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Bill Maher Killed it Friday 9 Sept


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That's a lot to dissect.  But this caught my eye...."Galloway notes some disturbing trends, such as in 2008, 8% of men under the age of 30 were virgins. In 2022 that number is 35%."


What?  35% of US men under 30 are virgins?  I myself was a late bloomer, didn't get laid til I was about 19!  But geez man, maybe this is why American dudes are so uptight.  They end up becoming Incels and Proud Boys. 


As for this...."Galloway has a view that the greatest threat to any society is lonely males."  In America, that translates to lonely males with a gun....yeah, pretty darn dangerous.


Maybe that's why they need Christianity in the USA.  So guys don't have to think about the sex that they're not getting!

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

That's a lot to dissect.  But this caught my eye...."Galloway notes some disturbing trends, such as in 2008, 8% of men under the age of 30 were virgins. In 2022 that number is 35%."


What?  35% of US men under 30 are virgins?  I myself was a late bloomer, didn't get laid til I was about 19!  But geez man, maybe this is why American dudes are so uptight.  They end up becoming Incels and Proud Boys. 


As for this...."Galloway has a view that the greatest threat to any society is lonely males."  In America, that translates to lonely males with a gun....yeah, pretty darn dangerous.


Maybe that's why they need Christianity in the USA.  So guys don't have to think about the sex that they're not getting!

Good point about needing Christianity in the USA. The sex that these men are not getting is due to the fact that they are not married and not able to find a suitable wife. I guess that is why there are so many old geezers in Thailand walking around with little brown girls.

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15 minutes ago, Screaming said:

The sex that these men are not getting is due to the fact that they are not married and not able to find a suitable wife.

Wow,  I certainly disagree marriage is a gateway to minimal or no sex. The males I know in western countries have sex on their birthday and maybe Valentines day.  Wasting their time begging for it otherwise, always with some flimsy excuse.

From personal experience most western females as opposed to Asian seem to be bad lovers,have lots of baggage/ hangups and not very willing for open intimate interaction.  

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

That's a lot to dissect.  But this caught my eye...."Galloway notes some disturbing trends, such as in 2008, 8% of men under the age of 30 were virgins. In 2022 that number is 35%."


What?  35% of US men under 30 are virgins?  I myself was a late bloomer, didn't get laid til I was about 19!  But geez man, maybe this is why American dudes are so uptight.  They end up becoming Incels and Proud Boys. 


As for this...."Galloway has a view that the greatest threat to any society is lonely males."  In America, that translates to lonely males with a gun....yeah, pretty darn dangerous.


Pity Mahler (and others) don't have the guts to have incels as guests for a change. Of course if they did, it would only be in order to make incels look ridiculous and obnoxious.

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14 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Wow,  I certainly disagree marriage is a gateway to minimal or no sex. The males I know in western countries have sex on their birthday and maybe Valentines day.  Wasting their time begging for it otherwise, always with some flimsy excuse.

From personal experience most western females as opposed to Asian seem to be bad lovers,have lots of baggage/ hangups and not very willing for open intimate interaction.  

The trick is to get Females to enjoy sex .

Some guys who are overweight and unkept , unshowered and breath alcohol fumes and want a quick ten minute poke before they sleep can be rather unappealing to the poked person 

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You must have been taking notes. It was a good episode. I felt those dating app stats sounded a bit out of whack i.e. that 96 per cent of men miss out. But could be I suppose..


I think people can be categorised  into those that need and like the office social interaction and those to whom it is a hindrance. 

The modern set up of no separate offices means having to hear conversations about the new TV show, football, long discussions about some ones new baby, etc. I am clearly more productive at home and save 2 hours each day in commute time. Don't need the chatter - happy to be social outside work. 

We are at 3 days at the office and 2 at home so better than nothing. 

I have Foxtel pay TV - a bit funny when it's on youtube before it's on Foxtel but there it is. 


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I've long thought that prostitution should be legal, intelligently regulated, and no longer socially stigmatized.  Consenting adults should be allowed to have sex whether it's for procreation, recreation, money or any other reason.  The insanity of some incels further convinces me this should happen.

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17 hours ago, JackGats said:

Pity Mahler (and others) don't have the guts to have incels as guests for a change. Of course if they did, it would only be in order to make incels look ridiculous and obnoxious.

I'm not sure it takes 'guts' to have an Incel as a guest. Guys like Maher are self-made and successful. They always accepted responsibility for their own failings, and worked to improve themselves. For Maher, that meant getting booed off stage for years trying to be a stand up comic. He learned from his failings and developed 'game'.


Incels have no game and yet accept no responsibility for their own failures. Even unattractive men can end up with lovely women, or at least can find a partner, because they better themselves in ways that make them attractive. They don't blame "Chad".


An honest person assesses himself, sees where his skill set lies, and goes about making him the best 'him' he can be. He doesn't make up excuses or join a demographic that is nothing more than a victim club, like Incels. In one sense the internet has done great harm to the Incel type of man, because it has rationalized and legitimized being a failure with the opposite sex. Guys no longer have to self-reflect, identify their weaknesses, and improve themselves. Incel becomes an excuse.


