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On 10/5/2022 at 9:17 AM, Lacessit said:

No, because it's actually " The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."


About 40 years ago, I paid USD 250 for a pair of Florsheim shoes in Dallas, Texas. Adjusted for inflation, they would be about USD 820 today.

The salesman said they would last me a lifetime, and he was right. They are still with me, in very good condition.

Sadly, the bean counters had ruined the brand about ten years later via cost-cutting on materials and outsourcing. A microcosm of what happened to American manufacturing.


I get the feeling I am crazy when I respond on most ASEAN threads. I comfort myself with the thought I am not alone.


I think you know I don't tell you no lie. Right? 


Also, I don't like the idea of playing golf. 


However, what you stated about these shoes is correct. 


I know that you will not believe me. No one will believe me. 


But, incredible as it might be, I purchased these same shoes in the US market, from Sears. They were not cheap. 


For one thing, I loved their color. 


Thinking back carefully, I must have bought these shoes either in 1989, or thereabouts. 


Truth be told, I put these shoes in a steamer trunk, and then put the trunk in my friend's warehouse. Then, the warehouse burned down. 


I never thought I would ever see these shoes again. 


And yet, now I see them, once more, on this forum. 


Referring to the photo you have attached, for which I am most grateful, it seems to me that you might not be able to read any identifying marks or printing on the shoes, which has probably long been worn off, with wear during the past many years. 


However, if you might be able to use some ultraviolet light, then you might still be able to bring up, forensicly, identifying markings. 


Please carefully examine the inside right side and left side of the shoes. 


I just want to know if these shoes were made in Spain. If so, then these are the same make of shoes which perished in the fire that consumed my pair. 


I think it's "unique". 


Do you recall the Seven Year Itch, with Monroe, stating that it's unique? 


What do you think Monroe meant by her adjective, UNIQUE? In the film Seven Year Itch. 


Have you ever stopped to wonder? 


Also, mostly, the main reason I am so interested in reading what you have to say, and replying to you, too, is just because you are such an old fossil on this forum. 


You say you are 85-years old old. Is this even possible? 


What does it feel like to be this old? 


Does it feel good that you have cheated death? 


According to what you have stated, when you first bought these shoes, then you were 45. The fish were jumping and the cotton was high. 


And now, you are confronted with a pair of shoes that may outlive you. How do you reconcile this? 


Will you will your beautiful shoes to me, if you go first?


Also, you are not the only one who can wear a good pair of shoes for almost half their term of existence here. 


So, what I am asking, maybe, is that when it comes time to meet your maker, if you have a few pairs of well-made shoes, then how do you plan to dispose of this leather legacy. 


I think, by now, this kind of existential question is nothing more than a playful mind game for you. 


I just mean that if one pair of shoes can last 40 years... 


And, if the average human life expectancy is about 75 years... 


Then how many pairs of shoes do we really need? 


Maybe one nice pair of corfam shoes for golphing. 


I prefer golf shoes with long cleats. 


Did you know that Eisenhower, a gopher, tore up the White House hardwood floors with his golphing shoes cleats. 


Can you even imagine what kind of ego must be required to do such a thing? 


Most people here, whenever I speak the truth, think that I am stupid or joking. 


But, you can check out for yourself, what happened to the Oval Office floor with President Eisenhower's golf cleat marks. 


You know, most people here wonder why I write so much, about any given subject, including your shoes. 


The reason is that I have spent most of my life collecting useless information. 


Just as soon as I saw the image of the pair of penny loafers which you uploaded here, I was easily able to identify them. 


Over the years, I have become a major reservoir of junk knowledge. 


Also, now that I am old, I have become a repository of immense wisdom. 


Normally, I do not share my wisdom, even for a price. 


Wisdom is something that cannot be shared. 


However, in my opinion, the reason I like this forum, principally, is because there are those among us here who are old enough to have walked in 40-year-old shoes. 


40 years ago, or more. Maybe 65 years ago, there were girls walking around in skirts of knee length. 


I liked it better then. 


I liked it better because you could pull up their skirts and find a surprise. Everybody loves a surprise. 


Years ago, women's bodies were mysterious to men. Now, there is no mystery. 


Speaking of mystery, when I was young, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was my favorite author, for about a year. 


This is not to say that farm girls didn't know the facts of life after helping birth the next generation of farm animals. 


But, just speaking of 40-year-old shoes, I would like to think back to life, PRE-WW2. 


I would like to think about the days when world population was 2 billion, instead of 7.8 billion. 


I would like to think back to the days of Elmer Gantry, and other great satirical muckraking books by Sinclair Lewis. 


So, the point is... 


Is it still just as possible to buy a beautiful pair of shoes, these days, as we purchased 40 or 60 years ago? 




However, due to the changes in the marketplace, you might need to buy handmade shoes, these days. 


And, you might need to pay a pretty penny. 


Also, when I was a young hottentot, of 13, I actually read ALL the books written by Sinclair Lewis 






I would never read these books, now, at my age. 


There is a time for everything. Under Heaven. 


I also read the Bible. But those days are long gone. 


These days, for inspiration, I read AseanNow.... 


You would be amazed by the writers who sometimes post here. 


A mix of Henry Fielding, Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, Chomsky, Salinger, Orwell, Fitzgerald, Kerouac, Cheever, and also one good writer from Princeton. 


I'm not sure if the guy from Princeton is still here. I haven't read hide nor hair from him during the past few years, alas. 


I have nothing more to say about shoes, at this time. But, regarding shoes, I still have much more to say, next time.


Far more to say, in fact. 





Please note: After inspecting the shoes, my opinion is that the gopher is pretty much just like me. He and I, though I hate to admit this, are probably birds of a feather. 



On 10/5/2022 at 3:17 PM, Lacessit said:

Sadly, the bean counters had ruined the brand about ten years later via cost-cutting on materials and outsourcing. A microcosm of what happened to American manufacturing.

There is no profit in making expensive goods that last a lifetime. Make cheap junk that people have to replace many times is the way to get rich. Greed rules today.

26 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I think you know I don't tell you no lie. Right? 


