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Top Thai virologist says if you’re healthy “you can ditch the face mask”

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  On 1/18/2023 at 3:18 PM, jaywalker2 said:

Give me a break. If that were the case, they'd be avoiding you, turning away when you talk to them, and you'd have the nutcases glaring at you. Once the mandates were dropped, they stopped caring. Not once has anyone even given me a second look for not wearing a mask. You really don't know how Thailand works, do you?


good for you that you can read thai's minds and looks...you should open a business...maybe they don't look at you cause they don't like what they see?

  On 1/18/2023 at 11:23 AM, pomchop said:

..so if you are one of the 90% of farangs riding BTS with no mask while 98% of the thai people do wear masks you stick out like a sore thumb....how about have a tiny bit of respect for the Thai people.  When you are in another country does it not occur to many that it can be good idea to show respect for the cultural norms of your host country?  Would you go into a home in Japan and not remove your shoes?  Would you wear a speedo into a Thai wat? 


While the thai people are too polite to call out all the farangs on the BTS you can be pretty sure that most are likely thinking what a jerk.  It's not going to kill you to wear the damn mask for a few minutes regardless of what your opinion may be regarding mask.  It's about respect.  Have a little class and show some respect to the Thai people. 


Since when did wearing a face mask become a Thai cultural norm?  Thais didn't wear them before 2020.  Or is this  a new, modern Thai cultural norm you've just invented?

When I don't wear a mask amongst Thais who wear masks I teach them to not be afraid.

Otherwise, I fully agree with the adage "when in Rome, do as the Romans" and I practice it.


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  On 1/18/2023 at 12:39 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The science and credible studies in support of face mask wear as helping reduce (not absolutely prevent) the risk of contracting and spreading COVID are overwhelmingly clear.  The WHO supports that, the U.S. CDC supports that, the American Medical Association and countless other public health agencies support that.


Even the Thai doctor in the OP article advised that people should still wear face masks when in crowded indoor places:


"The virologist adds that adults with respiratory diseases should continue to wear face masks outside the home. In addition, everyone should wear a face mask on public transport and in crowded spaces."


The arguments against face mask wear mostly come from right-wing political idealogues and fringe scientists and doctors (whose backgrounds often are in fields unrelated to COVID and infectious diseases) who often publish their opinions in dubious journals, and/or eventually have their writings later pulled or ripped apart by actual experts in the field.


There is an expert consensus on face mask wear as one of several key measures to combat COVID, along with vaccination, social distancing and hygiene practices. But as with anything, there are always going to be a few fringe groups and voices shouting into the wind.




Whose science and whose credible studies?

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  On 1/18/2023 at 11:29 AM, jak2002003 said:

That is a paethic reason to wear a mask....so you don't stand out! 


As for respecting Thai culture...masks are a new thing and not part of their culture. 


Just going along with what everyone else is doing so people don't think bad of you is dumb.  Just being a farang and having different colour skin makes you stand out.. And many Thai people have racist views about farangs with or without a mask.






MANNERS is a part of culture.  


Obviously you have decided that you will not wear a mask on BTS and it does not bother you to be on a crowded train and one of few who refuse to wear a mask.  As said before, it is about respect.  Even if you choose to ignore advice to wear the mask on BTS most Thais obviously disagree with your opinion.


Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art.May 3, 2559 BE

  On 1/19/2023 at 1:34 AM, huangnon said:

Do you actually believe any "news" coming out of China? Supposedly, their "zero-Covid" absolute lock-down measures resulted in zero fatalities, but opening the country again, produced queues of corpses at the crematoriums, etc..

Thus: "Lockdowns work, and we'll use them again. And again". Communist propaganda,.


Remember at the start of the pandemic: People in China dropping dead in the street.? Where else in the world did that happen? Does anyone have real life experience of anything similar? *crickets*


You know, that's a point that I noticed back then, too.  Tons of videos showing people collapsing everywhere.  But I can't recall seeing a single similar video outside of China.

Things that make you go, "Hmmmm."

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  On 1/19/2023 at 2:30 AM, Tippaporn said:

Since when did wearing a face mask become a Thai cultural norm?  Thais didn't wear them before 2020.  Or is this  a new, modern Thai cultural norm you've just invented?

When I don't wear a mask amongst Thais who wear masks I teach them to not be afraid.

Otherwise, I fully agree with the adage "when in Rome, do as the Romans" and I practice it.



Manners are very much part of the Thai culture...in fact one of the most important parts.



My point is for those of us who know a bit about Thailand i think most would agree that the Thai people overall are very nice polite people.  I personally think it is no big deal for me to at least try and return a bit of the politeness so its overall better for me to wear a mask for a few minutes on the BTS if that is what the Thai people have decided is something that is important to them.  



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  On 1/19/2023 at 1:51 AM, jacko45k said:

Well I was cynical when it was reporting extremely low numbers, but that is not the case now, we are getting numbers that are negative for the image of Chins, that is unusual. The link you dispute was actually from CNN, and reportedly from a National Health Commission official. I suspect you did not read it... as it does not fit your agenda. 


Yes I do, very very well, people were dying in large numbers in Italy, Peru, Mexico, Brazil was having mass burials using diggers. Corpses in refrigerated trucks in the USA  as morgues overflowed. It was well reported by reputable Western media outlets....again you have a selective memory befitting some agenda. 