Why would Maher or anyone else want to have losers as guests? That's what Jerry Springer or Maury Povich's shows are for: to have losers as guests to make others feel better about themselves.

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16 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

You must have been taking notes. It was a good episode. I felt those dating app stats sounded a bit out of whack i.e. that 96 per cent of men miss out. But could be I suppose..




No notes. I had an eidetic memory when I was young, and still have flashes of it.


Galloway used an example (for online dating) of 50 men/50 women, and said the women all go after 4 of the men. Other times he used higher numbers. 96 was an error.


Like I said about Galloway, he is often controversial but he has many interesting views. He was spot on when TikTok first came out, predicting it would soon dwarf Facebook et al, as it is the fastest way to satisfy the Narcissistic urge, and short videos are about the length of the attention span of Millennials and teens.


I understand your point about working from home/office distractions/time with friends, but a lot of people lack the discipline to work as hard when there are no colleagues or bosses viewing them. Also, once school/university slips into the past, most people build their social network among colleagues in the office. Finally, Zoom meetings can never be as effective as office meetings. People in office meetings do 'read the room'. They read the reactions of people who are not speaking. They read the body language of their colleagues. People structure their own responses to what they perceive will be effective in making a point. It doesn't work the same way in virtual meetings, at least in my opinion. Also, ideas can pop into one's head at any time. Get an idea, go to a colleagues office and spitball it, or go direct to the supervisor. With work from home, one has to wait for the next Zoom time, or send an email or message which might not be read for hours.

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23 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

No notes. I had an eidetic memory when I was young, and still have flashes of it.


Galloway used an example (for online dating) of 50 men/50 women, and said the women all go after 4 of the men. Other times he used higher numbers. 96 was an error.


Like I said about Galloway, he is often controversial but he has many interesting views. He was spot on when TikTok first came out, predicting it would soon dwarf Facebook et al, as it is the fastest way to satisfy the Narcissistic urge, and short videos are about the length of the attention span of Millennials and teens.


I understand your point about working from home/office distractions/time with friends, but a lot of people lack the discipline to work as hard when there are no colleagues or bosses viewing them. Also, once school/university slips into the past, most people build their social network among colleagues in the office. Finally, Zoom meetings can never be as effective as office meetings. People in office meetings do 'read the room'. They read the reactions of people who are not speaking. They read the body language of their colleagues. People structure their own responses to what they perceive will be effective in making a point. It doesn't work the same way in virtual meetings, at least in my opinion. Also, ideas can pop into one's head at any time. Get an idea, go to a colleagues office and spitball it, or go direct to the supervisor. With work from home, one has to wait for the next Zoom time, or send an email or message which might not be read for hours.

I think the downside of working from home is probably more applicable to young people who need the social interaction, whether they know it or not, and for particular types of employment. 

In terms of discussing ideas, we have an internal messaging system that is more simple and direct than email, and some people feel freer to talk on the phone, than face to face. No one listening.

Most queries I have require experts who are often at a different office in Australia - I work for a big department.

It's 2022 - the genie's out of the bottle - the commute, small talk in the lifts, and sitting in an office under flourescent lights is so 2019. 

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That's some funny A$$ Sh!t ...

... at least I learned a new word:



From Wikipedia:

An incel (/ˈɪnsɛl/ IN-sel, an abbreviation of "involuntary celibate"????) is a member of an online subculture of people who define themselves as unable to get a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one. Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment and hatred, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against women and sexually active people.[16] The American Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described the subculture as "part of the online male supremacist ecosystem" that is included in their list of hate groups.  Incels are mostly male and heterosexual, and are often white???? Estimates of the overall size of the subculture vary greatly, ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands of individuals.

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18 hours ago, JackGats said:

Pity Mahler (and others) don't have the guts to have incels as guests for a change. Of course if they did, it would only be in order to make incels look ridiculous and obnoxious.

Not sure if you watch Bill Maher but it would be hard to find a host who takes on all comers like he does. He has often said he would like more guests who are Republican and others to the right, and when he does have them as guests he does take them on but treats them respectfully, but he has few takers. 

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3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

That's some funny A$$ Sh!t ...

... at least I learned a new word:



From Wikipedia:

An incel (/ˈɪnsɛl/ IN-sel, an abbreviation of "involuntary celibate"????) is a member of an online subculture of people who define themselves as unable to get a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one. Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment and hatred, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against women and sexually active people.[16] The American Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described the subculture as "part of the online male supremacist ecosystem" that is included in their list of hate groups.  Incels are mostly male and heterosexual, and are often white???? Estimates of the overall size of the subculture vary greatly, ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands of individuals.


All Wikipedia articles regarding the manosphere are hit-pieces drafted by the Southern Poverty Law Center and by some Guardian's femihags.


The last balanced source about Incels having escaped official censorship is https://incels.wiki/w/Main_Page


Of course we expats in Thailand are no Incels. We're just in Thailand for the delicious food, the temples, and the pristine unpolluted beaches. We could just as well settle in Toronto or Stockholm and would have no difficulty in picking up girls from the street in those cities.




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