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And, NOW…A Word From Your Favorite Ignoble Nobel Laureate…!


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Dear Friends,


Strangely enough, as Alice once learned in a dream, it just seems strange that almost everybody, and his mother, these days, is getting on the bandwagon to grow crops in their yard/garden, if they have one, or grow weeds in pots, if they don’t have a yard/garden.


Personally, I never thought I would “live to see the day”, this day, I mean.


I, personally, have no point of view, just like most Nowhere Men.


Still, I might be able to develop a view, if only I had the money to do the research, and the freedom to do the pertinent trials in a peer-reviewed way, according to the scientific method.


I am all for having a laugh, no matter what it might take. But, still, I don’t enjoy seeing people laugh at almost nothing.


I worry that the inhalations of bad air might soon become so normalized that young people and old people will come to think, mistakenly, that it’s healthy to inhale almost anything.


I perceive no problem when adults choose to inhale anything they wish, such as nitrogen, for example.  However, I do see a problem ahead if young people are exposed to second-hand science without the knowledge needed to tell fact from fiction.


In my opinion, our world is being turned topsy-turvy in almost any way imaginable.


And, if this is true, then we are in dire need of ignoble Nobels, such as Dylan, true bards, to show us the way.



Well, that song was OK, but not worth a Nobel, by any means.


And, personally speaking, if Dylan deserves a Nobel, then…..What about Donovan? Because, in his case, Donovan deserves TWO Nobels, for every Nobel granted to Dylan, for sure.



Best regards,



Please Note: Psychoactively speaking, what goes up…MUST…come down. And, this includes LOVE….because,... love is a drug, too….



This band, with the girls in uniforms, would do great in Pattaya. Think nurse's uniforms, for example.


No matter what herb you might choose, the brain is the brain. 

And, it's already known that whatever goes up...MUST...come down.


Welcome to your rollercoaster, maybe....


(Psychoactive-drugs Free, is always the best way to go. Or, in other words, Apollonian is always preferred, compared to becoming completely Dionysian.)





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11 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

"Psychoactive-drugs Free, is always the best way to go" ...


... as a lifestyle agree, but as a hobby, can be fun.



Sadly ... timeless ...


Let Jimi take over. 


It's a complete fallacy that herbs are required to compose amazing music. 


Beck proved this beyond any shadow of a doubt. 


Towards the end of his life, Cheever even admitted that he could have written far better, sober. 


I have no objection to those with a foot in the grave Imbibing. 


But the normalization of Herbal Essence, I am dead set against. 


Unfortunately, Soma is an impossibility. 




And a SIX will never be NINE. 




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We cannot say for sure. 


But, did you ever ask yourself? 


Why did Suckerberg choose the name META? 


META means beyond. 


Far Out, Man! 


Beyond what? 

Beyond Comprehension? 


So, "teach your children well".


 Who knows for sure? 


But could it be possible that Suckerberg's Metaverse is partially the result of overindulgence in Herbal Essence? 


I mean, you gotta be high, HIGH, to dig those phony goggles. 


It's like, WOW, Man, I just donned Suckerberg's goggles, and now I'm in Thailand getting a Soapy Massage. 


Far Out! 


Last time I looked, Facebook's fearless leader's eyes were so red that he must have been smoking something, or crying, or both. 


Maybe toke up and enjoy the Metaverse, for all it's worth, might sound like rational advice to anyone not in their right mind. 


META is now Beyond the Beyond. 


Suckerberg's folly can happen to you, too, if you don't lay down that pipe. 


The Mind is a mysterious organ which functions optimally when unimpaired by psychoactive substances. 


This has been demonstrated, time and again, in labs around the world, and on highways in every country. 


Fortunately, I have yet to fly on a commercial jet with a pothead pilot. 



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2 minutes ago, save the frogs said:


some people accused ravi shankar of being on drugs because he did freaky things with that instrument.

he just practiced 15 hours a day. 

Please check out Previn and Shankar and the London Philharmonic. Amazing recording. 


No need for herbs, Man. 


In fact, herbs are a hindrance. 


And, smack is just a flower. 


Crosby almost killed himself on said flower. 


Also, Sherlock Holmes never piped up. He was a fictional character, one I love. 


Get in tune with Nature, Man, while it still lasts. 


Keep the faith, and protect your brain as best you can. 


Unlike testicles, you only got one brain. And, brain transplantation is a fantasy for little minds, like Musk. 




Do you think Chomsky would dare take herbs and risk even one neuron of his precious brain? 