Also, I don't like the idea of playing golf. 


However, what you stated about these shoes is correct. 


I know that you will not believe me. No one will believe me. 


But, incredible as it might be, I purchased these same shoes in the US market, from Sears. They were not cheap. 


For one thing, I loved their color. 


Thinking back carefully, I must have bought these shoes either in 1989, or thereabouts. 


Truth be told, I put these shoes in a steamer trunk, and then put the trunk in my friend's warehouse. Then, the warehouse burned down. 


I never thought I would ever see these shoes again. 


And yet, now I see them, once more, on this forum. 


Referring to the photo you have attached, for which I am most grateful, it seems to me that you might not be able to read any identifying marks or printing on the shoes, which has probably long been worn off, with wear during the past many years. 


However, if you might be able to use some ultraviolet light, then you might still be able to bring up, forensicly, identifying markings. 


Please carefully examine the inside right side and left side of the shoes. 


I just want to know if these shoes were made in Spain. If so, then these are the same make of shoes which perished in the fire that consumed my pair. 


I think it's "unique". 


Do you recall the Seven Year Itch, with Monroe, stating that it's unique? 


What do you think Monroe meant by her adjective, UNIQUE? In the film Seven Year Itch. 


Have you ever stopped to wonder? 


Also, mostly, the main reason I am so interested in reading what you have to say, and replying to you, too, is just because you are such an old fossil on this forum. 


You say you are 85-years old old. Is this even possible? 


What does it feel like to be this old? 


Does it feel good that you have cheated death? 


According to what you have stated, when you first bought these shoes, then you were 45. The fish were jumping and the cotton was high. 


And now, you are confronted with a pair of shoes that may outlive you. How do you reconcile this? 


Will you will your beautiful shoes to me, if you go first?


Also, you are not the only one who can wear a good pair of shoes for almost half their term of existence here. 


So, what I am asking, maybe, is that when it comes time to meet your maker, if you have a few pairs of well-made shoes, then how do you plan to dispose of this leather legacy. 


I think, by now, this kind of existential question is nothing more than a playful mind game for you. 


I just mean that if one pair of shoes can last 40 years... 


And, if the average human life expectancy is about 75 years... 


Then how many pairs of shoes do we really need? 


Maybe one nice pair of corfam shoes for golphing. 


I prefer golf shoes with long cleats. 


Did you know that Eisenhower, a gopher, tore up the White House hardwood floors with his golphing shoes cleats. 


Can you even imagine what kind of ego must be required to do such a thing? 


Most people here, whenever I speak the truth, think that I am stupid or joking. 


But, you can check out for yourself, what happened to the Oval Office floor with President Eisenhower's golf cleat marks. 


You know, most people here wonder why I write so much, about any given subject, including your shoes. 


The reason is that I have spent most of my life collecting useless information. 


Just as soon as I saw the image of the pair of penny loafers which you uploaded here, I was easily able to identify them. 


Over the years, I have become a major reservoir of junk knowledge. 


Also, now that I am old, I have become a repository of immense wisdom. 


Normally, I do not share my wisdom, even for a price. 


Wisdom is something that cannot be shared. 


However, in my opinion, the reason I like this forum, principally, is because there are those among us here who are old enough to have walked in 40-year-old shoes. 


40 years ago, or more. Maybe 65 years ago, there were girls walking around in skirts of knee length. 


I liked it better then. 


I liked it better because you could pull up their skirts and find a surprise. Everybody loves a surprise. 


Years ago, women's bodies were mysterious to men. Now, there is no mystery. 


Speaking of mystery, when I was young, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was my favorite author, for about a year. 


This is not to say that farm girls didn't know the facts of life after helping birth the next generation of farm animals. 


But, just speaking of 40-year-old shoes, I would like to think back to life, PRE-WW2. 


I would like to think about the days when world population was 2 billion, instead of 7.8 billion. 


I would like to think back to the days of Elmer Gantry, and other great satirical muckraking books by Sinclair Lewis. 


So, the point is... 


Is it still just as possible to buy a beautiful pair of shoes, these days, as we purchased 40 or 60 years ago? 




However, due to the changes in the marketplace, you might need to buy handmade shoes, these days. 


And, you might need to pay a pretty penny. 


Also, when I was a young hottentot, of 13, I actually read ALL the books written by Sinclair Lewis 






I would never read these books, now, at my age. 


There is a time for everything. Under Heaven. 


I also read the Bible. But those days are long gone. 


These days, for inspiration, I read AseanNow.... 


You would be amazed by the writers who sometimes post here. 


A mix of Henry Fielding, Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, Chomsky, Salinger, Orwell, Fitzgerald, Kerouac, Cheever, and also one good writer from Princeton. 


I'm not sure if the guy from Princeton is still here. I haven't read hide nor hair from him during the past few years, alas. 


I have nothing more to say about shoes, at this time. But, regarding shoes, I still have much more to say, next time.


Far more to say, in fact. 





Please note: After inspecting the shoes, my opinion is that the gopher is pretty much just like me. He and I, though I hate to admit this, are probably birds of a feather. 



You lost me by the second paragraph.

Often, less is more.


On 10/5/2022 at 4:00 PM, Lacessit said:

There will always be vulgar rich people who do not comprehend what they flaunt is obscene. They confuse the trappings of wealth with class.

Lady Docker's gold-plated Daimler and the shoes of Imelda Marcos spring to mind.

They like what to us is gaudy trash stuff. In Saudi we could see women's clothing on display in shop windows ( but not on the street as they had to wear black abyas over everything ) and they were awful to a westerner's eyes.

However, I never saw anything on sale for 17 million bucks.

44 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There is no profit in making expensive goods that last a lifetime. Make cheap junk that people have to replace many times is the way to get rich. Greed rules today.



But then, please don't blame me if I refuse to buy DKNY junk wear. 


Years ago, I used to wear black socks with garters. 


Long silk ties. 


And shoes of fine fragrant leather 




Now, the neckties are becoming shorter. 


I am just telling you. 

And, I hope you get my meaning. 


If the fashion industry gives me junk clothes designed to wear out fast, then I have found the best solution for me. 


