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Hey there, you seem to be doing really well, mate. Keep going.

We were at Sukhumvit hospitals ourselves, having had no intentions of using the 4 star joints. However, neither of us are fluent in Thai and when the questions and answers got too technical, we were leaving the hospital confused about what was going on and spending more time on the Internet than ever. We decided to listen to friends' advice and go for Samitivej. The package price for natural (I know you say go C-sec, but...) is manageable and the visit prices are doable too. A bit of a stretch, but at least we have good commuication with all staff in the hospital. As I said before, we're praying for no complications, and at least we are wised up/prepared now (well, I am. No way I'm going to freak my partner out with this story).

One thing I will say is that I work in the media and know how much these top hospitals invest in their image. If you're sure you're being worked over -- and not just a victim of circumstance/fine print -- there's a major expose waiting to happen.

Keep going buddy, your partner and kid will be proud of you.

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ISO9001 is dead easy

yes - that certification can be "obtained" in thailand if you agree a "contracted" price with an accredition agency and go through some motions of having your quality system in order without ever having to actually implement it!

to the op - sorry to hear about what you have been through and hope you can get out of it well to enjoy parenting. :o

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Congratulations to new parents. Having a brand new little person in your life is the best thing that will always stay with you, those little eyes, feet, hands, the lovely little movements.. enjoy it.

I think you have done a great job in this difficult time. Take care of yourself, eat good food, get some rest. I know it's not easy to sleep now because of all those things that's going on, but your wife and your little Samantha need you.

Always have someone with your wife, the best is her family member since she might need some very 'privacy' help. She needs to have some support physically and emotionally. Please do not mention money problem with her at this time, there is a chance she might blame herself, (it's the hormone thing). It's definitely not anybody's fault.

If the hospital, doctor and medical people are taking good care of your little one. I think it's a good idea just to let them continue their job. Samantha is still to fragile to be moving around.

You need to keep record of all documents, event, time, name and position of poeple you deal with. If you should need to get a lawyer, get a good one, shop around. There are poeple who think that Farang are rich and ready to pay any amout they want.

The hospital might let you make 'payments.' You have to stay calm and always stand clear that you let them know your financial situations the very first day you got there.

I'm a mother who waited so long to be blessed. My new born child had to go to NICU the very first minute he came to the world, and I didn't get to see my second one because of some complications. Thank goodness your little one is in goodhands.

Best wishes,


Such a sweet and full with compassion written post , I have got some of the same experiences like you had . The bless of a child is the best and most wonderful 'miracle'what will ever happen in any persons life. It is easy to say that when childless people comment on something they have no experience at.

Believe me, after having children your life starts to fruit , when not having there is something that is not there . I think people who have , understand what I mean , at least it made me look at things / life very differently . Respect surten things more , understand myself more, while being a child myself before and the aspect of adults and parents in that time ,it all has its place now . Just a thought . :o

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bless you for your perspective.

Her sister had to leave to take monk dad to do some ceremony at home but she will return soon. And I am totally aware of the hormone things, my mother (5 kids herself) has told me many things, from the days of no reason crying, to the (lack) of reason caused by them. I just know I’m being tested,,,but the”” everything happens for a reason”” belief is a help.


What I worry about for you and others, is that IF the natural is no longer an option, the extras will be huge, When I get the time I’ll put some prices on the board.

Keep us informed, and believe me don’t upset a pregnant woman, and not upsetting your preggo Thai poo ying is something I’m sure Everyone here agrees with.


So this won’t be usable by me? Thanks.


I so do agree with all you said. My heart has not felt so alive in many years. The birth of our child has touched me and is cause for me to realize my envied but somewhat repetitive lifestyle was not enough. Oh how things are gonna change. A little life that Is ours to teach, watch mature and hopefully be well productive. So much of life will look new to me (one of the reasons that landed me here.) through her eyes, what was mundane will no longer be. Invigorated would be a good description. along with challenged. Two things that I need, and I’m sure many addtional things that I have yet to think of, will come. ( daddy why is the sky blue? Where do trees come from , daddy how come…..) But will be grateful for till the time I’m 6 foot under. Possibly longer.


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Try talking to the doctors and specialists involved. Start with the surgeon, the anaesthesiologist, the OB-gyne, etc. etc. etc. You might get a good discount if they lower down their fees.

