but when I see it next to the beaches, I'll put it on my list. Thanks bud.????

GreenSkyBan Chang.jpg

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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

That's a group where many Thai sellers advertise, I bought 100gm through the group and its good. How much risk is 450bht to you? 

None, and i never said it was. I merely asked if you had tried it.


Which specific one did you try?



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On 12/6/2022 at 7:01 AM, Burgo1979 said:

How much approx do you use each time?, can you get several hits of one 'bowl', or whatever the term is. For example if you were to roll a joint, you may use ,2g, are the amounts used less when vaping?, i presume you just grind it first?.

My smoothie maker had a grinder attachment. I grind down my cheap great flowers and vape it up. It's perfect. It's the only way to fly. 


On 12/6/2022 at 2:41 PM, oldscool said:

Hi Britman, you misread my post, perhaps enjoying the fruits of your cheeselicious ????


I paid 750 baht for 100 gm of Green Crack which contains around 100 seeds,, including shipment.


That's 7.5 baht for 1 seed and 1 gm together.


For outdoor growers there is absolutely no need to buy seeds - just buy local outdoor grown marijuana and use the seeds therein.


You can be sure that the seeds of any local outdoor purchase of flower/bud will do well in your garden, though of course Thai sativas will do best and require less attention.


The Green Crack seeds from my previous purchase are doing well in my garden - in their early stages they are as robust as the 5 Thai sativa strains I'm growing, however the Thai sativas will likely be more resistant to budrot and other hazards for reasons which I'll post on the Thai sativa thread.




I like that advice except my plants are 12 foot monsters. 


On 12/6/2022 at 6:47 PM, oldscool said:

Re the previous post. Just to correct a common misunderstanding.


Brick weed is a packaging method.


Green crack is a strain. A strain that was given its moniker by Snoop Dogg because of its potency. And the Green Crack that I have purchased is fully up to Snoop's recommendation. 


As for "taste, flavour, and smell" - if you're smoking good stuff you only need 2-4 tokes, "taste, flavour, and smell" are more relevant to a cigar forum or a wine forum, where you might linger puffing a Havana or savouring a Chablis for an hour or two.


Personally I love wine, especially with a good home-cooked meal, but I don't drink wine to get high; nor do I use marijuana for the "taste, flavour, and smell"; I use it to get high. As I have since 1970.


Surprising delicate flavor vaping Green Crack (laughs). It's true man, I've got the Red Thread also. Wonderful vaping taste. Life is good. 

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16 hours ago, Pinot said:

My smoothie maker had a grinder attachment. I grind down my cheap great flowers and vape it up. It's perfect. It's the only way to fly. 


I like that advice except my plants are 12 foot monsters. 


Surprising delicate flavor vaping Green Crack (laughs). It's true man, I've got the Red Thread also. Wonderful vaping taste. Life is good. 

50 thb/gram..  one cigare size does the job...

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3 minutes ago, wombat said:


Cigar size?

That don't sound like good weed to me..

If 3 people don't get off on a thin one paper tallyho number it's low class weed

sweet and nice... no pestisides...  enjoy sounding your 350 then,,,

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