What I do, during most days, is to just wear a towel around my waist, for modesty. 


I refuse to buy shoes that wear out quickly. Instead, I go with plastic on my feet. 


Look, Man, I am now old enough to say that I am going on strike. 


Years ago, I paid good money to buy good quality clothes. 


But then, the quality of the clothes deteriorated. And, the price just increased. And, the wages paid to workers just kept decreasing. 


I am not joking here, my friend. 


Some of my best socks are 30 years old. 


It really might be amusing if it were not so sickening. 


What sickens me most is that I have been compelled to stop wearing clothes, altogether. I Please just come to my house, and you will see me in the buff. 


When I was young, I was a clothes horse. Do you even know what a clothes horse might be? I doubt it. 


But these days, due to fast fashion, and cheap clothing, I have been reduced to wearing nothing more than a towel around my waist. 


I shudder to think what my funeral attire might be, these days. 


Probably made of paper. 


By the way, about 25 years ago, guys in Hong Kong were experimenting with paper underwear. The logic seemed to have been that, on a business trip to Shanghai, one could just travel light if one could wear paper underwear under one's business suit. 


WOW, Man, I really know so many more intimate details about Hong Kong than you ever will. 


I don't know much about science books. 


But, I know a lot about bar girls. 


Please feel free to ask me any questions about bar girls. I know all the answers. 


For example, if you wish to know more about Bar Girl psychology, please feel free to ask me. 


I have witnessed three great bar girls take their lives. Yet, these bar girls were caring young women, girls that many cared about. Women with children. 


I know nothing about Thailand bar girls. I have never entered a Thai bar. Never will. 


I only know plenty about Chinese bar girls. Good and Plenty. 

4 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:



But then, please don't blame me if I refuse to buy DKNY junk wear. 


Years ago, I used to wear black socks with garters. 


Long silk ties. 


And shoes of fine fragrant leather 




Now, the neckties are becoming shorter. 


I am just telling you. 

And, I hope you get my meaning. 


If the fashion industry gives me junk clothes designed to wear out fast, then I have found the best solution for me. 


What I do, during most days, is to just wear a towel around my waist, for modesty. 


I refuse to buy shoes that wear out quickly. Instead, I go with plastic on my feet. 


Look, Man, I am now old enough to say that I am going on strike. 


Years ago, I paid good money to buy good quality clothes. 


But then, the quality of the clothes deteriorated. And, the price just increased. And, the wages paid to workers just kept decreasing. 


I am not joking here, my friend. 


Some of my best socks are 30 years old. 


It really might be amusing if it were not so sickening. 


What sickens me most is that I have been compelled to stop wearing clothes, altogether. I Please just come to my house, and you will see me in the buff. 


When I was young, I was a clothes horse. Do you even know what a clothes horse might be? I doubt it. 


But these days, due to fast fashion, and cheap clothing, I have been reduced to wearing nothing more than a towel around my waist. 


I shudder to think what my funeral attire might be, these days. 


Probably made of paper. 


By the way, about 25 years ago, guys in Hong Kong were experimenting with paper underwear. The logic seemed to have been that, on a business trip to Shanghai, one could just travel light if one could wear paper underwear under one's business suit. 


WOW, Man, I really know so many more intimate details about Hong Kong than you ever will. 


I don't know much about science books. 


But, I know a lot about bar girls. 


Please feel free to ask me any questions about bar girls. I know all the answers. 


For example, if you wish to know more about Bar Girl psychology, please feel free to ask me. 


I have witnessed three great bar girls take their lives. Yet, these bar girls were caring young women, girls that many cared about. Women with children. 


I know nothing about Thailand bar girls. I have never entered a Thai bar. Never will. 


I only know plenty about Chinese bar girls. Good and Plenty. 

Answer me this :


Why do bar girls care so much about what they wear? 


It's not due, so much, for their need to attract customers. 

4 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I think you know I don't tell you no lie. Right? 


Also, I don't like the idea of playing golf. 


However, what you stated about these shoes is correct. 


I know that you will not believe me. No one will believe me. 


But, incredible as it might be, I purchased these same shoes in the US market, from Sears. They were not cheap. 


For one thing, I loved their color. 


Thinking back carefully, I must have bought these shoes either in 1989, or thereabouts. 


Truth be told, I put these shoes in a steamer trunk, and then put the trunk in my friend's warehouse. Then, the warehouse burned down. 


I never thought I would ever see these shoes again. 


And yet, now I see them, once more, on this forum. 


Referring to the photo you have attached, for which I am most grateful, it seems to me that you might not be able to read any identifying marks or printing on the shoes, which has probably long been worn off, with wear during the past many years. 


However, if you might be able to use some ultraviolet light, then you might still be able to bring up, forensicly, identifying markings. 


Please carefully examine the inside right side and left side of the shoes. 


I just want to know if these shoes were made in Spain. If so, then these are the same make of shoes which perished in the fire that consumed my pair. 


I think it's "unique". 


Do you recall the Seven Year Itch, with Monroe, stating that it's unique? 


What do you think Monroe meant by her adjective, UNIQUE? In the film Seven Year Itch. 


Have you ever stopped to wonder? 


Also, mostly, the main reason I am so interested in reading what you have to say, and replying to you, too, is just because you are such an old fossil on this forum. 


You say you are 85-years old old. Is this even possible? 


What does it feel like to be this old? 


Does it feel good that you have cheated death? 


According to what you have stated, when you first bought these shoes, then you were 45. The fish were jumping and the cotton was high. 


And now, you are confronted with a pair of shoes that may outlive you. How do you reconcile this? 


Will you will your beautiful shoes to me, if you go first?


Also, you are not the only one who can wear a good pair of shoes for almost half their term of existence here. 


So, what I am asking, maybe, is that when it comes time to meet your maker, if you have a few pairs of well-made shoes, then how do you plan to dispose of this leather legacy. 


I think, by now, this kind of existential question is nothing more than a playful mind game for you. 


I just mean that if one pair of shoes can last 40 years... 


And, if the average human life expectancy is about 75 years... 


Then how many pairs of shoes do we really need? 