Not learning from history is a definition of insanity... and we had an event that has over 6 million deaths attributed to it. It is pretty much over, thank heavens, and we need to move on..... but I am not accepting denial from the Luddites. 


I was referring specifically to China, and the videos of people keeling over and supposedly dying in the street..


As per youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fKTZuY6KxM


Are you really taking this at face value? 


Oh and thanks for the the CNN ref as some sort of 'gatekeeper of eternal truth' statement.

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  On 1/19/2023 at 2:46 AM, pomchop said:

Manners are very much part of the Thai culture...in fact one of the most important parts.



My point is for those of us who know a bit about Thailand i think most would agree that the Thai people overall are very nice polite people.  I personally think it is no big deal for me to at least try and return a bit of the politeness so its overall better for me to wear a mask for a few minutes on the BTS if that is what the Thai people have decided is something that is important to them.  





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  On 1/19/2023 at 2:46 AM, pomchop said:

Manners are very much part of the Thai culture...in fact one of the most important parts.



My point is for those of us who know a bit about Thailand i think most would agree that the Thai people overall are very nice polite people.  I personally think it is no big deal for me to at least try and return a bit of the politeness so its overall better for me to wear a mask for a few minutes on the BTS if that is what the Thai people have decided is something that is important to them.  



So you're dropping the wearing of masks as a 'cultural' thing?  The goal posts change and now it's about respecting their sense of politeness.  Now here's where you make a huge erroneous assumption:

". . . that is what the Thai people have decided is something that is important to them."

It wasn't until mask wearing became mandatory that most Thais complied.  Before the mandate went into effect there were some that did and a lot that didn't.  I'd be careful before I claimed to know what all Thai people think (as if they all think the same, too).

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  On 1/19/2023 at 3:26 AM, Tippaporn said:

So you're dropping the wearing of masks as a 'cultural' thing?  The goal posts change and now it's about respecting their sense of politeness.  Now here's where you make a huge erroneous assumption:

". . . that is what the Thai people have decided is something that is important to them."

It wasn't until mask wearing became mandatory that most Thais complied.  Before the mandate went into effect there were some that did and a lot that didn't.  I'd be careful before I claimed to know what all Thai people think (as if they all think the same, too).


manners are a part of culture....and of course farangs always know what is best for thai people...i read it on this forum very often.......obviously you will do as you please regardless of what the Thai people all around you on the BTS are doing......as for me i will endure the horror of putting on a mask for a few minutes on the BTS because I think it is the right thing to do.....what a bummer to wear a mask ...ruins the entire day...or not.

  On 1/19/2023 at 4:16 AM, Tippaporn said:

I call it principles.  You either live by them or not.  They're not something you waver on for light and transient causes.

". . . regardless of what the Thai people all around you on the BTS are doing . . . "

I'm not a sheep.  I'm not in the habit of doing as everyone else does without questioning whether it's a good idea or not.  Wearing masks is not a good idea in my estimation.

"it is the right thing to do . . . "

What's right is relative, as is what's wrong.  You should know that.  Taking the (your) moral high ground doesn't in and of itself make your point of view correct.  People often take moral high grounds as false argumentative tactics.  I don't fall for that trick.

BTW, the act of respect is the recognition of a person's worth.  It has naught to do with agreeing or disagreeing with the ideas they hold or live by.  I may or may not respect someone's wishes.  But that's not the same as having respect for the person.  I have respect for you because you have innate worth as a human being.  As much as I do.  But I don't agree with the ideas you're presenting here.  Does my disagreement constitute disrespect towards you?  Hardly.  And so neither is my choice of not wearing a mask in a train full of mask wearers an act of disrespecting them as people.  I simply don't agree with their ideas for wearing a mask.  And in that sense also I'm respecting my principles.  I'm respecting myself.



I will give your comments the attention that I think they deserve.

  On 1/19/2023 at 2:47 AM, huangnon said:

Oh and thanks for the the CNN ref as some sort of 'gatekeeper of eternal truth' statement.


I have no idea of the source of your Youtube video....it is 2 years old at least, I thought we were discussing recent issues not the past failings.


If you cannot argue the content, demean the source..... an ad hominem response.

Plenty alternatives to CNN reporting the same numbers. 


What is so special about Thailand that they need to keep on using masks when 99% of the rest of the world have ditched them long ago? How many tourists want to go back in time and start using them again?

  On 1/19/2023 at 11:47 PM, rabang said:

What is so special about Thailand that they need to keep on using masks when 99% of the rest of the world have ditched them long ago? How many tourists want to go back in time and start using them again?


Not true... still being used in Japan as I see at the Sumo tournament. Have not been there but bet they are still quite common in China... Korea too probably. So your 99% figure is perhaps off... and why should they copy other countries anyhow? We are still emerging from this pandemic... China, as an example, behind the West... it would seem wise some measures are still apparent here and there. 

Plenty more important issues to stomp your feet over in Thailand!

  On 1/19/2023 at 11:54 PM, jacko45k said:

Not true... still being used in Japan as I see at the Sumo tournament. Have not been there but bet they are still quite common in China... Korea too probably. So your 99% figure is perhaps off... and why should they copy other countries anyhow? We are still emerging from this pandemic... China, as an example, behind the West... it would seem wise some measures are still apparent here and there. 

Plenty more important issues to stomp your feet over in Thailand!


Four countries makes about 2% out of 200, so 98%, not that far off. By a total population the number might be bigger due to China.

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