Do not worry about the bills. They really can't do much if you do not have money to pay them. Just don't sign anything. (Loads of people are in jail not because of debts. Most people are in jail because they break laws - including signing papers (for the debts).

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ISO9001 is dead easy

yes - that certification can be "obtained" in thailand if you agree a "contracted" price with an accredition agency and go through some motions of having your quality system in order without ever having to actually implement it!

to the op - sorry to hear about what you have been through and hope you can get out of it well to enjoy parenting. :o

This link may be helpful to anyone with more interest in ISO9001...

ISO 9000 2000 Principles in Plain English....


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Try talking to the doctors and specialists involved. Start with the surgeon, the anaesthesiologist, the OB-gyne, etc. etc. etc. You might get a good discount if they lower down their fees.

Do not worry about the bills. They really can't do much if you do not have money to pay them. Just don't sign anything. (Loads of people are in jail not because of debts. Most people are in jail because they break laws - including signing papers (for the debts).


A girl with a clip board and paper about 10AM that I HAD to sign. No choice as my baby was at stake I did it.

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When my eldest daughter was born in Bamrungrad a few years ago, they cheated me out of a lot of money. At the time I didn't mind - I walked up to the chemist near soi Nana, bought a huge cigar, fired it up and NOTHING could take away that feeling of bliss - having a beautiful healthy baby. If you can't pay, you can't pay.

Tell everyone you can not to go to Samitivej and I tell everyone not to go to Bamrungrad.

Congratulations on the baby - best feeling in the world.

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It sounds like you're coming out of the other side of the tunnel into the daylight. Good on you. Your posts show you're a lot less stressed out now.

I've been telling my wife your woes, and we both wish you and your family all the best for the future. Take care of that little bundle of joy - but you don't need me to tell you that!

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My wife has a med card and gets her treatment very cheaply our last baby was big so she had the op 7500 baht for everything witha max of 40,000 baht if baby needed aftercare , i know this is no help to you but thought i mention the medical card

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Try talking to the doctors and specialists involved. Start with the surgeon, the anaesthesiologist, the OB-gyne, etc. etc. etc. You might get a good discount if they lower down their fees.

Do not worry about the bills. They really can't do much if you do not have money to pay them. Just don't sign anything. (Loads of people are in jail not because of debts. Most people are in jail because they break laws - including signing papers (for the debts).


A girl with a clip board and paper about 10AM that I HAD to sign. No choice as my baby was at stake I did it.

SO what did you name her? Is your wifes dad the Monk going to give her, her nickname? You just wait this will all seem like a distant nightmare and your little one will be walking and then talking and you will wonder where the time went.

As for your wife and the blues. Just be there for her and help as much you can.

Give your baby a hug.

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At the time I didn't mind… The only point you make where we differ. Thanks and I owe you a cigar.


Good Karma to you both.


That’s the stuff that needs listed. Thanks

(Maybe when I stop this forum ( I say stop cause GF is thinking maybe I have a noi wife or at the least is taking too much attention, She’s on me now, “Honey who you write too.?”) It can be edited and put in the family forum? I almost posted there.)


Samantha or as I just know Thai people will say… Sa Man Ta, jeeze I hope it does not mean anything bad, I just asked GF if her father monk was going to do it, she said,” No he cannot. He is a new monk””. But she assures me she has one to do it already.

Today was a great day, the baby is off Oxygen and we were able to hold Samantha for the first time. It was indescribable, when I talked to the doc on the phone I asked if mum could try feeding the baby direct. (Breastfeeding is so important in so many ways). He said yes, so this started today. Side note for guys… babies need to be taught to suckle. Well human babies it seems. But the instincts did kick in for a couple of pulls, and we were told that soon Samantha would have it learned.

But the happy tears ran freely today and to any who are interested I’m Fine , Mums Fine And Samantha is Gonna be a movie star, Mum reckons. Mum made me stop giving Samantha kisses. She said my mouth was to dirty, but I reckon she didn’t like me getting to far ahead in the “kisses given to baby “category.

The big trouble lol is it’s now been decided that she has my lips, where yesterday it was a happy…. my top half , Her bottom half.…I don’t decide these things in any way , but I catch the wrath of uneven distribution.