Maybe one nice pair of corfam shoes for golphing. 


I prefer golf shoes with long cleats. 


Did you know that Eisenhower, a gopher, tore up the White House hardwood floors with his golphing shoes cleats. 


Can you even imagine what kind of ego must be required to do such a thing? 


Most people here, whenever I speak the truth, think that I am stupid or joking. 


But, you can check out for yourself, what happened to the Oval Office floor with President Eisenhower's golf cleat marks. 


You know, most people here wonder why I write so much, about any given subject, including your shoes. 


The reason is that I have spent most of my life collecting useless information. 


Just as soon as I saw the image of the pair of penny loafers which you uploaded here, I was easily able to identify them. 


Over the years, I have become a major reservoir of junk knowledge. 


Also, now that I am old, I have become a repository of immense wisdom. 


Normally, I do not share my wisdom, even for a price. 


Wisdom is something that cannot be shared. 


However, in my opinion, the reason I like this forum, principally, is because there are those among us here who are old enough to have walked in 40-year-old shoes. 


40 years ago, or more. Maybe 65 years ago, there were girls walking around in skirts of knee length. 


I liked it better then. 


I liked it better because you could pull up their skirts and find a surprise. Everybody loves a surprise. 


Years ago, women's bodies were mysterious to men. Now, there is no mystery. 


Speaking of mystery, when I was young, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was my favorite author, for about a year. 


This is not to say that farm girls didn't know the facts of life after helping birth the next generation of farm animals. 


But, just speaking of 40-year-old shoes, I would like to think back to life, PRE-WW2. 


I would like to think about the days when world population was 2 billion, instead of 7.8 billion. 


I would like to think back to the days of Elmer Gantry, and other great satirical muckraking books by Sinclair Lewis. 


So, the point is... 


Is it still just as possible to buy a beautiful pair of shoes, these days, as we purchased 40 or 60 years ago? 




However, due to the changes in the marketplace, you might need to buy handmade shoes, these days. 


And, you might need to pay a pretty penny. 


Also, when I was a young hottentot, of 13, I actually read ALL the books written by Sinclair Lewis 






I would never read these books, now, at my age. 


There is a time for everything. Under Heaven. 


I also read the Bible. But those days are long gone. 


These days, for inspiration, I read AseanNow.... 


You would be amazed by the writers who sometimes post here. 


A mix of Henry Fielding, Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, Chomsky, Salinger, Orwell, Fitzgerald, Kerouac, Cheever, and also one good writer from Princeton. 


I'm not sure if the guy from Princeton is still here. I haven't read hide nor hair from him during the past few years, alas. 


I have nothing more to say about shoes, at this time. But, regarding shoes, I still have much more to say, next time.


Far more to say, in fact. 





Please note: After inspecting the shoes, my opinion is that the gopher is pretty much just like me. He and I, though I hate to admit this, are probably birds of a feather. 



I am 79, not 85. Please do not attempt to burden me with more years, I have enough already.

Yes, I am a fossil. If I ever become celibate like you, I will have attained the apogee of fossilization.

It just happens I am currently reading "Micah Clarke" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Spooky.

Most of my reading in my younger days was centered around Charles Dickens and the Bronte sisters, although Steinbeck, Hemingway and O. Henry did feature as well. The secondary college I attended was very heavily into Dickens for the English Literature part of the curriculum, I had a considerable advantage because I had read all his works before then.


Recently, Cameron Smith purportedly was remunerated $125 million for signing up with the LIV golf tour, and then proceeded to win another $6 million in only his second tournament. That much moolah deserves some respect.


There is evidence golf is beneficial to longevity.

Many years ago, some august American think tank conducted a study which compared the lives of captains of industry with that of professional golfers.

Many top-level businessmen became bankrupt, went insane, died in poverty or committed suicide. In contrast, the vast majority of professional golfers lived on into a hale, happy and extended old age. You do get more exercise on a golf course than behind a desk.


The color of the shoes is oxblood. They have an inscription on the inside sole which says Florsheim Royal Imperial ( Florsheim Shop ) in the same flowery script Ford uses. Obviously, the makers liked tautologies. On the inside upper in plainer script, is the legend 10 1/2 3E 319215  17, under that 97158 A C.

As an American citizen, perhaps your NSA will be kind enough to assist you in decoding this information.


I have already left my shoes and much more to my Thai GF, unless you are willing to stump up 6000 baht to change my will in your favor I can't assist you.


Each to his own, I like to see women as nature made them, without the encumbrances of clothing.



49 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I am 79, not 85. Please do not attempt to burden me with more years, I have enough already.

Yes, I am a fossil. If I ever become celibate like you, I will have attained the apogee of fossilization.

It just happens I am currently reading "Micah Clarke" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Spooky.

Most of my reading in my younger days was centered around Charles Dickens and the Bronte sisters, although Steinbeck, Hemingway and O. Henry did feature as well. The secondary college I attended was very heavily into Dickens for the English Literature part of the curriculum, I had a considerable advantage because I had read all his works before then.


Recently, Cameron Smith purportedly was remunerated $125 million for signing up with the LIV golf tour, and then proceeded to win another $6 million in only his second tournament. That much moolah deserves some respect.


There is evidence golf is beneficial to longevity.

Many years ago, some august American think tank conducted a study which compared the lives of captains of industry with that of professional golfers.

Many top-level businessmen became bankrupt, went insane, died in poverty or committed suicide. In contrast, the vast majority of professional golfers lived on into a hale, happy and extended old age. You do get more exercise on a golf course than behind a desk.


The color of the shoes is oxblood. They have an inscription on the inside sole which says Florsheim Royal Imperial ( Florsheim Shop ) in the same flowery script Ford uses. Obviously, the makers liked tautologies. On the inside upper in plainer script, is the legend 10 1/2 3E 319215  17, under that 97158 A C.

As an American citizen, perhaps your NSA will be kind enough to assist you in decoding this information.


I have already left my shoes and much more to my Thai GF, unless you are willing to stump up 6000 baht to change my will in your favor I can't assist you.