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I just hope that any young people reading this topic will not erroneously come to some illogical, bogus, romanticized conclusion concerning either the Beat Generation or us Hippies. 


First of all, the Hippies of the '60s was the first generation to have access to running water, yet refuse to take a bath. 


The Hippies were sort of an Unwashed Underclass, who only bathed when they had access to the Reflecting Pool near the Lincoln Monument in Washington, DC.


The BEAT Generation did consume herbs, and this resulted in many unintelligible poetry readings in coffee shops on the East side of Manhattan. 


The reason people called these cats the BEAT Generation is just because, anytime you saw one, you would immediately wish you could beat them down just to knock some sense into them. 


They ingested so many herbs that, even now, nobody can read what they wrote. Kerouac was one of the worst offenders of the English tongue, a real rambler. 


Back in the Hippie days, most of us never did herbs. 


Of course, there were those who elected to visit Vietnam. I was there, too, in 1971, but only as a tourist. Very few, even in that land of plenty, partook. 


Please just don't irrationally romanticize what you see in films by the likes of Oliver STONE. This is my advice to anyone under the age of 25, an age when your brain has just barely reached maturity; do not inhale herbs, even oregano. 









Edited by GammaGlobulin
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And then, there is always the risk of Paranoia. 


These days, we can easily see the result of herb-induced paranoia. 


For example, during the past weeks, so many jets have been scrambled just to launch extremely expensive missiles at helium balloons floating harmlessly from the west towards the east. 


Even The New York Times seems clueless. 


Whatever happened to Ronald's Star Wars Program? 


One would think, with all the billions spent, that tiny, slow-moving objects in the sky could be zapped. But, no. 


Why is the North American populace so paranoid? 


Herbs, perhaps? 


If anyone might know about paranoia, then surely it would be Crosby. But, Crosby is dead... 



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Speaking of the dead, meaning the recently deceased Crosby, why was paranoia such an important theme in his music? 


Also, why was his generation so focused on the topic of pigs and animal husbandry? 


Anyway, America is a country affording quite a bit of leeway in terms of Free Speech. 


The only problem is that most Americans are just too lazy to take the time to read important books. 


Instead, Americans prefer to listen to nutzoes on the radio. 


Anytime you ingest herbs while listening to American Media, paranoia is the obvious result. 


In fact, it's sort of like looking in your rear-view mirror and always seeing a police car. 



And, to think that these deadbeats helped to shape our culture.

Such a waste.





Edited by GammaGlobulin
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1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Please just don't irrationally romanticize what you see in films by the likes of Oliver STONE. This is my advice to anyone under the age of 25, an age when your brain has just barely reached maturity; do not inhale herbs, even oregano. 

yes, under the age of 25 seems to be the most problematic.


you a gamblin' man, gamma?

if you ever go to vegas and they get wind that you're on a winning streak, they'll give you free drinks.



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Speaking of Free Speech. 


People in the United States do have it. Their only problem is that they seem not to know what to do with it. 


Instead, they use their right of Free Speech to argue about herbs, gun control, and abortion. 


Free Speech is wasted on Americans. 


Hongkongers, for sure, FOR SURE, would not waste the right of Free Speech, if given to them. 


You might ask why, right? 


Last time I checked, the average IQ score for Hongkongers was about 107. 


For the US? The average IQ is about 99, on a good day. 


But, IQ-score disparity is not the reason. 


The REAL reason Americans do not take advantage of their right to exercise Free Speech is... 




There is not enough space here in the comments section to cover this question, in full. 


But, in case you might like to know more, then just read  Mark Twain, The Jumping Frog, and a bit of Chomsky. 


Or, you just gotta understand one thing. 


Americans LOVE to chase their tails. 


Simple as that! 


Also, like purebred hounds, Americans are easily confused by chasing after bogus issues with no meat. 


Why do Americans love Fox News, for example? 


Again, it's because most Americans are just dumb hounds chasing a decoy fox through the meadows. 


I do not mention this here in any disparaging way. 


Americans have been inculcated to expect immediate reward,just like fox hounds. 


Hopefully, you from the UK might know something about running with the hounds. 


Speaking of the UK. 


Many years ago, there existed a plethora of independent newspapers. 


How many do you have now??? 


So solly, because, now I have forgotten the topic. 


And, maybe, so have you. 





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31 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

yes, under the age of 25 seems to be the most problematic.


you a gamblin' man, gamma?

if you ever go to vegas and they get wind that you're on a winning streak, they'll give you free drinks.