I assume that all possible venues are still full, as I have asked daily if I can move her, not yet. Yesterday they did reply that there still wasn’t .

They moved her to another room still inside ICU. She’s no longer hooked up to anything but feed tubes.

Did anyone read about Womb rooms in the paper the other day. looking at the set-up now in nurseries and watching babies reactions to the light , buzzes ,bells, I think it will be the way of the future.

Had a visit from a pleasant Lady that worked there in the International Affairs Dept.

I won’t mention her name; she’s from U.K. from around Newcastle. We didn’t talk of anything but family, but she seemed pleasant and genuine. If I ever choose to use this hospital I’d like to speak to her first. She was able to tell me about the eyes, yes Asian babies eyes are bluish at birth as well as Caucasian. So they probably will turn to brown. Don’t know why I’m so interested in her eyes, maybe it’s just that I can’t see them often enough. Sounds sweet but I kinda ment that they are always closed. I like the 1st implication also.

Well tomorrow if the baby suckles I think she would be coming straight home, as I don’t see any other reason she could not. We will see.

I will post a pic soon of Samantha soon.


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I hope your little one is doing well now. I went to have my baby at Thonburi 1 Hospital earlier this year. My baby was 2 weeks early. We had booked C-section package for 3 days 2 nights at a cost of 42,000 Baht. The baby had fluid in her lungs and difficulty breathing. She didn't need ICU. They took 5,000 Baht off from the package price and charge accordingly. I stayed for 3 days 2 nights. The baby stayed 5 days and 4 nights. The total cost was 70,000 Baht.

Here are the details of the bill if they are any help at all.

For myself

Room for 3 days @1800 a day 5,400

Food 3 days@350 a day 1,050

Drugs[ Anti D for my neg blood] 5,850

Medical Supplys 2,305

Medical in operaltion theater 915

Lab and Pathology 330

O.R. Equip 5,200

Operation ,Delivery room 2,000

Nursing charge 3 days @700 a day2,100

Fee for booking my blood

I'm A- 700 per unit 1,400

Doctor in op room 12,000

Assistant doctor 3,000

Anesthetic professional fee 4,000

Nurse in op room 500

Other 7

Other Medical charge 700

Special food 22

LR room 700

Total 47,479

For my baby

First 2 days the bill is below

Room 3 days@ 500 a day 1,500

Drugs 725

Saline 2 bottles@350 700

Medical supplys 1,230

Lab and Pathology 1,630

X RAY 800

Nursing charge 3 days@500 1,500

Other Medical Charges 3 days@200 600

Total 8,685

For the last 3 days


[ they don't charge the last day] 1,000

Vaccine 420

Medical Supplys 110

Lab and Pathology 500

Oxygen 1,600

Infusion pump,Terrumo 1,000

Photo Therapy

for the baby who is a bit yellow 300

Suction 500

Incubation 3 days 1,600

Pulse Oxymeter 2,400

to monitor the oxy in baby's blood

Nursing charge 2 days@500 1,000

Doctor for 5 days 2,200

Other Medical charges 2 days@200 400

Blood pressure mechine 600

Retained NG. Tube for baby 700

Oxyen analyzer 240

to indicate oxy in the air

Total 14,570

I hope the above details might help you to compare charges


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My wife gave birth to a daughter at Bamrungrad Hospital at a cost of over 1000 pounds.

She gave birth to a daughter at a government hospital - free.

The latter was a much much better experience and toatally free. I'd now recommend to anyone to stay away from those nasty private hospitals. Money is the main concern.

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My baby was 2 weeks early. We had booked C-section package for 3 days 2 nights at a cost of 42,000 Baht. The baby had fluid in her lungs and difficulty breathing. She didn't need ICU.

For my daughter, they said she needed ICU for the same thing - just a coincedence that the ICU unit was empty with all the staff there??

It's a scam.

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My wife gave birth to a daughter at Bamrungrad Hospital at a cost of over 1000 pounds.

She gave birth to a daughter at a government hospital - free.

The latter was a much much better experience and toatally free. I'd now recommend to anyone to stay away from those nasty private hospitals. Money is the main concern.

which govy hospital?