Each to his own, I like to see women as nature made them, without the encumbrances of clothing.



What you say does not make sense.


First, you say that you love the Brontë sisters.  And then, in the next sentence you state that you like to see women unencumbered by clothing, raw.


Have you even read the Brontë sisters?


I think you are mixing up Lady Chatterley with the three sisters, the woodsman, or the gardener.


As I recall, in one of these books, there was mention made of some great house that had been burned down. Do you recall which book this burned-down house appeared in?


Do you recall this from your readings?


Concerning your shoes, which are the color you state, I will take the time to check out the markings which you have provided.


Such a small thing should be easy for me.

No need to ask for help from...what did you say...the NSA?

Give me a break.  

Did you think the NSA would be interested in your shoes?


You should be thankful that I am one of the few people in Thailand halfway interested in your shoes.


It may take some time. Yet, I will reply to you with further information regarding your penny loafers.


Meanwhile, would you please send photos of any additional shoes you might have at your place?

Or, have you only uploaded your very best shoes, and all the rest of your footgear is just broken-down thongs?


If you really do have a nice pair of shoes that is not over 35-years of age, then please show them now.


what about your golphing shoes, for example.


Do your golphing shoes have pink tassels?


I know that guys in Australia, mostly, buy shoes with pink tassels.


I know you know what I am talking about.


Nobody can tee-up properly without tassels on their shoes.










58 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I am 79, not 85. Please do not attempt to burden me with more years, I have enough already.

Yes, I am a fossil. If I ever become celibate like you, I will have attained the apogee of fossilization.

It just happens I am currently reading "Micah Clarke" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Spooky.

Most of my reading in my younger days was centered around Charles Dickens and the Bronte sisters, although Steinbeck, Hemingway and O. Henry did feature as well. The secondary college I attended was very heavily into Dickens for the English Literature part of the curriculum, I had a considerable advantage because I had read all his works before then.


Recently, Cameron Smith purportedly was remunerated $125 million for signing up with the LIV golf tour, and then proceeded to win another $6 million in only his second tournament. That much moolah deserves some respect.


There is evidence golf is beneficial to longevity.

Many years ago, some august American think tank conducted a study which compared the lives of captains of industry with that of professional golfers.

Many top-level businessmen became bankrupt, went insane, died in poverty or committed suicide. In contrast, the vast majority of professional golfers lived on into a hale, happy and extended old age. You do get more exercise on a golf course than behind a desk.


The color of the shoes is oxblood. They have an inscription on the inside sole which says Florsheim Royal Imperial ( Florsheim Shop ) in the same flowery script Ford uses. Obviously, the makers liked tautologies. On the inside upper in plainer script, is the legend 10 1/2 3E 319215  17, under that 97158 A C.

As an American citizen, perhaps your NSA will be kind enough to assist you in decoding this information.


I have already left my shoes and much more to my Thai GF, unless you are willing to stump up 6000 baht to change my will in your favor I can't assist you.


Each to his own, I like to see women as nature made them, without the encumbrances of clothing.



17 is the factory/manufacturer code (I think)


This might take some time.

Please wait....



2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

What you say does not make sense.


First, you say that you love the Brontë sisters.  And then, in the next sentence you state that you like to see women unencumbered by clothing, raw.


Have you even read the Brontë sisters?


I think you are mixing up Lady Chatterley with the three sisters, the woodsman, or the gardener.


As I recall, in one of these books, there was mention made of some great house that had been burned down. Do you recall which book this burned-down house appeared in?


Do you recall this from your readings?


Concerning your shoes, which are the color you state, I will take the time to check out the markings which you have provided.


Such a small thing should be easy for me.

No need to ask for help from...what did you say...the NSA?

Give me a break.  

Did you think the NSA would be interested in your shoes?


You should be thankful that I am one of the few people in Thailand halfway interested in your shoes.


It may take some time. Yet, I will reply to you with further information regarding your penny loafers.


Meanwhile, would you please send photos of any additional shoes you might have at your place?

Or, have you only uploaded your very best shoes, and all the rest of your footgear is just broken-down thongs?


If you really do have a nice pair of shoes that is not over 35-years of age, then please show them now.


what about your golphing shoes, for example.


Do your golphing shoes have pink tassels?


I know that guys in Australia, mostly, buy shoes with pink tassels.


I know you know what I am talking about.


Nobody can tee-up properly without tassels on their shoes.










Emily Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights, Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre. I admired their writing, not their bodies which were no doubt hidden by the voluminous bustles of their era.

I thought George C Scott and Susannah York made a pretty good fist of bringing Jane Eyre to the screen. Thornfield was the great house that burned down.

Never really took to D H Lawrence as an author, IMO nowadays he would be writing scripts for porn films.


My golf shoes are Adidas and Ecco, my other daily foot apparel are Crocs and Rivers.


Please. Golfing attire has nothing to do with golfing ability. IME the better dressed a golfer is, the higher their handicap.

OTOH, when someone  turns up on the first tee looking like a skid row bum, they are often scratch markers.


The NSA is interested in everything on planet Earth, do try to keep up.


5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Emily Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights, Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre. I admired their writing, not their bodies which were no doubt hidden by the voluminous bustles of their era.

I thought George C Scott and Susannah York made a pretty good fist of bringing Jane Eyre to the screen. Thornfield was the great house that burned down.

Never really took to D H Lawrence as an author, IMO nowadays he would be writing scripts for porn films.


My golf shoes are Adidas and Ecco, my other daily foot apparel are Crocs and Rivers.


Please. Golfing attire has nothing to do with golfing ability. IME the better dressed a golfer is, the higher their handicap.

OTOH, when someone  turns up on the first tee looking like a skid row bum, they are often scratch markers.


The NSA is interested in everything on planet Earth, do try to keep up.


Please don't worry about my keeping up. You are 79. 


You meantion George C. Scott, but you make no mention of Miss Foreign Affairs. 


By the, way my son, have you actually ever read the rag, Foreign Affairs? 


I thought not. 


Foreign Affairs used to have a dark grey cover with bold black print. I know that you are olde enough, but were you ever wise enough to have read it. 


