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lots of people are thinking of going somewhere else but thailand? philippines etc for various reasons visa rules etc...i was thinking china does any one know any website similar to stickmanbangkok or thaivisa for information on china, or does anyone have any experience there on bars,women, culture, etc, i have been there once for a short trip and the women are no where near as nice as bkk and not many people speak english, but i just wanted to get some ideas about there for an alternative to thailand as work seems easier to find there.

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lots of people are thinking of going somewhere else but thailand? philippines etc for various reasons visa rules etc...i was thinking china does any one know any website similar to stickmanbangkok or thaivisa for information on china, or does anyone have any experience there on bars,women, culture, etc, i have been there once for a short trip and the women are no where near as nice as bkk and not many people speak english, but i just wanted to get some ideas about there for an alternative to thailand as work seems easier to find there.

I know China pretty well but forget any similarity with Thailand as far as bars, beaches and girls is concerned. There is no such place in China, unless Sanya beaches on Hainan island in the south west. (East of Northern Vietnam coast)

I haven't been there yet but know it from friends. Mainly Chinese and (minor) Russian tourists. Lots and lots of major hotels and apartments though, but I'm not quite sure if that's what you mean....

The -English- language is indeed a big problem also; especially outside the major cities (and Hotels)

There are various expat websites and just google to find them.

:o ...as for the girls...I am married to a Chinese Lady, so I'm not qualified to make a comparison between Thai and Chinese girls/Ladies; each to their own I suppose... :D

Good luck


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A lot of Thai ladies look very Chinese anyway, so I don't think you'd have a problem. It's just which accent do you prefer?

I'd take Bangkok any day. It has enough city life for you to enjoy, but not as much so it'd get stressful. I'm speaking of course, if you liver on a dollar or sterling.

If you live on a Thai Baht...ugg.

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A lot of Thai ladies look very Chinese anyway, so I don't think you'd have a problem. It's just which accent do you prefer?

Or which smell :o I've dated Chinese entertainment providers a few times and they all had the same distinct aroma down below. Nothing like Thai women and probably due to a different diet. I suspect it's the abundance of soy sauce in their food.

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If you think corruption in thailand is bad, go to China.

If you think it is frustrating in everyday life with the bureaucracy of government officials in thailand, go to China.

If you think the thai police are bad, go to China.

Beautiful women? Plenty if you got the cash. But you would need a different site to moan on.

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If you think corruption in thailand is bad, go to China.

If you think it is frustrating in everyday life with the bureaucracy of government officials in thailand, go to China.

If you think the thai police are bad, go to China.

Beautiful women? Plenty if you got the cash. But you would need a different site to moan on.

The grass always looks greener on the other side.

For those who never been to China should take heed on 'meemiathai'. I absolutely agree with what this gentleman's saying.

I've been to China a few times (total 3). After first trip with the escort tour company, flew out from NY, visiting all the usual tourist famouse sites in Beijing, Shanghai,

Xi-an, Hangzho..etc. After this trip, for me, ONCE is enough. The last three trips were to accompany members of my family.

China is not for me. I found out if you don't speak Chinese, you're in touble cos outside your hotel, it's hardly find anyone speaking English. When you want to take a stroll along the famouse scene, you're better watch your steps carefully, Chinese are careless when it comes to spitting ( glad to hear the authority starts putting a heavy fine on this). When it comes to a customer service in store or restaurant, do not expect to get a nice-friendly smiles from the server, they just do their job, that's it.

Talking about the weather, either go extremely hot or cold, watch out for the sandstorm in Beijing, linger in the city a few days at a time, you hardly can open you eyes or talking without getting the sand in the way.

China may be topped for many famouse ancient sites.

But living in LOS wins hand down.

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I've been living in Shanghai for a couple of years and, just like any other place, there are plusses and minuses. Individually, the Chinese are great - in a crowd, they are unruly and treat their country and each other with absolute disrespect. I speak almost no Mandarin, and it hasn't been a problem. The women are attractive beyond belief, and my social life is not dependent upon - as with other posters - hiring women. Many women do not shave their armpits and, for me, that's a real turnoff. As for the poster who posted that Chinese women smell different, he should start dating women who bathe daily. Shanghia is a huge city, and it's an absolute pig sty - it's filthy beyond belief. My employment contract ends in 2 months, and I can't wait to get back to BKK. Thinking of the summary of my stay here, reminds me constantly of what my father said of WWII: "It's a million dollar experience that I wouldn't pay a dime to do again."