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My wife has a med card and gets her treatment very cheaply our last baby was big so she had the op 7500 baht for everything witha max of 40,000 baht if baby needed aftercare , i know this is no help to you but thought i mention the medical card

Thank you for the info Colino. It would be even more helpful to know "which" medical card you are talking about. My wife has a medical card and full medical insurance from Thai Health ( a subsidiary of Thai Life) and see gets NO coverage for her pregnancy. We are told that we would have had to opted for maternity coverage BEFORE my wife got pregnant. Now that's she pregnant we can not add anything to her Thai Health coverage as now the pregnancy is a pre-existing condition.

It would be nice to hear from other posters what insurance will cover maternity costs.

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Firstly, what I can never understand, is why farangs pay a lot of money to have a baby in a big hospital.

Second, my son was born in a hospital outside his province. Since it was an emergency c-section, the medical care was free and he was given the medical care of the new hospital at the 30 baht card rate.

I think your getting ripped off.

Contact a lawyer.

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LIFE, You Got To love IT…!!!


After Vigorous “negotiation” (3+ hrs,) for 9 days of care (as opposed to the original estimated 14 + days that had me Sa-cared) an agreement was reached that I thought was fair. It wasn’t cheap but, keeping in mind the Care Samantha did receive In the circumstances that she was delivered to them, the care of the nurses in the NICU * which I will make a point of later. All of which I saw with my own eyes at many varied times through-out the day and night and Samanthas strong recovery time I was Happy to pay, in full, After a few addition mistakes were corrected, for the good health of Samantha.

The bone of my contention was how the mums stay appeared to me un-warranted. With-out agreeing but eventually understanding of what mistakes I thought were made, the result being, basically, the dismissal of my obligation to those charges.

We then Moved Samantha into the hospital she was born in, the reason being the cost difference, and our finances, (the hospital moved us there for no extra cost).

She is doing fine and looking Good.!! (Watch out Tata)

Samantha has got an Ideal about how to get mums milk and is improving on it daily. It’s Funny how she looks as though she is dreaming and furrowing her forehead as with great concentration or smiles as she sleeps. What can she possibly be dreaming of? Her eyes aren’t even open yet. The tube will be out of her nose by tomorrow which is mums greatest want at the moment. I will most likely add a pic of Samantha when all the tubes are out.

Today, as I sign off this forum that started as one man screaming for help in a void of information, shocked and without the friends about, whom he could relate with.

I am, now, none of the three...

It has evolved into a emotional learning experience that I could never relate in words and a debt of gratitude that will be hard to repay.

Some of the repliers relate as they Have been through similar experiences, (a bit O worry in itself.) and understand. Others showed me the power of sympathy from a stranger. Go the Humanitarians!!!

The wisdom and subtleness donated to this forum by a few was no doubt as beneficial to the resolve of my problem as any other factor. Others showed a bit of “tough love” and helped me “pull the straps up” and keep things in perspective.

Each of you, in your own way, helped me. I thank-you all.

I hope never to have too but, if needed, to be able to return and give to others the same compassion in the future in these forums.

Another thing I happen to learn in this experience is the lack of neo-natal caregivers in Bangkok. It may be my newness as a father, but this strikes a cord.

I agree with Toasted comment on the clean up for future references.


nurses in the NICU * during the Vigorous negotiation in the babies room, after we had officially left the services of the hospital, one Nurse had noticed that the time we had spent had taken us past feeding time for baby. She on her own decided that she would come in and feed Samantha. Hard to give the description of the moment, but in her doing so, showed the professionalism and care that is available here.

I also said earlier that I was very happy with the Doctor, his detail in the care of Samantha and the understandable explanation of her ongoing condition. (Thai man, educated in Edinburgh, if I remember correctly) He was very understanding of our situation and charged us nothing for his service after the first billing. He himself made this decision, and I would not have noticed it but for the lack of it upon my careful observation of the 2nd bill. In doing it the way he did again showed me the professionalism and care that only a true doctor has. This hospital is very fortunate to have his services and, so was my family. Thanks doc, you are what a Doctor should be.