The rag was printed on heavy paper, but I forget how many pounds per cubic foot. 


I would gladly provide you with an image of Foreign Affairs, of 50 years ago. But, I'm using my old phone of 10 years ago. 


It's like this. I could easily type many more grammatically correct sentences, like you, if I had a decent phone. 


How young were you when you first read Jane Eyre? 


Did you, like me, become sexually excited by the more prurient parts? 


Why do you think that all three sisters were exceptional writers? 


Why was the Bach family so gifted? 


Do you love baroque music more than golf? 


Why, after so many years, have we not seen another comparable to JS Bach? 


After your many years as an engineer, do you believe that it is practicable to remove and sequester 35 gigatons of CO2, annually, beginning next year? 


Can you please explain why golf balls are dimpled, and not perfectly smooth like ping-pong balls? 


Have you ever hit a ping-pong ball with a driver? 


Have you ever seen a golpher hit in the head by a high-flying golf ball? What happened next? 


Have you ever fudged your golf score? 


What do you do when you run into a foursome, up ahead, all women, who are spending too much time gabbing on the green? 


Do you just hit away?  Anyway? 


What is the most beautiful snake you have ever seen on the links? Python? 


Do you feel that most golphers here understand golfing etiquette? 


What is your favorite peeve about playing golf here? 


Does the clubhouse provide you with fresh towels after your shower? Are they cheap towels of synthetic weave? Or are they 100% Egyptian cotton? 


How much do you tip your caddy? 


Do you think that you have a good reputation among the caddies? 


Do you play golf for money? 


Do you know why playing golf is advantageous for discussion of business,  and for resolution of business-related cinflicts? This is the real question. I know that you know.. But why? 


Just a question. 

1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Please don't worry about my keeping up. You are 79. 


You meantion George C. Scott, but you make no mention of Miss Foreign Affairs. 


By the, way my son, have you actually ever read the rag, Foreign Affairs? 


I thought not. 


Foreign Affairs used to have a dark grey cover with bold black print. I know that you are olde enough, but were you ever wise enough to have read it. 


The rag was printed on heavy paper, but I forget how many pounds per cubic foot. 


I would gladly provide you with an image of Foreign Affairs, of 50 years ago. But, I'm using my old phone of 10 years ago. 


It's like this. I could easily type many more grammatically correct sentences, like you, if I had a decent phone. 


How young were you when you first read Jane Eyre? 


Did you, like me, become sexually excited by the more prurient parts? 


Why do you think that all three sisters were exceptional writers? 


Why was the Bach family so gifted? 


Do you love baroque music more than golf? 


Why, after so many years, have we not seen another comparable to JS Bach? 


After your many years as an engineer, do you believe that it is practicable to remove and sequester 35 gigatons of CO2, annually, beginning next year? 


Can you please explain why golf balls are dimpled, and not perfectly smooth like ping-pong balls? 


Have you ever hit a ping-pong ball with a driver? 


Have you ever seen a golpher hit in the head by a high-flying golf ball? What happened next? 


Have you ever fudged your golf score? 


What do you do when you run into a foursome, up ahead, all women, who are spending too much time gabbing on the green? 


Do you just hit away?  Anyway? 


What is the most beautiful snake you have ever seen on the links? Python? 


Do you feel that most golphers here understand golfing etiquette? 


What is your favorite peeve about playing golf here? 


Does the clubhouse provide you with fresh towels after your shower? Are they cheap towels of synthetic weave? Or are they 100% Egyptian cotton? 


How much do you tip your caddy? 


Do you think that you have a good reputation among the caddies? 


Do you play golf for money? 


Do you know why playing golf is advantageous for discussion of business,  and for resolution of business-related cinflicts? This is the real question. I know that you know.. But why? 


Just a question. 

Just a question? This is like being interrogated by the Spanish Inquisition, or the KGB.


How young were you when you first read Jane Eyre?  About 11 or 12.


Did you, like me, become sexually excited by the more prurient parts? No, I had not reached puberty.


Why do you think that all three sisters were exceptional writers? Their creation of atmosphere.


Why was the Bach family so gifted? Absolutely no idea. Why were Hitler and Stalin so evil?


Do you love baroque music more than golf? No, but I do enjoy music as well.


Why, after so many years, have we not seen another comparable to JS Bach? Bach wrote music that is suffused with joy, I hear it in all his works. I suppose keeping busy fathering 20 children and having over 200 musical compositions to one's credit implies an enjoyment of life in general.

The music of today seems to be mostly lamentations over a lost love, a dog, a horse, or a truck. Depressing.


After your many years as an engineer, do you believe that it is practicable to remove and sequester 35 gigatons of CO2, annually, beginning next year? 


Carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) is one of the great scientific hoaxes. Any scientist worth their salt knows it is thermodynamic BS, yet governments continue to shovel billions of dollars at the concept. There is not one CCS operation on the planet that is functioning to design parameters.

Our best shot is to fund renewables and nuclear energy, and stop politicians from pandering to fossil fuel lobbyists.


Can you please explain why golf balls are dimpled, and not perfectly smooth like ping-pong balls? 


Golf balls are dimpled to create spin, which gets them flying further than smooth balls. Physics.


Have you ever hit a ping-pong ball with a driver? No.


Have you ever seen a golpher hit in the head by a high-flying golf ball? What happened next? 


I know one golfer who was hit in the head, it took him about 18 months to regain control of all functions. Apparently the doctors said half an inch lower would have killed him.


Have you ever fudged your golf score? No. Golf cheats get ostracized.


What do you do when you run into a foursome, up ahead, all women, who are spending too much time gabbing on the green? 


IME women usually play faster than men, they do their talking on the move. I understand it is called multi-tasking.


Do you just hit away?  Anyway? 


Hitting up on someone is extremely bad golf etiquette.


What is the most beautiful snake you have ever seen on the links? Python? 


I avoid getting close enough to snakes to form an opinion on their beauty.


Do you feel that most golphers here understand golfing etiquette? 


About as well as I understand quantum computing.


What is your favorite peeve about playing golf here? 


Allowing 6 and 8 players in a group, 4-balls are slow enough as it is.