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I have been in and out of China for over twenty years. My wife is Chinese and my kids are fluent.

There are some beautiful places in China, but the Chinese as a race are not conservatory minded. The most wonderful places on earth are filled with BBQ forks, rubbish, all kinds of excrement, and all of this topped off with the constant sound of spitting.

Pollution across the board is appalling, and if you think violence is endemic to Thailand ? Live in China for a while and count the scars.

For work in the coming decade, there will be no better country. The economy is booming and the demand for English teachers for example can not be met. But be warned, IMHO, it is not worth the cost. Visit, eat in fantastic restaurants after superb golf, and get back on the first flight to BK asap.

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I spend alot of time in China espicially in the last 3 years.I personally dont believe that a westerner could be happy living here everything is so different.

The food-they eat things that we would call uneidable

The language-WELL EVERYONE YELLS mainly when there talking on their mobiles.

The driving-worse than Thailand but only half as many cars on the road.Very dangerous pushbikes.

The spitting I hate and mainly the sounds they make before they spit awful, and everyone does it you will see a nice looking lady run out of a shop do a big gobber and return to what she was doing or a man blocking the walkway making yucky sounds before doing a big gobber right in front of everyone.

These are only some things that make it difficult for foreigners here not to mention that not many people speak english and when they write english no one understands it.I really could write a big essay about it anyway in closing.

China is not a good alternitive for China.

regrds Ercorn

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I spend alot of time in China espicially in the last 3 years.I personally dont believe that a westerner could be happy living here everything is so different.

The food-they eat things that we would call uneidable

The language-WELL EVERYONE YELLS mainly when there talking on their mobiles.

The driving-worse than Thailand but only half as many cars on the road.Very dangerous pushbikes.

The spitting I hate and mainly the sounds they make before they spit awful, and everyone does it you will see a nice looking lady run out of a shop do a big gobber and return to what she was doing or a man blocking the walkway making yucky sounds before doing a big gobber right in front of everyone.

These are only some things that make it difficult for foreigners here not to mention that not many people speak english and when they write english no one understands it.I really could write a big essay about it anyway in closing.

China is not a good alternitive for China.

regrds Ercorn

Not a good alternative for Thailand you mean . :o

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I've spent alot of time in China and have visited my g/f's family there. I have been to the south as well as the north and it's definitely different than the LOS.

It is easier to have someone with you who speaks Chinese and knows the ways, if I was alone I would be completely lost. It's a difficult place to live for myriad reasons, LOS wins hands down for now.

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;) I like the comments on China...keep them coming!

China can't be compared with Thailand; impossible!

I see Thailand as a fun country and love it, as does my (Chinese) wife.

Some of the comments are true, others not so true, but that's just my own experience of course, coming to both Thailand as well as China for 30 years.

China is exhausting :( ; The cities are soooo big and overwhelming that Bangkok looks like a small village; Thailand has just some 5% of the total Chinese population....

For me, doing business, I prefer China but for pleasure, relaxing, beaches, bars and fun it's Thailand; but again, one cannot compare Thailand with China also because of the size, number of population etc. It's like comparing Moscow with the South of France or Marbella; New York with Disneyworld...

I prefer the Eastern- and Northern- rather than the Southern people(Guangdong/Cantonese). But maybe that's just me.

China: fascinating, busy, business, never relaxing, overwhelming and the economy/power of the future (together with India)

Thailand: fun, sun, beaches, bars, girls, Farang, coups, generals, messy, ThaiVisa and Men pen rai........ ;)

Note: one of the posters mentioned that corruption in China is bigger than Thailand....well, read the news. They put even high-so people in jail for a long term or even give them the death penalty for corruption.

Thailand is 'soft' on corruption in comparison to China!


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I lived in Hong Kong for years, and have spent many more years doing business and traveling in most parts of China. I enjoy Chinese people generally, and I've seen and known a great deal of Chinese women who are strikingly beautiful. China is a great place to visit and do business.

I can't think of anyplace in China, outside of HK and Macau, that would even remotely be an option to the average person to Thailand, for many reasons, language among the foremost.

Edited by chinthee
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I am mostly in South China,Zhongshan,Yiwu and guangzhou.The one thing I find is that my wife feels alot safer in China than she does in Bangkok,she is european .not to sure the reason why she feels this way.When we are in China we are happy to see foreigners we dont feel so lost but when we are in Thailand we would rather avoid foreigners.Again I am not to sure why we feel this way.

again I really dont think it compares with Thailand and if the Op considers moving to China maybe they should spend a month or 2 in China first.