If I can give one thing to the Hospital Administration It would be to point out that as a westerner being admitted to a foreign hospital, for any reason, is concerning enough. Clear and precise communication is foremost to ease the patient through process and recovery. This may be easier with a person of similar origin and dialect to help welcome, explain to and befriend the patient when needed. I think the results of someone in this position would be a positive for your business. The benefits will far outweigh the cost. But what do I know?...

I do know that…

Soon I’ll be Enjoying my daughter crawling down the hall, exchanging funny faces and the both of us making fun of her mums big ears….what else matters…

In closing I want to say thanks to an old friend, who died recently, and had taught me many things of this world. I will leave the words of a lesson, he taught me years ago, with you and hope it helps you also at some time.

If the accountant sweats, look real close at the numbers.

Till our paths cross again.

Chai Yo


There was a girl named Samantha- born in Bangkok

And when she was born it was quite a shock.

She was born with out any breath

Her first moments in Life she battled Death.


She had some help from the Angels above,

Cause she was born into a family of love.

She thought to him, “Do you know who I am?”

In my veins runs the blood of old Siam!”

“I love peace, but do not fear to fight,

We will settle this, Now! Tonight!”

Death replied, with his deadly smile,

“I like your grit, I’ll give you awhile.”

a grateful father........

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Congratulations lodes I am very happy she is improving so quickly....

She is very beautiful and I am sure she will bring you and your gf a lot of joy.

When we had our son at the Ratchasima Thonburi in Korat the 3 day/2 night package was 27k baht.

My wife needed a caeserian and they immediately switched package and the new price was 36k baht.

The hospital has now become part of the Bangkok Hospital Group so I am not sure of there new package prices.

But the cost of our visits to the paediatrician there have only increased about 15%.

Just out of interest, and I am sure many others who have followed this thread would like to know, how much did you end up paying?

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My wife gave birth to a daughter at Bamrungrad Hospital at a cost of over 1000 pounds.

She gave birth to a daughter at a government hospital - free.

The latter was a much much better experience and toatally free. I'd now recommend to anyone to stay away from those nasty private hospitals. Money is the main concern.

which govy hospital?

Sri Nakarin.

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also said earlier that I was very happy with the Doctor, his detail in the care of Samantha and the understandable explanation of her ongoing condition. (Thai man, educated in Edinburgh, if I remember correctly) He was very understanding of our situation and charged us nothing for his service after the first billing. He himself made this decision, and I would not have noticed it but for the lack of it upon my careful observation of the 2nd bill. In doing it the way he did again showed me the professionalism and care that only a true doctor has. This hospital is very fortunate to have his services and, so was my family. Thanks doc, you are what a Doctor should be.

We used this guy when we lived in Bangkok as a Pedaetrician. I highly recomend him. Although my daughter was born in Bamrungrad and was entitled to discount in the child clinic, we chose Samitiwej. It was on the same soi as our house too(49).

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LIFE, You Got To love IT…!!!


After Vigorous "negotiation" (3+ hrs,) for 9 days of care (as opposed to the original estimated 14 + days that had me Sa-cared) an agreement was reached that I thought was fair. It wasn't cheap but, keeping in mind the Care Samantha did receive In the circumstances that she was delivered to them, the care of the nurses in the NICU * which I will make a point of later. All of which I saw with my own eyes at many varied times through-out the day and night and Samanthas strong recovery time I was Happy to pay, in full, After a few addition mistakes were corrected, for the good health of Samantha.

The bone of my contention was how the mums stay appeared to me un-warranted. With-out agreeing but eventually understanding of what mistakes I thought were made, the result being, basically, the dismissal of my obligation to those charges.

We then Moved Samantha into the hospital she was born in, the reason being the cost difference, and our finances, (the hospital moved us there for no extra cost).

She is doing fine and looking Good.!! (Watch out Tata)

Samantha has got an Ideal about how to get mums milk and is improving on it daily. It's Funny how she looks as though she is dreaming and furrowing her forehead as with great concentration or smiles as she sleeps. What can she possibly be dreaming of? Her eyes aren't even open yet. The tube will be out of her nose by tomorrow which is mums greatest want at the moment. I will most likely add a pic of Samantha when all the tubes are out.

Today, as I sign off this forum that started as one man screaming for help in a void of information, shocked and without the friends about, whom he could relate with.

I am, now, none of the three...

It has evolved into a emotional learning experience that I could never relate in words and a debt of gratitude that will be hard to repay.