Does the clubhouse provide you with fresh towels after your shower? Are they cheap towels of synthetic weave? Or are they 100% Egyptian cotton? 


Yes, and they appear to be cotton.


How much do you tip your caddy? 


A caddy is a container tea is stored in. I tip my caddies more than the standard, because I was a caddie myself once.


Do you think that you have a good reputation among the caddies?


Yes. I tip extra for birdies. They also have an easy day, because they don't have to go searching for balls in the rough or trees.


Do you play golf for money?


Not now. I would play for modest sums in Australia, or lunch in the clubhouse.


Do you know why playing golf is advantageous for discussion of business,  and for resolution of business-related cinflicts? This is the real question. I know that you know.. But why? 


Golf was useful to discuss business outside an office environment. I don't think it happens anymore, directional microphones have breached the security a golf course previously afforded.


My turn.


What was your former profession?


Were you a jack of all trades?


What are you sublimating when you make long posts going off at multiple tangents?


What is your favorite sport?


Despite your vow of celibacy, do you still wake up at 4 am with a stiffy?


Is it orgasmic for you to start another thread?


What regrets do you have about women who you could have bonked, but did not?





35 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Just a question? This is like being interrogated by the Spanish Inquisition, or the KGB.


How young were you when you first read Jane Eyre?  About 11 or 12.


Did you, like me, become sexually excited by the more prurient parts? No, I had not reached puberty.


Why do you think that all three sisters were exceptional writers? Their creation of atmosphere.


Why was the Bach family so gifted? Absolutely no idea. Why were Hitler and Stalin so evil?


Do you love baroque music more than golf? No, but I do enjoy music as well.


Why, after so many years, have we not seen another comparable to JS Bach? Bach wrote music that is suffused with joy, I hear it in all his works. I suppose keeping busy fathering 20 children and having over 200 musical compositions to one's credit implies an enjoyment of life in general.

The music of today seems to be mostly lamentations over a lost love, a dog, a horse, or a truck. Depressing.


After your many years as an engineer, do you believe that it is practicable to remove and sequester 35 gigatons of CO2, annually, beginning next year? 


Carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) is one of the great scientific hoaxes. Any scientist worth their salt knows it is thermodynamic BS, yet governments continue to shovel billions of dollars at the concept. There is not one CCS operation on the planet that is functioning to design parameters.

Our best shot is to fund renewables and nuclear energy, and stop politicians from pandering to fossil fuel lobbyists.


Can you please explain why golf balls are dimpled, and not perfectly smooth like ping-pong balls? 


Golf balls are dimpled to create spin, which gets them flying further than smooth balls. Physics.


Have you ever hit a ping-pong ball with a driver? No.


Have you ever seen a golpher hit in the head by a high-flying golf ball? What happened next? 


I know one golfer who was hit in the head, it took him about 18 months to regain control of all functions. Apparently the doctors said half an inch lower would have killed him.


Have you ever fudged your golf score? No. Golf cheats get ostracized.


What do you do when you run into a foursome, up ahead, all women, who are spending too much time gabbing on the green? 


IME women usually play faster than men, they do their talking on the move. I understand it is called multi-tasking.


Do you just hit away?  Anyway? 


Hitting up on someone is extremely bad golf etiquette.


What is the most beautiful snake you have ever seen on the links? Python? 


I avoid getting close enough to snakes to form an opinion on their beauty.


Do you feel that most golphers here understand golfing etiquette? 


About as well as I understand quantum computing.


What is your favorite peeve about playing golf here? 


Allowing 6 and 8 players in a group, 4-balls are slow enough as it is.


Does the clubhouse provide you with fresh towels after your shower? Are they cheap towels of synthetic weave? Or are they 100% Egyptian cotton? 


Yes, and they appear to be cotton.


How much do you tip your caddy? 


A caddy is a container tea is stored in. I tip my caddies more than the standard, because I was a caddie myself once.


Do you think that you have a good reputation among the caddies?


Yes. I tip extra for birdies. They also have an easy day, because they don't have to go searching for balls in the rough or trees.


Do you play golf for money?


Not now. I would play for modest sums in Australia, or lunch in the clubhouse.


Do you know why playing golf is advantageous for discussion of business,  and for resolution of business-related cinflicts? This is the real question. I know that you know.. But why? 


Golf was useful to discuss business outside an office environment. I don't think it happens anymore, directional microphones have breached the security a golf course previously afforded.


My turn.


What was your former profession?


Were you a jack of all trades?


What are you sublimating when you make long posts going off at multiple tangents?


What is your favorite sport?


Despite your vow of celibacy, do you still wake up at 4 am with a stiffy?


Is it orgasmic for you to start another thread?


What regrets do you have about women who you could have bonked, but did not?





Thank you for being game enough to reply to my questions. 


I agree with your answers, save your reply to the last question. I think that you need to rethink this last answer. Think of men carrying clubs, hunting. Men communicate best while walking. 


Your thought about JS Bach is the one I like most. JS Bach worked his guts out in order to create music which would be significant enough to glorify his god. Nobody has ever come close to creating more purely joyous music. 


I don't know if you have ever heard of Columbia University. Probably not, is my guess. Still, if you are a fan of JS Bach, once each year, the radio station at Columbia plays nothing but Bach, for a week. 


Concerning your interesting questions, of me, these are no more than good fodder for future topics. 


When you say that you wear clogs, are your clogs a Clockwork Orange? 


Because, basically, I am opposed to men, particularly NY chefs, who wear orange clogs. 


Have you ever dined at one of his restaurants? 


In my opinion, the only good clogs are worn by geisha in Kyoto. 


A decent meal in Tokyo might set you back USD3000.00, wooden clogs, and all. No saki. No sucki. 


Speaking of Japan, and knowing that you are an engineer, did you ever read the technical reports about what went wrong with the 747 disaster? You should. 


Very interesting because, in the aftermath, two Boeing guys in Japan fell on their swords. 


Most guys here are too young to recall this disaster. But fortunately, you are 79. Sorry, but I don't recall the flight number. I know that it was a domestic flight, and might have been heading to Hokkaido. I just a problem with the bolts being installed backwards, as I recall. And, the guy from Boeing was hopping mad. 


