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Owners Warned Of Potential Unused Land Seizures


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18 hours ago, huangnon said:

The State threatening to confiscate private land.? Has Thailand gone full Communist or something?



No, but possibly some people or someone thinks it should all belong to them anyway and they feel any means is justifiable to put that into action. 

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8 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

"Imminent Domain" is to acquire land (not just any unused land) for public use - think land for freeways.  The owner must be compensated at fair market value.

"the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use"


This is not the same as what Thailand (and Brasil) do.

Mahalo from O'ahu

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I think it is great, maybe now the owners will actually take care of their land and keep all the weeds etc down, we have a vacant block next to us and we have to constantly cut and poison the land on their side of our fence lines(we own the land on either side of it) as it keeps growing into our land and is over 2 metres high. The owners rarely come here and take off if we go to talk to them, the we have a neighbout next to our other block that built their land up almost a metre higher than all the other land near it without putting in either a fence or drain around it plus pushed their fill over onto our land and trees and never came back. We had to pay someone to come and use a backho to drag all the dirt away from our land and back onto theirs, the house on the other side was flooding everytime it rained as well, the land owner just never shows up s o anyone can get them to fix the problem they caused. If the govt starts taking the land off these idiots all the better, most buy the land as an investment to get a big profit but refuse to take care of the land while waiting for the value to go up, in Australia they have to keep the land/block tidy by law or the councils clean it up and send them an account then seize it if they dont pay

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