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Welcome To The New Thaivisa.com Look


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I personally prefer the old colour but will still read and post as normal. Those that will choose to either not post in protest or spend less time on the forum are...well I am sure you know what I mean. :D

Good point Chopper.

But don't worry - if people choose not to post in protect at the colour of the new curtains, i'm sure they won't be missed.

And look at the upside - there's always me around to pick up the slack. In that way it will be a win / win for George. Not only will the whine factor be reduced, but the overall quality of posts will be enhanced significantly :o

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guess i'm really slow on the uptake but only realized now that its not a malfunction of my very old big comp screen (not the new lcd types)... almost went to buy a new second hand one!!!!

grey is awful visually, and the font even though i cont. + the size increase, the font itself is difficult and the whole thing is sort of dark...

i am night blind and very near sided in one eye so need high contrast and probably yellow(?) hues in things to help see them when dark hued...tried with and without my bifocals... the eyes just dont see it as well....

did seem much faster though...

also, maybe the reply keys could become a different colour as they arent psychologically appealing? like, reply buttons etc could be green for go and not black for ... well, whatever.

at least the mods stayed red... (yes i am colour oriented for workablitity)

but hey, will get used to anything after a while as we tend to forget things quickly ...

why would colours make things load faster or slower?? (rhotorical question dont bother to answer, really...)


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Both the IE and Firefox browsers have options which enable you to set the fonts at any size you desire.

The new colours are fine.

The speed seems to be slower - but that's probably my bloody IpStar, doesn't get on with the new colours. :D

But all in all - a load of fuss about nothing! :o

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Like the faster load. Color no issue.

Problem: 1. don't see log off button, in new lay out

2. Top advert banner does not load next to Thai Visa Logo. (I suppose there it was meant to be.

Instead it loads over the selection buttons view new etc. on all pages.


I'm suffering the same problem. A banner ad loads over the "view new posts", "My Controls", "My assistant", and "My Friends" links.

Is this being worked on?

Colors fine with me........but I gotta have the "View new posts" button!!


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Like the faster load. Color no issue.

Problem: 1. don't see log off button, in new lay out

2. Top advert banner does not load next to Thai Visa Logo. (I suppose there it was meant to be.

Instead it loads over the selection buttons view new etc. on all pages.


I'm suffering the same problem. A banner ad loads over the "view new posts", "My Controls", "My assistant", and "My Friends" links.

Is this being worked on?

Colors fine with me........but I gotta have the "View new posts" button!!


What browser are you using ?

totster :o

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I don't like change at first, but come to accept it, then usually like it.

Bit too fast - having to wait a couple of minutes has stopped me getting banned in the past.

Unbelievably fast with my new laptop(1GB), new TV and Work internet connection of 100MB/sec.

Edited by Neeranam
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Black and Grey colour make people feel not good. I love the blus colour as before.

Faster is better yes.

But colour influence to mood aswell

:D George, please understand that unfortunately I have to second that.

Since I'm colourblind (and up to 15% or more of the population is.....) it's a lot worse than it was, for me.

Hope we can go back to the original colouring.....please ? :o

I have to say that it is almost impossible for non-colourblind people to fully understand OUR problems... :D

Please have mercy!


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I think all the negative comments about the new format sounds like a bunch of 'cranky queens'.

It's a FREE forum, <deleted>; 'hard on my eyes', 'font is too small', 'the color makes me ill', blah-blah-blah. Some people will complain about anything in the glorious “Land ‘O Thais”. It certainly loads far quicker than the last format.

Ads are ads, they are what allows this forum be free. Deal with it, suck it up, or better yet, if you’re that distracted by the plethora of ads, buy up the ad space and leave it empty.

Overall, two thumbs up

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Like the faster load. Color no issue.

Problem: 1. don't see log off button, in new lay out

2. Top advert banner does not load next to Thai Visa Logo. (I suppose there it was meant to be.

Instead it loads over the selection buttons view new etc. on all pages.


I'm suffering the same problem. A banner ad loads over the "view new posts", "My Controls", "My assistant", and "My Friends" links.

Is this being worked on?

Colors fine with me........but I gotta have the "View new posts" button!!