What did you call me? 

A jack of all trades? 

And, a master of none? 


Such a well-deserved compliment I have never received. 


One important question we have not yet discussed. If you are 79, then did you ever fight in Vietnam along with the Green Beret, special forces? 


I'm referring to the guys who served in the early 1960s. 1965, 1966. 


Regarding sports, I prefer a sport with no spectators. No TV cameras. For example, I once enjoyed running up and down stadium benches. You should try this sport on for size. One false step and the outcome is worse than getting hit with one of your golf balls. 


What do you know about Celestial Navigation? 


For example, if I were to provide you with a sextant, a foot point, and a celestial body from Pattaya, do you think you would be able to navigate your way home? 


Anyway, if I had my life to do over, knowing that there are no do-overs, I would choose to be a procter in a girl's boarding school. 




Young girls are very respectful. It's alway yes sir. Ok, sir. Thank you, sir. 


But the boys? You never know if they might be hiding a Glock in their pocket. 


One, of many, questions you did not ask me. Is life better now, meaning better than the 1950s. 


The answer is that, in the 1950s, I had no idea how many neutrinos were passing through my testicles, per second, minute by minute. 


Too much information can lead to questioning the purpose of life. 


In the 1950s, we had teachers like Richard Feynman who were more certain than teachers are, these days. They wore white shirts, with narrow black ties. 


Those were the days before up-talk. Like, the 1950s was, like, different, like, not like today, like, it was more free of anxiety, like, not easy to explain, like, I can't really tell you about it, like. 


Besides knowing that the color of your shoes is oxblood, do you know anything about uptalk, like? 


Concerning the state of my erections, which was another of your questions. I refer you to the first or second chapter of the novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, Tom Wolfe. 


In Tom's book, he clearly states that one of his pivotal characters, living in NYC, was easily able to drape a wet cotton towel over his member without any appreciable deflection downwards. 


Personally, I love Tom's writing. It's refreshing. I sometimes get hard just reading him. 


I hope that you don't mind my honest responses to your questions. It's always best to be honest, as Twain often said. 


Twain is a favorite of yours. 





9 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Thank you for being game enough to reply to my questions. 


I agree with your answers, save your reply to the last question. I think that you need to rethink this last answer. Think of men carrying clubs, hunting. Men communicate best while walking. 


Your thought about JS Bach is the one I like most. JS Bach worked his guts out in order to create music which would be significant enough to glorify his god. Nobody has ever come close to creating more purely joyous music. 


I don't know if you have ever heard of Columbia University. Probably not, is my guess. Still, if you are a fan of JS Bach, once each year, the radio station at Columbia plays nothing but Bach, for a week. 


Concerning your interesting questions, of me, these are no more than good fodder for future topics. 


When you say that you wear clogs, are your clogs a Clockwork Orange? 


Because, basically, I am opposed to men, particularly NY chefs, who wear orange clogs. 


Have you ever dined at one of his restaurants? 


In my opinion, the only good clogs are worn by geisha in Kyoto. 


A decent meal in Tokyo might set you back USD3000.00, wooden clogs, and all. No saki. No sucki. 


Speaking of Japan, and knowing that you are an engineer, did you ever read the technical reports about what went wrong with the 747 disaster? You should. 


Very interesting because, in the aftermath, two Boeing guys in Japan fell on their swords. 


Most guys here are too young to recall this disaster. But fortunately, you are 79. Sorry, but I don't recall the flight number. I know that it was a domestic flight, and might have been heading to Hokkaido. I just a problem with the bolts being installed backwards, as I recall. And, the guy from Boeing was hopping mad. 


What did you call me? 

A jack of all trades? 

And, a master of none? 


Such a well-deserved compliment I have never received. 


One important question we have not yet discussed. If you are 79, then did you ever fight in Vietnam along with the Green Beret, special forces? 


I'm referring to the guys who served in the early 1960s. 1965, 1966. 


Regarding sports, I prefer a sport with no spectators. No TV cameras. For example, I once enjoyed running up and down stadium benches. You should try this sport on for size. One false step and the outcome is worse than getting hit with one of your golf balls. 


What do you know about Celestial Navigation? 


For example, if I were to provide you with a sextant, a foot point, and a celestial body from Pattaya, do you think you would be able to navigate your way home? 


Anyway, if I had my life to do over, knowing that there are no do-overs, I would choose to be a procter in a girl's boarding school. 




Young girls are very respectful. It's alway yes sir. Ok, sir. Thank you, sir. 


But the boys? You never know if they might be hiding a Glock in their pocket. 


One, of many, questions you did not ask me. Is life better now, meaning better than the 1950s. 


The answer is that, in the 1950s, I had no idea how many neutrinos were passing through my testicles, per second, minute by minute. 


Too much information can lead to questioning the purpose of life. 


In the 1950s, we had teachers like Richard Feynman who were more certain than teachers are, these days. They wore white shirts, with narrow black ties. 


Those were the days before up-talk. Like, the 1950s was, like, different, like, not like today, like, it was more free of anxiety, like, not easy to explain, like, I can't really tell you about it, like. 


Besides knowing that the color of your shoes is oxblood, do you know anything about uptalk, like? 


Concerning the state of my erections, which was another of your questions. I refer you to the first or second chapter of the novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, Tom Wolfe. 


In Tom's book, he clearly states that one of his pivotal characters, living in NYC, was easily able to drape a wet cotton towel over his member without any appreciable deflection downwards. 


Personally, I love Tom's writing. It's refreshing. I sometimes get hard just reading him. 


I hope that you don't mind my honest responses to your questions. It's always best to be honest, as Twain often said. 


Twain is a favorite of yours. 





A master of obliquity and deflections. No more answers, until I get some myself.

17 hours ago, Lacessit said:

What regrets do you have about women who you could have bonked, but did not?

While not addressed to me, the biggest regrets I have of the 90s and early 2000s are of the delightful women I didn't. The biggest regret of the late 2000s is of the woman I did.

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