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When Dating a Woman, How Important is Her IQ?

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19 hours ago, moogradod said:

Lacessit brought the term up. For me it means practical intelligence rather than intellectual reasoning and thinking. In English you have as well the term "shrewdness". I do not know if this catches the deeper meaning of street smart. Example: You may be a good business man but maybe you have no idea nor the capability to understand quantum mechanics.

In today's vernacular, "streetsmart" tends to mean the ability to manipulate, but not be manipulated by, people.

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3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

I have a personal litmus test I use to gauge the intellect of the Thai women I meet....


I ask this question, usually during an evening stroll: What do you think is closer, the Moon or Pattaya?


Invariably the answer has always come back: The Moon.


Why?  "Because I can see it, but cannot see Pattaya"


Flawlessly logical, if logic is defined as the false assumptions on which one's view of reality is based. She's a keeper.


GG has introduced an interesting topic here. There are many amusing answers, which include everything from tired cliches to evidence of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. I may not know what 'intelligence' truly is, but I know it when I see it (I like to think it's in my bathroom mirror).


A few points...being afflicted with prolixity.....


I am of the view, perhaps mistakenly, that the tired cliche of the genius who couldn't tie his shoes comes from things like Disney's "The Nutty Professor" or else forgets that things like the "idiot savant" purposely contains the term "idiot".


Life, at least in the West, tends to filter the populace until what's left are the geniuses. We get separated in grade school, nurtured into maturity, and further identified by the higher education for which we qualify. Yes, some genius slips through the cracks, but one is more likely to find true genius passing through the Ivy League/MIT/Stanford/Oxbridge/EasternEquivalent. "More likely", I said., not solely. Having passed through a few of those institutions, I'll repeat something I said earlier: I know it when I see it.


There is also a human tendency to expect a 'genius' to be instantly or perhaps inherently knowledgeable about everything. Such a human is unlikely to ever materialize on this planet, though people like James Clerk Maxwell and Richard Feynman came close. (Maxwell, inter alia, used merely a quill, some ink, paper and a little math to deduce the physical makeup of the rings of Saturn). To expect a 'genius' to instantly know all, and dissing him if he doesn't, is like saying Usain Bolt isn't really a great athlete because he's probably terrible at gymnastics.


I am of the view that humans have reached peak intelligence and have begun a slide back down. The reasons are many, but include birth rates among the gifted (only PC Culture has 'concluded' that genetics are of lesser import than nurturing), as well as things like 'the heavy lifting has already been done' or the fact we don't write anymore but rather type on a keyboard, and no longer teach multiplication tables but rely on calculators. Use it or lose it.


Going back to JC Maxwell, I have always been in awe of the experiments he designed in order to arrive at his laws regarding electromagnetism. Of course I am also in awe of how a bunch of Mayans tucked away in Central America a few thousand years ago figured out things like planetary motion, the length of the year, etc. (Again, the heavy lifting has been done; we don't have to sit outside every night for years trying to figure what points of light in the sky move more than others, suggesting a different makeup and distance from Earth....I'm not even sure we could do it, distracted by the need to post TikTok videos or binge watch Peaky Blinders.)


As for Thai women and their IQs, I suspect relative intellect is far less of a concern in a relationship than the cultural differences, and when Farang-Thai relationships fail, it is unlikely to be because couples ran out of things about which to talk, or that she just couldn't grasp Green's Theorem.


In any event, while I would love our second date to be on the Moon, I guess we'll have to settle for more distant, albeit accessible, Pattaya.

Then u say can i see yr moon?

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2 hours ago, Walker88 said:

In today's vernacular, "streetsmart" tends to mean the ability to manipulate, but not be manipulated by, people.

Agree.  Not sure why guys would want a woman who is "streetsmart."  That is, a woman capable of pretending to be madly in love with you while at the same time, smart enough to devise a plan to separate you from your life savings. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Much more important than the “little head” has oft times led me to believe. After all, once the horizontal mambo is done, you’ll need to find other common interests - unless, of course, you’re the type who prefers to rent by the hour (not judging!)

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