Some of the repliers relate as they Have been through similar experiences, (a bit O worry in itself.) and understand. Others showed me the power of sympathy from a stranger. Go the Humanitarians!!!

The wisdom and subtleness donated to this forum by a few was no doubt as beneficial to the resolve of my problem as any other factor. Others showed a bit of "tough love" and helped me "pull the straps up" and keep things in perspective.

Each of you, in your own way, helped me. I thank-you all.

I hope never to have too but, if needed, to be able to return and give to others the same compassion in the future in these forums.

Another thing I happen to learn in this experience is the lack of neo-natal caregivers in Bangkok. It may be my newness as a father, but this strikes a cord.

I agree with Toasted comment on the clean up for future references.


nurses in the NICU * during the Vigorous negotiation in the babies room, after we had officially left the services of the hospital, one Nurse had noticed that the time we had spent had taken us past feeding time for baby. She on her own decided that she would come in and feed Samantha. Hard to give the description of the moment, but in her doing so, showed the professionalism and care that is available here.

I also said earlier that I was very happy with the Doctor, his detail in the care of Samantha and the understandable explanation of her ongoing condition. (Thai man, educated in Edinburgh, if I remember correctly) He was very understanding of our situation and charged us nothing for his service after the first billing. He himself made this decision, and I would not have noticed it but for the lack of it upon my careful observation of the 2nd bill. In doing it the way he did again showed me the professionalism and care that only a true doctor has. This hospital is very fortunate to have his services and, so was my family. Thanks doc, you are what a Doctor should be.

If I can give one thing to the Hospital Administration It would be to point out that as a westerner being admitted to a foreign hospital, for any reason, is concerning enough. Clear and precise communication is foremost to ease the patient through process and recovery. This may be easier with a person of similar origin and dialect to help welcome, explain to and befriend the patient when needed. I think the results of someone in this position would be a positive for your business. The benefits will far outweigh the cost. But what do I know?...

I do know that…

Soon I'll be Enjoying my daughter crawling down the hall, exchanging funny faces and the both of us making fun of her mums big ears….what else matters…

In closing I want to say thanks to an old friend, who died recently, and had taught me many things of this world. I will leave the words of a lesson, he taught me years ago, with you and hope it helps you also at some time.

If the accountant sweats, look real close at the numbers.

Till our paths cross again.

Chai Yo


There was a girl named Samantha- born in Bangkok

And when she was born it was quite a shock.

She was born with out any breath

Her first moments in Life she battled Death.


She had some help from the Angels above,

Cause she was born into a family of love.

She thought to him, "Do you know who I am?"

In my veins runs the blood of old Siam!"

"I love peace, but do not fear to fight,

We will settle this, Now! Tonight!"

Death replied, with his deadly smile,

"I like your grit, I'll give you awhile."

a grateful father........

What a wonderful post, I am not ashamed to say it almost brought a tear to my eye, it shows that Thailand is, despite some of the gloomy stories a good place to stay, because there is a lot of caring and decent people around, and TV is one of the places where you can find them if you are in a genuine pinch. :D

Samantha congratulations with your first victory,

may there be many more in all your endeavours,

welcome to the world. :o

Kindest regards,

larvidchr, :D

Edited by larvidchr
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LIFE, You Got To love IT…!!!

I also said earlier that I was very happy with the Doctor, his detail in the care of Samantha and the understandable explanation of her ongoing condition. (Thai man, educated in Edinburgh, if I remember correctly) He was very understanding of our situation and charged us nothing for his service after the first billing. He himself made this decision, and I would not have noticed it but for the lack of it upon my careful observation of the 2nd bill. In doing it the way he did again showed me the professionalism and care that only a true doctor has. This hospital is very fortunate to have his services and, so was my family. Thanks doc, you are what a Doctor should be.


We used this guy when we lived in Bangkok as a Pedaetrician. I highly recomend him. Although my daughter was born in Bamrungrad and was entitled to discount in the child clinic, we chose Samitiwej. It was on the same soi as our house too(49).

Dr Olarn ????? If it's the same doc who was our son's paedetrician when we were living in BKK (he was trained in Edinburgh), I must say we (including the wee man) highly endorse this good doctor too.

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