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Yesterday, while viewing a small house to rent, I may have been exposed to fleas. No Big Deal.

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Dear Friends,


Years ago, during the period of time I helped to operate a hardware and plywood wholesale company, fleas were rampant throughout the entire establishment. Therefore, fleas are nothing new to me. Fleas are amazing creatures that can jump so many times higher than the size of their tiny little bodies.


I found this excerpt on the Internet, for example:  “While fleas don't have wings, they are able to catapult themselves 40 to 100 times their body length in distance and up to 2 feet in height.” 


So very true.


Noteworthily enough, after leaving my wholesaling company of fleas, I had hoped that my flea days were behind me.


In fact, during the past decade since my move, I have scarcely been troubled by unwanted pests of any kind. This is one of the unsung benefits of living here where I now live, and living celibately.


Yet, for some unknown reason, yesterday, at the spur of the moment, I chanced to be invited into a small house under renovation, an invitation I very much appreciated after my long, arduous and unsuccessful search for a small house, or any house. 


Things just happen in life.

We never know what might befall us, yesterday nor tomorrow.

If life were entirely predictable, Life would not be Life.

In fact, it is this very unpredictability of our days which provides us curiosity about our future.

And, importantly, Life would not be Life without random miscarriages of justice in our DNA.


You might ask, “Why can a flea jump two feet”.

I do not know.

No one knows. (Please do not write “no one” as “no-one”.  This is a spelling error, not a DNA error.)


Of course, we understand the mechanics of flea jumping. I.e., these tiny animals lock up force in their tiny legs, and then…release it, helping them to fly up to your kneecaps.


Last Sunday morning, no doubt you will recall, I talked about something other than fleas.  However, if you have time this morning, over brunch, maybe you would be willing to learn something from the flea, and how it has adapted to jump so high.


This is not the typical kind of post I write on “Any Given Sunday”, but, I thought you might enjoy it, knowing that, by now, you are already on your third cup of coffee, and still not stimulated enough, at least this must be true of most of you.


Also, please do not worry about me.

I have just taken a long hot shower.

So far, there are no fleas on me.


There are no flies on me.


Yet, there might be.


Best regards,



Note:  This Sunday, maybe, is the best time to watch the film, ‘Any Given Sunday’.


Note2:  Any day is a good day, without fleas.


Note3: Anyone who wants to provide me with a small house for reasonable rent, minus: roosters, low-flying aircraft climbing after takeoff and banking right at full throttle, husky dogs vocalizing next-door like they miss the snowpack, flea circuses, shrewish women above the age of 24 to 29, as well as other such minor disturbances, please contact me using snail mail. I, like you, keep the sound button on my phone turned off; even the ”vibrator” function is minimized, just to keep me honest. There has been no need for vibrators in my house, almost since vibrators were first invented.

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24 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

There has been no need for vibrators in my house, almost since vibrators were first invented.

We thought you were celibate.....?

23 minutes ago, Reposed said:

We thought you were celibate.....?

In my house, there is no need for vibrators.

Even vibrating phones.

You can't do anything only halfway if you are a serious person.


Imagine yourself proclaiming that you are a vegetarian, only to fall off the wagon and stoop to eating fish on Fridays.


Celibacy, in my mind, means: No women. No men. No vibrators.


But, I'm not sure how you do it in your house.





1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

In my house, there is no need for vibrators.

Even vibrating phones.

You can't do anything only halfway if you are a serious person.


Imagine yourself proclaiming that you are a vegetarian, only to fall off the wagon and stoop to eating fish on Fridays.


Celibacy, in my mind, means: No women. No men. No vibrators.


But, I'm not sure how you do it in your house.





In my house, I usually get bad vibes from your posts....

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