And the reason is that casinos LOVE big winners. 


Showcasing big winners is good for business. 


Card counters from Harvard, on the other HAND, are rarely welcomed. 





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1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:



And the reason is that casinos LOVE big winners. 


Showcasing big winners is good for business. 


Card counters from Harvard, on the other HAND, are rarely welcomed. 

You probably mean MIT rather than Harvard.  When I first moved to Vegas I had a roommate that was one of the grunts on the MIT blackjack team.  His girlfriend was as well.  I met several of his teammates and the founder of that particular MIT team (there were several teams over the years).  They all liked to play poker as well.  It was great to have well educated and friendly people in the same business to talk to.

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24 minutes ago, save the frogs said:


Don't hold back.

tell us what you REALLY think,


it's not just substances you shove in your mouth.


watch out for all the <deleted> content you consume on TV poisoning your mind.




Sure. OK, as one of our former presidents often said. 


Did you mean that I should really let you have it? Full bore? No holds barred? 


If you insist. 


Well, anyway, I have done a bit of reading about the state of the world during the past few decades, since the very early '70s. 


And, although I hesitate to be the messenger of glad tidings, from what I have gleaned, my prediction is that all human civility will end in 2024. And, all human civilization will end no later than 2040, or maybe 2055 at the latest. 


The reasons for my knowing this should be obvious even to you. 


For one, we have never been contacted by intelligent alien life. This is a clear indication that intelligent life forms in our Milky-way Galaxy soon self destruct after achieving radio technology. 


We don't know why. Maybe it's due to consuming food from wet markets. 


But, even if we are now being contacted by intelligent life, and even if intelligent life is, in principle, able to get through the Singularity, the way that our world is trending provides very little wiggle room for optimism. 


No doubt, you might mistakenly believe that your wiggly is OK. But, it's not. 


Of course, almost everybody knows James Hansen, after he chained himself to the White House fence. 


But too few have listened to Timothy Lenton of University of Exeter. 


I know that all of this must seem like a big joke to you. And if so, then you must be some kind of absurdist, or something. 


Let me speak more plainly now, as Jimi was wont to say. 


Get off your duff, and head on over to Lenton's uni page. 


Maybe doing so will wipe that smirk from your face, as also happened to me, decades ago. . 


Anyway, thank you for your question which provided me even more excuse to spout off. 


I now consider you my friend. 


Best regards, 



Note: Please don't forget. Head on over to Tim Lenton's page at the University of Exeter. Tim is both a gentleman and a scholar. And, he seems to have some appreciation for fine furniture of yesteryear. 


It's debatable if the average Joe might be intelligent enough to pick up on Tim's rather dry sense of humor. 


But, have a go. What do you have to lose? 



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30 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

You probably mean MIT rather than Harvard.  When I first moved to Vegas I had a roommate that was one of the grunts on the MIT blackjack team.  His girlfriend was as well.  I met several of his teammates and the founder of that particular MIT team (there were several teams over the years).  They all liked to play poker as well.  It was great to have well educated and friendly people in the same business to talk to.



I realized my mistake just after it was too late to revise my post. 




Anyway, godspeed to MIT's merry pranksters. 


You managed a red fire engine on top of the dome. And, it's difficult to imagine any prank that could trump that. 


Or, was it Columbia's students who managed that prank? I think not. 





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20 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

haha, you're entertaining!

Funny that you should mention this. 


Just yesterday, I watched a few Jonathan Winters videos. 


For some reason, he seems to have enjoyed appearing on camera often wearing the same blue T-shirt with a YALE uni emblem. 


I have searched and searched Google search. As of yet, I am unable to discover any connection between Jonathan Winters and Yale University. 


If you, or anyone, can explain this connection, I would be sincerely grateful to put this issue to rest. 


Winters graduated from a different university. None of his offspring graduated from Yale. 


This is a real puzzler. 


Any pertinent input will be appreciated. 


My guess is that Winters wore this Yale shirt as nothing more than an attempt to provide us with a mind game, after he died. 


I am sure, after all, you know about the Big W mystery. 


No doubt, Jonathan Winters is just still playing with our heads, decades after he kicked the bucket. 


What, say you? 

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Moderators :

please give this guy his own forum and deactivate all replies so he can produce 100% of the content instead of only 90%.

That way it will be easier to skip over while browsing topics.


I can only imagine that he must sit and mumble to himself all day and night.

A Legend in his own mind.

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