I suggest you go into your internet options and play around with the font sizes. You should be able to sort it.

I have a larger font because I have a big screen, and have no problems with the banner ad covering anything.

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Do a search on the psychology of colour and how it can influence your mood.

well ,It is like

Red - make you feel hungry but you will have a nightmare when you sleep in a red bedroom

Green -make you feel relax.It is kind of resting your eyes

Pink -make you feel in love

Blue is good

and Grey and black feel like ...well hard to say ...grave thing

can you please translate what " grave thing " might possibly mean. :o

is that japanese or something. :D

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Are your guys for real? I bet if someone offered you a million dollars in $100 notes, you'd complain and say you'd prefer it in $50s because you need more change.

<deleted> . . . this is a webforum, not a interior design studio. The value of this forum is in the contributions, not the bloody ambient tones.

George - vast improvement. Well done. Take no notice of the whining class.

Pot calling the kettle black, the most obnoxious and opinionated poster on TV thinks that no one should have an opinion.

If george didnt want any feed back he would not have posted the topic, I guess he did so to see what people felt and to see if it would affectthe viewing stats and in turn his revenue.

thats not a nice way to talk to bendix as he is the only straight shooter on this forum besides my top self. :D

and just to keep on topic,

oh yes, what a lovely change it is to have all these pretty colours and crickys you guys, aint you got something better to do. :o

lets all go and have a nice cup of tea together. :D

thank you very much.

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Welcome to the New Thaivisa.com Look.

We have changed the look of your favorite forum, to be faster and modern.

Hope you like it.

/Mods and Admins

at least you got rid of those crap adds and the colours make me feel all goowe and wobbly at the knees. :o

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I'm quite pleased with the new Thai visa. Much faster and the color is ok for me as well.

I do think it's a good point, though, that posters made on mood influences and color and/or night blindness.

Maybe something to consider.

Thanks for all the work that has been done and for asking the members feedback.


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Look is nice, but the smaller characters make this particular font hard to read. New font perhaps?

Also, Colors suck. Bring back blue and yellow!

I've just changed back to the old colours following Huski's instructions in post #75 in this thread. It's so easy to do.

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Years ago when I lived in a big city, most terraced houses had net curtains as well as normal curtains. The net always covered the windows during the day, which made the room inside seem dull and dark.

Tis similar in here.

I miss the colourful blocks under the Avatars especially.

How do you people tell if things are faster...I'm mystified as per normal :o

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Like the faster load. Color no issue.

Problem: 1. don't see log off button, in new lay out

2. Top advert banner does not load next to Thai Visa Logo. (I suppose there it was meant to be.

Instead it loads over the selection buttons view new etc. on all pages.


I'm suffering the same problem. A banner ad loads over the "view new posts", "My Controls", "My assistant", and "My Friends" links.

Is this being worked on?

Colors fine with me........but I gotta have the "View new posts" button!!


I suggest you go into your internet options and play around with the font sizes. You should be able to sort it.

I have a larger font because I have a big screen, and have no problems with the banner ad covering anything.

iam currently reading the forums in the old blue. it works fine. just pick your colour option at the bottom near the rss feed option.

change can be upsetting, cant it?

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To choice the previous blue colored skin (IPB 2.2.0 Default), use the skin selection drop down box at the bottom left corner of the forum.


:o Thank you Sir Huski..........you made my day....it looks bright and sunny -blue- again; thanks again! :D


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Hi all,

I quite like the new colours and speed of access.

Sorry I have not been around a lot lately, but I have been quite busy.

However, bliss is in sight in the next hour or so. I am off to Pattaya for the weekend ! Whooopee! :-))


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I haven't looked through all of the postings but I think that the new skin is GREAT. Colours are subtle, please don't change them. Text is so easy to read. Loads much faster and it's nice to see the pages on full screen now without the side adverts.

Well done. :o

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To choice the previous blue colored skin (IPB 2.2.0 Default), use the skin selection drop down box at the bottom left corner of the forum.


screen shot please ,

this would be the obvious answer if possible .

waiting in anticipation


never mind found it ,

may you have a bountiful life


yesssss the Tv of old is back

Edited by Mid
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