I also find China alot more expensive than Thailand but one of the reasons is that I cant eat the local food and western food is alot more expenisve and hard to find a good restaurant.I love Thai food.

Hainan island is the place where all the Chinese go on holiday they call it the Hawaii of China.Its like all the other places in china I`ve been to but with a beach and very expenisve compared to the mainland.

regrds Ercorn

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i agree about the food...wow thai food is so much better! chinese food is so difficult to order because of the language problems, but also chinese food in europe seems so much different? in china the locals it strange things. my observations of being there were some chinese people they go into say MC donalds sit down order nothing and go to sleep! or just look at everyone else eat! i never seem so many people in 1 country that wear glasses. the girls are more white skinned then foreigners...yellow skin or light tanned much nicer...

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i agree about the food...wow thai food is so much better! chinese food is so difficult to order because of the language problems, but also chinese food in europe seems so much different? in china the locals it strange things. my observations of being there were some chinese people they go into say MC donalds sit down order nothing and go to sleep! or just look at everyone else eat! i never seem so many people in 1 country that wear glasses. the girls are more white skinned then foreigners...yellow skin or light tanned much nicer...

Classic statement about the white skin probably going off topic a little but they use umbrellas alot in China so they dont get darker skin(I see more umbrellas when the sun`s shinning than when its raining)but similar to the Thai`s they use skin whitener which the provinces where I work they dont need.

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Just watched a documentary called "brits get rich in China" - very interesting, it's a crazy time in China at the mo with people out to make as much money as quickly as possible - loads of opportunities outside teaching English, but expect the 'wild East' - not for the fainthearted!!

I'm of Chinese origin and lived there for a few years, and in HK and go back pretty frequently. Unfortunately I do have to agree with many of the comments regarding politeness, service levels and cleanliness (in China, not HK) - it's a world apart from Thailand.

On the other hand, it's an exciting time to be there, things are changing constantly, there's huge social upheavals happening... and the food rocks!

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Note: one of the posters mentioned that corruption in China is bigger than Thailand....well, read the news. They put even high-so people in jail for a long term or even give them the death penalty for corruption.

Thailand is 'soft' on corruption in comparison to China!


China & Corruption...:

"China widens net to stifle corruption


Updated: 2007-06-20 14:06

BEIJING - The number of officials investigated for abuse of power in China has risen by nearly 10 percent so far this year as part of a drive to rein in corruption, Chinese media reported on Wednesday.

The Beijing Youth Daily said that anti-corruption investigators probed 3,470 government officials involved in 2,808 cases of abuse of office in the first five months of 2007. Nearly half the cases involved serious abuses of office.

The crackdown comes as President Hu Jintao seeks to root out corruption by decrying government extravagance and abuses.

"In 2007, apart from problems which drew strong public reaction such as food and drug safety, hygiene, damage to land resources and the environment, investigating authorities also gave priority to the trend of frequent major safety accidents," the paper quoted Chen Lianfu, a senior prosecutor, as saying.

More than 800 police and judicial officials had been probed this year for abuses of power, including illegal detention, torturing of detainees and "lax law enforcement", Chen said. "

Source: Reuters.


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How much of an advantage do people think learning Mandarin may prove to be in the future? The Chinese do seem to be taking over the world, somewhat.

I like the idea of settling in China, but I've never been there, so I'm going to go and do a 2-month Mandarin course in one of the cities and just see what happens.

I've heard reports of Westeners who can speak a bit of Mandarin getting very nice jobs in businesses over there.

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I spend 2 years there and each time i am returning to Ho Chi Minh... as soon as i come out the airport... my heart beats... If i would have to move from Thailand, i would go back to Vietnam...

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I lived in Hong Kong for years, and have spent many more years doing business and traveling in most parts of China. I enjoy Chinese people generally, and I've seen and known a great deal of Chinese women who are strikingly beautiful. China is a great place to visit and do business.

I can't think of anyplace in China, outside of HK and Macau, that would even remotely be an option to the average person to Thailand, for many reasons, language among the foremost.

I'm quite surprised at the number of posters who comment on the numerous beauties in China. I just can't agree with this when comparing to Thailand. For goodlooking women Thailand (and Malaysia) have a worldwide reputation for good reason. There are many women in Thailand mixed with Chinese, which is a lovely appearance and in my opinion both full Thai and Thai Chinese beat pure Chinese hands down in the general beauty stakes. This is not trying to antagonise anyone, I'm genuinely surprised at posters who have commented on the % of beauties found in China.

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